private async Task <DialogTurnResult> SaveOrContinueStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationtoken) { var answer = stepContext.Result.ToString(); if (answer == "yes") { return(await stepContext.ReplaceDialogAsync(nameof(MerakiDeviceBoMDialog))); } else { //save all state var Basket = await _botaccessors.QuoteBasket.GetAsync(stepContext.Context, () => new QuoteBasketModel(), cancellationtoken); await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text($"company is id {Basket.customer.COMPANY_ID} customername is {Basket.customer.NAME}")); var customercompany = CompanyUtil.GetCompanyById(Basket.customer.COMPANY_ID); //var dealid=DealsUtil.CreateDeal($"testdeal-{customercompany.NAME}", Basket.customer.COMPANY_ID, Basket.customer.COMPANY_ID, DEALENDPOINT); //await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text("the deal is " + dealid)); //var quoteexpirationdate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(7); //var quoteid = DealsUtil.CreateQuote(Basket.customer.NAME, Basket.customer.LAST_NAME, customercompany.NAME,dealid,Basket.customer.EMAIL[0].VALUE,quoteexpirationdate.ToString(),TERMS,QUOTEENDPOINT); //Basket.clearProducts(); //await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync($"Check your emails for the quote {quoteid} "); return(await stepContext.ReplaceDialogAsync(nameof(IntroDialog))); } }
//client submitting form protected void SubmitFormBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SaveForm(); FormResult.Visible = false; string formJson = formViewerData.Value.ToString(); if (formJson.Length > 0 && formJson != "undefined") { //updating a form not, creating it if (Request.QueryString["pfid"] != null) { int formId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["pfid"]); Form f = FormUtil.GetForm(formId); FormUtil.SubmitForm(formId, f.FormName, formJson); User user = (User)Session["User"]; Log.Info(user.Identity + " submitted " + CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(user.CompanyId) + "'s form " + f.FormName + " with " + formJson); FormResult.CssClass = "success"; FormResult.Text = "Submitted form " + f.FormName; Response.Redirect("Forms.aspx?pfid=" + formId); } } else { FormResult.CssClass = "error"; FormResult.Text = "Please fill out the form"; } FormResult.Visible = true; }
protected void DenyFormBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FormResult.Visible = false; //updating a form not, creating it if (Request.QueryString["pfid"] != null) { string denyText = DenyReason.Text; int formId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["pfid"]); Form f = FormUtil.GetForm(formId); Project p = ProjectUtil.GetProject(f.ProjectId); User user = (User)Session["User"]; FormUtil.DenyForm(formId, denyText, user.RoleId); FormResult.CssClass = "success"; FormResult.Text = "Denied form " + f.FormName; if (denyText.Length > 0) { FormResult.Text += ": " + denyText; } else { denyText = "None specified"; } Log.Info(user.Identity + " denied " + CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(p.CompanyId) + "'s form " + f.FormName + " - " + p.Name + " with reason: " + denyText); Response.Redirect("Forms.aspx?pfid=" + formId); FormResult.Visible = true; } }
private async Task <DialogTurnResult> JumpTopDeviceOptionsStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationtoken) { var customerdata = (CustomerModel)stepContext.Values[customerInfo]; var company_name = ""; if (stepContext.Result.ToString() != null) { company_name = stepContext.Result.ToString(); } var companyID = CompanyUtil.SaveCompanyDetails(company_name); customerdata.COMPANY_ID = companyID; var customerID = CustomerUtil.saveCustomerInformation(customerdata.NAME, customerdata.LAST_NAME, customerdata.COMPANY_ID, customerdata.EMAIL[0].VALUE, customerdata.PHONE[0].VALUE); await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text($"The company id is {companyID} ")); var cacheCustomerInfo = await _botaccessors.UserProfile.GetAsync(stepContext.Context, () => new CustomerModel()); customerdata.ID = customerID; cacheCustomerInfo = customerdata; await _botaccessors.UserProfile.SetAsync(stepContext.Context, cacheCustomerInfo, cancellationtoken); await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(customerdata.ToString())); return(await stepContext.ReplaceDialogAsync(nameof(MerakiDeviceBoMDialog), cacheCustomerInfo)); }
private void SetupAdminPage() { RoleSelect.DataSource = RoleUtil.GetRoles(); RoleSelect.DataTextField = "roleName"; RoleSelect.DataValueField = "roleId"; RoleSelect.DataBind(); RoleSelect.SelectedIndex = 0; UserRole.DataSource = RoleUtil.GetRoles(); UserRole.DataTextField = "roleName"; UserRole.DataValueField = "roleId"; UserRole.DataBind(); CompanySelect.DataSource = CompanyUtil.GetCompanies(); CompanySelect.DataTextField = "companyName"; CompanySelect.DataValueField = "companyId"; CompanySelect.DataBind(); CompanySelect.SelectedIndex = 0; LockedAccountSelect.DataSource = UserUtil.GetLockedUsers(); LockedAccountSelect.DataTextField = "Identity"; LockedAccountSelect.DataValueField = "UserId"; LockedAccountSelect.DataBind(); LockedAccountSelect.SelectedIndex = 0; MakeUserTable(); MakeCompanyTable(); }
private async Task <DialogTurnResult> JumpTopDeviceOptionsStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationtoken) { var customerdata = (CustomerModel)stepContext.Values["customerinfo"]; var company_name = ""; if (stepContext.Result.ToString() != null) { company_name = stepContext.Result.ToString(); } var companyID = CompanyUtil.SaveCompanyDetails(company_name); customerdata.COMPANY_ID = companyID; var customerID = CustomerUtil.saveCustomerInformation(customerdata.NAME, customerdata.LAST_NAME, customerdata.COMPANY_ID, customerdata.EMAIL[0].VALUE, customerdata.PHONE[0].VALUE); var Basket = await _botAccessors.QuoteBasket.GetAsync(stepContext.Context, () => new QuoteBasketModel()); customerdata.ID = customerID; Basket.customer = customerdata; await _botAccessors.QuoteBasket.SetAsync(stepContext.Context, Basket, cancellationtoken); await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text(customerdata.ToString())); return(await stepContext.ReplaceDialogAsync("DeviceBOMDialog")); }
public CompanySettingController() { CompanyId = SessionUtil.GetCompanyID(); result = new Result(); companyUtil = new CompanyUtil(); stateUtil = new StateUtil(); countryUtil = new CountryUtil(); packageUtil = new PackageUtil(); }
protected void CoachDownloadBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["pfid"] != null) { int formId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["pfid"]); Form f = FormUtil.GetForm(formId); Project p = ProjectUtil.GetProject(f.ProjectId); FormResult.CssClass = "success"; FormResult.Text = "Denied form " + f.FormName; User user = (User)Session["User"]; Log.Info(user.Identity + " downloaded files from " + CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(p.CompanyId) + "'s form " + f.FormName + " - " + p.Name); SendFile(f.FilePath); FormResult.Visible = true; } }
protected void MakeCompanyTable() { List <Company> companies = CompanyUtil.GetCompanies(); CompanyTable.InnerHtml = ""; var companyTable = ""; companyTable += "<table class=\"ui orange table\"><thead><tr><th>Company Name</th></tr></thead>"; companyTable += "<tbody>"; foreach (Company company in companies) { if (company.CompanyId != -1 && company.CompanyId != -2) { companyTable += "<tr><td>" + company.CompanyName + "</td></tr>"; } } companyTable += "</tbody></table>"; CompanyTable.InnerHtml += companyTable; }
protected void ProjectView(Project p) { Company c = CompanyUtil.GetCompany(p.CompanyId); List <User> users = UserUtil.GetUsersByCompany(c.CompanyId); projectNode += "<h2><a href='Projects.aspx'>Projects</a> > " + p.Name + "</h2><div id=\"project-top-div\"><div class=\"project-info\"><div id=\"project-top\"><div class=\"project-item\">"; projectNode += "<i class=\"huge circular building icon\"></i><h3>" + c.CompanyName + "</h3></div><div class=\"project-item\">"; projectNode += "<i class=\"huge circular user icon\"></i><h3>" + UserUtil.GetCoach(p.CoachId).FullName + "</h3></div>"; projectNode += "<div class=\"project-item\"><i class=\"huge circular money icon\"></i>"; projectNode += "<h3>Funding Source</h3></div></div></div>"; projectNode += "<div id=\"more-project-info\"><div class=\"ui accordion\"><div class=\"title\"><i class=\"dropdown icon\"></i>Company Contact"; projectNode += "</div><div class=\"content\">"; foreach (User i in users) { projectNode += "<p>" + i.FullName + " | " + i.Email + "</p><br>"; } projectNode += "</div></div><div class=\"ui accordion\"><div class=\"title\"><i class=\"dropdown icon\"></i>Project Notes</div>"; projectNode += "<div class=\"content\"><p class=\"transition hidden\">" + p.Notes + "</p></div></div></div></div></div>"; projectNode += "<script>$('.ui.accordion').accordion();</script>"; projectNode += "<div class=\"wrapper\"><ol class=\"ProgressBar\">"; try { foreach (WorkflowComponent com in WorkflowComponentUtil.GetWorkflowComponents(p.WorkflowId)) { Form form = FormUtil.GetProjectFormByTemplate(com.FormID, p.ProjectId); projectNode += "<li class=\"ProgressBar-step\" id=\"li" + com.WFComponentID + "\">"; projectNode += "<svg class=\"ProgressBar-icon\"></svg><a href='Forms.aspx?pfid=" + form.FormId + "'><span class=\"ProgressBar-stepLabel\">" + com.ComponentTitle + "</a></span>"; projectNode += "<div class=\"li-dropdown\" id=\"li-drop" + com.WFComponentID + "\">"; projectNode += "<div class=\"workflow-form\"><i class=\"big inbox icon\"></i><h3>" + form.FormName + "</h3></div></div></li>"; } } catch (Exception e) { } projectNode += "</ol></div>"; projectViewer.InnerHtml += projectNode; }
protected void MakeUserTable() { List <User> users = UserUtil.GetUsers(); UserTable.InnerHtml = ""; var userTable = ""; userTable += "<table class=\"ui orange table\"><thead><tr><th>Name</th><th>Email</th><th>Company</th><th>Role</th></tr></thead>"; userTable += "<tbody>"; foreach (User user in users) { if (user.UserId != -1 && user.UserId != -2) { Company company = CompanyUtil.GetCompany(user.CompanyId); Role role = RoleUtil.GetRole(user.RoleId); userTable += "<tr onclick=\"EditUser('" + user.FirstName + "','" + user.LastName + "','" + role.RoleName + "'," + role.RoleId + "," + user.UserId + ")\">" + "<td>" + user.FullName + "</td><td>" + user.Email + "</td><td>" + company.CompanyName + "</td><td>" + role.RoleName + "</td></tr>"; } } userTable += "</tbody></table>"; UserTable.InnerHtml += userTable; }
private async Task <DialogTurnResult> SaveOrContinueStepAsync(WaterfallStepContext stepContext, CancellationToken cancellationtoken) { var answer = stepContext.Result.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(); if (answer == "yes") { return(await stepContext.ReplaceDialogAsync("DeviceBOMDialog")); } else if (answer == "no") { //save all state var Basket = await _botAccessors.QuoteBasket.GetAsync(stepContext.Context, () => new QuoteBasketModel(), cancellationtoken); var customercompany = CompanyUtil.GetCompanyById(Basket.customer.COMPANY_ID); var dealid = DealsUtil.CreateDeal($"Botdeal-{Basket.customer.NAME}", Basket.customer.COMPANY_ID, Basket.customer.COMPANY_ID, DEALENDPOINT); var quoteexpirationdate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(7); var quoteid = DealsUtil.CreateQuote(Basket.customer.NAME, Basket.customer.LAST_NAME, customercompany, dealid, Basket.customer.EMAIL[0].VALUE, quoteexpirationdate.ToString(), TERMS + Basket.currentRate, QUOTEENDPOINT); var result = DealsUtil.AddProductsToQuote(quoteid, Basket.products, ADDPRODUCTSENDPOINT); if (result == "True") { await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text("Your quote has been send")); } else { await stepContext.Context.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Text("Sorry, we could not process your request at the moment")); } Basket.clearProducts(); return(await stepContext.ReplaceDialogAsync("IntroDialog")); } else { return(await stepContext.EndDialogAsync(cancellationtoken)); } }
protected void CompanyBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CompanyResult.Visible = false; CompanyError.Visible = false; string companyName = Company.Text; Company.Text = ""; //Validate that the logged in user has permissions to do this if (companyName.Length > 0) { Company company = CompanyUtil.CreateCompany(companyName); if (company != null) { User user = (User)Session["User"]; if (user != null) { Log.Info(user.Identity + " created a new company " + companyName); } else { Log.Info("System created a new company " + companyName); } //display user created msg CompanyResult.Visible = true; CompanyResult.Text = "Created company " + companyName; } } else { CompanyError.Visible = true; CompanyError.Text = "Please enter a company name"; } ClearFields(); }
private void SaveForm() { FormResult.Visible = false; string formJson = formViewerData.Value.ToString(); if (formJson.Length > 0 && formJson != "undefined") { //updating a form not, creating it if (Request.QueryString["pfid"] != null) { int formId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["pfid"]); Form f = FormUtil.GetForm(formId); Project p = ProjectUtil.GetProject(f.ProjectId); FormUtil.UpdateForm(formId, f.FormName, formJson); User user = (User)Session["User"]; Log.Info(user.Identity + " edited " + CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(user.CompanyId) + " a form" + f.FormName + " from project " + p.Name + " with " + formJson); if (fileInputName.Value.ToString().Length > 0) { string localName = fileUploadName.Value.ToString(); string fileType = localName.Split('.')[1]; string path = CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(user.CompanyId) + "-" + p.Name + "-" + f.FormName + "." + fileType; SaveFiles(path); f = FormUtil.UpdateFormFile(f, path, localName); Log.Info(user.Identity + " edited " + CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(user.CompanyId) + " a form" + f.FormName + " from project " + p.Name + " added a file " + f.FilePath); } FormResult.CssClass = "success"; FormResult.Text = "Updated form " + f.FormName; } } else { FormResult.CssClass = "error"; FormResult.Text = "Please fill out the form"; } FormResult.Visible = true; }
protected void ProjectFileDownloader_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.QueryString["pid"] != null) { int projId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["pid"]); Project p = ProjectUtil.GetProject(projId); Company c = CompanyUtil.GetCompany(p.CompanyId); WorkflowModel w = WorkflowUtil.GetWorkflow(p.WorkflowId); List <WorkflowComponent> workflowComponents = WorkflowComponentUtil.GetWorkflowComponents(w.WorkflowId); string zipPath = String.Format("{0} - {1} - {2}.zip", w.WorkflowName, p.Name, CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(p.CompanyId)); //delete the zip if it exists if (File.Exists(zipPath)) { File.Delete(zipPath); } using (ZipArchive zip = ZipFile.Open(zipPath, ZipArchiveMode.Create)) { //for each form get the file foreach (WorkflowComponent wc in workflowComponents) { Form f = FormUtil.GetProjectFormByTemplate(wc.FormID, projId); if (f.FilePath.Length > 0) { string fileType = f.FilePath.Split('.')[1]; string fileName = string.Format("{0} {1} Attachment.{2}", CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(p.CompanyId), f.FormName, fileType); zip.CreateEntryFromFile(f.FilePath, fileName); } string pdfName = string.Format("{0} - {1} - {2}.pdf", w.WorkflowName, f.FormName, c.CompanyName); string pdfPath = string.Format("./PDFGen/{0}", pdfName); zip.CreateEntryFromFile(pdfPath, pdfName); } } SendFile(zipPath); } }
//Register a new user in the system protected void RegisterBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserCreateResult.Visible = false; EmailError.Visible = false; NameError.Visible = false; PasswordError.Visible = false; RoleCompanyError.Visible = false; string email = Email.Text; string firstName = FirstName.Text; string lastName = LastName.Text; string pass = Password.Text; string pass2 = PasswordRepeat.Text; int roleId = int.Parse(SelectedRole.Value); int companyId = int.Parse(SelectedCompany.Value); string displayName = ""; bool verificationEmail = true; //Validate that the logged in user has permissions to do this //Validate the new user's information //Create the new user account //Send an email to the new user //checks that a role was selected for the user if (!UserUtil.DoesUserExist(email)) { if (firstName.Length > 0 && lastName.Length > 0) { if (roleId != -1) { if (companyId != -1) { if (pass.Equals(pass2)) { if (pass.Length > 7) { int validPass = ValidatePasswordSecurity(pass); if (validPass == 0) { //creates the user in firebase Firebase.Auth.User fbUser = FirebaseUtil.CreateNewUser(email, pass, displayName, verificationEmail); //if the user already exists in firebase, try to log them in if (fbUser == null) { fbUser = FirebaseUtil.LoginUser(email, pass); } if (fbUser != null) { User u = UserUtil.CreateUser(roleId, companyId, email, firstName, lastName); User user = (User)Session["User"]; if (user != null) { Log.Info(user.Identity + " created a new " + RoleUtil.GetRole(roleId).RoleName + " account under " + CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(companyId) + " assigned to " + firstName + " " + lastName + " - " + email); } else { Log.Info("System created a new " + RoleUtil.GetRole(roleId).RoleName + " account under " + CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(companyId) + " assigned to " + firstName + " " + lastName + " - " + email); } u.FirebaseUser = fbUser; //display user created msg UserCreateResult.Visible = true; UserCreateResult.Text = "Successfully created user " + u.Identity; } else { UserCreateResult.CssClass = "error"; UserCreateResult.Visible = true; UserCreateResult.Text = "Error creating user in Firebase"; } } else { PasswordError.Visible = true; if (validPass == 1) { PasswordError.Text = "Password must contain at least 1 uppercase"; } else if (validPass == 2) { PasswordError.Text = "Password must contain at least 1 lowercase"; } else if (validPass == 3) { PasswordError.Text = "Password must contain at least 1 number"; } else { PasswordError.Text = "Unknown password error"; } } } else { //display user failed to be created msg PasswordError.Visible = true; PasswordError.Text = "Password must be at least 8 chars"; } } else { //throw error, passwords don't match PasswordError.Visible = true; PasswordError.Text = "Passwords don't match"; } } else { //throw error, please select company for user RoleCompanyError.Visible = true; RoleCompanyError.Text = "Please select a company"; } } else { //throw error, please select role for new user RoleCompanyError.Visible = true; RoleCompanyError.Text = "Please select a role"; } } else { NameError.Visible = true; NameError.Text = "Please enter a first and last name"; } } else { EmailError.Visible = true; EmailError.Text = "Email already in use"; } ClearFields(); }
protected void CreateProjectBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int companyId = int.Parse(SelectedCompany.Value); int workflowId = int.Parse(SelectedWorkflow.Value); int coachId = int.Parse(SelectedCoach.Value); string projectName = ProjectName.Text; string projectNotes = ProjectNotes.Text; if (projectName.Length > 0) { if (companyId != -1) { if (workflowId != -1) { if (coachId != -1) { if (Request.QueryString["pid"] != null) { int projId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["pid"]); Project p = ProjectUtil.UpdateProject(projId, projectName, companyId, coachId, projectNotes); User user = (User)Session["User"]; Log.Info(user.Identity + " updated project " + projectName + " with a Workflow of " + WorkflowUtil.GetWorklowName(workflowId) + " assigned to " + CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(companyId) + " under Coach " + UserUtil.GetCoachName(coachId) + " with notes: " + projectNotes); Response.Redirect("Projects.aspx?pid=" + p.ProjectId); } else { Project p = ProjectUtil.CreateProject(projectName, workflowId, companyId, coachId, projectNotes); User user = (User)Session["User"]; Log.Info(user.Identity + " created project " + projectName + " with a Workflow of " + WorkflowUtil.GetWorklowName(workflowId) + " assigned to " + CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(companyId) + " under Coach " + UserUtil.GetCoachName(coachId) + " with notes: " + projectNotes); Response.Redirect("Projects.aspx?pid=" + p.ProjectId); } } } } } else { //enter valid name } }
protected void ApproveFormBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FormResult.Visible = false; //updating a form not, creating it if (Request.QueryString["pfid"] != null) { int formId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["pfid"]); Form f = FormUtil.GetForm(formId); Project p = ProjectUtil.GetProject(f.ProjectId); WorkflowModel w = WorkflowUtil.GetWorkflow(p.WorkflowId); User user = (User)Session["User"]; FormUtil.ApproveForm(formId, user.RoleId); Log.Info(user.Identity + " approved " + CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(p.CompanyId) + "'s form " + f.FormName + " - " + p.Name); FormResult.CssClass = "success"; FormResult.Text = "Approved form " + f.FormName; FormResult.Visible = true; //prep html for pdf generation HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument(); string pdfName = string.Format("{0} - {1} - {2}", w.WorkflowName, f.FormName, CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(p.CompanyId)); string html = formViewerData.Value; if (html.Contains("user-data")) { html = html.Replace("user-data", "value"); } if (html.Contains("\"")) { html = html.Replace("\"", "'"); } doc.LoadHtml(html); doc.Save("PDFGen/" + CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(p.CompanyId) + "_" + f.FormName + "_" + p.Name + ".html"); //radiobtns foreach (HtmlNode link in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//input[@type]")) { HtmlAttribute type = link.Attributes["type"]; if (type.Value.Equals("radio")) { if (link.Attributes.Contains("checked")) { } else { if (link.Attributes.Contains("id")) { string toDelId = link.Attributes["id"].Value; foreach (HtmlNode label in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//label[@for]")) { string forId = label.Attributes["for"].Value; if (forId.Equals(toDelId)) { label.Remove(); } } } } link.Attributes.Remove("value"); } } //text fields, dates, + similar foreach (HtmlNode link in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//input[@value]")) { HtmlAttribute value = link.Attributes["value"]; if (link.Attributes.Contains("placeholder")) { link.Attributes.Remove("placeholder"); } string val = value.Value; link.InnerHtml = val; link.Attributes.Remove("value"); } //text areas foreach (HtmlNode link in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//textarea[@value]")) { HtmlAttribute value = link.Attributes["value"]; if (link.Attributes.Contains("placeholder")) { link.Attributes.Remove("placeholder"); } string val = value.Value; link.InnerHtml = val; link.Attributes.Remove("value"); } //attached files if (f.FilePath.Length > 0) { foreach (HtmlNode link in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//input[@type]")) { HtmlAttribute type = link.Attributes["type"]; if (type.Value.Equals("file")) { string fileType = f.FilePath.Split('.')[1]; string fileName = string.Format("{0} {1} Attachment.{2}", CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(p.CompanyId), f.FormName, fileType); link.InnerHtml = "See " + fileName; } } } doc.Save("PDFGen/" + CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(p.CompanyId) + "_" + f.FormName + "_" + p.Name + ".html"); doc.Load("PDFGen/" + CompanyUtil.GetCompanyName(p.CompanyId) + "_" + f.FormName + "_" + p.Name + ".html"); html = doc.Text; //pdf gen PDFGen.CreateHTMLPDF(html, pdfName); Response.Redirect("Forms.aspx?pfid=" + formId); } }
public CompanyController() { result = new Result(); companyUtil = new CompanyUtil(); countryUtil = new CountryUtil(); }