Example #1
        public async Task SavePersonAsync()
            using (var context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                //retrieving entity by person id
                Person dbPerson = await context.Persons.SingleOrDefaultAsync(p => p.PersonId == person.PersonId);

                if (dbPerson != null)
                    dbPerson.FirstName   = person.FirstName;
                    dbPerson.LastName    = person.LastName;
                    dbPerson.Email       = personEmail;
                    dbPerson.PhoneNumber = person.PhoneNumber;
                    dbPerson.Position    = person.Position;
                    dbPerson.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;

                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateException e)
                await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync();

                //send person back to the list screen
                List <Person> personsList = await(from p in context.Persons
                                                  where p.CallReportId == person.CallReportId
                                                  select p).ToListAsync();
                MessagingCenter.Send <PersonDetailsScreenViewModel, List <Person> >(this, Message.PersonsLoaded, personsList);
        public async Task SaveNoteAsync()
            using (var context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                //retrieving entity by note id
                Note dbNote = await context.Notes.SingleOrDefaultAsync(n => n.NoteId == note.NoteId);

                if (dbNote != null)
                    dbNote.Subject     = note.Subject;
                    dbNote.Description = note.Description;

                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateException e)
                await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync();

                //send person back to the list screen
                List <Note> notesList = await(from n in context.Notes
                                              where n.CallReportId == note.CallReportId
                                              select n).ToListAsync();
                MessagingCenter.Send <NoteDetailsScreenViewModel, List <Note> > (this, Message.NotesLoaded, notesList);
Example #3
        public PersonsListScreenViewModel()
            AddPersonCommand = new Command(async() => await AddPersonAsync());

            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <CallReportDetailsViewModel, int>(this, Message.CallReportId, (sender, callReportId) =>
                crId = callReportId;
                callReportCreatedAlready = true;

            //call any DB actions here
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <CallReportDetailsViewModel, int>(this, Message.CallReportId, async(sender, callReportId) =>
                using (CompliXperAppContext context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                    Persons = await(from persons in context.Persons
                                    where persons.CallReportId == callReportId
                                    select persons).ToListAsync();
                    CreatedOnMobile = await(from c in context.CallReport
                                            where c.CallReportId == callReportId
                                            select c.CreatedOnMobile).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
                    if (Persons.Count == 0)
                        PersonsCreated = false;
                        PersonsCreated = true;

            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <PersonDetailsScreenViewModel, List <Person> >(this, Message.PersonsLoaded, (sender, personsList) =>
                if (personsList.Count == 0)
                    PersonsCreated = false;
                    PersonsCreated  = true;
                    CreatedOnMobile = personsList[0].CreatedonMobile;
                Persons = personsList;

            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <AddPersonScreenViewModel, Person>(this, Message.PersonCreated, (sender, person) =>
                List <Person> dummyList = new List <Person>();

                foreach (Person p in Persons)

                Persons        = dummyList;
                PersonsCreated = true;
        //adding the callreport to the table
        public async Task SaveCallReportAsync()
            using (var context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                context.Add <CallReport>(NewCallReport);
                await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                ////get the lastes call report
                CallReport lastReport = await context.CallReport
                                        .OrderByDescending(r => r.CallReportId)

                ////get the lastes call report

                List <CallReportResponse> responses = new List <CallReportResponse>();
                foreach (QuestionandResponse qr in QR)
                        new CallReportResponse
                        Response     = qr.Response,
                        QuestionId   = qr.QuestionId,
                        CallReportId = lastReport.CallReportId
                lastReport.Responses = responses;
                //add the responses to the DB
                await context.AddRangeAsync(responses);

                await context.SaveChangesAsync();
        private async Task AddNewContactAsync()
            using (CompliXperAppContext context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                if (NewContact != null || firstName != null)
                    NewContact.FirstName   = firstName;
                    NewContact.LastName    = lastName;
                    NewContact.Email       = newContactEmail;
                    NewContact.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                        await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        App.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPage());
                        await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopToRootAsync();
                    catch (DbUpdateException e)
                        SqliteException ex = (SqliteException)e.InnerException;
                        await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopToRootAsync();

                        DependencyService.Get <IToast>().WriteToast(e.InnerException.Message);
        private async Task SaveNewContactCommandAsync()
            using (CompliXperAppContext context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                NewContact contact = await(from c in context.NewContacts
                                           where c.ContactId == newContact.ContactId
                                           select c).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
                if (contact != null)
                    contact.Comments    = newContact.Comments;
                    contact.Company     = newContact.Company;
                    contact.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    contact.Email       = newContactEmail;
                    contact.FirstName   = newContact.FirstName;
                    contact.LastName    = newContact.LastName;
                    contact.Phonenumber = newContact.Phonenumber;
                    contact.Title       = newContact.Title;

                        await context.SaveChangesAsync();
                    catch (DbUpdateException e)
                    await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopToRootAsync();
        private void InitializeCallReportQuestions()
            using (CompliXperAppContext context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                Questions = (
                    from q in context.CallReportQuestions
                    where q.Type == Type.Type
                    select new CallReportQuestions
                    QuestionId = q.QuestionId,
                    QuestionHeader = q.QuestionHeader,
                    Status = q.Status,
                    Type = q.Type

                //add to qr

                List <QuestionandResponse> ques = new List <QuestionandResponse>();
                foreach (CallReportQuestions question in Questions)
                    QuestionandResponse qr = new QuestionandResponse();
                    qr.QuestionHeader = question.QuestionHeader;
                    qr.QuestionId     = question.QuestionId;
                    qr.Response       = "";
                QR = ques;
        public async Task DBContainsRecords()
            using (CompliXperAppContext context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                //IsBusy = true;
                if (context.Customer.Any() == true)
                    await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPage());

                    App.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPage());
                    IsBusy = false;
                    //make a call to the Api
                    bool result = await PopulateSqliteDb();

                    if (result == true)
                        //the Customer List screen is set as the root page.
                        await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPage());

                        App.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPage());
                        IsBusy = false;
 public async void InitializeData()
     using (var context = new CompliXperAppContext())
         //get all callreport types
         CallReportTypes = await context.CallReportType.ToListAsync();
 private async void InitializeCreateCallReportScreenAsync()
     using (CompliXperAppContext context = new CompliXperAppContext())
         CustomerName = await(
             from c in context.Customer
             where c.CustomerNumber == Account.CustomerNumber
             select c.CustomerName
        public async Task <bool> PopulateSqliteDb()
            using (CompliXperAppContext context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                Task <Account[]>             accounts            = GetAccountsAsync();
                Task <ProductCode[]>         productCodes        = GetProductCodesAsync();
                Task <AccountClass[]>        accountClasses      = GetAccountClassesAsync();
                Task <CallReport[]>          callReports         = GetCallReportsAsync();
                Task <CallReportQuestions[]> callReportQuestions = GetCallReportQuestionsAsync();
                Task <CallReportType[]>      callReportTypes     = GetCallReportTypesAsync();
                Task <Country[]>             countries           = GetCountriesAsync();
                Task <Customer[]>            customers           = GetCustomersAsync();
                Task <IndustryType[]>        industryTypes       = GetIndustryTypesAsync();
                Task <LinesofBusiness[]>     linesofBusinesses   = GetLinesofBusinessAsync();
                Task <CallReportResponse[]>  responses           = GetCallReportResponsesAsync();

                //awaiting each task
                    context.AddRange(await accounts);
                    context.AddRange(await productCodes);
                    context.AddRange(await accountClasses);
                    context.AddRange(await callReports);
                    context.AddRange(await callReportQuestions);
                    context.AddRange(await callReportTypes);
                    context.AddRange(await countries);
                    context.AddRange(await customers);
                    context.AddRange(await industryTypes);
                    context.AddRange(await linesofBusinesses);
                    context.AddRange(await responses);
                catch (Exception)
                    await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Something went wrong.", "It appears you are not connected to the internet.", "OK");

                    await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopAsync();

                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                catch (Exception ex)
Example #12
 public void InitializeData()
     //check to see if there are any prospects that have been created
     using (CompliXperAppContext context = new CompliXperAppContext())
         ProspectList = (from prospect in context.Customer
                         where prospect.CreatedOnMobile == true
                         select new Customer()
             Account = (from account in context.Account
                        where account.CustomerNumber == prospect.CustomerNumber
                        select new Account()
                 AccountClassCode = account.AccountClassCode,
                 AccountNumber = account.AccountNumber,
                 AccountType = account.AccountType,
                 BusinessCode = account.BusinessCode,
                 CustomerNumber = account.CustomerNumber,
                 CustomerNumberNavigation = account.CustomerNumberNavigation,
                 IndustryCode = account.IndustryCode,
                 ProductCode = account.ProductCode,
                 CallReport = (from callReport in context.CallReport
                               where callReport.AccountNumber == account.AccountNumber
                               select callReport).ToList(),
                 AccountClass = (from accountClass in context.AccountClasses
                                 where accountClass.AccountClassCode == account.AccountClassCode
                                 select accountClass).FirstOrDefault(),
             BusinessCode = prospect.BusinessCode,
             Citizenship = prospect.Citizenship,
             CountryofResidence = prospect.CountryofResidence,
             CreatedDate = prospect.CreatedDate,
             CreatedOnMobile = prospect.CreatedOnMobile,
             CustomerId = prospect.CustomerId,
             CustomerName = prospect.CustomerName,
             CustomerNumber = prospect.CustomerNumber,
             Email = prospect.Email,
             IndustryCode = prospect.IndustryCode,
             IsPEP = prospect.IsPEP,
             LegalType = prospect.LegalType,
             MailAddress = prospect.MailAddress
     if (_prospectList.Count == 0)
         ProspectsCreated = false;
         ProspectsCreated = true;
Example #13
        async Task AddProspectAsync()
            //generate a prospect account number
            ProspectAccount.AccountClassCode = AccountClass.AccountClassCode;
            Prospect.CustomerName            = CustomerName;
            Prospect.Email              = prospectEmail;
            Prospect.LegalType          = LegalType;
            Prospect.CreatedOnMobile    = true;
            Prospect.Citizenship        = Citizenship?.CountryCode;
            Prospect.CountryofResidence = CountryofResidence?.CountryCode;
            Prospect.CreatedDate        = DateTime.Now;
            //add the new propsect to the DB here
            if (Prospect != null)
                Random random = new Random();
                using (CompliXperAppContext context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                    //get the latest Customer Number
                    int lastCustomerNumber = (int)await context.Customer
                                             .OrderByDescending(c => c.CustomerId)
                                             .Select(c => c.CustomerNumber).LastOrDefaultAsync();

                    Prospect.CustomerNumber        = random.Next(lastCustomerNumber, 999999999);
                    Prospect.CustomerId            = Prospect.CustomerNumber;
                    ProspectAccount.AccountNumber  = Prospect.CustomerNumber;
                    ProspectAccount.CustomerNumber = Prospect.CustomerNumber;
                    Prospect.Account = new List <Account>
                        await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        App.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPage());
                        await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopToRootAsync();
                    catch (DbUpdateException e)
                        SqliteException ex = (SqliteException)e.InnerException;
                        if (ex.SqliteErrorCode == 19)
                            //try another random number via recursion
                            await AddProspectAsync();
Example #14
        //download all the new data that has been added...phase 1(just new Call Reports)
        //will become a Http Push request
        public async Task DownloadCallReportsAsync()
            //ask the user if he wants to download
            if (await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Downloading all New Data will remove the data from the CompliXpert App.", "This action cannot be undone.", "Yes", "Cancel"))
                IsBusy = true;
                using (var context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                    //get all the Call Reports in the system that were created on the mobile device
                    var callReports = await context.CallReport
                                      .Where(report => report.CreatedOnMobile == true)

                    //then get all the accounts formed associated with the newly created Call Reports
                    List <Account> accounts = new List <Account>();
                    foreach (CallReport report in callReports)
                        Account account = await(from _account in context.Account
                                                where _account.AccountNumber == report.AccountNumber
                                                select new Account
                            AccountNumber    = _account.AccountNumber,
                            AccountType      = _account.AccountType,
                            AccountClassCode = _account.AccountClassCode,
                            CustomerNumber   = _account.CustomerNumber,

                        //accounts.Add(await context.Account
                        //    .Where(account => account.AccountNumber == report.AccountNumber)
                        //    .FirstOrDefaultAsync());

                    //get the customers associated with those accounts

                    //make into a Json variable
                    string callReportsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(callReports);

                    //save the json to text file for testing purposes
                    JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Customer> >(await DependencyService.Get <IRWExternalStorage>().ReadFileAsync());
                    await DependencyService.Get <IRWExternalStorage>().WriteFileAsync(callReportsJson);

                    IsBusy = false;
                    //drop all data from the sqlite database
Example #15
 public AddProspectScreenViewModel()
     TextEntered        = false;
     EmailValidated     = false;
     AddProspectCommand = new Command(async() => await AddProspectAsync(), () => canAdd);
     AccountClass       = new AccountClass();
     Prospect           = new Customer();
     ProspectAccount    = new Account();
     //get a list of countries && account class
     using (var context = new CompliXperAppContext())
         Countries      = context.Countries.ToList();
         AccountClasses = context.AccountClasses.ToList();
        public async void InitializeData()
            IsBusy = true;
            using (CompliXperAppContext context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                ContactsList = await context.NewContacts.ToListAsync();

                if (contactsList.Count > 0)
                    ContactsCreated = true;
                    ContactsCreated = false;
            IsBusy = false;
Example #17
        //remove Call Report from local DB
        public async Task DeleteCallReportAsync()
            if (await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Are you sure you want to delete this Call Report?", "This action cannot be undone.", "Yes", "Cancel"))
                using (var context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                    IsBusy = true;
                    var entity = await context.CallReport.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.CallReportId == Report.CallReportId);

                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    IsBusy = false;
                    await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopAsync();

                    MessagingCenter.Send <CallReportDetailsViewModel, int?>(this, Message.AccountNumber, Report.AccountNumber);
Example #18
        //really an update call report
        public async Task SaveCallReportAsync()
            using (var context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                IsBusy = true;
                //retrieving entity by id
                CallReport report = await context.CallReport
                                    .SingleAsync(r => r.CallReportId == Report.CallReportId);

                report.CallDate    = Report.CallDate;
                report.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
                report.Position    = Report.Position;
                report.Reference   = Report.Reference;
                List <CallReportResponse> responses = new List <CallReportResponse>();
                foreach (var qr in QuestionandResponses)
                        new CallReportResponse
                        Response     = qr.Response,
                        QuestionId   = qr.QuestionId,
                        CallReportId = report.CallReportId,
                        ResponseId   = qr.ResponseId

                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateException e)

                IsBusy = false;
                await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopToRootAsync();

                MessagingCenter.Send <CallReportDetailsViewModel, int?>(this, Message.AccountNumber, Report.AccountNumber);
 public CallReportListViewModel()
     MessagingCenter.Subscribe <CustomerMasterViewModel, int>(this, Message.AccountNumber, async(sender, acctNumber) =>
         using (var context = new CompliXperAppContext())
             CallReports = context.CallReport.Where(report => report.AccountNumber == acctNumber).ToList();
             foreach (CallReport report in _callReportsList)
                 report.Reason    = "Type: " + report.Reason;
                 report.Responses = await(from _responses in context.CallReportResponse
                                          where _responses.CallReportId == report.CallReportId
                                          select new CallReportResponse
                     ResponseId   = _responses.ResponseId,
                     Response     = _responses.Response,
                     QuestionId   = _responses.QuestionId,
                     CallReportId = _responses.CallReportId
     MessagingCenter.Subscribe <CallReportDetailsViewModel, int?>(this, Message.AccountNumber, async(sender, acctNumber) =>
         using (var context = new CompliXperAppContext())
             CallReports = context.CallReport.Where(report => report.AccountNumber == acctNumber).ToList();
             foreach (CallReport report in _callReportsList)
                 report.Reason    = "Type: " + report.Reason;
                 report.Responses = await(from _responses in context.CallReportResponse
                                          where _responses.CallReportId == report.CallReportId
                                          select new CallReportResponse
                     ResponseId   = _responses.ResponseId,
                     Response     = _responses.Response,
                     QuestionId   = _responses.QuestionId,
                     CallReportId = _responses.CallReportId
        public void InitializeData()
            using (CompliXperAppContext context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                //gets all the customers in the DB
                List <Customer> customerList = context.Customer.ToList();

                //get only call reports that are created on mobile and initialize type correctly
                List <CallReport> callReportList = (from callreport in context.CallReport
                                                    where callreport.CreatedOnMobile == true
                                                    select new CallReport
                    AccountNumber = callreport.AccountNumber,
                    CallReportId = callreport.CallReportId,
                    CallReportType = (from callreporttype in context.CallReportType
                                      where callreporttype.Type == callreport.CallReportType
                                      select callreporttype.Description).FirstOrDefault(),
                    CallDate = callreport.CallDate

                customers   = new List <CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPageMenuItem>();
                callReports = new List <CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPageMenuItem>();

                foreach (Customer customer in customerList)
                    customers.Add(new CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPageMenuItem {
                        Id = customer.CustomerNumber, Title = customer.CustomerName, TargetType = typeof(SelectAccountforCallReport), Color = "#a1a1a1"

                foreach (CallReport callReport in callReportList)
                    string customername = (from customer in context.Customer
                                           where customer.CustomerNumber == (from account in context.Account
                                                                             where account.AccountNumber == callReport.AccountNumber
                                                                             select account.CustomerNumber).FirstOrDefault()
                                           select customer.CustomerName).FirstOrDefault();
                    callReports.Add(new CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPageMenuItem {
                        Id = callReport.CallReportId, Title = customername + ": " + callReport.CallReportType + " created " + callReport.Date, TargetType = typeof(CallReportDetailsScreen), Color = "#a1a1a1"
Example #21
        public void InitializeData()
            using (CompliXperAppContext context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                //initialize callreporttype list
                callReportTypes = context.CallReportType.ToList();

                var newList = new List <CallReportList>();
                //get each customer
                foreach (Customer customer in context.Customer)
                    CallReportList dummyCallReportList = new CallReportList();
                    dummyCallReportList.Heading = customer.CustomerName;

                    //get all accounts
                    List <Account> accounts = (from account in context.Account
                                               where account.CustomerNumber == customer.CustomerNumber
                                               select account).ToList();
                    foreach (Account account in accounts)
                        //get the list of call reports
                        IEnumerable <CallReport> callReports = (from callreport in context.CallReport
                                                                where callreport.AccountNumber == account.AccountNumber
                                                                orderby callreport.CallDate descending
                                                                select callreport).ToList();

                        foreach (CallReport callreport in callReports)
                            callreport.Reason    = "Type: " + callreport.Reason;
                            callreport.Responses = (from response in context.CallReportResponse
                                                    where response.CallReportId == callreport.CallReportId
                                                    select response).ToList();


                CallReportGroup = newList;
        public SelectAccountforCallReportViewModel()
            _canCreateCallReport = false;

            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPageMasterViewModel, int>(this, Message.CustomerIdAttached, (sender, customerNumber) =>
                using (CompliXperAppContext context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                    _accounts = (from _account in context.Account
                                 where _account.CustomerNumber == customerNumber
                                 select _account).ToList();

                    //get all callreport types
                    CallReportTypes = context.CallReportType.ToList();
                Accounts = _accounts;

            CreateCallReportCommand = new Command(async() => await CreateCallReportAsync(), () => _canCreateCallReport);
        async Task SavePersonAsync()
            Person person = new Person()
                CallReportId    = callreportId,
                CreatedDate     = DateTime.Now,
                CreatedonMobile = true,
                Email           = personEmail,
                FirstName       = firstName,
                LastName        = lastName,
                PhoneNumber     = PhoneNumber,
                Position        = Position

            if (callReportCreatedAlready == true)
                using (CompliXperAppContext context = new CompliXperAppContext())

                        await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync();

                        MessagingCenter.Send <AddPersonScreenViewModel, Person>(this, Message.PersonCreated, person);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync();

                ////use messaging center to send person back
                MessagingCenter.Send <AddPersonScreenViewModel, Person>(this, Message.PersonCreated, person);
Example #24
        public async Task DeletePersonAsync()
            if (await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Are you sure you want to delete this Person?", "This action cannot be undone.", "Yes", "Cancel"))
                using (var context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                    var entity = await context.Persons.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.PersonId == person.PersonId);

                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    //get current list
                    List <Person> p = (from persons in context.Persons
                                       where persons.CallReportId == person.CallReportId
                                       select persons).ToList();
                    await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync();

                    MessagingCenter.Send <PersonDetailsScreenViewModel, List <Person> >(this, Message.PersonsLoaded, p);
        async Task SaveNoteAsync()
            Note note = new Note()
                Subject         = subject,
                Description     = description,
                CreatedDate     = DateTime.Now,
                CreatedonMobile = true

            if (callReportCreatedAlready == true)
                using (CompliXperAppContext context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                    note.CallReportId = callreportId;


                        await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                        await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync();

                        //message being set back to the Notes List Screen to update it
                        MessagingCenter.Send <AddNoteScreenViewModel, Note>(this, Message.NoteCreated, note);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync();

                ////use messaging center to send note back
                MessagingCenter.Send <AddNoteScreenViewModel, Note>(this, Message.NoteCreated, note);
        //remove Call Report from local DB
        public async Task DeleteNoteAsync()
            if (await App.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Are you sure you want to delete this Note?", "This action cannot be undone.", "Yes", "Cancel"))
                using (var context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                    var entity = await context.Notes.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.NoteId == Note.NoteId);

                    await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                    //get cleaned up list
                    List <Note> notes = await(from n in context.Notes
                                              where n.CallReportId == Note.CallReportId
                                              select n).ToListAsync();
                    await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopModalAsync();

                    MessagingCenter.Send <NoteDetailsScreenViewModel, List <Note> >(this, Message.NotesLoaded, notes);
                    //send a message to call report details screen to make a new call
Example #27
        //will check to see if new call reports were created or a prospect
        public void CheckForNewData()
            using (var context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                //get all the Call Reports in the system that were created on the mobile device
                var callReports = context.CallReport
                                  .Where(report => report.CreatedOnMobile == true)
                //get all Customers that were created on the mobile devices
                var prospectList = context.Customer
                                   .Where(customer => customer.CreatedOnMobile == true)
                if (prospectList.Count > 0)
                    ProspectCreated = true;

                if (_newContactList.Count > 0)
                    NewContactAdded = true;

                if (callReports.Count > 0)
                    CreatedOnMobile = true;
                    CreatedOnMobile = false;
        private void Subscribe()
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <CallReportDetailsViewModel, int>(this, Message.CallReportId, (sender, callReportId) =>
                crId = callReportId;
                callReportCreatedAlready = true;

            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <CallReportDetailsViewModel, int>(this, Message.CallReportId, async(sender, callReportId) =>
                using (CompliXperAppContext context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                    IsBusy = true;
                    Notes  = await(from notes in context.Notes
                                   where notes.CallReportId == callReportId
                                   select notes).ToListAsync();
                    CreatedOnMobile = await(from c in context.CallReport
                                            where c.CallReportId == callReportId
                                            select c.CreatedOnMobile).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
                    if (Notes.Count == 0)
                        NotesCreated = false;
                        NotesCreated = true;
                    IsBusy = false;

            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <NoteDetailsScreenViewModel, List <Note> >(this, Message.NotesLoaded, (sender, notesList) =>
                if (notesList.Count == 0)
                    NotesCreated = false;
                    NotesCreated    = true;
                    CreatedOnMobile = notesList[0].CreatedonMobile;
                Notes = notesList;
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <AddNoteScreenViewModel, Note>(this, Message.NoteCreated, (sender, note) =>
                List <Note> dummyList = new List <Note>();

                foreach (Note n in Notes)

                Notes = dummyList;
                if (Notes.Count == 0)
                    NotesCreated = false;
                    NotesCreated = true;
Example #29
        public void Subscribe()
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <CallReportListScreenViewModel, CallReport>(this, Message.CallReportLoaded, async(sender, _report) =>
                Report          = _report;
                CreatedOnMobile = Report.CreatedOnMobile;

                //get the questions
                using (var context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                    ReportType = await(from r in context.CallReportType
                                       where r.Type == Report.CallReportType
                                       select r.Description).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

                    Report.Notes = await(from notes in context.Notes
                                         where notes.CallReportId == Report.CallReportId
                                         select notes).ToListAsync();

                    List <CallReportQuestions> Questions = await(
                        from _q in context.CallReportQuestions
                        where _q.Type == Report.CallReportType
                        select new CallReportQuestions
                        QuestionId     = _q.QuestionId,
                        QuestionHeader = _q.QuestionHeader,
                        Status         = _q.Status,
                        Type           = _q.Type
                    List <QuestionandResponse> _qr = new List <QuestionandResponse>();
                    foreach (var question in Questions)
                        foreach (var response in Report.Responses)
                            if (question.QuestionId == response.QuestionId)
                                //instantiate new object
                                QuestionandResponse questionandResponse = new QuestionandResponse();
                                questionandResponse.QuestionHeader      = question.QuestionHeader;
                                questionandResponse.Response            = response.Response;
                                questionandResponse.QuestionId          = response.QuestionId;
                                questionandResponse.ResponseId          = response.ResponseId;
                    QuestionandResponses = _qr;
                //manipulate the stack
                List <Page> stackPages = new List <Page>();
                foreach (Page page in App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack)
                App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.RemovePage(App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack[App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.Count - 2]);
                //place the new page into stack
                App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.InsertPageBefore(new CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPage()
                    Detail = new NavigationPage(new CallReportsList())
                }, App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack[App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.Count - 1]);
                MessagingCenter.Send <CallReportDetailsViewModel, int?>(this, Message.AccountNumber, Report.AccountNumber);

            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <CallReportListViewModel, CallReport>(this, Message.CallReportLoaded, async(sender, _report) =>
                Report          = _report;
                CreatedOnMobile = Report.CreatedOnMobile;

                //get the questions
                using (var context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                    ReportType = await(from r in context.CallReportType
                                       where r.Type == Report.CallReportType
                                       select r.Description).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

                    Report.Notes = await(from notes in context.Notes
                                         where notes.CallReportId == Report.CallReportId
                                         select notes).ToListAsync();

                    List <CallReportQuestions> Questions = await(
                        from _q in context.CallReportQuestions
                        where _q.Type == Report.CallReportType
                        select new CallReportQuestions
                        QuestionId     = _q.QuestionId,
                        QuestionHeader = _q.QuestionHeader,
                        Status         = _q.Status,
                        Type           = _q.Type

                    List <QuestionandResponse> _qr = new List <QuestionandResponse>();

                    foreach (var question in Questions)
                        foreach (var response in Report.Responses)
                            if (question.QuestionId == response.QuestionId)
                                //instantiate new object
                                QuestionandResponse questionandResponse = new QuestionandResponse();
                                questionandResponse.QuestionHeader      = question.QuestionHeader;
                                questionandResponse.Response            = response.Response;
                                questionandResponse.QuestionId          = response.QuestionId;
                                questionandResponse.ResponseId          = response.ResponseId;
                    QuestionandResponses = _qr;
                //manipulate the stack
                List <Page> stackPages = new List <Page>();
                foreach (Page page in App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack)
                App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.RemovePage(App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack[App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.Count - 2]);
                //place the new page into stack
                App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.InsertPageBefore(new CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPage()
                    Detail = new NavigationPage(new CallReportsList())
                }, App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack[App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.Count - 1]);
                MessagingCenter.Send <CallReportDetailsViewModel, int?>(this, Message.AccountNumber, Report.AccountNumber);
            MessagingCenter.Subscribe <CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPageMasterViewModel, CallReport>(this, Message.CallReportLoaded, async(sender, _report) =>
                Report          = _report;
                CreatedOnMobile = Report.CreatedOnMobile;

                //get the questions
                using (var context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                    ReportType = await(from r in context.CallReportType
                                       where r.Type == Report.CallReportType
                                       select r.Description).SingleOrDefaultAsync();

                    Report.Notes = await(from notes in context.Notes
                                         where notes.CallReportId == Report.CallReportId
                                         select notes).ToListAsync();

                    List <CallReportQuestions> Questions = await(
                        from _q in context.CallReportQuestions
                        where _q.Type == Report.CallReportType
                        select new CallReportQuestions
                        QuestionId     = _q.QuestionId,
                        QuestionHeader = _q.QuestionHeader,
                        Status         = _q.Status,
                        Type           = _q.Type

                    List <QuestionandResponse> _qr = new List <QuestionandResponse>();

                    foreach (var question in Questions)
                        foreach (var response in Report.Responses)
                            if (question.QuestionId == response.QuestionId)
                                //instantiate new object
                                QuestionandResponse questionandResponse = new QuestionandResponse();
                                questionandResponse.QuestionHeader      = question.QuestionHeader;
                                questionandResponse.Response            = response.Response;
                                questionandResponse.QuestionId          = response.QuestionId;
                                questionandResponse.ResponseId          = response.ResponseId;
                    QuestionandResponses = _qr;
                //manipulate the stack
                List <Page> stackPages = new List <Page>();
                foreach (Page page in App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack)
                App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.RemovePage(App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack[App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.Count - 2]);
                //place the new page into stack
                App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.InsertPageBefore(new CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPage()
                    Detail = new NavigationPage(new CallReportsList())
                }, App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack[App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.NavigationStack.Count - 1]);
                MessagingCenter.Send <CallReportDetailsViewModel, int?>(this, Message.AccountNumber, Report.AccountNumber);
        private async void CallScreen(CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPageMenuItem menuItem)
            MenuItem = null;
            var page = (Page)Activator.CreateInstance(menuItem.TargetType);

            if (menuItem.TargetType.FullName.Equals(typeof(CustomerListScreen).FullName))
                App.Current.MainPage = new NavigationPage(new CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPage());
                await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PopToRootAsync();
            else if (menuItem.TargetType.FullName.Equals(typeof(CreateCallReportScreen).FullName) == true || menuItem.TargetType.FullName.Equals(typeof(LoadingScreen).FullName) == true)
            //check target type for selectaccountforcallreport
            else if (menuItem.TargetType.FullName.Equals(typeof(SelectAccountforCallReport).FullName))
                await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPage()
                    Detail = new NavigationPage(page)

                //use messaging center here to send the customer for CreateCallReport
                MessagingCenter.Send <CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPageMasterViewModel, int>(this, Message.CustomerIdAttached, menuItem.Id);
            //check to see if a note or attendee wants to be added
            else if (menuItem.TargetType.FullName.Equals(typeof(CallReportDetailsScreen).FullName))
                using (CompliXperAppContext context = new CompliXperAppContext())
                    CallReport callReport = (from callreport in context.CallReport
                                             where callreport.CallReportId == menuItem.Id
                                             select new CallReport
                        AccountNumber = callreport.AccountNumber,
                        AccountNumberNavigation = callreport.AccountNumberNavigation,
                        ApprovedBy = callreport.ApprovedBy,
                        ApprovedDate = callreport.ApprovedDate,
                        CallDate = callreport.CallDate,
                        CallReportId = callreport.CallReportId,
                        CallReportType = callreport.CallReportType,
                        CreatedOnMobile = callreport.CreatedOnMobile,
                        LastUpdated = callreport.LastUpdated,
                        LastUpdatedDate = callreport.LastUpdatedDate,
                        Notes = (from notes in context.Notes
                                 where notes.NoteId == callreport.CallReportId
                                 select notes).ToList(),
                        Officer = callreport.Officer,
                        Position = callreport.Position,
                        Reason = callreport.Reason,
                        Reference = callreport.Reference,
                        Responses = (from responses in context.CallReportResponse
                                     where responses.CallReportId == callreport.CallReportId
                                     select responses).ToList()

                    await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPage()
                        Detail = new NavigationPage(page)

                    //use messaging center here to send the customer for CreateCallReport
                    MessagingCenter.Send <CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPageMasterViewModel, CallReport>(this, Message.CallReportLoaded, callReport);
            //this is the condition for any other menu choice
                await App.Current.MainPage.Navigation.PushAsync(new CompliXpertAppMasterDetailPage()
                    Detail = new NavigationPage(page)