Example #1
    public static void WaitResponse(SerialPort inPort, bool verbose = true)
        // Dump the response into a buffer..
        // (byte by byte so we can compare the challenge/response)
        // e.g. it may start spewing data immediately after and we
        // have to catch that.
        // note: the attribute extensions use 40ish bytes of memory per pop

        string responseBuffer = "";

        if (verbose)
            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for response: " + argCommand.response());

        while (true)
            if (inPort.BytesToRead != 0)
                // Why the f**k does readchar return an int?
                responseBuffer += (char)inPort.ReadByte();

            if (verbose)
                Console.Write("\r Response: " + responseBuffer);

            if (
                // regular mode
                responseBuffer == argCommand.response()
                // legacy modes
                || (argCommand == CommandMode.SEND_OLD_EXE && responseBuffer.Length > 0 && responseBuffer[responseBuffer.Length - 1] == 0x99) ||
                (argCommand == CommandMode.SEND_OLD_ROM && responseBuffer.Length > 0 && responseBuffer[responseBuffer.Length - 1] == 0x99)
                if (verbose)
                    Console.WriteLine("\nGot response: " + responseBuffer + "!");

            // filter any noise at the start of the response
            // seems to happen once in a while
            if (responseBuffer.Length > 4)
                responseBuffer = responseBuffer.Remove(0, 1);
Example #2
    // If we're in solo monitor mode, there will be no
    // challenge/response, let's future-proof it though

    public static bool ChallengeResponse(CommandMode inMode)
        return(ChallengeResponse(inMode.challenge(), inMode.response()));