/// <summary>
        /// Given <paramref name="_base"/> value raised to power <paramref name="_expo"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_base">Base value</param>
        /// <param name="_expo">Exponential value</param>
        /// <param name="matDict">Matrix dictionary to refer to if needed</param>
        public static void OPExpo(Token _base,
                                  Token _expo,
                                  Dictionary <string, MatrisBase <dynamic> > matDict,
                                  CompilerDictionaryMode mode = CompilerDictionaryMode.Matrix)
            if (_expo.tknType != TokenType.NUMBER)
                _expo.val = !CheckMatrixAndUpdateVal(_expo, matDict, mode, true)
                                  ? throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.EXPO_NOT_SCALAR)
                                  : !((MatrisBase <dynamic>)_expo.val).IsScalar()
                                      ? throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.MAT_SHOULD_BE_SCALAR)
                                      : ((MatrisBase <dynamic>)_expo.val)[0, 0];

            if (CheckMatrixAndUpdateVal(_base, matDict, mode, true))  // base matrix
                _expo.val     = ((MatrisBase <object>)_base.val).Power((dynamic)_expo.val);
                _expo.tknType = TokenType.MATRIS;
                Validations.CheckModeAndMatrixReference(mode, _expo.val);
            else // base is number
                _expo.val     = CompilerUtils.PowerMethod(double.Parse(_base.val.ToString()), double.Parse(_expo.val.ToString()));
                _expo.tknType = TokenType.NUMBER;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate given <paramref name="mat"/> match with given compiler <paramref name="mode"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mode">Compiler mode</param>
        /// <param name="mat">Matrix to check</param>
        public static void CheckModeAndReturnType(CompilerDictionaryMode mode,
                                                  string returntype)
            switch (returntype)
            case "Matris":
                if (mode == CompilerDictionaryMode.Dataframe)
                    throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.COMPILER_RETURNTYPE_MISMATCH(mode, returntype));

            case "Veri Tablosu":
                if (mode == CompilerDictionaryMode.Matrix)
                    throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.COMPILER_RETURNTYPE_MISMATCH(mode, returntype));

        /// <summary>
        /// Given <paramref name="_base"/> value in mode <paramref name="_expo"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_base">Base value</param>
        /// <param name="_expo">Mode value</param>
        /// <param name="matDict">Matrix dictionary to refer to if needed</param>
        public static void OPModulo(Token _base,
                                    Token _mode,
                                    Dictionary <string, MatrisBase <dynamic> > matDict,
                                    CompilerDictionaryMode mode = CompilerDictionaryMode.Matrix)
            if (_mode.tknType == TokenType.NUMBER) // dynamic % number
                CheckMatrixAndUpdateVal(_base, matDict, mode, true);

                _mode.val     = _base.val % (dynamic)(float)_mode.val;
                _mode.tknType = _base.tknType;
            else if (CheckMatrixAndUpdateVal(_mode, matDict, mode, true)) // matris % matris
                // base _mode
                // term to get mod of _baseshould be matrix
                _mode.val = CheckMatrixAndUpdateVal(_base, matDict, mode, true) || ((MatrisBase <dynamic>)_mode.val).IsScalar()
                    ? _base.val % _mode.val
                    : throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.MOD_MAT_THEN_BASE_MAT);
                throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.MODULO_FORMATS);
 /// <summary>
 /// Detailed documentation about the matrix/dataframe compiler
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mode">Compiler mode, adds limitation information to the end of returned string depending on this mode</param>
 /// <returns>Detailed multi-line string explaining rules of the compiler</returns>
 public static string COMPILER_HELP(CompilerDictionaryMode mode = CompilerDictionaryMode.Matrix)
     return(_compilerHelp + (mode == CompilerDictionaryMode.Matrix
                                  ? MAT_LIMITS_HELP
                                  : mode == CompilerDictionaryMode.Dataframe
                                         ? DF_LIMITS_HELP
                                         : MAT_LIMITS_HELP + "\n\n" + DF_LIMITS_HELP));
        /// <summary>
        /// Matrix multiplication of given <paramref name="_base"/> with itself <paramref name="_expo"/> times
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_base">Matrix to use</param>
        /// <param name="_expo">Exponential to use</param>
        /// <param name="matDict">Matrix dictionary to refer to if needed</param>
        public static void OPMatMulByExpo(Token _base,
                                          Token _expo,
                                          Dictionary <string, MatrisBase <dynamic> > matDict,
                                          CompilerDictionaryMode mode = CompilerDictionaryMode.Matrix)
            if (_expo.tknType != TokenType.NUMBER)
                _expo.val = !CheckMatrixAndUpdateVal(_expo, matDict, mode, true)
                                  ? throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.EXPO_NOT_SCALAR)
                                  : !((MatrisBase <dynamic>)_expo.val).IsScalar()
                                      ? throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.MAT_SHOULD_BE_SCALAR)
                                      : float.Parse(((MatrisBase <object>)_expo.val)[0, 0].ToString());

                if (!(_expo.val is int) && !(_expo.val is float) && !(_expo.val is double))
                    throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.EXPO_NOT_SCALAR);

            if (_expo.val < 0)
                throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.SPECOP_MATPOWER_EXPO);
            else if (_expo.val == 0)
                _expo.val     = 1;
                _expo.tknType = TokenType.NUMBER;

            if (CheckMatrixAndUpdateVal(_base, matDict, mode, true))
                if (!_base.val.IsSquare())
                    throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.SPECOP_MATPOWER_SQUARE);

                MatrisBase <dynamic> res       = _base.val.Copy();
                using MatrisBase <dynamic> mat = res is Dataframe ? ((Dataframe)res.Copy()) : res.Copy();


                for (int i = 1; i < _expo.val; i++)
                    res = MatrisMul(res, mat);

                _expo.val     = res;
                _expo.tknType = TokenType.MATRIS;
                throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.SPECOP_MATPOWER_BASE);

            Validations.CheckModeAndMatrixReference(mode, _expo.val);
        /// <summary>
        /// Addition, subtraction, multiplication or division between <paramref name="LHS"/> and <paramref name="RHS"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">One of : "+", "-", "*", "/"</param>
        /// <param name="LHS">Left hand side</param>
        /// <param name="RHS">Right hand side</param>
        /// <param name="matDict">Matrix dictionary to refer to if needed</param>
        public static void OPBasic(string symbol,
                                   Token LHS,
                                   Token RHS,
                                   Dictionary <string, MatrisBase <dynamic> > matDict,
                                   CompilerDictionaryMode mode = CompilerDictionaryMode.Matrix)
            CheckMatrixAndUpdateVal(RHS, matDict, mode, true);
            CheckMatrixAndUpdateVal(LHS, matDict, mode, true);

            if (RHS.tknType == TokenType.MATRIS)
                Validations.CheckModeAndMatrixReference(mode, RHS.val);

            if (LHS.tknType == TokenType.MATRIS)
                Validations.CheckModeAndMatrixReference(mode, LHS.val);

            RHS.tknType = LHS.tknType == TokenType.MATRIS ? TokenType.MATRIS : RHS.tknType;

            switch (symbol)
            case "+":
                RHS.val = LHS.val + RHS.val;

            case "-":
                RHS.val = LHS.val - RHS.val;

            case "*":
                RHS.val = LHS.val * RHS.val;

            case "/":
                RHS.val = LHS.val / RHS.val;

                throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.OP_INVALID(symbol));
        /// <summary>
        /// Matrix multiplication of <paramref name="LHS"/> and inversed <paramref name="RHS"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="LHS">Left matrix</param>
        /// <param name="RHS">Right matrix, inverse of this will be used</param>
        /// <param name="matDict">Matrix dictionary to refer to if needed</param>
        public static void OPMatMulWithInverse(Token LHS,
                                               Token RHS,
                                               Dictionary <string, MatrisBase <dynamic> > matDict,
                                               CompilerDictionaryMode mode = CompilerDictionaryMode.Matrix)
            MatrisBase <dynamic> mat1, mat2;

            mat1 = CheckMatrixAndUpdateVal(RHS, matDict, mode, true)
                 ? (MatrisBase <dynamic>)RHS.val
                 : throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.OP_BETWEEN_("./", "matrisler"));

            mat2 = CheckMatrixAndUpdateVal(LHS, matDict, mode, true)
                 ? (MatrisBase <dynamic>)LHS.val
                 : throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.OP_BETWEEN_("./", "matrisler"));

            RHS.val = MatrisMul <object>(mat2, new MatrisArithmeticService().Inverse(mat1));

            Validations.CheckModeAndMatrixReference(mode, RHS.val);
        /// <summary>
        /// Matrix multiplication of given tokens
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="LHS">Left matrix</param>
        /// <param name="RHS">Right matrix</param>
        /// <param name="matDict">Matrix dictionary to refer to if needed</param>
        public static void OPMatMul(Token LHS,
                                    Token RHS,
                                    Dictionary <string, MatrisBase <dynamic> > matDict,
                                    CompilerDictionaryMode mode = CompilerDictionaryMode.Matrix)
            MatrisBase <dynamic> matRHS, matLHS;

            matRHS = CheckMatrixAndUpdateVal(RHS, matDict, mode, true)
                ? (MatrisBase <dynamic>)RHS.val
                : throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.OP_BETWEEN_(".*", "matrisler"));

            matLHS = CheckMatrixAndUpdateVal(LHS, matDict, mode, true)
                ? (MatrisBase <dynamic>)LHS.val
                : throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.OP_BETWEEN_(".*", "matrisler"));

            RHS.val = MatrisMul(matLHS, matRHS);

            Validations.CheckModeAndMatrixReference(mode, RHS.val);
        /// <summary>
        /// Given mode was not valid for returning return <paramref name="type"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mode">Compiler mode</param>
        /// <param name="type">Return type</param>
        /// <returns>Message telling user can't use functions which has <paramref name="type"/> return type using this <paramref name="mode"/></returns>
        public static string COMPILER_RETURNTYPE_MISMATCH(CompilerDictionaryMode mode, string type)
            switch (mode)
            case CompilerDictionaryMode.Matrix:
                return($"Matris derleyici modu {type} tipi dönen fonksiyonlara izin vermez!");

            case CompilerDictionaryMode.Dataframe:
                return($"Veri tablosu derleyici modu {type} tipi dönen fonksiyonlara izin vermez!");

                return($"Derleyici modunda bir hata oluştu!");
        /// <summary>
        /// Given mode was not valid to reference a value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mode">Compiler mode</param>
        /// <returns>Message telling user can't reference to some values using this <paramref name="mode"/></returns>
        public static string COMPILER_MODE_MISMATCH(CompilerDictionaryMode mode)
            switch (mode)
            case CompilerDictionaryMode.Matrix:
                return($"Matris derleyici modu yalnızca matris referanslarına izin verir!");

            case CompilerDictionaryMode.Dataframe:
                return($"Veri tablosu derleyici modu yalnızca veri tablosu referanslarına izin verir!");

                return($"Derleyici modunda bir hata oluştu!");
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate given <paramref name="mat"/> match with given compiler <paramref name="mode"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mode">Compiler mode</param>
        /// <param name="mat">Matrix to check</param>
        /// <param name="disposeIfInvalid">True if given matrix needs to be disposed after an unsuccessful validation</param>
        public static void CheckModeAndMatrixReference(CompilerDictionaryMode mode,
                                                       dynamic mat,
                                                       bool disposeIfInvalid = false)
            if (mode == CompilerDictionaryMode.Dataframe && !(mat is Dataframe))
                if (disposeIfInvalid)

                throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.COMPILER_MODE_MISMATCH(mode));
            else if (mode == CompilerDictionaryMode.Matrix && mat is Dataframe dataframe)
                if (disposeIfInvalid)

                throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.COMPILER_MODE_MISMATCH(mode));
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if given token <paramref name="tkn"/> is a <see cref="MatrisBase{object}"/> and update it's value if needed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tkn">Token to check</param>
        /// <param name="matDict">Matrix dictionary to reference to</param>
        /// <param name="mode">Compiler mode</param>
        /// <param name="assertNonNull">Wheter to assert token's value to be non-null after checks and updates</param>
        /// <returns>True if given token holds a <see cref="MatrisBase{object}"/></returns>
        public static bool CheckMatrixAndUpdateVal(Token tkn,
                                                   Dictionary <string, MatrisBase <dynamic> > matDict,
                                                   CompilerDictionaryMode mode = CompilerDictionaryMode.Matrix,
                                                   bool assertNonNull          = false)
            switch (tkn.tknType)
            case TokenType.MATRIS:
                if (matDict.ContainsKey(tkn.name))
                    Validations.CheckModeAndMatrixReference(mode, (dynamic)matDict[tkn.name]);
                    tkn.val = matDict[tkn.name];
                else if (!(tkn.val is MatrisBase <object>))
                    throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.NOT_SAVED_MATRIX(tkn.name));
                    Validations.CheckModeAndMatrixReference(mode, tkn.val);

                if (assertNonNull)


                if (assertNonNull)
        /// <summary>
        /// Assign <paramref name="RHS"/> matrix or scalar to item named <paramref name="LHS"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="LHS">Left hand side, name will be picked from this</param>
        /// <param name="RHS">Right hand side, value will be picked from this</param>
        /// <param name="matDict">Matrix dictionary to refer to if needed</param>
        public static void OPAssignment(Token LHS,
                                        Token RHS,
                                        Dictionary <string, MatrisBase <dynamic> > matDict,
                                        CompilerDictionaryMode mode = CompilerDictionaryMode.Matrix)
            if (LHS.tknType != TokenType.MATRIS) // LHS should just be a valid name for a matrix
                throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.EQ_FORMAT);
                switch (RHS.tknType)
                case TokenType.NUMBER:      // RHS is scalar
                    RHS.val = new MatrisBase <dynamic>(1, 1, RHS.val);

                case TokenType.MATRIS:       // RHS is possibly a matrix
                    if (matDict.ContainsKey(RHS.name))
                        Validations.CheckModeAndMatrixReference(mode, (dynamic)matDict[RHS.name]);
                        RHS.val = (dynamic)matDict[RHS.name];
                    else if (RHS.val is MatrisBase <object> )
                        Validations.CheckModeAndMatrixReference(mode, RHS.val);
                        throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.NOT_SAVED_MATRIX(RHS.name));

                    if (!(RHS.val is MatrisBase <object>))         // If RHS is not even a matrix, throw
                        throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.EQ_FAILED);
                    Validations.CheckModeAndMatrixReference(mode, RHS.val);

                // Update the matrix table accordingly
                if (matDict.ContainsKey(LHS.name))
                    Validations.CheckModeAndMatrixReference(mode, matDict[LHS.name]);

                     * if (matDict[LHS.name] is Dataframe && !(RHS.val is Dataframe))
                     * {
                     *  matDict[LHS.name] = new Dataframe(((MatrisBase<object>)RHS.val).GetValues());
                     * }
                     * else if (RHS.val is Dataframe dataframe && !(matDict[LHS.name] is Dataframe))
                     * {
                     *  matDict[LHS.name] = new MatrisBase<object>(dataframe.GetValues());
                     * }
                     * else
                     * {
                     *  matDict[LHS.name] = RHS.val;
                     * }
                    matDict[LHS.name] = RHS.val;
                else if (Validations.ValidMatrixName(LHS.name))
                    int dfcount = 0;
                    foreach (string name in matDict.Keys)
                        if (matDict[name] is Dataframe)

                    if (RHS.val is Dataframe)
                        if (dfcount < (int)DataframeLimits.forDataframeCount)
                            Validations.CheckModeAndMatrixReference(mode, RHS.val);
                            matDict.Add(LHS.name, RHS.val);
                            throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.DF_LIMIT);
                    else if (matDict.Count - dfcount < (int)MatrisLimits.forMatrisCount)
                        Validations.CheckModeAndMatrixReference(mode, RHS.val);
                        matDict.Add(LHS.name, RHS.val);
                        throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.MAT_LIMIT);
                else // LHS was invalid
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(LHS.name))
                        throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.EQ_FORMAT);
                        throw new Exception(CompilerMessage.MAT_NAME_INVALID);