/// <summary>
        /// 获得部门下的负责人或领导或大于某职位的人
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iFloorCode"> ">0"根据层返回部门 "-1"返回所有部门</param>
        /// <param name="type">部门</param>
        /// <param name="strPostName">职位名称</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ViewBase GetManagerOrLeader(int iFloorCode, Common.LeaderType type, string strPostName)
            Position post         = Position.GetPosition(strPostName);
            string   strCondition = string.Empty;
            string   strSubDptIDs = string.Empty;

            strCondition = post == null ? "1<>1" : " e.SortNum <=" + post.SortNum.ToString();

            if (type == Common.LeaderType.LeaderAndManager)
                strCondition  = " ( " + strCondition + " or b.LeaderType = " + (int)Common.LeaderType.Leader + " OR b.LeaderType = " + (int)Common.LeaderType.Manager;
                strCondition += " or b.LeaderType = " + (int)Common.LeaderType.LeaderAndManager + ")";
            else if (type != Common.LeaderType.User)
                strCondition = " ( " + strCondition + " or b.LeaderType = " + (int)type + " or b.LeaderType = " + (int)Common.LeaderType.LeaderAndManager + ")";

            if (iFloorCode == 0)
                strCondition += " AND d.ID = " + base.ID.ToString();
                strSubDptIDs  = this.GetChildDeptID(base.ID, iFloorCode);
                strSubDptIDs  = strSubDptIDs.Length > 0 ? strSubDptIDs + "," + base.ID.ToString() : base.ID.ToString();
                strCondition += strSubDptIDs.Length > 0 ? " AND d.ID IN (" + strSubDptIDs + ")" : " AND 1<>1";
            ViewUser vwUser = new ViewUser();

            vwUser.BaseCondition = strCondition;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 设置领导和负责人
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mType">领导或负责人枚举</param>
        /// <param name="strIDs">用户IDs</param>
        /// <param name="bSetOrReset">取消或者设置</param>
        /// <param name="strMessage">错误消息</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool SetUserLeaderType(Common.LeaderType mType, List <string> strIDs, bool bSetOrReset, out string strMessage)
            bool bRet = false;

            strMessage = string.Empty;
            DeptPost     dp   = new DeptPost();
            User         user = new User();
            ViewDeptPost v_dp = new ViewDeptPost();

            dp.EnTrans.IsBatch = true;
            foreach (string strID in strIDs)
                if (strID.Length == 0)
                bRet = dp.Load(Convert.ToInt32(strID));

                if (mType == Common.LeaderType.Manager && bSetOrReset)
                    v_dp.EnTrans   = dp.EnTrans;
                    v_dp.Field     = "a.ID";
                    v_dp.Condition = " FK_DeptID = " + dp.FK_DeptID + " and LeaderType in (" + (int)Common.LeaderType.Manager + "," + (int)Common.LeaderType.LeaderAndManager + ")";

                    if (v_dp.DtTable != null)
                        if (v_dp.DtTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                            user.EnTrans = dp.EnTrans;
                            bRet       = false;
                            strMessage = string.Format("({0})所在的部门以存在负责人", user.Name);
                if (dp.LeaderType == int.MinValue)
                    dp.LeaderType = 0;
                if (bSetOrReset)
                    dp.LeaderType |= (int)mType;
                    if (dp.LeaderType == (int)mType || (dp.LeaderType == ((int)(Common.LeaderType.Leader | Common.LeaderType.Manager))))
                        dp.LeaderType ^= (int)mType;
                bRet = dp.Save();
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据部门ID取出部门负责人、部门领导和大于某职位的人
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="strDeptID">部门ID</param>
        /// <param name="strPost">职位名称</param>
        /// <param name="enmuType">职务类型枚举</param>
        /// <param name="iFloorCode">层级(0自己,>0 子部门层数,-1所有)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static ViewBase GetUserByDeptPost(string strDeptID, string strPost, Common.LeaderType enmuType, int iFloorCode)
            ViewBase   vb   = null;
            Department dept = Department.GetDepartment(OADept.ConvertInt(strDeptID));

            if (dept != null)
                vb = OAUser.FilterUser(dept.GetManagerOrLeader(iFloorCode, enmuType, strPost));
 /// <summary>
 /// 根据部门ID取出部门负责人、部门领导和大于某职位的人(向下遍历)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="strDeptID">部门ID</param>
 /// <param name="strPostName">职位名称</param>
 /// <param name="bDeptManger">是否绑定部门负责人</param>
 /// <param name="bDeptLeader">是否绑定部门领导</param>
 /// <param name="iFloorCode">层级(0自己,>0 子部门层数,-1所有)</param>
 /// <returns>DataTable</returns>
 private static ViewBase GetUserByDeptPost(string strDeptID, string strPostName, bool bDeptManger, bool bDeptLeader, int iFloorCode)
     Common.LeaderType enmuType = Common.LeaderType.User;
     if (bDeptLeader && bDeptManger)
         enmuType = Common.LeaderType.LeaderAndManager;
     if (bDeptManger == false && bDeptLeader)
         enmuType = Common.LeaderType.Leader;
     if (bDeptManger && bDeptLeader == false)
         enmuType = Common.LeaderType.Manager;
     if (bDeptLeader == false && bDeptManger == false)
         enmuType = Common.LeaderType.User;
     return(OAUser.GetUserByDeptPost(strDeptID, strPostName, enmuType, iFloorCode));
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取部门及子部门领导或负责人
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iFloorCode">0自己,>0 子部门层数 -1所有</param>
        /// <param name="type">领导或负责人</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ViewBase GetManagerOrLeader(int iFloorCode, Common.LeaderType type)
            string strSubDptIDs = string.Empty;
            int    iType        = (int)(Common.LeaderType.Leader | Common.LeaderType.Manager);
            string strCondition = "(b.LeaderType = " + iType + " OR b.LeaderType = " + ((int)type).ToString() + ")";

            if (iFloorCode == 0)
                strCondition += " AND d.ID = " + base.ID.ToString();
                strSubDptIDs  = this.GetChildDeptID(base.ID, iFloorCode);
                strSubDptIDs  = strSubDptIDs.Length > 0 ? strSubDptIDs + "," + base.ID.ToString() : base.ID.ToString();
                strCondition += strSubDptIDs.Length > 0 ? " AND d.ID IN (" + strSubDptIDs + ")" : " AND 1<>1";
            ViewUser vwUser = new ViewUser();

            vwUser.BaseCondition = strCondition;