public async Task CreateAsync(ComponentDto componentDto) { var component = _mapper.Map <Component>(componentDto); component.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); await _repository.CreateAsync(component); }
private static ComponentStatusDto Transform( ComponentDto component, bool isComponentWorking) { return(new ComponentStatusDto( component, GetComponentHealthStatus(isComponentWorking))); }
public void Update(ComponentDto data) { using (var ctx = DbContextManager <Reco3Xml2DbContext> .GetManager(_dbName)) { var item = (from r in ctx.DbContext.Components where r.ComponentId == data.ComponentId select r).FirstOrDefault(); if (item == null) { throw new DataNotFoundException("Component not found exception."); } if (!item.DownloadedTimestamp.Matches(data.DownloadedTimestamp)) { throw new ConcurrencyException("ConcurrencyException: DownloadedTimeStamp mismatch."); } item.Description = data.Description; item.PD_Status = data.PDStatus; item.Component_Type = data.ComponentType; item.XML = data.Xml; item.PD_Source = data.PDSource; var count = ctx.DbContext.SaveChanges(); if (count == 0) { throw new UpdateFailureException("Failed to save Component."); } } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="component">The component</param> /// <param name="healthStatus">Component health status</param> public ComponentStatusDto( ComponentDto component, ComponentHealthStatus healthStatus = ComponentHealthStatus.Unknown) : base(component) { HealthStatus = healthStatus; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="component">The component</param> /// <param name="total">The counter</param> public CounterResultDto( ComponentDto component, long total = -1) : base(component) { Total = total; }
public void DtoToModelEntityTest() { var componentTypeDto = new ComponentTypeDto { Id = 1, Name = "CPU" }; var brandDto = new BrandDto { Id = 1, Name = "Intel" }; var componentDto = new ComponentDto { Id = 1, Name = "Intel 6600k", ComponentType = componentTypeDto, Brand = brandDto, Price = 100 }; var model = _componentMapper.ToEntityModel(componentDto); Assert.Equal(componentDto.Id, model.Id); Assert.Equal(componentDto.Name, model.Name); Assert.Equal(componentDto.Price, model.Price); Assert.Equal(componentDto.Brand.Id, model.Brand.Id); Assert.Equal(componentDto.Brand.Name, model.Brand.Name); Assert.Equal(componentDto.ComponentType.Id, model.ComponentType.Id); Assert.Equal(componentDto.ComponentType.Name, model.ComponentType.Name); }
public static ComponentInfo GetComponentInfo(ComponentDto dto) { if (dto == null) { return(null); } return(new ComponentInfo(dto)); }
public ComponentDto Add(ComponentDto dto) { var entity = new Component() { Name = dto.Name }; this.uow.Components.Add(entity); this.uow.SaveChanges(); return(new ComponentDto(entity)); }
private void Child_Fetch(ComponentDto item) { ComponentId = item.ComponentId; PDNumber = item.PDNumber; DownloadedTimestamp = item.DownloadedTimestamp; Description = item.Description; PDStatus = item.PDStatus; ComponentType = item.ComponentType; Xml = item.Xml; PDSource = item.PDSource; SourceComponentId = item.SourceComponentId; }
public async Task UpdateAsync(ComponentDto componentDto) { var component = await _repository.GetAsync(componentDto.Id); if (component == null) { throw new GreenFieldNotFoundException(); } component = _mapper.Map <Component>(componentDto); await _repository.UpdateAsync(component); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddComponent(ComponentDto componentDto) { Component component = new Component() { Created = DateTime.Now, CategoryId = componentDto.CategoryId, Name = componentDto.Name, Icon = componentDto.Icon, }; await _repo.Add(component); return(Ok(component)); }
public ComponentInfo(ComponentDto dto) { if (dto == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dto"); } Id = dto.Id; ParentId = dto.ParentId; Type = new ComponentTypeInfo(dto.Type); SystemName = dto.SystemName; DisplayName = dto.DisplayName; CreatedDate = dto.CreatedDate; Version = dto.Version; Properties = DataConverter.GetExtentionPropertyCollection(dto.Properties); }
public void UpdateComponents(ComponentDto model, int equipmentId) { //add new relations between component and equipment //Entity is not null if relation already exists //var Entity = _context.EquipmentComponents.Find(model.ComponentId, equipmentId); //create new relation _context.EquipmentComponents.Add(new EquipmentComponent() { ComponentID = model.ComponentId, EquipmentID = equipmentId, ComponentName = model.ComponentName }); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateComponent(int id, ComponentDto componentDto) { Component component = await _repo.Find <Component>(id); if (component == null) { return(BadRequest("Component not found")); } component.Icon = componentDto.Icon; component.CategoryId = componentDto.CategoryId; await _repo.SaveAllChangesAsync(); return(Ok(component)); }
/// <summary> /// Routes to a dynamically generated "Component Show" Page. Gathers information from the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">Id of the Component</param> /// <returns>A dynamic "Component Show" webpage which provides detailes for a selected component.</returns> /// <example>GET : /Component/Show/5</example> public ActionResult Show(int id) { ShowComponent ViewModel = new ShowComponent(); string url = "componentdata/findcomponent/" + id; HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync(url).Result; if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { ComponentDto SelectedComponent = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <ComponentDto>().Result; ViewModel.component = SelectedComponent; return(View(ViewModel)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Error")); } }
/// <summary> /// Fonction permettant la création de nouveaux composant à l'aide de l'API Gemini /// </summary> /// <remarks>JClaud 2015-07-27 Création</remarks> public void CreateComposant(ParamCreationComposantDTO pParam) { //jc - Déclaration des variables //ServiceManager lService = LanceAuthentification(pParam.User); ServiceManager lServiceData = LanceAuthentification(CopyUserAsAPI(pParam.User)); ComponentDto lComponent = new ComponentDto(); //jc- affectation des variables au composant lComponent.Entity.Name = pParam.Composant.NomComposant; lComponent.Entity.Description = pParam.Composant.DescrComposant; lComponent.Entity.ProjectId = pParam.Ticket.Projet.IdProjet; lComponent.Entity.ReadOnly = false; //jc- affectation des constantes au nouveau composant lComponent.Entity.Created = System.DateTime.Now; lComponent.Entity.Revised = System.DateTime.Now; //jc- on enregistre la nouvelle cause lServiceData.Projects.CreateComponent(lComponent.Entity); }
public List <ComponentDto> FetchAllWSamePDNumber(string pdNumber) { using (var ctx = ConnectionManager <SqlConnection> .GetManager(_dbName)) { using (var cm = ctx.Connection.CreateCommand()) { cm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cm.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Reco3Component WHERE PDNumber = @pdNumber"; cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pdNumber", pdNumber); using (var dr = cm.ExecuteReader()) { if (dr.HasRows) { var result = new List <ComponentDto>(); while (dr.Read()) { var component = new ComponentDto { ComponentId = dr.GetInt32(0), PDNumber = dr.GetString(1), DownloadedTimestamp = dr.GetDateTime(2), Description = dr.GetString(3), PDStatus = dr.GetInt32(4), ComponentType = dr.GetInt32(5), Xml = dr.GetString(6), PDSource = dr.GetInt32(7) }; if (!dr.IsDBNull(8)) { component.SourceComponentId = dr.GetInt32(8); } result.Add(component); } return(result); } else { return(null); } } } } }
private void Update() { using (var ctx = DalFactory.GetManager(DalManagerTypes.DalManagerDb)) { var dal = ctx.GetProvider <IComponentDal>(); using (BypassPropertyChecks) { var item = new ComponentDto { ComponentId = ComponentId, PDNumber = PDNumber, DownloadedTimestamp = DownloadedTimestamp, Description = Description, PDStatus = PDStatus, ComponentType = ComponentType, Xml = Xml, PDSource = PDSource, SourceComponentId = SourceComponentId }; dal.Update(item); } } }
public void Insert(ComponentDto data) { using (var ctx = DbContextManager <Reco3Xml2DbContext> .GetManager(_dbName)) { var item = new Reco3Component { ComponentId = data.ComponentId, PDNumber = data.PDNumber, DownloadedTimestamp = data.DownloadedTimestamp, Description = data.Description, PD_Status = data.PDStatus, Component_Type = data.ComponentType, XML = data.Xml, PD_Source = data.PDSource, SourceComponentId = data.SourceComponentId }; ctx.DbContext.Components.Add(item); ctx.DbContext.SaveChanges(); data.ComponentId = item.ComponentId; } }
public IHttpActionResult FindComponent(int id) { Component Component = db.Components.Find(id); if (Component == null) { return(NotFound()); } ComponentDto ComponentDto = new ComponentDto { ComponentId = Component.ComponentId, ComponentName = Component.ComponentName, ComponentValue = Component.ComponentValue, ModuleId = Component.ModuleId, ComponentQuantity = Component.ComponentQuantity }; return(Ok(ComponentDto)); }
public static ComponentDto ConvertToApi(Zidium.Core.Api.ComponentInfo info) { if (info == null) { return(null); } var result = new ComponentDto { CreatedDate = info.CreatedDate, DisplayName = info.DisplayName, Id = info.Id, ParentId = info.ParentId, SystemName = info.SystemName, Type = ConvertToApi(info.Type), Version = info.Version, Properties = ConvertToApi(info.Properties) }; return(result); }
public IHttpActionResult GetComponents() { List <Component> Components = db.Components.ToList(); List <ComponentDto> ComponentDtos = new List <ComponentDto> { }; foreach (var Component in Components) { ComponentDto NewComponent = new ComponentDto { ComponentId = Component.ComponentId, ComponentName = Component.ComponentName, ComponentValue = Component.ComponentValue, ModuleId = Component.ModuleId, ComponentQuantity = Component.ComponentQuantity }; ComponentDtos.Add(NewComponent); } return(Ok(ComponentDtos)); }
public IActionResult PerformAction([FromBody] ComponentDto component) { var comp = _repository.Component.GetComponentById(; var cat = _repository.Category.GetCategoryById(comp.Categoryid); ArduinoConnector connection = new ArduinoConnector(); bool succes = false; succes = connection.Send_Data(comp, cat); if (succes) { comp.value = comp.value == 0?1:0; _repository.Component.UpdateComponent(comp); _repository.Save(); return(Ok("action succesfull")); } return(StatusCode(500, "Internal server error")); }
public IHttpActionResult GetComponentsForModules(int id) { List <Component> Components = db.Components .Where(p => p.ModuleId == id.ToString()) .ToList(); List <ComponentDto> ComponentDtos = new List <ComponentDto> { }; foreach (var Component in Components) { ComponentDto NewComponent = new ComponentDto { ComponentId = Component.ComponentId, ComponentName = Component.ComponentName, ComponentValue = Component.ComponentValue, ModuleId = Component.ModuleId, ComponentQuantity = Component.ComponentQuantity }; ComponentDtos.Add(NewComponent); } return(Ok(ComponentDtos)); }
public IList <ComponentDto> Fetch() { using (var ctx = ConnectionManager <SqlConnection> .GetManager(_dbName)) { using (var cm = ctx.Connection.CreateCommand()) { cm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cm.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Reco3Component"; using (var dr = new SafeDataReader(cm.ExecuteReader())) { //if (dr.HasRows) { var result = new List <ComponentDto>(); while (dr.Read()) { var component = new ComponentDto { ComponentId = dr.GetInt32(0), PDNumber = dr.GetString(1), DownloadedTimestamp = dr.GetDateTime(2), Description = dr.GetString(3), PDStatus = dr.GetInt32(4), ComponentType = dr.GetInt32(5), Xml = dr.GetString(6), PDSource = dr.GetInt32(7), SourceComponentId = dr.GetInt32(8) }; result.Add(component); } ; return(result); //} //else { // return null; //} } } } }
public void Insert(ComponentDto data) { using (var ctx = ConnectionManager <SqlConnection> .GetManager(_dbName)) { using (var cm = ctx.Connection.CreateCommand()) { cm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; if (data.SourceComponentId != null) { cm.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Reco3Component (PDNumber, DownloadedTimestamp, Description, PD_Status, Component_Type, XML, PD_Source, SourceComponentId) " + "VALUES (@pdNumber,@downloadedTimestamp, @description, @pdStatus, @componentType, @xml, @pdSource, @sourceComponentId)"; cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sourceComponentId", data.SourceComponentId); } else { cm.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Reco3Component (PDNumber, DownloadedTimestamp, Description, PD_Status, Component_Type, XML, PD_Source) " + "VALUES (@pdNumber,@downloadedTimestamp, @description, @pdStatus, @componentType, @xml, @pdSource)"; } cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pdNumber", data.PDNumber); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@downloadedTimestamp", data.DownloadedTimestamp); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@description", data.Description); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pdStatus", data.PDStatus); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@componentType", data.ComponentType); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@xml", data.Xml); cm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pdSource", data.PDSource); cm.ExecuteNonQuery(); cm.Parameters.Clear(); cm.CommandText = "SELECT @@identity"; var r = cm.ExecuteScalar(); var newId = int.Parse(r.ToString()); data.ComponentId = newId; } } }
private static CounterResultDto Transform( ComponentDto component, long counter) { return(new CounterResultDto(component, counter)); }
public static int CalculateColumnWidth(ComponentDto componentData) { return(componentData?.Width ?? MaxColumnWidth); }
public static string GetComponentColumnCssClasses(ComponentDto componentData) { return($@"col-{CalculateColumnWidth(componentData)}"); }
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { component = await _componentService.GetComponentByIdAsync(Id); }