private void ChargeFromOther(CompPowerBattery battery, float charge) { battery.DrawPower(charge); var efficiency = Props.efficiency; Props.efficiency = 1.0f; AddEnergy(charge); Props.efficiency = efficiency; }
// Token: 0x06000015 RID: 21 RVA: 0x00002480 File Offset: 0x00000680 public bool UseResources() { if (!this.HasEnoughEnergy()) { return(false); } float val = activePower; for (int i = 0; i < powerTrader.PowerNet.batteryComps.Count; i++) { CompPowerBattery compPowerBattery = powerTrader.PowerNet.batteryComps[i]; float num = Math.Min(val, compPowerBattery.StoredEnergy); val -= num; compPowerBattery.DrawPower(num); } return(true); }
public bool UseResources() { if (!this.HasEnoughEnergy()) { return(false); } float _EnergyLeftToDrain = this.m_RequiredEnergy; for (int i = 0; i < this.m_PowerComp.PowerNet.batteryComps.Count; i++) { CompPowerBattery compPowerBattery = this.m_PowerComp.PowerNet.batteryComps[i]; float _DrainThisTime = Math.Min(_EnergyLeftToDrain, compPowerBattery.StoredEnergy); _EnergyLeftToDrain -= _DrainThisTime; compPowerBattery.DrawPower(_DrainThisTime); } return(true); }
private void ChargeFromOther(CompPowerBattery battery, float charge) { battery.DrawPower(charge); AddEnergy(charge); }
public override void Tick() { base.Tick(); if (this.StoredEnergy > 0) { this.StoredEnergy -= 0.01f; } else { if (!this.Downed) { Hediff hediff = HediffMaker.MakeHediff(ProfSchmilvsPokemon.DefOfs.HediffDefOf.OutOfPower, this);; } } if (closestCompPower == null && this.StoredEnergy >= this.storedEnergyMax * 0.21f && this.Faction != null) { if (this.repairJob == null) { List <Thing> toRepair = base.Map.listerBuildingsRepairable.RepairableBuildings(this.Faction); if (!toRepair.NullOrEmpty()) { this.repairJob = toRepair[0];; this.pather.StartPath(new LocalTargetInfo(this.repairJob.Position), Verse.AI.PathEndMode.Touch); } } else { if (this.repairJob.MaxHitPoints == this.repairJob.HitPoints) { base.Map.listerBuildingsRepairable.Notify_BuildingRepaired((Building)this.repairJob); this.repairJob = null;; } else { if (this.Position.AdjacentTo8WayOrInside(this.repairJob.Position)) { this.repairing(); } else if (this.pather.Destination != new LocalTargetInfo(this.repairJob.Position)) { this.pather.StartPath(new LocalTargetInfo(this.repairJob.Position), Verse.AI.PathEndMode.Touch); } } } } if (closestCompPower != null && this.StoredEnergy >= this.storedEnergyMax) { closestCompPower = null;; } if (this.Downed) { if (this.StoredEnergy < this.storedEnergyMax * 0.2f) { List <CompPower> dummylist = Spawner.spawnerPokemon.PowerComps; if (!dummylist.NullOrEmpty()) { float distance = 999999f; foreach (CompPower cp in dummylist) { float compareDistance = this.Position.DistanceTo(cp.parent.Position); if (compareDistance < distance) { distance = compareDistance; closestCompPower = cp; } } } } if (this.Position.AdjacentTo8WayOrInside(this.closestCompPower.parent.Position)) { PowerNet pn = this.closestCompPower.PowerNet; if (pn != null) { float currentEnergy = pn.CurrentStoredEnergy(); if (currentEnergy >= 0.5f) { List <CompPowerBattery> cpb = pn.batteryComps; CompPowerBattery bat = null; foreach (CompPowerBattery c in cpb) { if (c.StoredEnergy >= 0.5f) { bat = c; break; } } if (bat != null) { this.StoredEnergy += 0.5f; bat.DrawPower(0.5f); } } } } if (this.StoredEnergy > this.storedEnergyMax * 0.2f) { List <Hediff> heds =; if (!heds.NullOrEmpty()) { Hediff oop = null; foreach (Hediff h in heds) { if (h.def.Equals(ProfSchmilvsPokemon.DefOfs.HediffDefOf.OutOfPower)) { oop = h; } } if (oop != null) {; } } } } else { if (closestCompPower == null) { if (this.StoredEnergy > 0 && this.StoredEnergy < this.storedEnergyMax * 0.2f) { List <CompPower> dummylist = Spawner.spawnerPokemon.PowerComps; if (!dummylist.NullOrEmpty()) { float distance = 999999f; foreach (CompPower cp in dummylist) { float compareDistance = this.Position.DistanceTo(cp.parent.Position); if (compareDistance < distance) { distance = compareDistance; closestCompPower = cp; } } this.pather.StartPath(new LocalTargetInfo(this.closestCompPower.parent.Position), Verse.AI.PathEndMode.OnCell); } } } else { if (this.Position.AdjacentTo8WayOrInside(this.closestCompPower.parent.Position)) { PowerNet pn = this.closestCompPower.PowerNet; if (pn != null) { float currentEnergy = pn.CurrentStoredEnergy(); if (currentEnergy >= 0.5f) { List <CompPowerBattery> cpb = pn.batteryComps; CompPowerBattery bat = null; foreach (CompPowerBattery c in cpb) { if (c.StoredEnergy >= 0.5f) { bat = c; break; } } if (bat != null) { this.StoredEnergy += 0.5f; bat.DrawPower(0.5f); this.evolve(); } } } } else { if (this.pather.Destination != new LocalTargetInfo(this.closestCompPower.parent.Position)) {; this.pather.StartPath(new LocalTargetInfo(this.closestCompPower.parent.Position), Verse.AI.PathEndMode.Touch); } } } } }
protected override void Impact(Thing hitThing) { Map map = base.Map; base.Impact(hitThing); ThingDef def = this.def; Pawn caster = this.launcher as Pawn; if (!this.initialized) { ModOptions.SettingsRef settingsRef = new ModOptions.SettingsRef(); CompAbilityUserMagic comp = caster.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>(); pwrVal = comp.MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_Sabotage.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Sabotage_pwr").level; verVal = comp.MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_Sabotage.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Sabotage_ver").level; if (caster.story.traits.HasTrait(TorannMagicDefOf.Faceless)) { MightPowerSkill mpwr = caster.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMight>().MightData.MightPowerSkill_Mimic.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Mimic_pwr"); MightPowerSkill mver = caster.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMight>().MightData.MightPowerSkill_Mimic.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Mimic_ver"); pwrVal = mpwr.level; verVal = mver.level; } this.arcaneDmg = comp.arcaneDmg; if (settingsRef.AIHardMode && !caster.IsColonist) { pwrVal = 3; verVal = 3; } SoundInfo info = SoundInfo.InMap(new TargetInfo(base.Position, this.Map, false), MaintenanceType.None); info.pitchFactor = .5f; info.volumeFactor = .8f; SoundDefOf.PsychicPulseGlobal.PlayOneShot(info); Effecter SabotageEffect = TorannMagicDefOf.TM_SabotageExplosion.Spawn(); SabotageEffect.Trigger(new TargetInfo(base.Position, this.Map, false), new TargetInfo(base.Position, this.Map, false)); SabotageEffect.Cleanup(); targetCells = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(base.Position, this.def.projectile.explosionRadius, true).ToList(); this.targetThings = new List <SabotageThing>(); this.targetThings.Clear(); this.initialized = true; Pawn targetPawn = null; Building targetBuilding = null; for (int i = 0; i < this.targetCells.Count; i++) { var targetCell = this.targetCells[i]; if (Rand.Chance((.5f + (.1f * verVal)) * this.arcaneDmg)) { float rnd = Rand.Range(0, 1f); targetPawn = targetCell.GetFirstPawn(this.Map); if (targetPawn != null) { if (TM_Calc.IsRobotPawn(targetPawn)) { TM_Action.DoAction_SabotagePawn(targetPawn, caster, rnd, pwrVal, this.arcaneDmg, this.launcher); this.age = this.duration; } else { targetPawn = null; //Log.Message("pawn not a robot, mechanoid, or android"); } } targetBuilding = targetCell.GetFirstBuilding(this.Map); if (targetPawn == null && targetBuilding != null) { CompPower compP = targetBuilding.GetComp <CompPower>(); CompPowerTrader cpt = targetBuilding.GetComp <CompPowerTrader>(); if (compP != null && compP.Props.basePowerConsumption != 0 && cpt != null && cpt.powerOutputInt != 0) { if (true) { //stun/electrical explosion GenExplosion.DoExplosion(targetBuilding.Position, base.Map, 2 + pwrVal + Mathf.RoundToInt(cpt.powerOutputInt / 400), DamageDefOf.Stun, null); GenExplosion.DoExplosion(targetBuilding.Position, base.Map, 1 + pwrVal + Mathf.RoundToInt(cpt.powerOutputInt / 600), TMDamageDefOf.DamageDefOf.TM_ElectricalBurn, null); } else { } } Building_Battery targetBattery = targetBuilding as Building_Battery; if (targetBattery != null && targetBattery.def.thingClass.ToString() == "RimWorld.Building_Battery") { CompPowerBattery compB = targetBattery.GetComp <CompPowerBattery>(); if (rnd <= .5f) { Traverse.Create(root: targetBattery).Field(name: "ticksToExplode").SetValue(Rand.Range(40, 130) - (5 * pwrVal)); compB.SetStoredEnergyPct(.81f); } else { GenExplosion.DoExplosion(targetBattery.Position, base.Map, 2 + pwrVal + Mathf.RoundToInt(compB.StoredEnergy / 200), DamageDefOf.EMP, null); compB.DrawPower(compB.StoredEnergy); } } Building_TurretGun targetTurret = targetBuilding as Building_TurretGun; if (targetTurret != null && targetTurret.gun != null) { if (rnd <= .5f) { targetTurret.SetFaction(Faction.OfAncientsHostile, null); } else { GenExplosion.DoExplosion(targetTurret.Position, base.Map, 2 + pwrVal, TMDamageDefOf.DamageDefOf.TM_ElectricalBurn, null); //20 default damage } } } else { //Log.Message("no thing to sabotage"); } targetPawn = null; targetBuilding = null; } } } else if (this.targetThings.Count > 0) { this.age = this.duration; } else { this.age = this.duration; } }
public float GetEnergyStored(float currentEnergyOtherSide) { if (thisBattery.PowerNet == null) { //Logger.MessageFormat(this, "No PowerNet found."); reloadedEnergyCalculated = true; oldDuplicateEnergy = duplicateEnergy = 1.0f; return(0.0f); } List <CompPowerBattery> networkBatteries = this.AvailableBatteries(); oldNetworkEnergy = networkEnergy; oldDuplicateEnergy = duplicateEnergy; duplicateEnergy = currentEnergyOtherSide; float duplicateEnergyChange = duplicateEnergy - oldDuplicateEnergy; networkEnergy = networkBatteries.Select(x => x.StoredEnergy).DefaultIfEmpty(0.0f).Sum(); float networkMaxEnergy = networkBatteries.Select(x => x.Props.storedEnergyMax).DefaultIfEmpty(0.0f).Sum(); energyGained = networkEnergy - oldNetworkEnergy; energyReturned = duplicateEnergyChange; //Logger.MessageFormat(this, "{0}, Old duplicate energy: {1}, new duplicate energy: {2}, Duplicate energy change: {3}, network: {4}/{5}", this.parent.GetType().ToString(), oldDuplicateEnergy, duplicateEnergy, duplicateEnergyChange, networkEnergy, networkMaxEnergy); if (reloadedEnergyCalculated && duplicateEnergyChange != 0.0f) { float networkEnergyPlusDuplicate = networkEnergy + duplicateEnergyChange; // If more energy lost in duplicate battery than available in duplicated network if (networkEnergyPlusDuplicate < 0.0f) { if (networkEnergy > 0.0f) { // Drain the whole thing foreach (CompPowerBattery battery in networkBatteries) { battery.SetStoredEnergyPct(0.0f); } networkEnergy = 0.0f; //Logger.MessageFormat(this, "Network drained"); } } // If more energy gained in duplicate battery than the network can hold else if (networkEnergyPlusDuplicate > networkMaxEnergy) { if (networkEnergy < networkMaxEnergy) { // Max the whole thing foreach (CompPowerBattery battery in networkBatteries) { battery.SetStoredEnergyPct(1.0f); } networkEnergy = networkMaxEnergy; //Logger.MessageFormat(this, "Network filled"); } } else if (oldDuplicateEnergy > 0.0f) { if (duplicateEnergyChange > 0.0f) { List <CompPowerBattery> shuffledBatteries = new List <CompPowerBattery>(); shuffledBatteries.AddRange(networkBatteries); float totalEnergyToGive = duplicateEnergyChange; int i = 0; while (totalEnergyToGive > 0.0f && i < shuffledBatteries.Count) { CompPowerBattery compPowerBattery = shuffledBatteries[i]; float energyCanRecieve = (compPowerBattery.Props.storedEnergyMax - compPowerBattery.StoredEnergy); float energyToGive = Mathf.Min(totalEnergyToGive, energyCanRecieve); compPowerBattery.AddEnergy(energyToGive / compPowerBattery.Props.efficiency); totalEnergyToGive -= energyToGive; ++i; } } else if (duplicateEnergyChange < 0.0f) { List <CompPowerBattery> shuffledBatteries = new List <CompPowerBattery>(); shuffledBatteries.AddRange(networkBatteries); float totalEnergyToGive = -duplicateEnergyChange; int i = 0; while (totalEnergyToGive > 0.0f && i < shuffledBatteries.Count) { CompPowerBattery compPowerBattery = shuffledBatteries[i]; float energyCanRemove = compPowerBattery.StoredEnergy; float energyToRemove = Mathf.Min(totalEnergyToGive, energyCanRemove); compPowerBattery.DrawPower(energyToRemove); totalEnergyToGive -= energyToRemove; ++i; } } //Logger.MessageFormat(this, "Duplicate energy change: {0}, energy returned to network: {1}", energyGained, energyReturned); } } reloadedEnergyCalculated = true; // Add in any extra energy stored in the sharer if (currentEnergyOtherSide > networkMaxEnergy) { networkEnergy += (currentEnergyOtherSide - networkMaxEnergy); } duplicateEnergy = networkEnergy; return(networkEnergy); }
protected override IEnumerable <Toil> MakeNewToils() { this.FailOnDestroyedNullOrForbidden(PowerDestIndex); AddFailCondition(() => energyNeed == null); yield return(Toils_Reserve.Reserve(PowerDestIndex)); if (!TargetB.IsValid) { yield return(Toils_Goto.GotoThing(PowerDestIndex, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch)); } else { yield return(Toils_Reserve.Reserve(AlternateDestIndex)); yield return(Toils_Goto.GotoThing(AlternateDestIndex, PathEndMode.OnCell)); } Toil rechargeToil = new Toil(); rechargeToil.tickAction = delegate { //Drain the powernet. CompPowerBattery compBattery = powerBuilding.PowerComp?.PowerNet?.batteryComps?.FirstOrDefault(battery => battery.StoredEnergy > PowerNetEnergyDrainedPerTick); if (compBattery != null) { compBattery.DrawPower(PowerNetEnergyDrainedPerTick); //Add to our energy. energyNeed.CurLevel += energyNeed.MaxLevel / MaxTicksSpentCharging; } ticksSpentCharging++; }; rechargeToil.AddEndCondition(delegate { if (powerBuilding == null || powerBuilding.PowerComp == null /*|| temporaryTrader == null*/) { return(JobCondition.Incompletable); } if (powerBuilding.PowerComp?.PowerNet.CurrentStoredEnergy() < PowerNetEnergyDrainedPerTick) { return(JobCondition.Incompletable); } if (energyNeed.CurLevelPercentage >= 0.99f) { return(JobCondition.Succeeded); } if (ticksSpentCharging > MaxTicksSpentCharging) { return(JobCondition.Incompletable); } return(JobCondition.Ongoing); }); if (!TargetB.IsValid) { rechargeToil.FailOnCannotTouch(PowerDestIndex, PathEndMode.ClosestTouch); } else { rechargeToil.FailOnCannotTouch(AlternateDestIndex, PathEndMode.OnCell); } rechargeToil.WithProgressBar(TargetIndex.A, () => energyNeed.CurLevelPercentage, false); rechargeToil.defaultCompleteMode = ToilCompleteMode.Never; yield return(rechargeToil); }