public void Get_completed_courses_should_return_courses_for_candidate() { // When const int candidateId = 1; var result = courseDataService.GetCompletedCourses(candidateId).ToList(); // Then var expectedFirstCourse = new CompletedCourse { Name = "Staying Safe Online Test PLA Issue - test", Id = 25140, StartedDate = new DateTime(2018, 5, 29, 9, 11, 45, 943), Completed = new DateTime(2018, 5, 29, 14, 28, 5, 557), LastAccessed = new DateTime(2018, 5, 29, 14, 28, 5, 020), Evaluated = new DateTime(2019, 4, 5, 7, 10, 28, 507), ArchivedDate = null, DiagnosticScore = 0, IsAssessed = true, HasDiagnostic = true, HasLearning = true, Passes = 1, Sections = 2, ProgressID = 251571, }; result.Should().HaveCount(15); result.First().Should().BeEquivalentTo(expectedFirstCourse); }
public CompletedPageViewModel( SearchSortFilterPaginationResult <CompletedLearningItem> result, bool apiIsAccessible, IConfiguration config, string?bannerText ) : base(result, false, searchLabel: "Search your completed courses") { ApiIsAccessible = apiIsAccessible; BannerText = bannerText; CompletedActivities = result.ItemsToDisplay.Select <BaseLearningItem, CompletedLearningItemViewModel>( activity => { return(activity switch { CompletedCourse completedCourse => new CompletedCourseViewModel(completedCourse, config), _ => new CompletedLearningResourceViewModel((CompletedActionPlanResource)activity), }); }
public CompletedPageViewModel( IEnumerable <CompletedCourse> completedCourses, IEnumerable <CompletedActionPlanResource> completedResources, IConfiguration config, string?searchString, string sortBy, string sortDirection, string?bannerText, int page ) : base(searchString, page, false, sortBy, sortDirection, searchLabel: "Search your completed courses") { BannerText = bannerText; var allItems = completedCourses.Cast <CompletedLearningItem>().ToList(); allItems.AddRange(completedResources); var sortedItems = GenericSortingHelper.SortAllItems( allItems.AsQueryable(), sortBy, sortDirection ); var filteredItems = GenericSearchHelper.SearchItems(sortedItems, SearchString).ToList(); MatchingSearchResults = filteredItems.Count; SetTotalPages(); var paginatedItems = GetItemsOnCurrentPage(filteredItems); CompletedActivities = paginatedItems.Select <BaseLearningItem, CompletedLearningItemViewModel>( activity => { return(activity switch { CompletedCourse completedCourse => new CompletedCourseViewModel(completedCourse, config), _ => new CompletedLearningResourceViewModel((CompletedActionPlanResource)activity), }); }
/// <summary> /// Seeds the given database with Student/StudentSkill/CompletedCourses if needed. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The context (database) to be used.</param> public static void Initialize(URC_Context context, UserManager <URCUser> userManager) { // Look for any student aplications. if (context.Students.Any()) { return; // DB has been seeded } var sid1 = userManager.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**").Result.Id.ToString(); var sid2 = userManager.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**").Result.Id.ToString(); var studentApplications = new Student[] { new Student { Sid = sid2, StudentName = "Ashley Eaton", ExpectedGraduationDate = DateTime.Parse("2022-05-10"), DegreePlan = "CE", GPA = (float)3.9, Uid = "u0000002", AvailableHoursPerWeek = 10, PersonalStatement = "Hi, I would like to be considered for a research position. I believe that I will be a great addition to any team. I am a really good student.", ProfileCreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-11"), Active = true }, new Student { Sid = sid1, StudentName = "Oliver Allphin", ExpectedGraduationDate = DateTime.Parse("2021-05-10"), DegreePlan = "CS", GPA = (float)3.7, Uid = "u0000001", AvailableHoursPerWeek = 20, PersonalStatement = "This is my personal statement. I am a great student and am very interested in research. Please consider me! This is my personal statement. I am a great student and am very interested in research. Please consider me! This is my personal statement. I am a great student and am very interested in research. Please consider me!", ProfileCreationDate = DateTime.Parse("2020-10-10"), Active = true } }; context.Students.AddRange(studentApplications); context.SaveChanges(); var studentSkills = new StudentSkill[] { new StudentSkill { SkillName = "C#", StudentID = 1 }, new StudentSkill { SkillName = "ASP.NET Core", StudentID = 1 }, new StudentSkill { SkillName = "Entity Framework", StudentID = 1 }, new StudentSkill { SkillName = "Javascript", StudentID = 1 }, new StudentSkill { SkillName = "HTML", StudentID = 1 }, new StudentSkill { SkillName = "Java", StudentID = 2 }, new StudentSkill { SkillName = "Bootstrap", StudentID = 2 }, new StudentSkill { SkillName = "MongoDB", StudentID = 2 }, new StudentSkill { SkillName = "ElasticSearch", StudentID = 2 } }; context.StudentSkills.AddRange(studentSkills); context.SaveChanges(); // Seed Popular Student Skills foreach (var s in studentSkills) { context.PopularStudentSkills.Add(new PopularStudentSkill { name = s.SkillName.ToUpper(), count = 1 }); } context.SaveChanges(); var interests = new Interest[] { new Interest { InterestName = "Basketball", StudentID = 1 }, new Interest { InterestName = "Snowboarding", StudentID = 1 }, new Interest { InterestName = "Web Software Architecture", StudentID = 1 }, new Interest { InterestName = "Wake Boarding", StudentID = 1 }, new Interest { InterestName = "Art", StudentID = 2 }, new Interest { InterestName = "Piano", StudentID = 2 }, new Interest { InterestName = "Rock Climbing", StudentID = 2 }, new Interest { InterestName = "Chess", StudentID = 2 } }; context.Interests.AddRange(interests); context.SaveChanges(); var completedCourses = new CompletedCourse[] { new CompletedCourse { CompletedCourseName = "CS-3100", StudentID = 1 }, new CompletedCourse { CompletedCourseName = "CS-2420", StudentID = 1 }, new CompletedCourse { CompletedCourseName = "CS-4480", StudentID = 1 }, new CompletedCourse { CompletedCourseName = "CS-3505", StudentID = 1 }, new CompletedCourse { CompletedCourseName = "CS-2420", StudentID = 2 }, new CompletedCourse { CompletedCourseName = "CS-1030", StudentID = 2 }, new CompletedCourse { CompletedCourseName = "CS-1410", StudentID = 2 }, new CompletedCourse { CompletedCourseName = "MATH-2270", StudentID = 2 } }; context.CompletedCourses.AddRange(completedCourses); context.SaveChanges(); }