Example #1
        public override void ParseData()
            // Get all groups
            int         curIndx = 0;
            List <Info> allInfo = new List <Info>();

            while (curIndx < Data.Length)
                CommonMappings.eRotations rot     = (CommonMappings.eRotations)Data[curIndx + 3];
                short              maxBaseOSet    = GetNumericValueFromData <short>(curIndx + 4, 2);
                ushort             maxCharInc     = GetNumericValueFromData <ushort>(curIndx + 6, 2);
                ushort             spaceCharInc   = GetNumericValueFromData <ushort>(curIndx + 8, 2);
                ushort             maxBaseExt     = GetNumericValueFromData <ushort>(curIndx + 10, 2);
                Info.eControlFlags cFlags         = (Info.eControlFlags)Data[curIndx + 12];
                ushort             emSpaceInc     = GetNumericValueFromData <ushort>(curIndx + 14, 2);
                ushort             figSpaceInc    = GetNumericValueFromData <ushort>(curIndx + 18, 2);
                ushort             nomCharInc     = GetNumericValueFromData <ushort>(curIndx + 20, 2);
                ushort             defaultBaseInc = GetNumericValueFromData <ushort>(curIndx + 22, 2);
                short              minASpace      = GetNumericValueFromData <short>(curIndx + 24, 2);

                allInfo.Add(new Info(rot, maxBaseOSet, maxCharInc, spaceCharInc, maxBaseExt, cFlags,
                                     emSpaceInc, figSpaceInc, nomCharInc, defaultBaseInc, minASpace));
                curIndx += RepeatingGroupLength;

            _FNOInfo = allInfo;
Example #2
        public STO(CommonMappings.eRotations iOrient, CommonMappings.eRotations bOrient, bool hasPrefix, bool isChained)
            : base(Lookups.PTXControlSequenceID <STO>(isChained), hasPrefix, null)
            Data = new byte[4];

            // The enum values need to be multiplied by 2 to reflect the actual degree values
            IDegrees = (ushort)((ushort)iOrient * 2);
            BDegrees = (ushort)((ushort)bOrient * 2);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a string to the a location on a page, using a specific encoding.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageContainer"></param> The container of the page which will contain the specified text
        /// <param name="fontCharacterSet"></param> The name of the Font Character Set resource file. Will create a new MCF record if needed.
        /// <param name="inline"></param> The inline (relative horizontal) position offset of the text
        /// <param name="baseline"></param> The baseline (relative vertical) position offset of the text
        /// <param name="text"></param> The string to encode
        /// <param name="encoding"></param> The type of encoding to map characters to. Must correspond to code page mapping parameter.
        /// <param name="interCharSpacing"></param> If specified, overrides the default intercharacter spacing of 0
        /// <param name="codePage"></param> The code page to use when decoding bytes to LIDs
        /// <param name="inlineRotation"></param> The inline (relative horizontal) direction of the text. Must be parallel to baseline rotation.
        /// <param name="baselineRotation"></param> The baseline (relative vertical) direction of the text. Must be parallel to inline rotation.
        public void AddText(Container pageContainer, string fontCharacterSet, short inline, short baseline,
                            string text, Encoding encoding, short interCharSpacing = 0, string codePage = "T1DM1252",
                            CommonMappings.eRotations inlineRotation   = CommonMappings.eRotations.Zero,
                            CommonMappings.eRotations baselineRotation = CommonMappings.eRotations.Ninety)
            // Make sure the inline/baseline rotations are parallel
            bool inlineIsHorizontal   = inlineRotation == CommonMappings.eRotations.Zero || inlineRotation == CommonMappings.eRotations.OneEighty;
            bool baselineIsHorizontal = baselineRotation == CommonMappings.eRotations.Zero || baselineRotation == CommonMappings.eRotations.OneEighty;

            if (inlineIsHorizontal == baselineIsHorizontal)
                throw new Exception("Error: Inline and baseline rotations must be parallel to each other.");

            // Find the MCF-1 field on this page
            MCF1 mcf = pageContainer.GetStructure <MCF1>();
            IReadOnlyList <MCF1.MCF1Data> mcfData = mcf?.MappedData;

            if (mcfData == null)
                throw new Exception("Error: MCF-1 field could not be found in the specified page.");

            // If the specified font character set does not exist, create it
            byte fontId = mcfData.FirstOrDefault(m => m.FontCharacterSetName == fontCharacterSet)?.ID
                          ?? mcf.AddFontDefinition(string.Empty, codePage, fontCharacterSet);

            // Add several sequences to the list based on passed parameters
            List <PTXControlSequence> newSequences = new List <PTXControlSequence>();

            newSequences.Add(new SCFL(fontId, true, true));
            newSequences.Add(new AMI(inline, false, true));
            newSequences.Add(new AMB(baseline, false, true));
            newSequences.Add(new STO(inlineRotation, baselineRotation, false, true));
            if (interCharSpacing != 0)
                newSequences.Add(new SIA(interCharSpacing, false, true));
            newSequences.Add(new TRN(encoding.GetBytes(text), false, false));

            // Create a new BPT/PTX/EPT at the end of this page
            int indexToInsert = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Fields.Count; i++)
                if (Fields[i] == pageContainer.Structures.Last())
                    indexToInsert = i;
            AddFields(new List <StructuredField>()
                new BPT(), new PTX(newSequences), new EPT()
            }, indexToInsert);
Example #4
 public Info(CommonMappings.eRotations rot, short maxBaseOSet, ushort maxCharInc, ushort spaceCharInc, ushort maxBaseExt,
             eControlFlags cFlags, ushort emSpaceInc, ushort figSpaceInc, ushort nomCharInc, ushort defaultBaseInc, short minASpace)
     Rotation                 = rot;
     MaxBaselineOffset        = maxBaseOSet;
     MaxCharIncrement         = maxCharInc;
     SpaceCharIncrement       = spaceCharInc;
     MaxBaselineExtent        = maxBaseExt;
     ControlFlags             = cFlags;
     EmSpaceIncrement         = emSpaceInc;
     FigureSpaceIncrement     = figSpaceInc;
     NominalCharIncrement     = nomCharInc;
     DefaultBaselineIncrement = defaultBaseInc;
     MinASpace                = minASpace;
Example #5
        private void SaveBitmapsAsFont()
            // Open each bitmap, and convert pure black pixels to an array of bools
            List <CharInfo> charInfos = new List <CharInfo>();

            foreach (FileInfo f in new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "..\\..\\..\\Sample Files\\Barcode Chars")).GetFiles())
                Bitmap png      = new Bitmap(f.FullName);
                char   thisChar = f.Name == "Asterisk.png" ? '*' : f.Name[0];
                bool[,] boolVals = new bool[png.Width + 1, png.Height];

                for (int y = 0; y < png.Height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < png.Width; x++)
                        boolVals[x + 1, y] = png.GetPixel(x, y).GetBrightness() < 0.5;

                charInfos.Add(new CharInfo(thisChar, boolVals));

            // Create an AFP font file (BFN, FND, FNC, FNM, FNO, FNP, FNIs, FNGs, EFN) using bool arrays as FNGs
            BFN newBFN = new BFN("BARCOD39");

            FND newFND = new FND("Code 39 Barcode", 172);

            ushort maxBitsWideIdx   = (ushort)(charInfos.Max(c => c.BitWidth) - 1);
            ushort maxBitsTallIdx   = (ushort)(charInfos.Max(c => c.BitHeight) - 1);
            int    totalRasterBytes = charInfos.Sum(c => c.RoundedBitWidth * c.BitHeight);
            FNC    newFNC           = new FNC(maxBitsWideIdx, maxBitsTallIdx, totalRasterBytes);

            uint curFNMIndex = 0;
            List <FNM.PatternData> fnmPatData = new List <FNM.PatternData>();

            foreach (CharInfo c in charInfos)
                fnmPatData.Add(new FNM.PatternData((ushort)(c.BitWidth - 1), (ushort)(c.BitHeight - 1), curFNMIndex));
                curFNMIndex += (uint)((c.RoundedBitWidth * c.BitHeight) / 8);
            FNM newFNM = new FNM(fnmPatData);

            List <FNO.Info> fnoInfos   = new List <FNO.Info>();
            ushort          maxCharInc = charInfos.Max(c => c.CharIncrement);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                Type eType = typeof(CommonMappings.eRotations);
                CommonMappings.eRotations curRot = (CommonMappings.eRotations)Enum.Parse(eType, Enum.GetNames(eType)[i]);
                ushort curBaseline           = (i == 0 || i == 2) ? (ushort)1000 : maxCharInc;
                ushort curCharInc            = (i == 0 || i == 2) ? maxCharInc : (ushort)1000;
                FNO.Info.eControlFlags flags = i == 0 ? 0 : i == 1 ? FNO.Info.eControlFlags.FNI1 : i == 2 ? FNO.Info.eControlFlags.FNI2 : FNO.Info.eControlFlags.FNI3;
                fnoInfos.Add(new FNO.Info(curRot, (short)curBaseline, curCharInc, 0, curBaseline, flags, 1000, curCharInc, curCharInc, curBaseline, 0));
            FNO newFNO = new FNO(fnoInfos);

            List <FNP.Info> fnpInfos = new List <FNP.Info>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                short curAsc = (short)((i == 0 || i == 2) ? maxCharInc : 1000);
                fnpInfos.Add(new FNP.Info(1000, 1000, curAsc, 0, 1000, 100));
            FNP newFNP = new FNP(fnpInfos);

            List <FNI> newFNIs = new List <FNI>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                ushort fnmIndex = 0;

                List <FNI.Info> fniInfos = new List <FNI.Info>();
                foreach (CharInfo c in charInfos)
                    string gid          = CodePages.C1140[Converters.EBCDIC.GetBytes(new[] { c.Character })[0]];
                    ushort curCharInc   = (ushort)((i == 0 || i == 2) ? c.CharIncrement : 1000);
                    short  curAscHeight = (short)((i == 0 || i == 2) ? 1000 : c.CharIncrement);
                    fniInfos.Add(new FNI.Info(gid, c.CharIncrement, curAscHeight, 0, fnmIndex++, 0, curCharInc, 0, curAscHeight));
                newFNIs.Add(new FNI(fniInfos));

            List <byte> fngBytes = new List <byte>();

            foreach (CharInfo c in charInfos)
                for (int y = 0; y < c.BitHeight; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < c.BitWidth; x += 8)
                        int[]       curByte = new int[1];
                        List <bool> bitRow  = new List <bool>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                            if (c.RawBits.GetUpperBound(0) >= x + i)
                                bitRow.Add(c.RawBits[x + i, y]);
                        if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
                        new BitArray(bitRow.ToArray()).CopyTo(curByte, 0);
            FNG newFNG = new FNG(fngBytes.ToArray());

            EFN newEFN = new EFN(newBFN.ObjectName);

            string path = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "..\\..\\..\\Sample Files\\FONTS\\FONTTEST");
            List <StructuredField> fields = new List <StructuredField>()
                newBFN, newFND, newFNC, newFNM, newFNO, newFNP

            fields.AddRange(new StructuredField[] { newFNG, newEFN });
            List <byte> encoded = new List <byte>();

            foreach (StructuredField field in fields)
            File.WriteAllBytes(path, encoded.ToArray());