Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a single match by the match id
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">ID of the match to get</param>
        /// <returns>Complete match info</returns>
        public async Task <CompleteMatch> GetMatch(string id)
            var response = await httpClient.GetAsync($"shards/global/matches/{id}");

            CompleteMatch match = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CompleteMatch>(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());

        private List <string> GetClassifiedIds()
            List <string> notClassIds = new List <string>();

            notClassIds.AddRange(PartialMatch.Select(t => t.ID));
            notClassIds.AddRange(CompleteMatch.Select(t => t.ID));

Example #3
        public void Start()
            foreach (DataRow row in TestData.Rows)
                CaseDetails cd = new CaseDetails();
                cd.ID            = row[row.Table.Columns.Count - 1].ToString();
                cd.DecisionValue = row[row.Table.Columns.Count - 2].ToString();
                Rules.Rules.ForEach(rule =>
                    if (IsMatchingComplete(rule.Attributes, row))//Complete Match


            //Partial Match
            CompleteMatch.Where(t => t.MatchingRules.Count == 0).ToList().ForEach(notMatched =>
                CaseDetails cd   = new CaseDetails();
                cd.ID            = notMatched.ID;
                cd.DecisionValue = notMatched.DecisionValue;
                Rules.Rules.ForEach(rule =>
                    int rowID = int.Parse(notMatched.ID);
                    var row   = TestData.Rows[rowID - 1];

                    var partialAttrib = IsMatchingPartial(rule.Attributes, row);
                    if (partialAttrib.Count > 0)
                        var newRule             = Helper.DeepCopy <Rule>(rule);
                        newRule.Attributes      = partialAttrib;
                        newRule.CalculatedValue = Decision.CalculateValue(newRule);
                if (cd.MatchingRules.Count > 0)
            CompleteMatch.RemoveAll(t => t.MatchingRules.Count == 0);
        public void WriteCasesStat()
            if (Decision.PrintCasesStat)
                StringBuilder stat     = new StringBuilder();
                var           testData = TestData.AsEnumerable();
                var           concepts = testData.Select(t => t.Field <string>(TestData.Columns.Count - 2)).Distinct();

                stat.AppendLine("\nHow cases associated with concepts were classified");

                foreach (var concept in concepts)
                    stat.AppendFormat("Concept({0},{1}) :\n", TestData.Columns[TestData.Columns.Count - 2].ColumnName, concept);

                    var tempData             = testData.Where(t => t.Field <string>(TestData.Columns.Count - 2) == concept);
                    var conceptNotClassCases = tempData.Where(t => !GetClassifiedIds().Exists(u => t.Field <string>(TestData.Columns.Count - 1).Equals(u))).Select(v => v.Field <string>("ID")).ToList();
                    var partIncorrCases      = PartialMatch.Where(t => t.InCorrectlyClassified.Count > 0 && string.Equals(t.DecisionValue, concept)).Select(u => u.ID).ToList();
                    var partCorrCases        = PartialMatch.Where(t => t.CorrectlyClassified.Count > 0 && string.Equals(t.DecisionValue, concept)).Select(u => u.ID).ToList();
                    var completeIncorrCases  = CompleteMatch.Where(t => t.InCorrectlyClassified.Count > 0 && string.Equals(t.DecisionValue, concept)).Select(u => u.ID).ToList();
                    var completeCorrCases    = CompleteMatch.Where(t => t.CorrectlyClassified.Count > 0 && string.Equals(t.DecisionValue, concept)).Select(u => u.ID).ToList();

                    stat.AppendFormat("List of cases that are not classified: \n");
                    stat.AppendLine("\t PARTIAL MATCHING:");
                    stat.AppendFormat("List of cases that are incorrectly classified: \n");
                    stat.AppendFormat("List of cases that are correctly classified:\n");
                    stat.AppendLine("\t COMPLETE MATCHING:");
                    stat.AppendFormat("List of cases that are incorrectly classified:\n");
                    stat.AppendFormat("List of cases that are correctly classified: \n");

        public void WriteConceptStat()
            if (Decision.PrintConceptStat)
                StringBuilder stat     = new StringBuilder();
                var           testData = TestData.AsEnumerable();
                var           concepts = testData.Select(t => t.Field <string>(TestData.Columns.Count - 2)).Distinct();

                stat.AppendLine("\nConcept Statistics");

                foreach (var concept in concepts)
                    stat.AppendFormat("Concept({0},{1}) :\n", TestData.Columns[TestData.Columns.Count - 2].ColumnName, concept);

                    var tempData             = testData.Where(t => t.Field <string>(TestData.Columns.Count - 2) == concept);
                    var conceptNotClassCount = tempData.Where(t => !GetClassifiedIds().Exists(u => t.Field <string>(TestData.Columns.Count - 1).Equals(u))).Count();
                    var partIncorrCount      = PartialMatch.Where(t => t.InCorrectlyClassified.Count > 0 && string.Equals(t.DecisionValue, concept)).Sum(u => u.InCorrectlyClassified.Count);
                    var partCorrCount        = PartialMatch.Where(t => t.CorrectlyClassified.Count > 0 && string.Equals(t.DecisionValue, concept)).Sum(u => u.CorrectlyClassified.Count);
                    var completeIncorrCount  = CompleteMatch.Where(t => t.InCorrectlyClassified.Count > 0 && string.Equals(t.DecisionValue, concept)).Sum(u => u.InCorrectlyClassified.Count);
                    var completeCorrCount    = CompleteMatch.Where(t => t.CorrectlyClassified.Count > 0 && string.Equals(t.DecisionValue, concept)).Sum(u => u.CorrectlyClassified.Count);

                    stat.AppendFormat("The total number of cases that are not classified: {0} \n", conceptNotClassCount);
                    stat.AppendLine("\t PARTIAL MATCHING:");
                    stat.AppendFormat("   The total number of cases that are incorrectly classified: {0} \n", partIncorrCount);
                    stat.AppendFormat("   The total number of cases that are correctly classified: {0} \n", partCorrCount);
                    stat.AppendLine("\t COMPLETE MATCHING:");
                    stat.AppendFormat("   The total number of cases that are incorrectly classified: {0} \n", completeIncorrCount);
                    stat.AppendFormat("    total number of cases that are correctly classified: {0} \n", completeCorrCount);
                    stat.AppendFormat("The total number of cases in the concept: {0}", tempData.Count());

        public void WriteGeneralStat()
            StringBuilder stat = new StringBuilder();

            var notClassifiedCount     = GetNotClassifiedCount();
            var partialIncorrectCount  = PartialMatch.Sum(t => t.InCorrectlyClassified.Count);
            var completeIncorrectCount = CompleteMatch.Sum(t => t.InCorrectlyClassified.Count);
            var totIncorrectCount      = notClassifiedCount + partialIncorrectCount + completeIncorrectCount;
            var errorRate = Math.Round((float)totIncorrectCount / (float)TestData.Rows.Count, 4);

            stat.AppendLine("-----------------Mining Special Data Project-------------------");
            stat.AppendLine("--  Name : Naresh Kumar Sampath             -------------------");
            stat.AppendLine("--  KUID : 2922935                          -------------------");
            stat.AppendLine("GENERAL STATISTICS");

            stat.AppendFormat("This Report was created from: {0} and from: {1} \n", FileOperation.RuleFilePath, FileOperation.DataFilePath);
            stat.AppendFormat("The total number of cases: {0} \n", TestData.Rows.Count);
            stat.AppendFormat("The total number of attributes: {0} \n", TestData.Columns.Count - 2);
            stat.AppendFormat("The total number of rules: {0} \n", Rules.Rules.Count);
            stat.AppendFormat("The total number of conditions: {0} \n", Rules.Rules.Sum(t => t.Attributes.Count));
            stat.AppendFormat("The total number of cases that are not classified: {0} \n", notClassifiedCount);
            stat.AppendLine("\t PARTIAL MATCHING:");
            stat.AppendFormat("   The total number of cases that are incorrectly classified: {0} \n".PadLeft(4), partialIncorrectCount);
            stat.AppendFormat("   The total number of cases that are correctly classified: {0} \n".PadLeft(4), PartialMatch.Sum(t => t.CorrectlyClassified.Count));
            stat.AppendLine("\t COMPLETE MATCHING:");
            stat.AppendFormat("   The total number of cases that are incorrectly classified: {0} \n".PadLeft(4), completeIncorrectCount);
            stat.AppendFormat("   The total number of cases that are correctly classified: {0} \n", CompleteMatch.Sum(t => t.CorrectlyClassified.Count));
            stat.AppendLine("\t PARTIAL AND COMPLETE MATCHING::");
            stat.AppendFormat("The total number of cases that are not classified or incorrectly classified: {0} \n", totIncorrectCount);
            stat.AppendFormat("Error rate: {0} % ({1}) \n", errorRate * 100, errorRate);


 private int GetNotClassifiedCount()
     return(TestData.Rows.Count - (PartialMatch.Sum(t => t.InCorrectlyClassified.Count) + PartialMatch.Sum(t => t.CorrectlyClassified.Count) +
                                   CompleteMatch.Sum(t => t.InCorrectlyClassified.Count) + CompleteMatch.Sum(t => t.CorrectlyClassified.Count)));