/// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser, string where)
            List <InventoryOrderPartInfo> inventoryOrderPartInfos = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <InventoryOrderPartInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (inventoryOrderPartInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            List <InventoryOrderPartInfo> orderPartInfos = dal.GetList(where, string.Empty);

            foreach (var item in inventoryOrderPartInfos)
                InventoryOrderPartInfo inventory = orderPartInfos.Where(d => d.Dloc == item.Dloc && d.PartNo == item.PartNo && d.SupplierNum == item.SupplierNum && d.PackageModel == item.PackageModel && d.PackageQty == item.PackageQty).FirstOrDefault();
                if (inventory == null)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000255");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                if (item.PartQty == null)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000380");///物料盘点数量为必填项
                bool regular = Regex.IsMatch(item.PartQty.ToString(), @"^(^-?|^\+?|\d)\d+$");
                if (regular == false)
                    regular = Regex.IsMatch(item.PartQty.ToString(), @"^(^-?|^\+?|^\d?)\d*\.\d+$");
                    if (regular == false)
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000381");///物料盘点数量的数据格式不正确,请输入数字格式
                inventory.DifferenceQty = item.PartQty - (inventory.ReferenceQty == null ? 0 : inventory.ReferenceQty);
                inventory.SapDqty       = item.PartQty - (inventory.SapMenge == null ? 0 : inventory.SapMenge);
                stringBuilder.Append("update [LES].[TT_WMM_INVENTORY_ORDER_PART] set [DIFFERENCE_QTY] = N'" + inventory.DifferenceQty + "',[SAP_DQTY] = N'" + inventory.SapDqty + "',[PART_QTY] = N'" + item.PartQty + "',[COMMENTS] = N'" + item.Comments + "',[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "',[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() where [FID] = N'" + inventory.Fid + "';\n\n");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringBuilder.ToString()))
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000283");///:没有可导入更新的数据
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser)
            DateTime dtDate;

            for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                if (!DateTime.TryParse(dataTable.Rows[i]["WorkDay"].ToString(), out dtDate))
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000393");///日期格式不正确
                if (!DateTime.TryParse(dataTable.Rows[i]["WindowTime"].ToString(), out dtDate))
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000393");///日期格式不正确

            List <TwdWindowTimeInfo> twdWindows = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <TwdWindowTimeInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (twdWindows.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <TwdWindowTimeInfo> timeInfos = dal.GetList("[PART_BOX_CODE] in ('" + string.Join("','", twdWindows.Select(d => d.PartBoxCode).ToArray()) + "') and [WORK_DAY] in ('" + string.Join("','", twdWindows.Select(d => d.WorkDay).ToArray()) + "') and [WINDOW_TIME] in ('" + string.Join("','", twdWindows.Select(d => d.WindowTime).ToArray()) + "')", string.Empty).ToList();
            List <TwdPartBoxInfo> twdParts = new TwdPartBoxDAL().GetList("[PART_BOX_CODE] in ('" + string.Join("','", twdWindows.Select(d => d.PartBoxCode).ToArray()) + "')", string.Empty).ToList();

            if (twdParts.Count() != twdWindows.Count())
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000225");///拉动零件类数据错误
            List <string> fields        = new List <string>(fieldNames.Keys);
            StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var item in twdWindows)
                TwdWindowTimeInfo timeInfo = timeInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PartBoxCode == item.PartBoxCode && d.WorkDay == item.WorkDay && d.WindowTime == item.WindowTime);

                TwdPartBoxInfo boxInfo = twdParts.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PartBoxCode == item.PartBoxCode);
                ///发单时间 = 工作日年月日 + 窗口时间时分秒 - 提前时间
                int advanceTime = boxInfo.RequirementAccumulateTime.GetValueOrDefault() + ///需求累积时间
                                  boxInfo.LoadTime.GetValueOrDefault() +                  ///装货时间
                                  boxInfo.TransportTime.GetValueOrDefault() +             ///运输时间
                                  boxInfo.UnloadTime.GetValueOrDefault();                 ///卸货时间
                item.SendTime = item.WindowTime.GetValueOrDefault().AddMinutes(-advanceTime);
                if (timeInfo == null)
                    if (item.WindowTime == null || item.WorkDay == null || item.PartBoxCode == null)
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000510");///零件类工作日窗口时间不可为空
                    stringBuilder.Append("newid(),N'" + boxInfo.Fid + "',N'" + item.PartBoxCode + "',N'" + boxInfo.PartBoxName + "',N'" + boxInfo.Plant + "',N'" + boxInfo.Workshop + "',N'" + boxInfo.AssemblyLine + "',N'" + boxInfo.SupplierNum + "',N'" + item.WorkDay + "',N'" + item.SendTime + "',N'" + item.WindowTime + "'," + (int)SendTimeStatusConstants.NoSend + ",N'" + item.TimeZone + "',N'" + item.Comments + "',1,GETDATE(),N'" + loginUser + "'");

                if (timeInfo.SendTimeStatus != (int)SendTimeStatusConstants.NoSend)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000311");///发单状态⑪为10未发单才允许被修改
                if (item.WindowTime == null || item.WorkDay == null || item.PartBoxCode == null)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000510");///零件类工作日窗口时间不可为空
                stringBuilder.Append("update [LES].[TT_MPM_TWD_WINDOW_TIME] set [PLANT] = N'" + boxInfo.Plant + "',[WORKSHOP] = N'" + boxInfo.Workshop + "',[ASSEMBLY_LINE] = N'" + boxInfo.AssemblyLine + "',[SUPPLIER_NUM] = N'" + boxInfo.SupplierNum + "',[SEND_TIME] = N'" + item.SendTime + "',[COMMENTS] = N'" + item.Comments + "',[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE(),[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "' where [ID] = " + timeInfo.Id + ";");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stringBuilder.ToString()))
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000283");///没有可导入更新的数据
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser)
            List <ZonesInfo> zonesExcelInfos = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <ZonesInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (zonesExcelInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <ZonesInfo> zonesInfos = new ZonesDAL().GetList("" +
                                                                 "[ZONE_NO] in ('" + string.Join("','", zonesExcelInfos.Select(d => d.ZoneNo).ToArray()) + "')", string.Empty);
            List <WarehouseInfo> warehouseInfos = new WarehouseDAL().GetList("" +
                                                                             "[WAREHOUSE] in ('" + string.Join("','", zonesExcelInfos.Select(d => d.WmNo).ToArray()) + "')", string.Empty);
            string allow_zoneno_repeat_at_different_warehouse = new ConfigDAL().GetValueByCode("ALLOW_ZONENO_REPEAT_AT_DIFFERENT_WAREHOUSE");
            StringBuilder @string = new StringBuilder();

            List <string> fields = new List <string>(fieldNames.Keys);

            foreach (var zonesExcelInfo in zonesExcelInfos)
                WarehouseInfo warehouseInfo = warehouseInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Warehouse == zonesExcelInfo.WmNo);
                if (warehouseInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000230");///仓库信息不存在
                ValidInfo(zonesExcelInfo, allow_zoneno_repeat_at_different_warehouse);

                ZonesInfo zonesInfo = zonesInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.ZoneNo == zonesExcelInfo.ZoneNo && d.WmNo == zonesExcelInfo.WmNo);
                if (zonesInfo == null)
                    string insertFieldString = string.Empty;
                    string insertValueString = string.Empty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                        string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <ZonesInfo>(zonesExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                            throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                        insertFieldString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "],";
                        insertValueString += valueStr + ",";
                    zonesExcelInfo.Fid = Guid.NewGuid();
                    @string.AppendLine("if not exists (select * from [LES].[TM_WMM_ZONES] with(nolock) where [ZONE_NO] = N'" + zonesExcelInfo.ZoneNo + "' and [VALID_FLAG] = 1) " +
                                       "insert into [LES].[TM_WMM_ZONES] " +
                                       "([FID]," + insertFieldString + "[CREATE_USER]," + "[CREATE_DATE]," + "[VALID_FLAG]) values " +
                                       "(N'" + zonesExcelInfo.Fid.GetValueOrDefault() + "'," + insertValueString + "N'" + loginUser + "'," + "GETDATE()," + "1);");


                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(zonesExcelInfo.ZoneName))
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000739");///存储区名称不能为空
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(zonesExcelInfo.WmNo))
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000528");///仓库代码不能为空
                if (zonesExcelInfo.Settlementflag == null)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000529");///结算标记不能为空
                string valueString = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                    string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <ZonesInfo>(zonesExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                        throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                    valueString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "] = " + valueStr + ",";
                @string.AppendLine("update [LES].[TM_WMM_ZONES] " +
                                   "set " + valueString + "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "'," + "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() " +
                                   "where [FID] = N'" + zonesInfo.Fid.GetValueOrDefault() + "';");
            using (var trans = new TransactionScope())
                if (@string.Length > 0)
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser)
            List <UserInfo> userExcelInfos = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <UserInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (userExcelInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <UserInfo> userInfos = new UserDAL().GetList("[LOGIN_NAME] in ('" + string.Join("','", userExcelInfos.Select(d => d.LoginName).ToArray()) + "')", string.Empty);
            string sql = string.Empty;

            List <string> fields = new List <string>(fieldNames.Keys);

            foreach (var userExcelInfo in userExcelInfos)
                if (userExcelInfo.LoginName.ToLower() == "admin")
                UserInfo userInfo = userInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.LoginName == userExcelInfo.LoginName);
                if (userInfo == null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userExcelInfo.LoginName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(userExcelInfo.EmployeeName))
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000238");///用户名与用户姓名是必填项
                    string insertFieldString = string.Empty;
                    string insertValueString = string.Empty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                        string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql(userExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                            throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                        insertFieldString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "],";
                        insertValueString += valueStr + ",";
                    string defaultPassword = new ConfigBLL().GetValueByCode("USER_DEFAULT_PASSWORD");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultPassword))
                        defaultPassword = emptyDefaultPassword;

                    sql += "if not exists (select * from dbo.TS_SYS_USER with(nolock) where [LOGIN_NAME] = N'" + userExcelInfo.LoginName + "' and [VALID_FLAG] = 1) "
                           + "insert into dbo.[TS_SYS_USER] ("
                           + "[FID],"
                           + insertFieldString
                           + "[PASSWORD],"
                           + "[USER_STATUS],"
                           + "[CREATE_USER],"
                           + "[CREATE_DATE],"
                           + "[VALID_FLAG]"
                           + ") values ("
                           + "NEWID(),"                                                  ///FID
                           + insertValueString
                           + "N'" + SignatureHelper.GetSignature(defaultPassword) + "'," ///PASSWORD
                           + "" + (int)UserStatusConstants.Disable + ","                 ///USER_STATUS
                           + "N'" + loginUser + "',"                                     ///CREATE_USER
                           + "GETDATE(),"                                                ///CREATE_DATE
                           + "1"                                                         ///VALID_FLAG
                           + ");";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userExcelInfo.EmployeeName))
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000238");///用户名与用户姓名是必填项
                string valueString = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                    string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql(userExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                        throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                    valueString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "] = " + valueStr + ",";
                sql += "update dbo.[TS_SYS_USER] set "
                       + valueString
                       + "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "',"
                       + "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() "
                       + "where [ID] = " + userInfo.Id + ";";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))

        /// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser)
            List <SupplierInfo> supplierExcelInfos = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <SupplierInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (supplierExcelInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <SupplierInfo> supplierInfos = new SupplierDAL().GetListForInterfaceDataSync(supplierExcelInfos.Select(d => d.SupplierNum).ToList());
            string sql = string.Empty;

            List <string> fields = new List <string>(fieldNames.Keys);

            foreach (var supplierExcelInfo in supplierExcelInfos)
                SupplierInfo supplierInfo = supplierInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.SupplierNum == supplierExcelInfo.SupplierNum);
                if (supplierInfo == null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(supplierExcelInfo.SupplierNum) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(supplierExcelInfo.SupplierName) ||
                        supplierExcelInfo.SupplierType.GetValueOrDefault() == 0)
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000221");///供应商代码、名称、类型为必填项
                    string insertFieldString = string.Empty;
                    string insertValueString = string.Empty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                        string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <SupplierInfo>(supplierExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                            throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                        insertFieldString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "],";
                        insertValueString += valueStr + ",";
                    sql += "if not exists (select * from LES.TM_BAS_SUPPLIER with(nolock) where [SUPPLIER_NUM] = N'" + supplierExcelInfo.SupplierNum + "' and [VALID_FLAG] = 1)"
                           + " insert into [LES].[TM_BAS_SUPPLIER] ("
                           + "[FID],"
                           + insertFieldString
                           + "[CREATE_USER],"
                           + "[CREATE_DATE],"
                           + "[VALID_FLAG]"
                           + ") values ("
                           + "NEWID(),"              ///FID
                           + insertValueString
                           + "N'" + loginUser + "'," ///CREATE_USER
                           + "GETDATE(),"            ///CREATE_DATE
                           + "1"                     ///VALID_FLAG
                           + ");";

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(supplierExcelInfo.SupplierName) ||
                    supplierExcelInfo.SupplierType.GetValueOrDefault() == 0)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000221");///供应商代码、名称、类型为必填项
                string valueString = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                    string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <SupplierInfo>(supplierExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                        throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                    valueString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "] = " + valueStr + ",";
                sql += "update [LES].[TM_BAS_SUPPLIER] set "
                       + valueString
                       + "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "',"
                       + "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() "
                       + "where [ID] = " + supplierInfo.Id + ";";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))

Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser)
            List <MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo> maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfos = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo> maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfos = new MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardDAL().GetListForInterfaceDataSync(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PartNo).ToList());
            List <MaintainPartsInfo> maintainPartsInfos = new MaintainPartsDAL().GetListForInterfaceDataSync(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PartNo).ToList());
            List <PartsStockInfo>    partsStockInfos    = new PartsStockDAL().GetListForInterfaceDataSync(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PartNo).ToList());
            List <PartsBoxInfo>      partsBoxInfos      = new PartsBoxDAL().GetList("", string.Empty);
            string sql = string.Empty;
            List <MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo> standardInfos = new List <MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo>();

            fieldNames.Add("SWmNo", "S_WM_NO");
            fieldNames.Add("SZoneNo", "S_ZONE_NO");
            fieldNames.Add("TWmNo", "T_WM_NO");
            fieldNames.Add("TZoneNo", "T_ZONE_NO");
            fieldNames.Add("Plant", "PLANT");
            fieldNames.Add("Workshop", "WORKSHOP");
            fieldNames.Add("AssemblyLine", "ASSEMBLY_LINE");
            List <string> fields = new List <string>(fieldNames.Keys);

            foreach (var maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo in maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfos)
                MaintainPartsInfo maintainPartsInfo = maintainPartsInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PartNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo);
                if (maintainPartsInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000224");///物料基础信息数据错误
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.Status = (int)BasicDataStatusConstants.Created;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartCname    = maintainPartsInfo.PartCname;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartEname    = maintainPartsInfo.PartEname;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNickname = maintainPartsInfo.PartNickname;
                PartsBoxInfo partsBoxInfo = partsBoxInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PullMode.ToString() == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhouseSystemMode &&
                                                                         d.BoxParts == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhousePartClass);
                if (partsBoxInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000225");///拉动零件类数据错误
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.SWmNo        = partsBoxInfo.SWmNo;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.SZoneNo      = partsBoxInfo.SZoneNo;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.TWmNo        = partsBoxInfo.TWmNo;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.TZoneNo      = partsBoxInfo.TZoneNo;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.Plant        = partsBoxInfo.Plant;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.Workshop     = partsBoxInfo.Workshop;
                maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.AssemblyLine = partsBoxInfo.AssemblyLine;
                PartsStockInfo partsStockInfo = partsStockInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PartNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                               d.WmNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.TWmNo &&
                                                                               d.ZoneNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.TZoneNo);
                if (partsStockInfo != null)
                    maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InboundPackageModel = partsStockInfo.InboundPackageModel;
                    maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InboundPackage      = partsStockInfo.InboundPackage;
                if (int.Parse(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhouseSystemMode) == (int)PullModeConstants.Twd)///TODO:缺少库存当量拉动的判断,等TWD表结构
                    if (maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.Min.GetValueOrDefault() > maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.Max.GetValueOrDefault())
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000404");///MIN值必须小于MAX
                if (maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.IsTriggerPull.GetValueOrDefault() == true)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.WmNo))
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000405");///层级拉动仓库不允许为空
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.ZoneNo))
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000406");///层级拉动存储区不允许为空

                MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo = maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfos.FirstOrDefault(d =>
                                                                                                                                              d.PartNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                                                                                              d.InhouseSystemMode == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhouseSystemMode &&
                                                                                                                                              d.InhousePartClass == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhousePartClass);
                if (maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo == null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhouseSystemMode) ||
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000226");///物料号、拉动模式、零件类为必填项
                    int cnt = maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfos.Where(d =>
                                                                         d.PartNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                         d.TWmNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.TWmNo &&
                                                                         d.TZoneNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.TZoneNo &&
                                                                         d.SupplierNum == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.SupplierNum).Count();
                    if (cnt > 0)
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000408");///物料号、拉动方式、拉动零件类、供应商代码组合不唯一
                    cnt = maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfos.Where(d =>
                                                                     d.PartNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                     d.InhouseSystemMode == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhouseSystemMode &&
                                                                     d.InhousePartClass == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhousePartClass &&
                                                                     d.SupplierNum == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.SupplierNum).Count();
                    if (cnt > 0)
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000407");///物料号、拉动方式、拉动零件类、供应商代码组合不唯一
                    string insertFieldString = string.Empty;
                    string insertValueString = string.Empty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                        string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo>(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                            throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                        insertFieldString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "],";
                        insertValueString += valueStr + ",";

                    sql += "if not exists (select * from LES.TM_BAS_MAINTAIN_INHOUSE_LOGISTIC_STANDARD with(nolock) "
                           + "where [PART_NO] = N'" + maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo + "' and [INHOUSE_SYSTEM_MODE] = N'" + maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhouseSystemMode + "' and [INHOUSE_PART_CLASS] = N'" + maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhousePartClass + "' and [VALID_FLAG] = 1) "
                           + "insert into [LES].[TM_BAS_MAINTAIN_INHOUSE_LOGISTIC_STANDARD] ("
                           + "[FID],"
                           + insertFieldString
                           + "[CREATE_USER],"
                           + "[CREATE_DATE],"
                           + "[VALID_FLAG]"
                           + ") values ("
                           + "NEWID(),"              ///FID
                           + insertValueString
                           + "N'" + loginUser + "'," ///CREATE_USER
                           + "GETDATE(),"            ///CREATE_DATE
                           + "1"                     ///VALID_FLAG
                           + ");";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo) ||
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhouseSystemMode) ||
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000226");///物料号、拉动模式、零件类为必填项
                int count = maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfos.Where(d =>
                                                                       d.PartNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                       d.TWmNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.TWmNo &&
                                                                       d.TZoneNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.TZoneNo &&
                                                                       d.SupplierNum == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.SupplierNum &&
                                                                       d.Id != maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo.Id).Count();
                if (count > 0)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000408");///物料号、拉动方式、拉动零件类、供应商代码组合不唯一
                count = maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfos.Where(d =>
                                                                   d.PartNo == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                   d.InhouseSystemMode == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhouseSystemMode &&
                                                                   d.InhousePartClass == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.InhousePartClass &&
                                                                   d.SupplierNum == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo.SupplierNum &&
                                                                   d.Id != maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo.Id).Count();
                if (count > 0)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000407");///物料号、拉动方式、拉动零件类、供应商代码组合不唯一
                string valueString = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                    string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo>(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                        throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                    valueString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "] = " + valueStr + ",";
                sql += "update [LES].[TM_BAS_MAINTAIN_INHOUSE_LOGISTIC_STANDARD] set "
                       + valueString
                       + "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "',"
                       + "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() "
                       + "where [ID] = " + maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo.Id + ";";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser)
            List <PackageApplianceInfo> packageApplianceExcelInfos = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <PackageApplianceInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (packageApplianceExcelInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <PackageApplianceInfo> packageApplianceInfos = new PackageApplianceDAL().GetListForInterfaceDataSync(packageApplianceExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PackageNo).ToList());

            string sql = string.Empty;

            List <string> fields = new List <string>(fieldNames.Keys);

            foreach (var packageApplianceExcelInfo in packageApplianceExcelInfos)
                PackageApplianceInfo packageApplianceInfo = packageApplianceInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PackageNo == packageApplianceExcelInfo.PackageNo);
                if (packageApplianceInfo == null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageApplianceExcelInfo.PackageNo) ||
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000237");///包装器具代码,名称为必填项
                    string insertFieldString = string.Empty;
                    string insertValueString = string.Empty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                        string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <PackageApplianceInfo>(packageApplianceExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                            throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                        insertFieldString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "],";
                        insertValueString += valueStr + ",";

                    sql += "if not exists (select * from [LES].[TM_BAS_PACKAGE_APPLIANCE] with(nolock) where [LOCATION] = N'" + packageApplianceExcelInfo.PackageNo + "' and [VALID_FLAG] = 1) "
                           + "insert into [LES].[TM_BAS_PACKAGE_APPLIANCE] ("
                           + "[FID],"
                           + insertFieldString
                           + "[CREATE_USER],"
                           + "[CREATE_DATE],"
                           + "[VALID_FLAG]"
                           + ") values ("
                           + "NEWID(),"              ///FID
                           + insertValueString
                           + "N'" + loginUser + "'," ///CREATE_USER
                           + "GETDATE(),"            ///CREATE_DATE
                           + "1"                     ///VALID_FLAG
                           + ");";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(packageApplianceExcelInfo.PackageNo) ||
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000237");///包装器具代码,名称为必填项
                string valueString = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                    string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <PackageApplianceInfo>(packageApplianceExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                        throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                    valueString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "] = " + valueStr + ",";
                sql += "update [LES].[TM_BAS_PACKAGE_APPLIANCE] set "
                       + valueString
                       + "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "',"
                       + "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() "
                       + "where [ID] = " + packageApplianceInfo.Id + ";";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))

Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser)
            List <RouteInfo> routeExcelInfos = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <RouteInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (routeExcelInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <RouteInfo> routeInfos = new RouteDAL().GetListForInterfaceDataSync(routeExcelInfos.Select(d => d.Route).ToList());
            string sql = string.Empty;

            List <string> fields = new List <string>(fieldNames.Keys);

            foreach (var routeExcelInfo in routeExcelInfos)
                RouteInfo routeInfo = routeInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Route == routeExcelInfo.Route);
                if (routeInfo == null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(routeExcelInfo.Route) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(routeExcelInfo.RouteName) || routeExcelInfo.RouteType.GetValueOrDefault() == 0)
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000216");///路径代码、名称、类型、对应工厂为必填项
                    string insertFieldString = string.Empty;
                    string insertValueString = string.Empty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                        string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <RouteInfo>(routeExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                            throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                        insertFieldString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "],";
                        insertValueString += valueStr + ",";

                    sql += "if not exists (select * from LES.TM_BAS_ROUTE with(nolock) where [ROUTE] = N'" + routeExcelInfo.Route + "' and [VALID_FLAG] = 1) "
                           + "insert into [LES].[TM_BAS_ROUTE] ("
                           + "[FID],"
                           + insertFieldString
                           + "[CREATE_USER],"
                           + "[CREATE_DATE],"
                           + "[VALID_FLAG]"
                           + ") values ("
                           + "NEWID(),"              ///FID
                           + insertValueString
                           + "N'" + loginUser + "'," ///CREATE_USER
                           + "GETDATE(),"            ///CREATE_DATE
                           + "1"                     ///VALID_FLAG
                           + ");";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(routeExcelInfo.RouteName) || routeExcelInfo.RouteType.GetValueOrDefault() == 0)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000216");///路径代码、名称、类型、对应工厂为必填项
                string valueString = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                    string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <RouteInfo>(routeExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                        throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                    valueString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "] = " + valueStr + ",";
                sql += "update [LES].[TM_BAS_ROUTE] set "
                       + valueString
                       + "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "',"
                       + "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() "
                       + "where [ID] = " + routeInfo.Id + ";";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))

Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser)
            List <JisPartBoxInfo> jisPartBoxes = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <JisPartBoxInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (jisPartBoxes.Count == 0 || jisPartBoxes == null)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <JisPartBoxInfo> jisParts = new JisPartBoxDAL().GetList(" [PART_BOX_CODE] in ('" + string.Join("', '", jisPartBoxes.Select(d => d.PartBoxCode).ToList().ToArray()) + "')", "");
            List <JisPartBoxInfo> boxInfos = new JisPartBoxDAL().GetList(" [PART_BOX_NAME] in ('" + string.Join("', '", jisPartBoxes.Select(d => d.PartBoxName).ToList().ToArray()) + "')", "");
            string sql = string.Empty;

            List <string> fields = new List <string>(fieldNames.Keys);

            foreach (var item in jisPartBoxes)
                JisPartBoxInfo info = jisParts.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PartBoxCode == item.PartBoxCode);
                if (info == null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.PartBoxCode) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.PartBoxName) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Plant) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Workshop) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.AssemblyLine) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.StatusPointCode) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TWmNo) ||
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000452");///零件类代码、零件类名称、工厂、车间、产线、状态点、目标仓库存储区为必填项
                    JisPartBoxInfo jisPartBoxInfo = boxInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PartBoxName == item.PartBoxName);
                    if (jisPartBoxInfo != null)
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000303");///零件类名称重复
                    string insertFieldString = string.Empty;
                    string insertValueString = string.Empty;

                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                        string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <JisPartBoxInfo>(item, fields[i]);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                            throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                        insertFieldString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "],";
                        insertValueString += valueStr + ",";
                    sql += "if not exists (select * from LES.TM_MPM_TWD_PART_BOX with(nolock) where [PART_BOX_CODE] = N'" + item.PartBoxCode + "' and [VALID_FLAG] = 1)"
                           + " insert into [LES].[TM_MPM_JIS_PART_BOX] ("
                           + "[FID],"
                           + insertFieldString
                           + "[STATUS],"
                           + "[CREATE_USER],"
                           + "[CREATE_DATE],"
                           + "[VALID_FLAG]"
                           + ") values ("
                           + "NEWID(),"///FID
                           + insertValueString
                           + (int)BasicDataStatusConstants.Created + ","
                           + "N'" + loginUser + "'," ///CREATE_USER
                           + "GETDATE(),"            ///CREATE_DATE
                           + "1"                     ///VALID_FLAG
                           + ");";
                if (info.Status == (int)BasicDataStatusConstants.Created)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.PartBoxName) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Plant) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Workshop) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.AssemblyLine) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.StatusPointCode) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.TWmNo) ||
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000452");///零件类代码、零件类名称、工厂、车间、产线、状态点、目标仓库存储区为必填项
                    JisPartBoxInfo jisPartBoxInfo = boxInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PartBoxName == item.PartBoxName && d.Id != info.Id);
                    if (jisPartBoxInfo != null)
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000303");///零件类名称重复
                    string valueString = string.Empty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                        string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <JisPartBoxInfo>(item, fields[i]);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                            throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                        valueString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "] = " + valueStr + ",";
                    sql += "update [LES].[TM_MPM_JIS_PART_BOX] set "
                           + valueString
                           + "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "',"
                           + "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() "
                           + "where [ID] = " + info.Id + ";";

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser)
            List <PartsStockInfo> partsStockExcelInfos = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <PartsStockInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (partsStockExcelInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <PartsStockInfo>    partsStockInfos    = new PartsStockDAL().GetListForInterfaceDataSync(partsStockExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PartNo).ToList());
            List <MaintainPartsInfo> maintainPartsInfos = new MaintainPartsDAL().GetListForInterfaceDataSync(partsStockExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PartNo).ToList());
            string sql = string.Empty;

            List <string> fields = new List <string>(fieldNames.Keys);

            foreach (var partsStockExcelInfo in partsStockExcelInfos)
                MaintainPartsInfo maintainPartsInfo = maintainPartsInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PartNo == partsStockExcelInfo.PartNo);
                if (maintainPartsInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000224");///物料基础信息数据错误
                partsStockExcelInfo.PartCname    = maintainPartsInfo.PartCname;
                partsStockExcelInfo.PartEname    = maintainPartsInfo.PartEname;
                partsStockExcelInfo.PartNickname = maintainPartsInfo.PartNickname;
                PartsStockInfo partsStockInfo = partsStockInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PartNo == partsStockExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                               d.SupplierNum == partsStockExcelInfo.SupplierNum &&
                                                                               d.WmNo == partsStockExcelInfo.WmNo &&
                                                                               d.ZoneNo == partsStockExcelInfo.ZoneNo);
                if (partsStockInfo == null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partsStockExcelInfo.PartNo) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(partsStockExcelInfo.WmNo) ||
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000223");///物料号、仓库、存储区为必填项
                    string insertFieldString = string.Empty;
                    string insertValueString = string.Empty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                        string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <PartsStockInfo>(partsStockExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                            throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                        insertFieldString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "],";
                        insertValueString += valueStr + ",";

                    sql += "if not exists (select * from LES.TM_BAS_PARTS_STOCK with(nolock) "
                           + "where [PART_NO] = N'" + partsStockExcelInfo.PartNo + "' "
                           + "and [WM_NO] = N'" + partsStockExcelInfo.WmNo + "' "
                           + "and [ZONE_NO] = N'" + partsStockExcelInfo.ZoneNo + "' "
                           + "and [SUPPLIER_NUM] = N'" + partsStockExcelInfo.SupplierNum + "' and [VALID_FLAG] = 1) "
                           + "insert into [LES].[TM_BAS_PARTS_STOCK] ("
                           + "[FID],"
                           + insertFieldString
                           + "[CREATE_USER],"
                           + "[CREATE_DATE],"
                           + "[VALID_FLAG]"
                           + ") values ("
                           + "NEWID(),"              ///FID
                           + insertValueString
                           + "N'" + loginUser + "'," ///CREATE_USER
                           + "GETDATE(),"            ///CREATE_DATE
                           + "1"                     ///VALID_FLAG
                           + ");";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(partsStockExcelInfo.PartNo) ||
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(partsStockExcelInfo.WmNo) ||
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000223");///物料号、仓库、存储区为必填项
                string valueString = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                    string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <PartsStockInfo>(partsStockExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                        throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                    valueString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "] = " + valueStr + ",";
                sql += "update [LES].[TM_BAS_PARTS_STOCK] set "
                       + valueString
                       + "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "',"
                       + "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() "
                       + "where [ID] = " + partsStockInfo.Id + ";";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))

Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser)
            List <ScanPointInfo> scanPointExcelInfos = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <ScanPointInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (scanPointExcelInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <ScanPointInfo> scanPointInfos = dal.GetList("[SCAN_POINT_CODE] in ('" + string.Join("','", scanPointExcelInfos.Select(d => d.ScanPointCode).ToArray()) + "') ", string.Empty);
            string sql = string.Empty;

            List <string> fields = new List <string>(fieldNames.Keys);

            foreach (var scanPointExcelInfo in scanPointExcelInfos)
                ScanPointInfo scanPointInfo = scanPointInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.ScanPointCode == scanPointExcelInfo.ScanPointCode);
                if (scanPointInfo == null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scanPointExcelInfo.ScanPointCode) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(scanPointExcelInfo.ScanPointName) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(scanPointExcelInfo.Plant) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(scanPointExcelInfo.Workshop) ||
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000282");///扫描点代码、扫描点名称、工厂、车间、生产线不能为空
                    string insertFieldString = string.Empty;
                    string insertValueString = string.Empty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                        string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <ScanPointInfo>(scanPointExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                            throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                        insertFieldString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "],";
                        insertValueString += valueStr + ",";
                    sql += "if not exists (select * from LES.TM_BAS_SCAN_POINT with(nolock) where [SCAN_POINT_CODE] = N'" + scanPointExcelInfo.ScanPointCode + "' and [VALID_FLAG] = 1)"
                           + " insert into [LES].[TM_BAS_SCAN_POINT] ("
                           + "[FID],"
                           + insertFieldString
                           + "[CREATE_USER],"
                           + "[CREATE_DATE],"
                           + "[VALID_FLAG]"
                           + ") values ("
                           + "NEWID(),"              ///FID
                           + insertValueString
                           + "N'" + loginUser + "'," ///CREATE_USER
                           + "GETDATE(),"            ///CREATE_DATE
                           + "1"                     ///VALID_FLAG
                           + ");";
                    scanPointInfo = new ScanPointInfo();
                    scanPointInfo.ScanPointCode = scanPointExcelInfo.ScanPointCode;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scanPointExcelInfo.ScanPointCode) ||
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(scanPointExcelInfo.ScanPointName) ||
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(scanPointExcelInfo.Plant) ||
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(scanPointExcelInfo.Workshop) ||
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000282");///扫描点代码、扫描点名称、工厂、车间、生产线不能为空
                string valueString = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                    string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <ScanPointInfo>(scanPointExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                        throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                    valueString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "] = " + valueStr + ",";
                sql += "update [LES].[TM_BAS_SCAN_POINT] set "
                       + valueString
                       + "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "',"
                       + "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() "
                       + "where [ID] = " + scanPointInfo.Id + ";";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000283");///:没有可导入更新的数据
        /// <summary>
        /// 入库数据导入
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <param name="loginUser"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser)
            List <ReceiveDetailInfo> receiveDetailInfos = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <ReceiveDetailInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (receiveDetailInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <MaintainPartsInfo> maintainPartsInfos = new MaintainPartsDAL().GetListForInterfaceDataSync(receiveDetailInfos.Select(d => d.PartNo).ToList());
            var groupReceives = receiveDetailInfos
                                .GroupBy(b => new { b.SupplierNum, b.BookKeeper, b.ReceiveType, b.TranTime, b.OrganizationFid, b.WmNo, b.CostCenter, b.ContractNo })
                                .Select(p => new { p.Key }).ToList();
            string sql = string.Empty;

            foreach (var groupReceive in groupReceives)
                string receiveNo  = new SeqDefineDAL().GetCurrentCode("RECEIVE_NO");
                Guid   receiveFid = Guid.NewGuid();
                List <ReceiveDetailInfo> receiveDetailList = receiveDetailInfos.Where(d =>
                                                                                      d.SupplierNum == groupReceive.Key.SupplierNum &&
                                                                                      d.BookKeeper == groupReceive.Key.BookKeeper &&
                                                                                      d.ReceiveType == groupReceive.Key.ReceiveType &&
                                                                                      d.TranTime == groupReceive.Key.TranTime &&
                                                                                      d.OrganizationFid == groupReceive.Key.OrganizationFid &&
                                                                                      d.WmNo == groupReceive.Key.WmNo &&
                                                                                      d.CostCenter == groupReceive.Key.CostCenter &&
                                                                                      d.ContractNo == groupReceive.Key.ContractNo).ToList();
                int rowNo = 1;
                foreach (var receiveDetail in receiveDetailList)
                    MaintainPartsInfo maintainPartsInfo = maintainPartsInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PartNo == receiveDetail.PartNo);
                    if (maintainPartsInfo == null)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(receiveDetail.PartNo))
                            throw new Exception("MC:0x00000227");///器材编号不能为空
                        sql += "insert into [LES].[TM_BAS_MAINTAIN_PARTS] "
                               + "(NEWID(), "
                               + "N'" + receiveDetail.PartNo + "', "
                               + "N'" + receiveDetail.PartCname + "', "
                               + "N'" + receiveDetail.PartEname + "', "
                               + "N'" + receiveDetail.PartUnits + "', "
                               + "N'" + receiveDetail.PartCls + "', "
                               + "N'" + receiveDetail.PartGroup + "', "
                               + "" + receiveDetail.PurchaseUnitPrice.GetValueOrDefault() + ", "
                               + "1, N'" + loginUser + "', GETDATE());";
                        receiveDetail.PartCname = maintainPartsInfo.PartCname;
                        receiveDetail.PartCls = maintainPartsInfo.PartCls;
                        // receiveDetail.OriginPlace = maintainPartsInfo.OriginPlace;
                        receiveDetail.MeasuringUnitNo = maintainPartsInfo.PartUnits;
                        //receiveDetail.PurchaseUnitPrice = maintainPartsInfo.PurchaseUnitPrice;

                    receiveDetail.PartPrice = receiveDetail.PurchaseUnitPrice.GetValueOrDefault() * receiveDetail.ActualQty.GetValueOrDefault();
                    sql += "insert into [LES].[TT_WMM_RECEIVE_DETAIL] "
                           + "(NEWID(), "
                           + "N'" + receiveFid + "', "
                           + "N'" + groupReceive.Key.SupplierNum + "', "
                           + "N'" + receiveDetail.WmNo + "', "
                           + "N'" + receiveDetail.ZoneNo + "', "
                           + "N'" + receiveDetail.Dloc + "', "
                           + "N'" + receiveDetail.PartNo + "', "
                           + "N'" + receiveDetail.PartCname + "', "
                           + "N'" + receiveDetail.PartEname + "', "
                           + "N'" + receiveDetail.PartUnits + "', "
                           + "" + receiveDetail.ActualQty.GetValueOrDefault() + ", "
                           + "N'" + receiveNo + "', "
                           + "N'" + groupReceive.Key.ContractNo + "', "
                           + "" + rowNo++ + ", "
                           + "N'" + receiveDetail.OriginPlace + "', "
                           + "" + receiveDetail.PurchaseUnitPrice.GetValueOrDefault() + ", "
                           + "" + receiveDetail.PartPrice.GetValueOrDefault() + ", "
                           + "N'" + receiveDetail.PartCls + "', "
                           + "1, N'" + loginUser + "', GETDATE());";
                decimal sumOfPrice = receiveDetailList.Sum(d => d.PartPrice.GetValueOrDefault());
                decimal sumPartQty = receiveDetailList.Sum(d => d.ActualQty.GetValueOrDefault());

                if (!DateTime.TryParse(groupReceive.Key.TranTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), out DateTime tranTime))
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000328");///入库时间不能为空
                sql += "insert into [LES].[TT_WMM_RECEIVE] "
                       + "(N'" + receiveFid + "', "
                       + "N'" + receiveNo + "', "
                       + "N'" + groupReceive.Key.SupplierNum + "', "
                       + "N'" + groupReceive.Key.WmNo + "', "
                       + "" + groupReceive.Key.ReceiveType + ", "
                       + "N'" + tranTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "', "
                       + "N'" + groupReceive.Key.BookKeeper + "', "
                       + "" + (int)WmmOrderStatusConstants.Created + ", "
                       + "N'" + groupReceive.Key.ContractNo + "', "
                       + "N'" + groupReceive.Key.OrganizationFid + "', "
                       + "N'" + groupReceive.Key.CostCenter + "', "
                       + "" + sumPartQty + ", "
                       + "" + sumOfPrice + ", "
                       + "1, N'" + loginUser + "', GETDATE());";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser)
            List <MaintainPartsInfo> maintainPartsExcelInfos = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <MaintainPartsInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (maintainPartsExcelInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <MaintainPartsInfo> maintainPartsInfos = new MaintainPartsDAL().GetListForInterfaceDataSync(maintainPartsExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PartNo).ToList());
            string sql = string.Empty;
            List <PlantInfo> plantInfos = new PlantDAL().GetListForInterfaceDataSync();

            List <string> fields = new List <string>(fieldNames.Keys);

            foreach (var maintainPartsExcelInfo in maintainPartsExcelInfos)
                PlantInfo plantInfo = plantInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Plant == maintainPartsExcelInfo.Plant);
                if (plantInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000215");///工厂代码在系统中不存在
                MaintainPartsInfo maintainPartsInfo = maintainPartsInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PartNo == maintainPartsExcelInfo.PartNo && d.Plant == maintainPartsExcelInfo.Plant);
                if (maintainPartsInfo == null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(maintainPartsExcelInfo.PartCname) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(maintainPartsExcelInfo.PartNo))
                        throw new Exception("MC:3x00000020");///物料号、物料中文名称为必填项
                    string insertFieldString = string.Empty;
                    string insertValueString = string.Empty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                        string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <MaintainPartsInfo>(maintainPartsExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                            throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                        insertFieldString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "],";
                        insertValueString += valueStr + ",";

                    sql += "if not exists (select * from LES.TM_BAS_MAINTAIN_PARTS with(nolock) where [PART_NO] = N'" + maintainPartsExcelInfo.PartNo + "' and [PLANT] = N'" + maintainPartsExcelInfo.Plant + "' and [VALID_FLAG] = 1) "
                           + "insert into [LES].[TM_BAS_MAINTAIN_PARTS] ("
                           + "[FID],"
                           + insertFieldString
                           + "[CREATE_USER],"
                           + "[CREATE_DATE],"
                           + "[VALID_FLAG]"
                           + ") values ("
                           + "NEWID(),"              ///FID
                           + insertValueString
                           + "N'" + loginUser + "'," ///CREATE_USER
                           + "GETDATE(),"            ///CREATE_DATE
                           + "1"                     ///VALID_FLAG
                           + ");";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(maintainPartsExcelInfo.PartCname))
                    throw new Exception("MC:3x00000020");///物料号、物料中文名称为必填项
                string valueString = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                    string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <MaintainPartsInfo>(maintainPartsExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                        throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                    valueString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "] = " + valueStr + ",";
                sql += "update [LES].[TM_BAS_MAINTAIN_PARTS] set "
                       + valueString
                       + "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "',"
                       + "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() "
                       + "where [ID] = " + maintainPartsInfo.Id + ";";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))

        /// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser, string whereText)
            List <LackOfMaterialDetailInfo> lackOfMaterialDetailExcelInfos = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <LackOfMaterialDetailInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (lackOfMaterialDetailExcelInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <LackOfMaterialDetailInfo> lackOfMaterialDetailInfos = dal.GetList(whereText, string.Empty);

            if (lackOfMaterialDetailInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000084");///数据错误
            List <LackOfMaterialInfo> lackOfMaterialInfos = new LackOfMaterialDAL().GetList("" +
                                                                                            "[FID] in ('" + string.Join("','", lackOfMaterialDetailInfos.Select(d => d.LackOrderFid.GetValueOrDefault()).ToArray()) + "') and " +
                                                                                            "[STATUS] = " + (int)LackOfMaterialStatusConstants.Completed + "", string.Empty);

            if (lackOfMaterialInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000084");///TODO:缺件表计算完成时才能进行反馈
            string sql = string.Empty;

            List <string> fields = new List <string>(fieldNames.Keys);

            foreach (var lackOfMaterialDetailExcelInfo in lackOfMaterialDetailExcelInfos)
                LackOfMaterialDetailInfo LackOfMaterialDetailInfo = lackOfMaterialDetailInfos.FirstOrDefault(d =>
                                                                                                             d.Plant == lackOfMaterialDetailExcelInfo.Plant &&
                                                                                                             d.PartPurchaser == lackOfMaterialDetailExcelInfo.PartPurchaser &&
                                                                                                             d.SupplierNum == lackOfMaterialDetailExcelInfo.SupplierNum &&
                                                                                                             d.PartNo == lackOfMaterialDetailExcelInfo.PartNo);

                if (LackOfMaterialDetailInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000255");///请勿新增数据
                if (lackOfMaterialDetailExcelInfo.FeedbackLackQty.GetValueOrDefault() == 0)
                if (lackOfMaterialDetailExcelInfo.FeedbackLackQty.GetValueOrDefault() == LackOfMaterialDetailInfo.FeedbackLackQty.GetValueOrDefault())

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lackOfMaterialDetailExcelInfo.PartNo) ||
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(lackOfMaterialDetailExcelInfo.SupplierNum) ||
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000254");///供应商代码、工厂、物料号为必填项
                string valueString = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                    string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <LackOfMaterialDetailInfo>(lackOfMaterialDetailExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                        throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                    valueString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "] = " + valueStr + ",";
                sql += "update [LES].[TT_ATP_LACK_OF_MATERIAL_DETAIL] set "
                       + valueString + "" +
                       "[FEEDBACK_FLAG] = 1," +
                       "[FEEDBACK_TIME] = GETDATE()," +
                       "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "'," +
                       "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() where " +
                       "[ID] = " + LackOfMaterialDetailInfo.Id + ";";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))
                throw new Exception("MC:0x00000084");///TODO:没有可导入更新的数据
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser)
            List <TwdCounterInfo> twdCounterExcelInfos = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <TwdCounterInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (twdCounterExcelInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <TwdCounterInfo> twdCounterInfos = dal.GetList("" +
                                                                "[PART_BOX_CODE] in ('" + string.Join("','", twdCounterExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PartBoxCode).ToArray()) + "') and " +
                                                                "[PART_NO] in ('" + string.Join("','", twdCounterExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PartNo).ToArray()) + "') and " +
                                                                "[PACKAGE_MODEL] in ('" + string.Join("','", twdCounterExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PackageModel).ToArray()) + "')", string.Empty);

            List <MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo> maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfos = new MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardDAL().GetList("" +
                                                                                                                                               "[INHOUSE_SYSTEM_MODE] = N'" + (int)PullModeConstants.Twd + "' and " +
                                                                                                                                               "[INHOUSE_PART_CLASS] in ('" + string.Join("','", twdCounterExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PartBoxCode).ToArray()) + "') and " +
                                                                                                                                               "[PART_NO] in ('" + string.Join("','", twdCounterExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PartNo).ToArray()) + "')", string.Empty);

            List <TwdPartBoxInfo> twdPartBoxInfos = new TwdPartBoxDAL().GetList("" +
                                                                                "[PART_BOX_CODE] in ('" + string.Join("','", twdCounterExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PartBoxCode).ToArray()) + "')", string.Empty);

            StringBuilder @string = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (TwdCounterInfo twdCounterExcelInfo in twdCounterExcelInfos)
                /// 零件类代码②、工厂③车间⑤生产线⑥工段⑬工位⑭、物料号⑩、物料版本⑫、包装容器⑰为联合主键,差异数量DiffQty作为累加当前计数⑮的依据,备注直接更新
                TwdCounterInfo twdCounterInfo = twdCounterInfos.FirstOrDefault(d =>
                                                                               d.PartBoxCode == twdCounterExcelInfo.PartBoxCode &&
                                                                               d.PartNo == twdCounterExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                               d.PackageModel == twdCounterExcelInfo.PackageModel &&
                                                                               d.Plant == twdCounterExcelInfo.Plant &&
                                                                               d.Workshop == twdCounterExcelInfo.Workshop &&
                                                                               d.AssemblyLine == twdCounterExcelInfo.AssemblyLine &&
                                                                               d.WorkshopSection == twdCounterExcelInfo.WorkshopSection &&
                                                                               d.Location == twdCounterExcelInfo.Location &&
                                                                               d.PartVersion == twdCounterExcelInfo.PartVersion);

                #region 逐步减低维度处理
                if (twdCounterInfo == null)
                    twdCounterInfo = twdCounterInfos.FirstOrDefault(d =>
                                                                    d.PartBoxCode == twdCounterExcelInfo.PartBoxCode &&
                                                                    d.PartNo == twdCounterExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                    d.PackageModel == twdCounterExcelInfo.PackageModel &&
                                                                    d.Plant == twdCounterExcelInfo.Plant &&
                                                                    d.Workshop == twdCounterExcelInfo.Workshop &&
                                                                    d.AssemblyLine == twdCounterExcelInfo.AssemblyLine &&
                                                                    d.WorkshopSection == twdCounterExcelInfo.WorkshopSection &&
                                                                    d.Location == twdCounterExcelInfo.Location);
                if (twdCounterInfo == null)
                    twdCounterInfo = twdCounterInfos.FirstOrDefault(d =>
                                                                    d.PartBoxCode == twdCounterExcelInfo.PartBoxCode &&
                                                                    d.PartNo == twdCounterExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                    d.PackageModel == twdCounterExcelInfo.PackageModel &&
                                                                    d.Plant == twdCounterExcelInfo.Plant &&
                                                                    d.Workshop == twdCounterExcelInfo.Workshop &&
                                                                    d.AssemblyLine == twdCounterExcelInfo.AssemblyLine &&
                                                                    d.WorkshopSection == twdCounterExcelInfo.WorkshopSection);
                if (twdCounterInfo == null)
                    twdCounterInfo = twdCounterInfos.FirstOrDefault(d =>
                                                                    d.PartBoxCode == twdCounterExcelInfo.PartBoxCode &&
                                                                    d.PartNo == twdCounterExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                    d.PackageModel == twdCounterExcelInfo.PackageModel &&
                                                                    d.Plant == twdCounterExcelInfo.Plant &&
                                                                    d.Workshop == twdCounterExcelInfo.Workshop &&
                                                                    d.AssemblyLine == twdCounterExcelInfo.AssemblyLine);
                if (twdCounterInfo == null)
                    twdCounterInfo = twdCounterInfos.FirstOrDefault(d =>
                                                                    d.PartBoxCode == twdCounterExcelInfo.PartBoxCode &&
                                                                    d.PartNo == twdCounterExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                    d.PackageModel == twdCounterExcelInfo.PackageModel &&
                                                                    d.Plant == twdCounterExcelInfo.Plant &&
                                                                    d.Workshop == twdCounterExcelInfo.Workshop);
                if (twdCounterInfo == null)
                    twdCounterInfo = twdCounterInfos.FirstOrDefault(d =>
                                                                    d.PartBoxCode == twdCounterExcelInfo.PartBoxCode &&
                                                                    d.PartNo == twdCounterExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                    d.PackageModel == twdCounterExcelInfo.PackageModel &&
                                                                    d.Plant == twdCounterExcelInfo.Plant);
                if (twdCounterInfo == null)
                    twdCounterInfo = twdCounterInfos.FirstOrDefault(d =>
                                                                    d.PartBoxCode == twdCounterExcelInfo.PartBoxCode &&
                                                                    d.PartNo == twdCounterExcelInfo.PartNo &&
                                                                    d.PackageModel == twdCounterExcelInfo.PackageModel);
                if (twdCounterInfo == null)
                    twdCounterInfo = twdCounterInfos.FirstOrDefault(d =>
                                                                    d.PartBoxCode == twdCounterExcelInfo.PartBoxCode &&
                                                                    d.PartNo == twdCounterExcelInfo.PartNo);
                if (twdCounterInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000255");///数据格式不符合导入规范

                if (twdCounterInfo.Status.GetValueOrDefault() == (int)BasicDataStatusConstants.Disabled)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000455");///计数器已作废不能修改数量
                @string.AppendLine("update [LES].[TT_MPM_TWD_COUNTER] set " +
                                   "[CURRENT_QTY] = isnull([CURRENT_QTY],0) + " + twdCounterExcelInfo.DiffQty + "," +
                                   "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "'," +
                                   "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() where " +
                                   "[ID] = " + twdCounterInfo.Id + ";");

                MaintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo = maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Fid == twdCounterInfo.PartPullFid.GetValueOrDefault());
                if (maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000213");///物料拉动信息数据错误
                if (maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo.Status.GetValueOrDefault() != (int)BasicDataStatusConstants.Enable)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000233");///没有已启用的物料拉动信息
                TwdPartBoxInfo twdPartBoxInfo = twdPartBoxInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PartBoxCode == maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo.InhousePartClass);
                if (twdPartBoxInfo == null)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000225");///拉动零件类数据错误
                if (twdPartBoxInfo.Status.GetValueOrDefault() != (int)BasicDataStatusConstants.Enable)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000456");///零件类未启用
                TwdCounterLogInfo twdCounterLogInfo = TwdCounterLogBLL.CreateTwdCounterLogInfo(twdCounterInfo.Fid.GetValueOrDefault(), loginUser);
                TwdCounterLogBLL.GetTwdCounterLogInfo(maintainInhouseLogisticStandardInfo, ref twdCounterLogInfo);
                TwdCounterLogBLL.GetTwdCounterLogInfo(twdPartBoxInfo, ref twdCounterLogInfo);
                twdCounterLogInfo.PartQty = twdCounterExcelInfo.DiffQty;
                twdCounterLogInfo.SourceDataFid = twdCounterInfo.Fid;
                twdCounterLogInfo.SourceDataType = (int)TwdCounterSourceDataTypeConstants.Manual;
                twdCounterLogInfo.SourceData = twdCounterInfo.PartBoxCode;
                twdCounterLogInfo.Comments = twdCounterExcelInfo.Comments;

            using (var trans = new TransactionScope())
                if (@string.Length == 0)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000283");///没有可导入更新的数据
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser)
            List <WarehouseInfo> warehouseExcelInfos = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <WarehouseInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (warehouseExcelInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <WarehouseInfo> warehouseInfos = new WarehouseDAL().GetListForInterfaceDataSync(warehouseExcelInfos.Select(d => d.Warehouse).ToList());
            string sql = string.Empty;

            List <string> fields = new List <string>(fieldNames.Keys);

            foreach (var warehouseExcelInfo in warehouseExcelInfos)
                WarehouseInfo warehouseInfo = warehouseInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Warehouse == warehouseExcelInfo.Warehouse);
                if (warehouseInfo == null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(warehouseExcelInfo.Warehouse) ||
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(warehouseExcelInfo.WarehouseName) ||
                        warehouseExcelInfo.WarehouseType.GetValueOrDefault() == 0)
                        throw new Exception("MC:0x00000231");///仓库代码、名称、类型为必填项
                    string insertFieldString = string.Empty;
                    string insertValueString = string.Empty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                        string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <WarehouseInfo>(warehouseExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                            throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                        insertFieldString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "],";
                        insertValueString += valueStr + ",";
                    warehouseExcelInfo.Fid = Guid.NewGuid();
                    sql += "if not exists (select * from LES.TM_BAS_WAREHOUSE with(nolock) "
                           + "where [WAREHOUSE] = N'" + warehouseExcelInfo.Warehouse + "' and [VALID_FLAG] = 1)"
                           + " insert into [LES].[TM_BAS_WAREHOUSE] ("
                           + "[FID],"
                           + insertFieldString
                           + "[CREATE_USER],"
                           + "[CREATE_DATE],"
                           + "[VALID_FLAG]"
                           + ") values ("
                           + "N'" + warehouseExcelInfo.Fid.GetValueOrDefault() + "'," ///FID
                           + insertValueString
                           + "N'" + loginUser + "',"                                  ///CREATE_USER
                           + "GETDATE(),"                                             ///CREATE_DATE
                           + "1"                                                      ///VALID_FLAG
                           + ");";

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(warehouseExcelInfo.Warehouse) ||
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(warehouseExcelInfo.WarehouseName) ||
                    warehouseExcelInfo.WarehouseType.GetValueOrDefault() == 0)
                    throw new Exception("MC:0x00000231");///仓库代码、名称、类型为必填项
                string valueString = string.Empty;
                for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                    string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <WarehouseInfo>(warehouseExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                        throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                    valueString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "] = " + valueStr + ",";
                sql += "update [LES].[TM_BAS_WAREHOUSE] set "
                       + valueString
                       + "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "',"
                       + "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() "
                       + "where [FID] = N'" + warehouseExcelInfo.Fid.GetValueOrDefault() + "';";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sql))
            using (var trans = new TransactionScope())
                foreach (var warehouseExcelInfo in warehouseExcelInfos)
                    warehouseExcelInfo.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
                    new SupplierBLL().SyncSupplierByWarehouse(warehouseExcelInfo, loginUser);
        /// <summary>
        /// 执行导入EXCEL数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldNames"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ImportDataByExcel(DataTable dataTable, Dictionary <string, string> fieldNames, string loginUser)
            List <TwdPartBoxInfo> twdPartBoxExcelInfos = CommonDAL.DatatableConvertToList <TwdPartBoxInfo>(dataTable).ToList();

            if (twdPartBoxExcelInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
            List <TwdPartBoxInfo> twdPartBoxInfos = new TwdPartBoxDAL().GetList("[PART_BOX_CODE] in ('" + string.Join("', '", twdPartBoxExcelInfos.Select(d => d.PartBoxCode).ToList().ToArray()) + "')", "");

            StringBuilder @string = new StringBuilder();
            List <string> fields  = new List <string>(fieldNames.Keys);

            foreach (var twdPartBoxExcelInfo in twdPartBoxExcelInfos)
                TwdPartBoxInfo twdPartBoxInfo = twdPartBoxInfos.FirstOrDefault(d => d.PartBoxCode == twdPartBoxExcelInfo.PartBoxCode);
                if (twdPartBoxInfo == null)
                    string insertFieldString = string.Empty;
                    string insertValueString = string.Empty;

                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                        string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <TwdPartBoxInfo>(twdPartBoxExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                            throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                        insertFieldString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "],";
                        insertValueString += valueStr + ",";
                    @string.AppendLine("if not exists (select * from LES.TM_MPM_TWD_PART_BOX with(nolock) " +
                                       "where [PART_BOX_CODE] = N'" + twdPartBoxExcelInfo.PartBoxCode + "' and [VALID_FLAG] = 1)"
                                       + " insert into [LES].[TM_MPM_TWD_PART_BOX] ("
                                       + "[FID],"
                                       + insertFieldString
                                       + "[STATUS],"
                                       + "[CREATE_USER],"
                                       + "[CREATE_DATE],"
                                       + "[VALID_FLAG]"
                                       + ") values ("
                                       + "NEWID(),"///FID
                                       + insertValueString
                                       + (int)BasicDataStatusConstants.Created + ","
                                       + "N'" + loginUser + "'," ///CREATE_USER
                                       + "GETDATE(),"            ///CREATE_DATE
                                       + "1"                     ///VALID_FLAG
                                       + ");");
                if (twdPartBoxInfo.Status.GetValueOrDefault() == (int)BasicDataStatusConstants.Disabled)
                twdPartBoxExcelInfo.Id = twdPartBoxInfo.Id;
                if (twdPartBoxInfo.TwdPullMode.GetValueOrDefault() != twdPartBoxExcelInfo.TwdPullMode.GetValueOrDefault())
                    @string.AppendLine("update [LES].[TM_BAS_MAINTAIN_INHOUSE_LOGISTIC_STANDARD] " +
                                       "set [INHOUSE_SYSTEM_MODE] = N'" + twdPartBoxExcelInfo.TwdPullMode.GetValueOrDefault() + "'," +
                                       "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "'," +
                                       "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() " +
                                       "where [INHOUSE_SYSTEM_MODE] = N'" + twdPartBoxInfo.TwdPullMode.GetValueOrDefault() + "' and " +
                                       "[INHOUSE_PART_CLASS] = N'" + twdPartBoxExcelInfo.PartBoxCode + "' and " +
                                       "[VALID_FLAG] = 1;");
                if (twdPartBoxInfo.Status.GetValueOrDefault() == (int)BasicDataStatusConstants.Created)
                    string valueString = string.Empty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                        string valueStr = CommonDAL.GetFieldValueForSql <TwdPartBoxInfo>(twdPartBoxExcelInfo, fields[i]);
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueStr))
                            throw new Exception("MC:1x00000043");///数据格式不符合导入规范
                        valueString += "[" + fieldNames[fields[i]] + "] = " + valueStr + ",";
                    @string.AppendLine("update [LES].[TM_MPM_TWD_PART_BOX] set "
                                       + valueString
                                       + "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "',"
                                       + "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() "
                                       + "where [ID] = " + twdPartBoxInfo.Id + ";");
                @string.AppendLine("update [LES].[TM_MPM_TWD_PART_BOX] " +
                                   "set [PART_BOX_NAME] = N'" + twdPartBoxExcelInfo.PartBoxName + "'," +
                                   "[REQUIREMENT_ACCUMULATE_TIME] = " + (twdPartBoxExcelInfo.RequirementAccumulateTime == null ? "NULL" : "" + twdPartBoxExcelInfo.RequirementAccumulateTime.GetValueOrDefault() + "") + "," +
                                   "[LOAD_TIME] = " + (twdPartBoxExcelInfo.LoadTime == null ? "NULL" : "" + twdPartBoxExcelInfo.LoadTime.GetValueOrDefault() + "") + "," +
                                   "[TRANSPORT_TIME] = " + (twdPartBoxExcelInfo.TransportTime == null ? "NULL" : "" + twdPartBoxExcelInfo.TransportTime.GetValueOrDefault() + "") + "," +
                                   "[UNLOAD_TIME] = " + (twdPartBoxExcelInfo.UnloadTime == null ? "NULL" : "" + twdPartBoxExcelInfo.UnloadTime.GetValueOrDefault() + "") + "," +
                                   "[DELAY_TIME] = " + (twdPartBoxExcelInfo.DelayTime == null ? "NULL" : "" + twdPartBoxExcelInfo.DelayTime.GetValueOrDefault() + "") + "," +
                                   "[ONLINE_TIME] = " + (twdPartBoxExcelInfo.OnlineTime == null ? "NULL" : "" + twdPartBoxExcelInfo.OnlineTime.GetValueOrDefault() + "") + "," +
                                   "[REQUIREMENT_ACCUMULATE_MODE] = " + twdPartBoxExcelInfo.RequirementAccumulateMode.GetValueOrDefault() + "," +
                                   "[STATUS_POINT_CODE] = N'" + twdPartBoxExcelInfo.StatusPointCode + "'," +
                                   "[ROUNDNESS_MODE] = " + twdPartBoxExcelInfo.RoundnessMode.GetValueOrDefault() + "," +
                                   "[MODIFY_USER] = N'" + loginUser + "'," +
                                   "[MODIFY_DATE] = GETDATE() " +
                                   "where [ID] = " + twdPartBoxInfo.Id + ";");
            using (TransactionScope trans = new TransactionScope())
                if (@string.Length > 0)