Example #1
        // GET: /Comment/
        public ActionResult CommentList(Guid id, Guid qId)
            var context = new StackOverflowContext();
            var m       = new CommentListCollectionModel()
                Comments        = new ListStack <CommentListModel>(),
                ParentReference = id, QuestionReference = qId

            IList <CommentListModel> models = new ListStack <CommentListModel>();

            var comments = context.Comments.Include(x => x.Owner);

            foreach (Comment com in comments)
                if (com.ReferenceToQuestionOrAnswer == id)
                    var c = new CommentListModel
                        CreationDate = com.CreationDate,
                        Description  = com.Description,
                        OwnerIf      = com.Owner.Id,
                        ReferenceToQuestionOrAnswer = com.ReferenceToQuestionOrAnswer,
                        ReferenceToQuestion         = com.QuestionReference,
                        OwnerName = com.Owner.Name
Example #2
        public ActionResult Comments(string postId, bool answer = false)
            var comments = (from item in db.Comments
                            where item.PostId == postId
                            orderby item.Date
                            select item).ToList();
            CommentListModel commentModels = new CommentListModel {
                Comments = new List <CommentModel>(), Seed = ""

            foreach (var comment in comments)
                string author = (from item in db.Users
                                 where item.Id == comment.AuthorId
                                 select item.UserName).ToList().First();
                commentModels.Comments.Add(new CommentModel
                    AuthorName = author,
                    Text       = comment.Text,
                    Date       = comment.Date,
                    Id         = comment.Id,
                    PostId     = comment.PostId,
                    ParentId   = comment.ParentId == null ? "" : comment.ParentId,
                    Answer     = answer
Example #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> Get([FromRoute] int articleId)
            var article = await _articleRepository.GetAsync(articleId);

            if (article == null)

            var comments = await _commentRepository.Query().ToListAsync();

            var result = new CommentListModel
                Comments = comments.Select(c => new CommentModel
                    Id        = c.Id,
                    Email     = c.Email,
                    Title     = c.Title,
                    Content   = c.Content,
                    Date      = c.Date,
                    Published = c.Published

Example #4
        public ActionResult ShowArticle(int id)
            Article article = repoArticle.Get(id);

            if (article != null)
                CommentListModel commentList = new CommentListModel()
                    Comments = repoComments.GetComments(id).ToArray().Select(x => new PageComment()
                        CommentId = x.CommentId,
                        Level     = x.Level,
                        Parent    = x.Parent,
                        Text      = x.Text,
                        UserId    = x.UserId,
                        UserName  = x.UserName

                ViewData["Comments"] = commentList;


Example #5
 public NewsItemModel()
     AddNewComment       = new AddNewsCommentModel();
     Comments            = new CommentListModel();
     PictureModel        = new PictureModel();
     PreviewPictureModel = new PictureModel();
Example #6
 public BlogPostModel()
     Tags                = new List <BlogPostTagModel>();
     AddNewComment       = new AddBlogCommentModel();
     Comments            = new CommentListModel();
     PictureModel        = new PictureModel();
     PreviewPictureModel = new PictureModel();
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the comment model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">The optional content id</param>
        /// <returns>The model</returns>
        public async Task <CommentListModel> Get(Guid?id = null)
            var model = new CommentListModel
                ContentId = id

            var postComments = await _api.Posts.GetAllCommentsAsync(id, onlyApproved : false, pageSize : 0);

            var pageComments = await _api.Pages.GetAllCommentsAsync(id, onlyApproved : false, pageSize : 0);

            foreach (var postComment in postComments)
                var post = await _api.Posts.GetByIdAsync <PostInfo>(postComment.ContentId);

                model.Comments.Add(new CommentListModel.CommentItem
                    Id           = postComment.Id,
                    ArticleTitle = post?.Title,
                    ArticleUrl   = $"manager/post/edit/{ post?.Id }",
                    Author       = postComment.Author,
                    AuthorImage  = Utils.GenerateGravatarUrl(postComment.Email, 25),
                    Email        = postComment.Email,
                    Body         = postComment.Body,
                    IsApproved   = postComment.IsApproved,
                    Created      = postComment.Created.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                    CreatedDate  = postComment.Created

            foreach (var pageComment in pageComments)
                var page = await _api.Pages.GetByIdAsync <PageInfo>(pageComment.ContentId);

                model.Comments.Add(new CommentListModel.CommentItem
                    Id           = pageComment.Id,
                    ArticleTitle = page?.Title,
                    ArticleUrl   = $"manager/page/edit/{ page?.Id }",
                    Author       = pageComment.Author,
                    AuthorImage  = Utils.GenerateGravatarUrl(pageComment.Email, 25),
                    Email        = pageComment.Email,
                    Body         = pageComment.Body,
                    IsApproved   = pageComment.IsApproved,
                    Created      = pageComment.Created.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                    CreatedDate  = pageComment.Created

            model.Comments = model.Comments
                             .OrderByDescending(c => c.CreatedDate)

Example #8
        public ActionResult CommentUpdate(GridCommand command, CommentListModel model)
            var comment = postService.GetCommentById(model.Id);

            if (comment != null)
                comment.FullName   = model.FullName;
                comment.Commentary = model.Comment;
                comment.Approved   = model.Approved;

            return(CommentList(command, model.PostId));
Example #9
        public async Task <IActionResult> Get([FromRoute] int?articleId)
            if (articleId == null)
                return(BadRequest(ApiResponse.BadRequest("Argument id is null")));

            var model = await _commentRepository.Query().Where(w => w.ArticleId == articleId).ToArrayAsync();

            var result = new CommentListModel
                Comments = model.Select(c => c.AsDto())

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string Ssid    = Request.Params["SSID"];
            string comment = Request.Params["comment"];
            string time    = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMddHHmm");

            var result = new CommentListModel();

            int s;

            if (int.TryParse(Ssid, out s))
                try {
                    string querySql = "select `posSSID`,`negSSID`,`content`,`time` from"
                                      + "`comment_table` where `negSSID` = " + Ssid + ";";
                    using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(DatabaseManager.connStr))
                        lock (conn)
                            MySqlCommand    cmd    = new MySqlCommand(querySql, conn);
                            MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                            while (reader.Read())
                                var commentObj = new SingleCommentObj();
                                commentObj.posSSID = reader[0].ToString();
                                commentObj.negSSID = reader[1].ToString();
                                commentObj.comment = reader[2].ToString();
                                commentObj.time    = reader[3].ToString();
                    result.status = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    result.errorMsg = ex.Message;
                result.errorMsg = "参数错误。已记录您的这次操作";
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 商品咨询
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="goodsId"></param>
        /// <param name="page"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public virtual ActionResult Comment(long goodsId, int page)
            var model = new CommentListModel
                PageIndex = page
            var query = new QueryInfo();

            query.SetPageIndex(model.PageIndex).SetPageSize(model.PageSize).Query <CommentEntity>().Where(it => it.Product.Goods.Id == goodsId)
            .OrderByDescending(it => it.Id).Select(it => new object[] { it.Account.Name, it.Detail, it.InsertTime, it.Type });
            model.Comments = this.GetEntities <CommentEntity>(query);
            if (model.Comments == null || model.Comments.Count == 0)
            return(View("~/Views/Home/_Comment.cshtml", model));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Detail(int id)
            var currentUser = await GetCurrentUserAsync();

            Sharing sharing = await _sharingService.FindByIdAsync(id);

            if (sharing != null)
                int? ownerId = sharing.UserId;
                User user    = new User();
                user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(ownerId.ToString());

                SharingListModel model = _mapper.Map <SharingListModel>(sharing);
                model.UserName = user.UserName;

                List <Comment> comments = await _commentService.GetAllBySharingIdAsync(id);

                List <CommentListModel> commentModels = new List <CommentListModel>();
                foreach (var item in comments)
                    if (item.UserId != null)
                        string userId      = item.UserId.ToString();
                        var    commentUser = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(userId);

                        bool result = false;
                        if (currentUser != null)
                            result = await _commentService.isLiked(item.Id, currentUser.Id);

                        CommentListModel commentModel = _mapper.Map <CommentListModel>(item);
                        commentModel.CommentOwner = commentUser.UserName;
                        commentModel.isLiked      = result;


                ViewBag.Comments = commentModels;
                ViewBag.User     = currentUser != null ? currentUser.UserName:"";
Example #13
        public async Task <CommentListModel> GetListModelAsync(CommentQuery query)
            CommentListModel     listModel = new CommentListModel();
            IQueryable <Comment> queryable = GetIncludes(p => p.AuthorUser, p => p.Article); //Article Yapan User ve Taglar Gelsin

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.Slug))
                var isSlug = await _articleServices.Get(p => p.Slug == query.Slug);

                if (isSlug != null)
                    queryable = queryable.Where(p => p.ArticleId == isSlug.Id);

            //if (query.UserId > 0)
            //    var isUser = await _userServices.Get(p => p.Id == query.UserId);
            //    if (isUser != null)
            //    {
            //        queryable = queryable.Where(p => p.AuthorUserId == isUser.Id);

            //    }

            var commentList = queryable.OrderByDescending(p => p.UpdatedAt).Skip(query.Offset * query.Limit).Take(query.Limit).ToList();

            await Task.Run(() => listModel.Comments = _mapper.Map <List <Comment>, List <CommentDto> >(commentList));

            listModel.TotalCount = queryable.Count();

Example #14
        public ActionResult CommentModelPageData(int pageIndex, int pageSize, CommentListModel commentsModel)
            var model = new EngineeringFileService().Get(e => e.Id == commentsModel.ModelId);

            if (model == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model));

            if (!new PermissionService().CanUserVisitProject(CurrentCustomer, model.Engineering.ProjectId))

            var lamda = PrepareCommentListLamda(commentsModel, model);

            PagedList <Comment> comments = GetVersionComments(pageIndex, pageSize, lamda, model, commentsModel.SelectedVersionId, commentsModel.SelectedProfessionId);

            var commentModels = PrepareCommentModelPageData(comments, model);
            var roleDes       = CurrentCustomer.GetCurrentRoleDes(commentsModel.SelectedProfessionId, model.Engineering);

            return(Json(new { result = true, listHtml = this.RenderPartialViewToString("_Comment", commentModels), total = comments.TotalCount, roleDes = roleDes, statusDescription = model.FileVersions.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == commentsModel.SelectedVersionId)?.Status.GetDescription() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Example #15
        public JsonResult Comment(FormCollection form)
            if (!settingService.GetSetting("post.comment.enabled").BoolValue)
                return(Json(new { errorMessage = "Yorum sistemi devredışı." }));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(form["postId"]) &&
                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(form["name"]) &&
                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(form["email"]) &&
                var comment = new Comment
                    PostId       = form["postId"].ToInt(),
                    ParentId     = form["parentId"].ToInt(),
                    FullName     = form["name"],
                    EmailAddress = form["email"],
                    Content      = form["message"],
                    IsAccept     = false,
                    CreateDate   = DateTime.Now

                var model = new CommentListModel
                    Id         = comment.Id,
                    ParentId   = comment.ParentId,
                    FullName   = comment.FullName,
                    Content    = comment.Content,
                    CreateDate = comment.CreateDate.ToRelativeFormat()

            return(Json(new { errorMessage = "Bir hata oluştu." }));
Example #16
        protected Expression <Func <Comment, bool> > PrepareCommentListLamda(CommentListModel model, EngineeringFile modelFile)
            var lastesModelVersion = modelFile.FileVersions.OrderByDescending(e => e.UpLoadeTime).FirstOrDefault();

            if (lastesModelVersion == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(lastesModelVersion));

            var lamda = CommentService.ExpressionTrue;

            lamda = lamda.And(e => e.EngineeringFileId == model.ModelId);

            if (model.SelectedProfessionId != 0)
                lamda = lamda.And(e => e.ProfessionId == model.SelectedProfessionId);
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.SelectedState))
                var states = WorkFlow.GetStatusListByDescription(model.SelectedState);
                lamda = lamda.And(e => states.Contains(e.Status));
            if (model.SelectedCommentType != CommentType.All)
                if (model.SelectedCommentType == CommentType.Integrality)
                    var types = DictionaryService.IntegralityCommentTypeDictionary.Where(e => e.IsDeleted == false).Select(e => e.Id).ToArray();
                    lamda = lamda.And(e => types.Contains(e.CommentTypeId));
                    var types = DictionaryService.DesignCommentTypeDictionary.Where(e => e.IsDeleted == false).Select(e => e.Id).ToArray();
                    lamda = lamda.And(e => types.Contains(e.CommentTypeId));
Example #17
        public async Task GetSignedUpActivityViewTestAsync()
            // arrange
            List <PersonModel>  participantList;
            PersonModel         person1;
            PersonModel         person2;
            List <CommentModel> commentList;
            ActivityModel       activity;

            ActivitySignedUpViewModel retrieved;

            using (var contextScope = ContextFactory.Create())
                activity = await GetTestActivityAsync();

                person1 = await GetTestPersonAsync(
                    first : "First1",
                    last : "Last1",
                    email : "*****@*****.**",
                    activityId : activity.ActivityId

                person2 = await GetTestPersonAsync(
                    first : "First2",
                    last : "Last2",
                    email : "*****@*****.**",
                    activityId : activity.ActivityId

                participantList = new List <PersonModel>()

                commentList = new List <CommentModel>()
                    await GetTestCommentAsync(
                        personId : person1.PersonId,
                        activityId : activity.ActivityId,
                        content : "I might be a bit late...I hope not, but it's a long drive and a long day at work."
                    await GetTestCommentAsync(
                        personId : person2.PersonId,
                        activityId : activity.ActivityId,
                        content : "I can't wait to try kayaking again, it's been so long."

                // act
                retrieved = await _repository.GetSignedUpActivityViewAsync(activity.ActivityId);

            // assert
            Assert.IsTrue(participantList.Count == retrieved.ParticipantList.Count, "The participant list counts are not equal");
            Assert.IsTrue(commentList.Count == retrieved.CommentList.Count, "The comment list counts are not equal");
            foreach (var person in participantList)
                var listPerson = new PersonListModel()
                    PersonName = person.PersonFirstName + " " + person.PersonLastName
                Assert.IsTrue(retrieved.ParticipantList.Exists(x => x.PersonName == listPerson.PersonName), "The person's name was not found in the list");

            foreach (var comment in commentList)
                var person = participantList.First <PersonModel>(x => x.PersonId == comment.CommentPersonId);

                var listComment = new CommentListModel()
                    CommentContent = comment.CommentContent,
                    CommentDetail  = person.PersonFirstName + " " + person.PersonLastName + " on " + comment.CommentDateTime.ToString("yyyy-mm-dd") + " at " + comment.CommentDateTime.ToString("HH:mm")
                Assert.IsTrue(retrieved.CommentList.Exists(x => x.CommentContent == listComment.CommentContent && x.CommentDetail == listComment.CommentDetail), "The comment was not found in the list");
Example #18
        public ActionResult More(Guid postId, CommentSortBy? sort, string children, int depth)
            if (!sort.HasValue)
                sort = CommentSortBy.Best; // TODO: get suggested sort for this link, and if none, from the sub

            var commentTree = _commentDao.GetCommentTree(postId);
            var commentTreeSorter = _commentDao.GetCommentTreeSorter(postId, sort.Value);
            var commentTreeContext = _commentTreeContextBuilder.Build(commentTree,
                children.Split(',').Select(x => Guid.Parse(x)).ToList(),
                limit: 20,
                maxDepth: 5);
            commentTreeContext.Sort = sort.Value;

            var model = new CommentListModel();
            model.SortBy = sort.Value;
            model.CommentNodes = _commentNodeHierarchyBuilder.Build(commentTree, commentTreeContext, _userContext.CurrentUser);

            return Json(new
                success = true,
                error = (string)null,
                html = RenderView("_CommentNodes", model)
Example #19
 public BlogPostModel()
     Tags          = new List <BlogPostTagModel>();
     AddNewComment = new AddBlogCommentModel();
     Comments      = new CommentListModel();
Example #20
 public NewsItemModel()
     AddNewComment = new AddNewsCommentModel();
     Comments      = new CommentListModel();
 public ActionResult Index()
 public ActionResult List(string id)
     return(View(CommentListModel.GetCommentList(new Guid(id))));
Example #23
        protected CommentListModel PrepareCommentListModel(FileVersion modelVersion)
            CommentListModel result = new CommentListModel();
            var modelFile           = modelVersion.EngineeringFile;

            result.ModelId = modelFile.Id;

            result.ProjectName      = modelFile.Engineering.Project.ProjectName;
            result.CommentCount     = modelFile.Comments.Count();
            result.EngineeringName  = modelFile.Engineering.Name;
            result.ModelStatus      = modelVersion.Status;
            result.StatusUpdateTime = modelVersion.UpdateStateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
            result.OrganizationType = CurrentCustomer.Organization.OrganizationType;

            result.AvaliableProfessions.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Text = "全部", Value = "0", Selected = true
            modelVersion.ModelProfessions.ToList().ForEach(e =>
                result.AvaliableProfessions.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text  = DictionaryService.CommentProfessionDictionary.Find(n => n.Id == e.ProfessionId).DisplayName,
                    Value = e.ProfessionId.ToString()

            result.AvaliableStatus.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Text = "全部", Value = "", Selected = true
            WorkFlow.GetAllCommentStatus().ForEach(e => result.AvaliableStatus.Add(new SelectListItem()
                Text  = e,
                Value = e,

            result.AvaliableCommentType = EnumHelper.EnumToSelectListItem <CommentType>();

            var lastesModelVersion = modelFile.FileVersions.Where(e => e.FileType == FileType.Model).OrderByDescending(e => e.UpLoadeTime).FirstOrDefault();

            if (lastesModelVersion == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(lastesModelVersion));

            modelFile.FileVersions.Where(e => e.FileType == FileType.Model).OrderByDescending(e => e.UpLoadeTime).ToList().ForEach(e =>
                if (e.Id == modelVersion.Id)
                    result.SelectedVersionId = e.Id;

                result.AvaliableVersions.Add(new SelectListItem()
                    Text     = string.Format("模型版本{0}", e.VersionNo),
                    Value    = e.Id.ToString(),
                    Selected = e.Id == modelVersion.Id,

            result.AvaliableVersions.Find(e => e.Value == lastesModelVersion.Id.ToString()).Text = "当前版本";
