Example #1
        public void TrySetDeepPropertyStringValue_should_ignore_nonexistent_properties()
            // Given a complex type with nested properties
            const decimal top    = 99m;
            const string  bar    = "The answer";
            const int     rain   = 42;
            ComplexEntity entity = new ComplexEntity()
                Top  = top,
                Nest = new NestedEntity
                    Bar  = bar,
                    Rain = rain

            // When I set a top level property
            bool result = entity.TryParseDeepPropertyValue("nest.wtf", "42");

            // Then SetDeepPropertyValue should return false

            // And none of the original property values should be changed
Example #2
        public void TrySetDeepPropertyStringValue_should_set_nested_properties()
            // Given a complex type with nested properties
            ComplexEntity entity = new ComplexEntity()
                Nest = new NestedEntity()

            // When I set a top level property
            entity.TryParseDeepPropertyValue("Nest.Bar", "Rain");

            // Then the property should be set correctly
            Assert.Equal("Rain", entity.Nest.Bar);
Example #3
        public void TrySetDeepPropertyStringValue_should_ignore_case()
            // Given a complex type with nested properties
            ComplexEntity entity = new ComplexEntity()
                Nest = new NestedEntity()

            // When I set a top level property
            entity.TryParseDeepPropertyValue("nest.rain", "42");

            // Then the property should be set correctly
            Assert.Equal(42, entity.Nest.Rain);
Example #4
        public void TrySetDeepPropertyStringValue_should_set_top_level_properties()
            // Given a complex type with nested properties
            ComplexEntity entity = new ComplexEntity()
                Nest = new NestedEntity()

            // When I set a top level property
            entity.TryParseDeepPropertyValue("Top", "10");

            // Then the property should be set correctly
            Assert.Equal(10m, entity.Top);