//****************************************************** //CompareTo //****************************************************** /// <summary> /// <para>Compares this object to another, based on specified options.</para> /// </summary> /// <param name='otherObject'>The object to which to compare this object. </param> /// <param name='settings'>Options on how to compare the objects. </param> /// <returns> /// <para><see langword='true'/> if the objects compared are equal /// according to the given options; otherwise, <see langword='false'/> /// .</para> /// </returns> public bool CompareTo(ManagementBaseObject otherObject, ComparisonSettings settings) { if (null == otherObject) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(otherObject)); } bool result = false; if (null != wbemObject) { int status = (int)ManagementStatus.NoError; status = wbemObject.CompareTo_((int)settings, otherObject.wbemObject); if ((int)ManagementStatus.Different == status) { result = false; } else if ((int)ManagementStatus.NoError == status) { result = true; } else if ((status & 0xfffff000) == 0x80041000) { ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo((ManagementStatus)status); } else if (status < 0) { Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(status, WmiNetUtilsHelper.GetErrorInfo_f()); } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Comparers <paramref name="obj1"/> and <paramref name="obj2"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj1">Object 1.</param> /// <param name="obj2">Object 2.</param> /// <param name="settings">Instance of <see cref="ComparisonSettings"/> class.</param> /// <returns>true if the objects are considered equal; otherwise, false.</returns> public bool Compare(object obj1, object obj2, ComparisonSettings settings) { var isObj1Default = obj1?.Equals(_defaultValue) != false || obj1.Equals(_typeDefaultValue); var isObj2Default = obj2?.Equals(_defaultValue) != false || obj2.Equals(_typeDefaultValue); return((isObj1Default && isObj2Default) || _valueComparer.Compare(obj1, obj2, settings)); }
public void OverrideString() { var b1 = new TestClassB { B = "B", ClassA = new TestClassA { A = "A" } }; var b2 = new TestClassB { B = "b", ClassA = new TestClassA { A = "a" } }; var settings = new ComparisonSettings(); var factory = new MyComparersFactory(); var comparer = factory.GetObjectsComparer <TestClassB>(settings); var isEqual = comparer.Compare(b1, b2); Assert.IsTrue(isEqual); }
public bool CompareTo(ManagementBaseObject otherObject, ComparisonSettings settings) { if (otherObject == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("otherObject"); } bool flag = false; if (this.wbemObject != null) { int errorCode = 0; errorCode = this.wbemObject.CompareTo_((int)settings, otherObject.wbemObject); if (0x40003 == errorCode) { return(false); } if (errorCode == 0) { return(true); } if ((errorCode & 0xfffff000L) == 0x80041000L) { ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo((ManagementStatus)errorCode); return(flag); } if (errorCode < 0) { Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(errorCode); } } return(flag); }
private ComparisonSettings GetSettings() { ComparisonSettings settings; settings = new ComparisonSettings(); //Extract comparison mode setting. if (CompareZygosityRadioButton.Checked) { settings.Mode = InvestigationMode.Zygosity; } else if (CompareGenotypesRadioButton.Checked) { settings.Mode = InvestigationMode.Genotype; } else if (CompareFreeTextRadioButton.Checked) { settings.Mode = InvestigationMode.FreeText; } settings.HarmonizePolarities = ConvertPolarityCheckBox.Checked; settings.IsFreeTextCaseSensitive = CaseSensitiveCheckBox.Checked; //Extract list settings. settings.ListUnharmonizableSNPs = ListUnharmonizableCheckBox.Checked; settings.ListCompared = ListComparedCheckBox.Checked; settings.ListDifferent = ListDifferentCheckBox.Checked; settings.ListDuplicateFailures = ListDuplicateFailuresCheckBox.Checked; settings.ListIdentical = ListIdenticalCheckBox.Checked; settings.ListMissing = ListMissingCheckBox.Checked; settings.ListNoResults = ListMissingValueCheckBox.Checked; settings.ListInvalid = ListInvalidAllelesCheckBox.Checked; return(settings); }
public void WronkType() { var settings = new ComparisonSettings(); settings.SetCustomSetting(123, "setting1"); Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => settings.GetCustomSetting <double>("setting1")); }
public void WronkKey() { var settings = new ComparisonSettings(); settings.SetCustomSetting(123, "setting1"); Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => settings.GetCustomSetting <int>("wrongSettingKey")); }
public void PopulateFileList(ComparisonSettings settings) { // get left side list of files _leftSideFiles = GetFileList(settings.PathToCheckLeft).OrderBy(f => f.FullName).ToList().AsReadOnly(); // get right side list of files _rightSideFiles = GetFileList(settings.PathToCheckRight).OrderBy(f => f.FullName).ToList().AsReadOnly(); }
public void GetObjectsComparerGeneric() { var settings = new ComparisonSettings(); var factory = new ComparersFactory(); var comparer = factory.GetObjectsComparer <string>(settings); Assert.AreEqual(settings, comparer.Settings); }
public void GetObjectsComparer() { var settings = new ComparisonSettings(); var factory = new ComparersFactory(); var comparer = factory.GetObjectsComparer(typeof(string), settings); Assert.AreEqual(settings, comparer.Settings); }
public void Run(ComparisonSettings settings) { LogTo.Info("Running Bootstrapper"); RegisterServices(); // register the main program so the contain will build it up for us _container.Register <IFileCheckerMain, FileCheckerMain>(Lifestyle.Singleton); }
public override IComparer <T> GetObjectsComparer <T>(ComparisonSettings settings = null, BaseComparer parentComparer = null) { if (typeof(T) == typeof(B)) { return((IComparer <T>)_comparerB); } return(base.GetObjectsComparer <T>(settings, parentComparer)); }
/// <summary> /// Comparers <paramref name="obj1"/> and <paramref name="obj2"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj1">Object 1.</param> /// <param name="obj2">Object 2.</param> /// <param name="settings">Instance of <see cref="ComparisonSettings"/> class.</param> /// <returns>true if the objects are considered equal; otherwise, false.</returns> public bool Compare(object obj1, object obj2, ComparisonSettings settings) { if (obj1 == null || obj2 == null) { return(obj1 == obj2); } return(obj1.Equals(obj2)); }
public void SetgetCustomSettingWithoutKey() { var settings = new ComparisonSettings(); settings.SetCustomSetting("test string"); var settingValue = settings.GetCustomSetting <string>(); Assert.AreEqual("test string", settingValue); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { InitLogging(); // Check the arguments, before we do anything else - bail out with error message if they're bad var validator = new ProgramArgumentsValidator(); var validationResult = validator.ValidateArgs(args); if (validationResult.IsValid == false) { Console.WriteLine(validationResult.Message); PromptForClose(); return; } // load the config file we got from the command line and validate it's good var settings = LoadSettingsFromSettingsFile(args, new ProgramArgumentsParser(validator), new JsonSettingsLoader()); // setup the output(s) as required by the args so we can output the results of the validation var outputService = SetupOutputService(settings); var settingsValidationResult = ComparisonSettings.Validate(settings); if (settingsValidationResult.IsValid == false) { Console.WriteLine(settingsValidationResult.Message); outputService.OutputError(settingsValidationResult.Message); PromptForClose(); return; } // Create a new Simple Injector container var container = new Container(); // pass it into the boostrapper for population and populate it! var bootstrapper = new Bootstrapper(container); bootstrapper.Run(settings); // Let's get to work var mainRunner = bootstrapper.GetMainRunner(); try { mainRunner.RunFileCheck(settings, outputService); } catch (Exception ex) { LogTo.FatalException("Exception!", ex); outputService.OutputError(ex.Message); } PromptForClose(); }
public void OutputResults(ComparisonResults comparisonResults, ComparisonSettings settings) { foreach (var outputter in _outputters) { outputter.RemoveExistingResults(); outputter.AddTitle("Produced at: " + _timeStampService.GetTimeStamp()); outputter.OutputFileContentDiffs(comparisonResults.FilePairs, settings.OnlyShowDiffs, "File Comparsion"); outputter.OutputFolderDiffs(comparisonResults.FilesOnlyInLeft, "Files Missing From Right (" + settings.PathToCheckRight + ")"); outputter.OutputFolderDiffs(comparisonResults.FilesOnlyInRight, "Files Missing From Left (" + settings.PathToCheckLeft + ")"); } }
public override IComparer <T> GetObjectsComparer <T>(ComparisonSettings settings = null, BaseComparer parentComparer = null) { IComparer <T> comparer = base.GetObjectsComparer <T>(settings, parentComparer); if (parentComparer == null) { comparer.AddComparerOverride(typeof(string), new IgnoreCaseStringsValueComparer()); } return(comparer); }
public override IComparer <T> GetObjectsComparer <T>(ComparisonSettings settings = null, BaseComparer parentComparer = null) { if (typeof(T) != typeof(IList <FormulaItem>)) { return(base.GetObjectsComparer <T>(settings, parentComparer)); } var comparer = new CustomFormulaItemsComparer(settings, parentComparer, this); return((IComparer <T>)comparer); }
public void SetgetCustomSettingWithKey() { var settings = new ComparisonSettings(); settings.SetCustomSetting(123, "setting1"); settings.SetCustomSetting(234, "setting2"); var setting1Value = settings.GetCustomSetting <int>("setting1"); var setting2Value = settings.GetCustomSetting <int>("setting2"); Assert.AreEqual(123, setting1Value); Assert.AreEqual(234, setting2Value); }
/// <summary> /// Comparers <paramref name="obj1"/> and <paramref name="obj2"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj1">Object 1.</param> /// <param name="obj2">Object 2.</param> /// <param name="settings">Instance of <see cref="ComparisonSettings"/> class.</param> /// <returns>true if the objects are considered equal; otherwise, false.</returns> public override bool Compare(string obj1, string obj2, ComparisonSettings settings) { if (obj1 == null) { obj1 = string.Empty; } if (obj2 == null) { obj2 = string.Empty; } return(obj1.Equals(obj2)); }
/// <summary> /// Comparers <paramref name="obj1"/> and <paramref name="obj2"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="obj1">Object 1.</param> /// <param name="obj2">Object 2.</param> /// <param name="settings">Instance of <see cref="ComparisonSettings"/> class.</param> /// <returns>true if the objects are considered equal; otherwise, false.</returns> public bool Compare(object obj1, object obj2, ComparisonSettings settings) { if (obj1 == null) { obj1 = string.Empty; } if (obj2 == null) { obj2 = string.Empty; } return(obj1.Equals(obj2)); }
public static IResultsOutputService SetupOutputService(ComparisonSettings settings) { var outputService = new ResultsOutputService(new TimeStampService()); outputService.AddOutputter(new ResultsConsoleWriter()); outputService.AddOutputter(new ResultsFileWriter(settings)); if (settings.SendEmailWhenDone) { outputService.AddOutputter(new EmailSender(settings)); } return(outputService); }
public override ObjectsComparer.IComparer <T> GetObjectsComparer <T>(ComparisonSettings settings = null, BaseComparer parentComparer = null) { var comparer = new ObjectsComparer.Comparer <T>(settings, parentComparer, this); //Do not compare Fields of Type Guid comparer.AddComparerOverride <Guid>(DoNotCompareValueComparer.Instance); //Do not compare fields of type dateTime comparer.AddComparerOverride <DateTime>(DoNotCompareValueComparer.Instance); //Do not compare field Id comparer.AddComparerOverride("Id", DoNotCompareValueComparer.Instance); return(comparer); }
public void RunFileCheck(ComparisonSettings settings, IResultsOutputService outputService) { _fileListService.PopulateFileList(settings); // this is not quite the right place for this... var filePairs = _fileListService.GetFilesInBothSides(); PopulateFileHashValues(filePairs); var filesOnlyInLeft = _fileListService.GetFilesOnlyInLeftSide(); var filesOnlyInRight = _fileListService.GetFilesOnlyInRightSide(); var results = new ComparisonResults(filePairs, filesOnlyInLeft, filesOnlyInRight); outputService.OutputResults(results, settings); }
/// <summary> /// Creates an instance of <see cref="Resemble"/> with default settings. /// Transparency - 1, DifferenceType - Flat, DifferenceColor - Color.Magenta. /// </summary> /// <param name="actualImage">Image to compare.</param> public Resemble(Image actualImage) { if (actualImage == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(actualImage), "Actual image can not be null."); } _actualImage = new Bitmap(actualImage); _tolerance = ToleranceSettings.Default; _settings = new ComparisonSettings { Transparency = 1, DifferenceType = DifferenceType.Flat, DifferenceColor = Color.Magenta }; }
//****************************************************** //CompareTo //****************************************************** /// <summary> /// <para>Compares this object to another, based on specified options.</para> /// </summary> /// <param name='otherObject'>The object to which to compare this object. </param> /// <param name='settings'>Options on how to compare the objects. </param> /// <returns> /// <para><see langword='true'/> if the objects compared are equal /// according to the given options; otherwise, <see langword='false'/> /// .</para> /// </returns> public bool CompareTo(ManagementBaseObject otherObject, ComparisonSettings settings) { if (null == otherObject) { throw new ArgumentNullException("otherObject"); } // // Removed Initialize call since wbemObject is a property that will call Initialize ( true ) on // its getter. // // Initialize ( ) ; bool result = false; if (null != wbemObject) { int status = (int)ManagementStatus.NoError; // // Removed Initialize call since wbemObject is a property that will call Initialize ( true ) on // its getter. // //otherObject.Initialize ( false ) ; status = wbemObject.CompareTo_((int)settings, otherObject.wbemObject); if ((int)ManagementStatus.Different == status) { result = false; } else if ((int)ManagementStatus.NoError == status) { result = true; } else if ((status & 0xfffff000) == 0x80041000) { ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo((ManagementStatus)status); } else if (status < 0) { Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(status); } } return(result); }
public bool CompareTo(ManagementBaseObject otherObject, ComparisonSettings settings) { if (otherObject != null) { bool flag = false; if (this.wbemObject != null) { int num = this.wbemObject.CompareTo_((int)settings, otherObject.wbemObject); if (0x40003 != num) { if (num != 0) { if (((long)num & (long)-4096) != (long)-2147217408) { if (num < 0) { Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(num); } } else { ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo((ManagementStatus)num); } } else { flag = true; } } else { flag = false; } } return(flag); } else { throw new ArgumentNullException("otherObject"); } }
public override IComparer <T> GetObjectsComparer <T>(ComparisonSettings settings = null, BaseComparer parentComparer = null) { if (typeof(T) == typeof(Person)) { var comparer = new Comparer <Person>(settings, parentComparer, this); //Do not compare PersonId comparer.AddComparerOverride <Guid>(DoNotCompareValueComparer.Instance); //Sometimes MiddleName can be skipped. Compare only if property has value. comparer.AddComparerOverride( () => new Person().MiddleName, (s1, s2, parentSettings) => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s1) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s2) || s1 == s2); comparer.AddComparerOverride( () => new Person().PhoneNumber, new PhoneNumberComparer()); return((IComparer <T>)comparer); } return(base.GetObjectsComparer <T>(settings, parentComparer)); }
/// <summary> /// Allows to pass all external settings at once./> /// </summary> /// <param name="newSettings">An instance of <see cref="ComparisonSettings"/> settings.</param> /// <returns>An instance of <see cref="Resemble"/>.</returns> public Resemble WithSettings(ComparisonSettings newSettings) { _settings = newSettings; if (newSettings.IgnoreAreasColoredWith.HasValue) { _settings.IgnoreAreasColoredWith = newSettings.IgnoreAreasColoredWith; } if (newSettings.DifferenceType.HasValue) { _settings.DifferenceType = newSettings.DifferenceType; } if (newSettings.Transparency.HasValue) { _settings.Transparency = newSettings.Transparency; } if (newSettings.DifferenceColor.HasValue) { _settings.DifferenceColor = newSettings.DifferenceColor; } if (newSettings.BoundingBoxes != null) { _settings.BoundingBoxes = newSettings.BoundingBoxes; } if (newSettings.IgnoredBoxes != null) { _settings.IgnoredBoxes = newSettings.IgnoredBoxes; } return(this); }
//****************************************************** //CompareTo //****************************************************** /// <summary> /// <para>Compares this object to another, based on specified options.</para> /// </summary> /// <param name='otherObject'>The object to which to compare this object. </param> /// <param name='settings'>Options on how to compare the objects. </param> /// <returns> /// <para><see langword='true'/> if the objects compared are equal /// according to the given options; otherwise, <see langword='false'/> /// .</para> /// </returns> public bool CompareTo(ManagementBaseObject otherObject, ComparisonSettings settings) { if (null == otherObject) throw new ArgumentNullException ("otherObject"); // // Removed Initialize call since wbemObject is a property that will call Initialize ( true ) on // its getter. // // Initialize ( ) ; bool result = false; if (null != wbemObject) { int status = (int) ManagementStatus.NoError; // // Removed Initialize call since wbemObject is a property that will call Initialize ( true ) on // its getter. // //otherObject.Initialize ( false ) ; status = wbemObject.CompareTo_((int) settings, otherObject.wbemObject); if ((int)ManagementStatus.Different == status) result = false; else if ((int)ManagementStatus.NoError == status) result = true; else if ((status & 0xfffff000) == 0x80041000) ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo((ManagementStatus)status); else if (status < 0) Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(status); } return result; }
public bool CompareTo (ManagementBaseObject otherObject, ComparisonSettings settings) { throw new NotImplementedException (); }
public abstract bool Compare(object obj1, object obj2, ComparisonSettings settings);
/// <summary> /// Comparison widget settings class constructor /// </summary> public ComparisonWidgetSettings() { ComparisonBehavior = new ComparisonSettings(); Locale = SupportedLocales.DefaultLocale; }
public bool CompareTo(ManagementBaseObject otherObject, ComparisonSettings settings) { if (otherObject != null) { bool flag = false; if (this.wbemObject != null) { int num = this.wbemObject.CompareTo_((int)settings, otherObject.wbemObject); if (0x40003 != num) { if (num != 0) { if (((long)num & (long)-4096) != (long)-2147217408) { if (num < 0) { Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(num); } } else { ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo((ManagementStatus)num); } } else { flag = true; } } else { flag = false; } } return flag; } else { throw new ArgumentNullException("otherObject"); } }
public bool CompareTo(ManagementBaseObject otherObject, ComparisonSettings settings) {}
public bool CompareTo(ManagementBaseObject otherObject, ComparisonSettings settings) { if (otherObject == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("otherObject"); } bool flag = false; if (this.wbemObject != null) { int errorCode = 0; errorCode = this.wbemObject.CompareTo_((int) settings, otherObject.wbemObject); if (0x40003 == errorCode) { return false; } if (errorCode == 0) { return true; } if ((errorCode & 0xfffff000L) == 0x80041000L) { ManagementException.ThrowWithExtendedInfo((ManagementStatus) errorCode); return flag; } if (errorCode < 0) { Marshal.ThrowExceptionForHR(errorCode); } } return flag; }