Example #1
        public async Task BotInfoAsync(ICommandContext ctx)
            var embed = new EmbedBuilder
                Title = "Status",
                Color = Color.Purple

            embed.AddField("Latest version", Utils.ToDiscordTimestamp(new FileInfo(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location).LastWriteTimeUtc, Utils.TimestampInfo.None), true);
            embed.AddField("Last command received", Utils.ToDiscordTimestamp(StaticObjects.LastMessage, Utils.TimestampInfo.TimeAgo), true);
            embed.AddField("Uptime", Utils.ToDiscordTimestamp(StaticObjects.Started, Utils.TimestampInfo.TimeAgo), true);
            embed.AddField("Guild count", StaticObjects.Client.Guilds.Count, true);

            var options = new ComponentBuilder();

            if (StaticObjects.IsBotOwner(ctx.User))
                options.WithSelectMenu("delCache", StaticObjects.AllGameNames.Select(x => new SelectMenuOptionBuilder(x, StaticObjects.Db.GetCacheName(x))).ToList(), placeholder: "Select a game cache to delete (require bot restart)");
            options.WithButton("Show Global Stats", "globalStats");

            await ctx.ReplyAsync(embed : embed.Build(), components : options.Build(), ephemeral : true);

            embed.AddField("Useful links",
                           " - [Source Code](https://github.com/Xwilarg/Sanara)\n" +
                           " - [Website](https://sanara.zirk.eu/)\n" +
                           " - [Invitation Link](https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=" + StaticObjects.ClientId + "&scope=bot%20applications.commands)\n"
                           " - [Support Server](https://discordapp.com/invite/H6wMRYV)\n" +
                           " - [Top.gg](https://discordbots.org/bot/329664361016721408)"
                           "Programming: [Zirk#0001](https://zirk.eu/)\n" +
                           "With the help of [TheIndra](https://theindra.eu/)\n"
                           "Profile Picture: [Uikoui](https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/11608780)"
#endif // TODO: Can prob use current pfp for SFW version

            // Get latests commits
            StringBuilder str  = new();
            var           json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JArray>(await StaticObjects.HttpClient.GetStringAsync("https://api.github.com/repos/Xwilarg/Sanara/commits?per_page=5"));
            foreach (var elem in json)
                var time = Utils.ToDiscordTimestamp(DateTime.ParseExact(elem["commit"]["author"]["date"].Value <string>(), "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Utils.TimestampInfo.None);
                str.AppendLine($"{time}: [{elem["commit"]["message"].Value<string>()}](https://github.com/Xwilarg/Sanara/commit/{elem["sha"].Value<string>()})");
            embed.AddField("Latest changes", str.ToString());

            await ctx.ReplyAsync(embed : embed.Build(), components : options.Build());
Example #2
        public async Task CommandAsync()
            #region help
            var builder = new ComponentBuilder()
                          .WithButton("Go to help!", $"id.0|{Context.User.Id}", ButtonStyle.Primary)
                          .WithButton("Become a voter!", $"id.voter|{Context.User.Id}", ButtonStyle.Primary)
                          .WithButton("Our website", null, ButtonStyle.Link, null, "https://terrariabuilders.com/");
            var modules = _Commands.Modules.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Summary));

            var emb = new EmbedBuilder();
            emb.WithAuthor("Type !help (module) for all commands covering respective modules", $"{Utils.BotUser.GetAvatarUrl()}");

            foreach (var module in modules)
                bool success = false;
                foreach (var command in module.Commands)
                    var result = await command.CheckPreconditionsAsync(Context, _Provider);

                    if (result.IsSuccess)
                        success = true;
                if (!success)
                emb.AddField(module.Name, module.Summary);

            if (emb.Fields.Count <= 0)
                await ReplyAsync("Module information cannot be found, please try again later.", false, null, null, new AllowedMentions()
                    MentionRepliedUser = true
                }, new MessageReference(Context.Message.Id), builder.Build());

                await Utils.SendLog(Context.Message.Content, Context.User);
                await ReplyAsync("", false, emb.Build(), null, new AllowedMentions()
                    MentionRepliedUser = true
                }, new MessageReference(Context.Message.Id), builder.Build());

                await Utils.SendLog(Context.Message.Content, Context.User);
        private async Task OnBumperNotifyAsync(BumpNotificationContainer container)
            IMessageChannel channel = _client.GetChannel(_bumpChannelIDs[0]) as IMessageChannel;

            var builder = new EmbedBuilder()
                          .WithDescription("Саме час **!bump**-нути :fire:");

            if (container.UserCooldowns.Any())
                builder.Fields = new List <EmbedFieldBuilder>
                    new EmbedFieldBuilder
                        Name  = "Кулдаун мають",
                        Value = string.Join('\n', container.UserCooldowns.OrderBy(x => x.Value)
                                            .Select(user => $"<@{user.Key}> – {user.Value.ToString("HH:mm")}"))

            var component = new ComponentBuilder()
                            .WithButton("Підписатися на сповіщення", "BumpNotificationsSubscribe", ButtonStyle.Success)
                            .WithButton("Відписатися від сповіщень", "BumpNotificationsUnsubscribe", ButtonStyle.Danger);

            await channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Join(' ', container.PingableUserIDs.Select(y => $"<@{y}>")),
                                           embed : builder.Build(), components : component.Build());
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the message components for the given interaction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type">The class type that handles the component interactions</param>
        /// <param name="channel">The channel the interaction will happen in</param>
        /// <param name="user">The user that triggered the interaction</param>
        /// <param name="message">The message that triggered the interaction</param>
        /// <returns>The message components to be sent to discord</returns>
        public async Task <MessageComponent> Components(Type type, IChannel channel, IUser user, IMessage?message)
            if (!typeof(ComponentHandler).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Type does not implement `{nameof(ComponentHandler)}`", type.FullName);

            var builder = new ComponentBuilder();
            var methods = type.GetMethods();

            foreach (var method in methods)
                var compAtr = method.GetCustomAttribute <ComponentAttribute>();
                if (compAtr == null)

                if (compAtr is ButtonAttribute btn)
                    HandleButton(btn, method, builder);

                if (compAtr is not SelectMenuAttribute sm)
                    _logger.LogWarning($"Unknown `{nameof(ComponentAttribute)}`: {compAtr.GetType().Name}");

                await HandleSelectMenu(sm, method, type, builder, channel, user, message);

Example #5
    public async Task ClearAsync(SocketUserMessage message)
        var componentBuilder = new ComponentBuilder();
        await message.ModifyAsync(properties => properties.Components = componentBuilder.Build());

        await RespondAsync($"Cleared role assignments for message: **{message.Id.ToString()}**.");
Example #6
        protected virtual MessageComponent BuildComponents(IChannel channel, IUser user)
            const ButtonStyle buttonStyle = ButtonStyle.Secondary;

            var builder = new ComponentBuilder()
                          .WithButton(style: buttonStyle, emote: Options.First, customId: FirstId, disabled: _page <= 1)
                          .WithButton(style: buttonStyle, emote: Options.Back, customId: PreviousId, disabled: _page <= 1)
                          .WithButton(style: buttonStyle, emote: Options.Next, customId: NextId, disabled: _page >= _pages)
                          .WithButton(style: buttonStyle, emote: Options.Last, customId: LastId, disabled: _page >= _pages);

            var manageMessages = (channel is IGuildChannel guildChannel) &&
                                 (user as IGuildUser).GetPermissions(guildChannel).ManageMessages;

            if (Options.JumpDisplayOptions == JumpDisplayOptions.Always ||
                (Options.JumpDisplayOptions == JumpDisplayOptions.WithManageMessages && manageMessages))
                builder.WithButton(style: buttonStyle, emote: Options.Jump, customId: JumpId);

            builder.WithButton(style: buttonStyle, emote: new Emoji("🛑"), customId: StopId);

            if (Options.DisplayInformationIcon)
                builder.WithButton(style: buttonStyle, emote: Options.Info, customId: InfoId);

Example #7
        private static async Task <Message> GetLeaderboardMessageAsync(DatabaseContext dbContext, IConfigurationRoot configuration)
            var users = await SharedLeaderboardManager.GetTopUsersAndTeams(dbContext, 20, configuration.GetValue <bool>("DynamicScoring"));

            var eb = new CustomEmbedBuilder();


            for (int i = 0; i < users.Count; i++)
                if (users[i].IsTeam)
                    eb.Description += $"\n**{i + 1}. {users[i].TeamName}** (team) - {users[i].Score} points";
                    eb.Description += $"\n**{i + 1}. {users[i].WebsiteUser?.UserName ?? users[i].DiscordUsername}** - {users[i].Score} points";

            var builder = new ComponentBuilder().WithButton("Full Leaderboard", style: ButtonStyle.Link, url: "https://imaginaryctf.org/leaderboard");

            return(new Message {
                Embed = eb.Build(), MessageComponent = builder.Build(), Ephemeral = true
Example #8
 public async Task PingAsync(IIodemCommandContext context)
     var cb = new ComponentBuilder();
     cb.WithButton("Ping", "my_id");
     await context.ReplyAsync(embed: new EmbedBuilder()
         .WithDescription($"Pong! {Global.Client.Latency} ms")
         .Build(), component: cb.Build());
        private MessageComponent CreateMessageComponents()
            var builder = new ComponentBuilder()
                          .WithButton("First", "first", ButtonStyle.Secondary, new Emoji("⏮️"))
                          .WithButton("Previous", "previous", ButtonStyle.Secondary, new Emoji("⬅️"))
                          .WithButton("Next", "next", ButtonStyle.Secondary, new Emoji("➡️"))
                          .WithButton("Last", "last", ButtonStyle.Secondary, new Emoji("⏭️"));

Example #10
    public async Task PlayAsync(string searchQuery)
        // Join if not playing.
        if (_lavaNode.HasPlayer(Context.Guild) is false)
            await TryJoinAsync();

        var player = _lavaNode.GetPlayer(Context.Guild);

        if (Context.User is IVoiceState user && user.VoiceChannel != player.VoiceChannel)
            await RespondAsync("You must be in the same voice channel.");


        await DeferAsync();

        // Play from url or search YouTube.
        var search = Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(searchQuery, UriKind.Absolute)
            ? await _lavaNode.SearchAsync(SearchType.Direct, searchQuery)
            : await _lavaNode.SearchYouTubeAsync(searchQuery);

        if (search.Status is SearchStatus.NoMatches or SearchStatus.LoadFailed)
            await RespondAsync($"No matches found for query `{searchQuery.Truncate(100, "...")}`");


        // Generate select menu for search results.
        var selectMenu = new SelectMenuBuilder()
                         .WithPlaceholder("Select a track")

        foreach (var track in search.Tracks.Take(10))
                new Emoji("▶️"));

        var components = new ComponentBuilder().WithSelectMenu(selectMenu);
        await Context.Interaction.ModifyOriginalResponseAsync(properties =>
            properties.Content    = "Choose a track from the menu to play";
            properties.Components = components.Build();
Example #11
 public MessageMetadata(Embed embed, Stream imageStream, bool imageIsSpoiler, string imageFileName,
                        string message, bool success, bool hasMentions, ComponentBuilder componentBuilder)
     Embed          = embed;
     ImageStream    = imageStream;
     ImageIsSpoiler = imageIsSpoiler;
     ImageFileName  = imageFileName;
     Message        = message;
     Success        = success;
     HasMentions    = hasMentions;
     Components     = componentBuilder?.Build();
Example #12
        public async Task Buttons()
            ComponentBuilder builder = new ComponentBuilder();

            builder.WithButton("Test button 1", "btn1", ButtonStyle.Danger);
            builder.WithButton("Test button 2", "btn2", ButtonStyle.Danger);
            var msg = await ReplyAsync("Click button below", component : builder.Build());

            var srv = Program.Services.GetRequiredService <MessageComponentService>();

            srv.Register(msg, handleButton);
Example #13
        //[Summary("Pauses the joining of the list.")]
        //public async Task Unpause()
        //    storage.IsPaused = false;
        //    storage.Save();

        //    await UpdateReactionMessageAsync(waitingList, Context.Guild, storage);

        //    await Context.Message.ReplyAsync("Waiting list has been unpaused");

        public static async Task UpdatePublicMessageAsync(IWaitingList waitingList, IGuild guild, GuildData guildData)
            var message = await GetMessageAsync(guild, guildData);

            if (message is not IUserMessage)

            var embedBuilder = new EmbedBuilder
                Color = Color.Green,
                Title = $"Waiting list"

            var sortedList = await waitingList.GetPlayerListAsync();

            var description = "";
            int counter     = 0;

            foreach (var player in sortedList)
                description += $"**{++counter}.** {player.Name} ({GetMentionWithId(player.UserId)}) {(player.IsSub ? "(Sub) " : "")}";
                if (player.PlayCount > 0)
                    description += $"(Played { player.PlayCount} time{ (player.PlayCount > 1 ? "s" : "")})";
                description += "\r\n";
            string url = "https://wl.pdelvo.com/WaitingList/" + guild.Id;

            embedBuilder.Description = description;
            embedBuilder.AddField("\u200B", "[View this list in real time](" + url + ")");

            ComponentBuilder componentBuilder = new ComponentBuilder();

            componentBuilder.WithButton("Join", customId: "join", disabled: guildData.IsPaused);
            componentBuilder.WithButton("Leave", customId: "leave");

            // Waiting for an updated Discord.Net package for this to work
            componentBuilder.WithButton("Website", null, style: ButtonStyle.Link, url: url);

            Embed embed = embedBuilder.Build();

            await message.ModifyAsync(p =>
                p.Content    = $"Join the waiting list now!:";
                p.Embed      = embed;
                p.Components = componentBuilder.Build();
Example #14
        // TODO Handle  Unhandled exception. Discord.Net.HttpException: The server responded with error 50007: Cannot send messages to this user
        public static async Task <bool> SaveMessage(SocketTextChannel socketTextChannel, SocketGuildUser user, IMessage message, bool byCommand)
            var dmManager = DatabaseManager.Instance();

            if (dmManager.IsSaveMessage(message.Id, user.Id))
                // dont allow double saves

            string authorUsername = user.Username; // nickname?

            var link = $"https://discord.com/channels/{socketTextChannel.Guild.Id}/{socketTextChannel.Id}/{message.Id}";

            // TODO create common place for button ids
            var builderComponent = new ComponentBuilder().WithButton("Delete Message", "delete-saved-message-id", ButtonStyle.Danger);

            EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder();

            builder.WithTitle($"Saved message from {authorUsername}");
            builder.WithColor(0, 128, 255);

            builder.AddField("Guild", socketTextChannel.Guild.Name, true);
            builder.AddField("Channel", socketTextChannel.Name, true);
            builder.AddField("User", message?.Author?.Username ?? "N/A", true);
            builder.AddField("DirectLink", $"[Link to the message]({link})");


            var messageSend = await user.SendMessageAsync("", false, builder.Build(), null, null, builderComponent.Build(), message.Embeds.Select(i => i as Embed).ToArray());

            foreach (var item in message.Attachments)
                await user.SendMessageAsync(item.Url, false, null, null, null, builderComponent.Build());

            dmManager.SaveMessage(message.Id, message?.Author?.Id ?? user.Id, user.Id, link, message.Content, byCommand, message.Id);

            if (!byCommand)
                // TODO give hint to use the new way

        private async Task OnActivityUpdatedAsync(ActivityContainer activity)
            IMessageChannel channel = _client.GetChannel(activity.ChannelID) as IMessageChannel;

            var builder = ParseActivityContainer(activity);

            var componentBuilder = new ComponentBuilder()
                                   .WithButton(customId: "ActivitierSubscribe", style: ButtonStyle.Primary, emote: new Emoji("\U00002795"));

            await channel.ModifyMessageAsync(activity.ActivityID, msg =>
                msg.Content    = string.Join(", ", _destinyRoleIDs.Select(x => $"<@&{x}>"));
                msg.Embed      = builder.Build();
                msg.Components = componentBuilder.Build();
Example #16
        public async Task Buttons()
                ComponentBuilder builder = new ComponentBuilder();
                builder.WithButton("Test button 1", "btn1", ButtonStyle.Danger);
                builder.WithButton("Test button 2", "btn2", ButtonStyle.Danger);
                var msg = await Interaction.RespondAsync("Click below", component : builder.Build());

                var srv = Program.Services.GetRequiredService <MessageComponentService>();
                srv.Register(msg, handleButton);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Program.LogError(ex, "EchoButtons");
Example #17
        public static async Task LogErrorAsync(System.Exception e, ICommandContext ctx)
            await LogAsync(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, e.Source, e.Message, e));

            if (ctx != null)
                    var id     = Guid.NewGuid();
                    var button = new ComponentBuilder()
                                 .WithButton("More information", $"error-{id}");

                    StaticObjects.Errors.Add($"error-{id}", e);
                    var embed = new EmbedBuilder
                        Color       = Color.Red,
                        Title       = "An error occured",
                        Description = "The error was automatically reported. If the error persist, please contact the bot owner."

                    await ctx.ReplyAsync(embed : embed, components : button.Build());
                catch (System.Exception ex)
                    // TODO: Couldn't send error in channel

                if (SentrySdk.IsEnabled)
                    SentrySdk.CaptureException(new System.Exception($"Command {ctx} failed", e));
                if (SentrySdk.IsEnabled)

            await StaticObjects.Db.AddErrorAsync(e);
        public async Task Github()
            //response embed:
            var embed = new Discord.EmbedBuilder();

            embed.Title       = "GitHub";
            embed.Url         = "https://github.com/bman46/InstagramEmbedDiscordBot";
            embed.Description = "View the source code, download code to host your own version, contribute to the bot, and file issues for improvements or bugs. [Github](https://github.com/bman46/InstagramEmbedDiscordBot)";
            embed.WithColor(new Color(131, 58, 180));

            ButtonBuilder buttonGithub = new ButtonBuilder();

            buttonGithub.Label = "GitHub";
            buttonGithub.Style = ButtonStyle.Link;
            buttonGithub.Url   = "https://github.com/bman46/InstagramEmbedDiscordBot";
            ComponentBuilder component = new ComponentBuilder().WithButton(buttonGithub);

            await RespondAsync(embed : embed.Build(), ephemeral : true, components : component.Build());
Example #19
    public async Task RemoveAsync(SocketUserMessage message, IRole role)
        var componentBuilder = new ComponentBuilder();

        // Rebuild components without the role.
        IList <ActionRowBuilder> rows = message.Components
                                        .Select(row => row.Components
                                                .Where(component =>
                                                       component.CustomId != $"{Prefix}-{message.Id}-{role.Id}").ToList())
                                        .Where(components =>
                                               components.Count > 0)
                                        .Select(components =>
                                                new ActionRowBuilder().WithComponents(components))

        await message.ModifyAsync(properties => properties.Components = componentBuilder.Build());

        await RespondAsync($"Removed role {role.Mention} to message: **{message.Id.ToString()}**.", ephemeral : true);
Example #20
        // This is not the recommended way to write a bot - consider
        // reading over the Commands Framework sample.
        private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(SocketMessage message)
            // The bot should never respond to itself.
            if (message.Author.Id == _client.CurrentUser.Id)

            if (message.Content == "!ping")
                // Create a new componentbuilder, in which dropdowns & buttons can be created.
                var cb = new ComponentBuilder()
                         .WithButton("Click me!", "unique-id", ButtonStyle.Primary);

                // Send a message with content 'pong', including a button.
                // This button needs to be build by calling .Build() before being passed into the call.
                await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync("pong!", components : cb.Build());
        /// <summary>
        /// Precondition to disable the source of an interaction.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="commandInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="services"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override async Task <PreconditionResult> CheckRequirementsAsync(IInteractionContext context, ICommandInfo commandInfo, IServiceProvider services)
            if (context.Interaction is not IComponentInteraction messageComponent)
                return(PreconditionResult.FromError("This attribute does not work for application commands!"));

            var builder = new ComponentBuilder();

            var rows = ComponentBuilder.FromMessage(messageComponent.Message).ActionRows;

            for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count; i++)
                foreach (var component in rows[i].Components)
                    switch (component)
                    case ButtonComponent button:
                                           .WithDisabled(!button.CustomId.StartsWith("delete-message-")), i);

                    case SelectMenuComponent menu:
                                               .WithDisabled(true), i);

                await messageComponent.Message.ModifyAsync(x => x.Components = builder.Build());

            catch (Exception ex)
Example #22
        public async Task HelpAsync()
            var ct = new ComponentBuilder().WithButton("Previous page", $"id.0|{Context.User.Id}", ButtonStyle.Danger, null, null, true).WithButton("Next page", $"id.2|{Context.User.Id}", ButtonStyle.Success).WithButton("Our website", null, ButtonStyle.Link, null, "https://terrariabuilders.com/").WithButton("Become a voter!", $"id.voter|{Context.User.Id}", ButtonStyle.Primary);
            var eb = new EmbedBuilder()
                Color       = Color.Blue,
                Description = $"The Grand Design has been developed by the Terraria Builders Community to bring utility in Terraria and Discord to new heights!",
                Author      = new EmbedAuthorBuilder()
                    IconUrl = $"{Utils.BotUser.GetAvatarUrl()}",
                    Name    = "TGD Help | Scroll through pages with the buttons below.",
                Footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                    Text = $"Page 1 • The Grand Design!",
                Fields =
                    new EmbedFieldBuilder()
                        Name  = "Commands",
                        Value = "All commands are featured in the `!commands` command. Check it out!TGD also introduces slashcommands for a more fleshed out experience. type '/' to get a preview of all commands!"
                    new EmbedFieldBuilder()
                        Name  = "DM Support",
                        Value = "To get into contact with the staff of this server in an easy way, DM this bot and recieve answer!"
                    new EmbedFieldBuilder()
                        Name  = "About TBC",
                        Value = "A large amount of information about the Terraria Builders Community is provided in pages beyond where you currently are. Use the buttons to navigate through pages!"

            await ReplyAsync("", false, eb.Build(), null, null, null, ct.Build());

            await Utils.SendLog(Context.Message.Content, Context.User);
Example #23
        public static async Task <(Embed Embed, MessageComponent Components)> GetSettingsDisplayAsync(IGuild guild)
            var subs = await StaticObjects.GetSubscriptionsAsync(guild.Id);

            var mySubs = subs?.Select(x => $"**{Utils.ToWordCase(x.Key)}**: {(x.Value == null ? "None" : x.Value.Mention)}");
            var button = new ComponentBuilder();

            if (subs != null)
                foreach (var sub in subs)
                    if (sub.Value != null)
                        button.WithButton($"Remove {sub.Key} subscription", $"delSub-{sub.Key}", style: ButtonStyle.Danger);
            button.WithButton("Database dump", "dump", style: ButtonStyle.Secondary);
            button.WithButton("Toggle translation from flags", "flag", style: ButtonStyle.Secondary);
            return(new EmbedBuilder
                Title = guild.ToString(),
                Color = Color.Purple,
                Fields = new List <EmbedFieldBuilder>
                    new EmbedFieldBuilder
                        Name = "Translation from flags",
                        Value = StaticObjects.Db.GetGuild(guild.Id).TranslateUsingFlags ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"
                    new EmbedFieldBuilder
                        Name = "Subscriptions",
                        Value = subs == null ? "Not yet initialized" : (mySubs.Any() ?  string.Join("\n", mySubs) : "None")
            }.Build(), button.Build());
Example #24
        public async Task Delete(string userID)
            var button = new ComponentBuilder()
                         .WithButton(Translator.T().CmdUndoButtonsPublicNotification(), $"unban-conf-delete:1,{userID}", ButtonStyle.Primary)
                         .WithButton(Translator.T().CmdUndoButtonsNoPublicNotification(), $"unban-conf-delete:0,{userID}", ButtonStyle.Secondary)
                         .WithButton(Translator.T().CmdUndoButtonsCancel(), "unban-cancel", ButtonStyle.Danger);

            var castInteraction = Context.Interaction as SocketMessageComponent;

            var embed = castInteraction.Message.Embeds.FirstOrDefault().ToEmbedBuilder().WithColor(Color.Red);

            embed.Fields = new()
                new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(Translator.T().CmdUndoResultTitle()).WithValue(Translator.T().CmdUndoResultWaiting()),
                new EmbedFieldBuilder().WithName(Translator.T().CmdUndoPublicNotificationTitle()).WithValue(Translator.T().CmdUndoPublicNotificationDescription())

            await castInteraction.UpdateAsync(message =>
                message.Embed      = embed.Build();
                message.Components = button.Build();
Example #25
        public async Task Start()
            var message = await GetMessageAsync(Context.Guild, guildData);

            if (message != null)
                await Context.Message.ReplyAsync("Waiting list is already open");



            var waitingListChannel = Context.Guild.GetTextChannel(guildData.WaitingListChannelId);

            message = await waitingListChannel.SendMessageAsync("Join the waiting list now!");

            guildData.PublicMessageId = message.Id;
            guildData.IsEnabled       = true;
            guildData.IsPaused        = false;
            // await message.AddReactionAsync(storage.ReactionEmote);

            await UpdatePublicMessageAsync(waitingList, Context.Guild, guildData);

            var modMessage = await Context.Message.ReplyAsync("Waiting list has been started");

            ComponentBuilder componentBuilder = new ComponentBuilder();

            componentBuilder.WithButton("Clear counters", customId: "clearcounters");

            await modMessage.ModifyAsync(p =>
                p.Components = componentBuilder.Build();
Example #26
        public async Task Unmute([Summary("user", "User to unmute")] IUser user)
            ModCaseRepository repo     = ModCaseRepository.CreateDefault(ServiceProvider, CurrentIdentity);
            List <ModCase>    modCases = (await repo.GetCasesForGuildAndUser(Context.Guild.Id, user.Id))
                                         .Where(x => x.PunishmentActive && x.PunishmentType == PunishmentType.Mute).ToList();

            if (modCases.Count == 0)
                await Context.Interaction.RespondAsync(Translator.T().CmdUndoNoCases());


            StringBuilder interactionString = new();

            foreach (ModCase modCase in modCases.Take(5))
                int truncate = 50;
                if (modCase.PunishedUntil != null)
                    truncate = 30;
                interactionString.Append($"- [#{modCase.CaseId} - {modCase.Title.Truncate(truncate)}]");
                if (modCase.PunishedUntil != null)
                    interactionString.Append($" {Translator.T().Until()} {modCase.PunishedUntil.Value.ToDiscordTS()}");
            if (modCases.Count > 5)
                interactionString.AppendLine(Translator.T().AndXMore(modCases.Count - 5));

            EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder()

            embed.AddField(Translator.T().CmdUndoResultTitle(), Translator.T().CmdUndoResultWaiting());

            var button = new ComponentBuilder()
                         .WithButton(Translator.T().CmdUndoUnmuteButtonsDelete(), $"unmute-delete:{user.Id}", ButtonStyle.Primary)
                         .WithButton(Translator.T().CmdUndoUnmuteButtonsDeactivate(), $"unmute-deactivate:{user.Id}", ButtonStyle.Secondary)
                         .WithButton(Translator.T().CmdUndoButtonsCancel(), "unmute-cancel", ButtonStyle.Danger);

            await Context.Interaction.RespondAsync(embed : embed.Build(), components : button.Build());

            IMessage responseMessage = await Context.Interaction.GetOriginalResponseAsync();
Example #27
        public Solved Solve(State state)
            result = new List <ActionBase>();

            BoosterMaster.CreatePalka(state, result, 1);
            var map = state.Map;

            MinFreeY = Enumerable.Repeat(int.MaxValue, state.Map.SizeX).ToArray();
            for (int x = 0; x < map.SizeX; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < map.SizeY; y++)
                    if (map[new V(x, y)] == CellState.Void)
                        MinFreeY[x] = Math.Min(MinFreeY[x], y);
            state.OnWrap = v =>
                if (v.Y == MinFreeY[v.X])
                    MinFreeY[v.X] = int.MaxValue;
                    for (int y = v.Y + 1; y < map.SizeY; y++)
                        if (map[new V(v.X, y)] == CellState.Void)
                            MinFreeY[v.X] = y;

            int palkaDown = -state.SingleWorker.Manipulators.Min(m => m.Y);

            while (state.UnwrappedLeft > 0)
                if (result.Count == 213)
#pragma warning disable 1717
                    palkaDown = palkaDown;
#pragma warning restore 1717

                for (int check = 0; check < 2; check++)
                    var me = state.SingleWorker;

                    var pathBuilder = new PathBuilder(map, me.Position, MinFreeY, palkaDown, check == 0);

                    V   best     = null;
                    var bestDist = int.MaxValue;
                    var bestY    = int.MaxValue;
                    var bestSize = double.MaxValue;

                    var(comp, csize) = ComponentBuilder.Build(map, me.Position);

                    for (int y = 0; y < map.SizeY; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < map.SizeX; x++)
                            if (map[new V(x, y)] != CellState.Void)

                            var dist = pathBuilder.Distance(new V(x, y));
                            var size = csize[comp[new V(x, y)]];

                            if (dist == int.MaxValue)

                            if (check == 0 && (size < bestSize || size == bestSize && dist < bestDist) ||
                                check == 1 && (dist < bestDist && bestY >= y || bestY > y))
                                bestDist = dist;
                                bestY    = y;
                                bestSize = size;
                                best     = new V(x, y);

                    if (best == null)

                    var actions = pathBuilder.GetActions(best).ToList();

            return(new Solved {
                Actions = new List <List <ActionBase> > {
Example #28
        public async Task EmoteSearch(string search, bool debug = false)
            if (!CommonHelper.AllowedToRun(BotPermissionType.EnableType2Commands, Context.Message.Channel.Id, Context.Message.Author.Id))

            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();


            var author = Context.Message.Author;

            if (search.Length < 2 && author.Id != Program.ApplicationSetting.Owner)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Search term needs to be atleast 2 characters long", false); // to prevent from db overload


            var emoteResult = DiscordHelper.SearchEmote(search, Context.Guild.Id, 0, debug);


            int page = 0;

            string desc = $"**Available({page * emoteResult.PageSize}-{Math.Min((page + 1) * emoteResult.PageSize, emoteResult.TotalEmotesFound)}/{emoteResult.TotalEmotesFound}) '{search}' emojis to use (Usage .<name>)**" + Environment.NewLine;

            EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder()
                ImageUrl    = emoteResult.Url,
                Description = desc,
                Color       = Color.DarkRed,
                Title       = "Image full size",
                Footer      = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                    Text = $"{search}, Page: {page}, Debug: {debug}"
                ThumbnailUrl = "https://cdn.battlerush.dev/bot_xmas.png",
                Timestamp    = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                Url          = emoteResult.Url,


            //foreach (var item in emoteResult.Fields)
            //    builder.AddField(item.Key, item.Value);

                // TODO create common place for button ids
                var builderComponent = new ComponentBuilder()
                                       .WithButton("Prev <", $"emote-get-prev-page-{search}-{page}-{debug}", ButtonStyle.Danger, null, null, page == 0)
                                       .WithButton("> Next", $"emote-get-next-page-{search}-{page}-{debug}", ButtonStyle.Success, null, null, (page + 1) * emoteResult.PageSize > emoteResult.TotalEmotesFound); // TODO properly calc max page
                //.WithButton("Row 1", "emote-get-row-1", ButtonStyle.Secondary, null, null, false, 1)
                //.WithButton("Row 2", "emote-get-row-2", ButtonStyle.Secondary, null, null, false, 1)
                //.WithButton("Row 3", "emote-get-row-3", ButtonStyle.Secondary, null, null, false, 1)
                //.WithButton("Row 4", "emote-get-row-4", ButtonStyle.Secondary, null, null, false, 1)
                //.WithButton("Row 5", "emote-get-row-5", ButtonStyle.Secondary, null, null, false, 1);

                var msg2 = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(emoteResult.textBlock, false, builder.Build(), null, null, null, builderComponent.Build());
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #29
        public async Task EmoteFavourite(string search, bool secondTry = false)
            int rows    = 4;
            int columns = 5;

            if (!CommonHelper.AllowedToRun(BotPermissionType.EnableType2Commands, Context.Message.Channel.Id, Context.Message.Author.Id))

            Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();


            var author = Context.Message.Author;

            if (search.Length < 2 && author.Id != Program.ApplicationSetting.Owner)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"Search term needs to be atleast 2 characters long", false); // to prevent from db overload


            var emoteResult = DiscordHelper.SearchEmote(search, Context.Guild.Id, 0, false, rows, columns);


            int page = 0;

            string desc = $"**Available({page * emoteResult.PageSize}-{Math.Min((page + 1) * emoteResult.PageSize, emoteResult.TotalEmotesFound)}/{emoteResult.TotalEmotesFound}) '{search}' emojis to use (Usage .<name>)**" + Environment.NewLine;

                EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder()
                    ImageUrl    = emoteResult.Url,
                    Description = desc,
                    Color       = Color.DarkRed,
                    Title       = "Image full size",
                    Footer      = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                        Text = search + " Page: " + page
                    ThumbnailUrl = "https://cdn.battlerush.dev/bot_xmas.png",
                    Timestamp    = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                    Url          = emoteResult.Url,

                //foreach (var item in emoteResult.Fields)
                //    builder.AddField(item.Key, item.Value);

                // TODO create common place for button ids
                var builderComponent = new ComponentBuilder();

                int row = 0;
                int col = 0;
                foreach (var emote in emoteResult.EmoteList)
                    if (emoteResult.valid.Skip(row * columns + col).First())
                        builderComponent.WithButton(emote.Value, $"emote-fav-{emote.Key}", ButtonStyle.Primary, Emote.Parse($"<:{emote.Value}:{emote.Key}>"), null, false, row);
                        builderComponent.WithButton(emote.Value, $"emote-fav-{emote.Key}", ButtonStyle.Primary, null, null, false, row);


                    if (col == columns)
                        col = 0;

                // Start fresh row for paging
                if (col > 0)

                builderComponent.WithButton("Prev <", $"emote-fav-get-prev-page-{search}-{page}", ButtonStyle.Danger, null, null, page == 0, row);
                builderComponent.WithButton("> Next", $"emote-fav-get-next-page-{search}-{page}", ButtonStyle.Success, null, null, (page + 1) * emoteResult.PageSize > emoteResult.TotalEmotesFound, row);

                var msg2 = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, builder.Build(), null, null, null, builderComponent.Build());
            catch (HttpException ex)
                foreach (var error in ex.Errors)
                    if (error.Errors.Any(i => i.Code == "BUTTON_COMPONENT_INVALID_EMOJI"))
                        var parts = error.Path.Split('.');

                        int error_row    = Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Replace(parts[0], "[^0-9]", ""));
                        int error_column = Convert.ToInt32(Regex.Replace(parts[1], "[^0-9]", ""));

                        var brokenEmote = emoteResult.EmoteList.Skip(error_row * columns + error_column).First();
                        EmoteDBManager.Instance().ChangeValidStatus(brokenEmote.Key, false);

                // call yourself again to retry ->
                if (secondTry == false)
                    await EmoteFavourite(search, true);

                // Some emotes may no lonver be valid -> db entry to invalidate the emote
            catch (Exception ex)
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(ex.ToString(), false);
Example #30
        public async Task ViewFavouriteEmotes()
            var userFavEmotes = DatabaseManager.EmoteDatabaseManager.GetFavouriteEmotes(Context.User.Id);
            var emotes        = DatabaseManager.EmoteDatabaseManager.GetDiscordEmotes(userFavEmotes.Select(i => i.DiscordEmoteId).ToList());

            string fileName = $"emote_fav_{new Random().Next(int.MaxValue)}.png";

            // Show the user specified emote name
            foreach (var emote in emotes)
                emote.EmoteName = userFavEmotes.SingleOrDefault(i => i.DiscordEmoteId == emote.DiscordEmoteId)?.Name ?? "N/A";

            // TODO List guild emotes

            var emoteDrawing = DiscordHelper.DrawPreviewImage(emotes, new List <GuildEmote>(), 10, 10);

            DrawingHelper.SaveToDisk(Path.Combine(Program.ApplicationSetting.CDNPath, fileName), emoteDrawing.Bitmap);

            EmbedBuilder builder = new EmbedBuilder()
                ImageUrl    = $"https://cdn.battlerush.dev/{fileName}",
                Description = "Your Favourited emotes",
                Color       = Color.DarkRed,
                Title       = "Image full size",
                Footer      = new EmbedFooterBuilder()
                    Text = "" + " Page: " + -1
                ThumbnailUrl = "https://cdn.battlerush.dev/bot_xmas.png",
                Timestamp    = DateTimeOffset.Now,
                Url          = $"https://cdn.battlerush.dev/{fileName}",


            var builderComponent = new ComponentBuilder();

            int rows    = 4;
            int columns = 5;

            int row = 0;
            int col = 0;

            foreach (var emote in emotes)
                if (emote.IsValid && false)
                    builderComponent.WithButton(emote.EmoteName, $"emote-del-{emote.DiscordEmoteId}", ButtonStyle.Primary, Emote.Parse($"<:{emote.EmoteName}:{emote.DiscordEmoteId}>"), null, false, row);
                    builderComponent.WithButton(emote.EmoteName, $"emote-del-{emote.DiscordEmoteId}", ButtonStyle.Danger, null, null, false, row);


                if (col == columns)
                    col = 0;

            // Start fresh row for paging
            if (col > 0)

            //builderComponent.WithButton("Prev <", $"emote-fav-get-prev-page-{search}-{page}", ButtonStyle.Danger, null, null, page == 0, row);
            //builderComponent.WithButton("> Next", $"emote-fav-get-next-page-{search}-{page}", ButtonStyle.Success, null, null, (page + 1) * emoteResult.PageSize > emoteResult.TotalEmotesFound, row);

            var msg2 = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, builder.Build(), null, null, null, builderComponent.Build());