Example #1
        private string GetCommand(CommandsToMTR.CommandName command, byte[] binary = null)
            if (command == CommandsToMTR.CommandName.SpoolBinary ||
                command == CommandsToMTR.CommandName.GetMessageBinary ||
                command == CommandsToMTR.CommandName.SetClock &&
                binary == null)
                throw new Exception("Binary content missing.");

            switch (command)
            case CommandsToMTR.CommandName.Status: return("/ST");

            case CommandsToMTR.CommandName.Spool: return("/SA");

            case CommandsToMTR.CommandName.SpoolBinary: return("/SB" + binary);

            case CommandsToMTR.CommandName.NewSession: return("/NS");

            case CommandsToMTR.CommandName.GetMessageBinary: return("/GB" + binary);

            case CommandsToMTR.CommandName.SetClock: return("/SC" + binary);

            case CommandsToMTR.CommandName.ClearRingbuffer: return("/CL");

            default: return(string.Empty);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Send command to the MTR
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="command">Command to send</param>
        /// <param name="binary">Some commands needs extra binarydata. If it is needed and no binary data given an exception will throw</param>
        public void AskFromMTR(CommandsToMTR.CommandName command, byte[] binary = null)
            var cmd = GetCommand(command, binary);
