Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new instance of <see cref="CommandLine"/> from <see cref="PredictiveCommand" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="predictiveCommand">The command information.</param>
        /// <param name="azContext">The current PowerShell conext.</param>
        public CommandLine(PredictiveCommand predictiveCommand, IAzContext azContext = null)
            Validation.CheckArgument(predictiveCommand, $"{nameof(predictiveCommand)} cannot be null.");

            var predictionText = CommandLineUtilities.EscapePredictionText(predictiveCommand.Command);
            var commandAst     = CommandLineUtilities.GetCommandAst(predictionText);
            var commandName    = commandAst?.GetCommandName();

            Validation.CheckInvariant <CommandLineException>(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(commandName), $"Cannot get the command name from the model {predictiveCommand.Command}");

            var parameterSet = new ParameterSet(commandAst, azContext);

            Name         = commandName;
            Description  = predictiveCommand.Description;
            ParameterSet = parameterSet;
            SourceText   = predictiveCommand.Command;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new instance of <see cref="CommandLine"/> from <see cref="PredictiveCommand" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="predictiveCommand">The command information.</param>
        /// <param name="azContext">The current PowerShell conext.</param>
        public CommandLine(PredictiveCommand predictiveCommand, IAzContext azContext = null)
            Validation.CheckArgument(predictiveCommand, $"{nameof(predictiveCommand)} cannot be null.");

            var predictionText = CommandLineUtilities.EscapePredictionText(predictiveCommand.Command);
            Ast ast            = Parser.ParseInput(predictionText, out Token[] tokens, out _);
            var commandAst     = ast.Find((ast) => ast is CommandAst, searchNestedScriptBlocks: false) as CommandAst;
            var commandName    = commandAst?.GetCommandName();

            Validation.CheckInvariant <CommandLineException>(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(commandName), $"Cannot get the command name from the model {predictiveCommand.Command}");

            var parameterSet = new ParameterSet(commandAst, azContext);

            Name         = commandName;
            Description  = predictiveCommand.Description;
            ParameterSet = parameterSet;
            SourceText   = predictiveCommand.Command;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of <see cref="CommandLinePredictor"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelPredictions">List of suggestions from the model, sorted by frequency (most to least).</param>
        /// <param name="parameterValuePredictor">Provide the prediction to the parameter values.</param>
        public CommandLinePredictor(IList <PredictiveCommand> modelPredictions, ParameterValuePredictor parameterValuePredictor)
            Validation.CheckArgument(modelPredictions, $"{nameof(modelPredictions)} cannot be null.");

            _parameterValuePredictor = parameterValuePredictor;
            var commnadLines = new List <CommandLine>();

            foreach (var predictiveCommand in modelPredictions ?? Enumerable.Empty <PredictiveCommand>())
                var predictionText = CommandLineUtilities.EscapePredictionText(predictiveCommand.Command);
                Ast ast            = Parser.ParseInput(predictionText, out Token[] tokens, out _);
                var commandAst     = (ast.Find((ast) => ast is CommandAst, searchNestedScriptBlocks: false) as CommandAst);

                if (commandAst?.CommandElements[0] is StringConstantExpressionAst commandName)
                    var parameterSet = new ParameterSet(commandAst);
                    this._commandLinePredictions.Add(new CommandLine(commandName.Value, predictiveCommand.Description, parameterSet));
Example #4
        public ParameterSet(CommandAst commandAst, IAzContext azContext = null)
            Validation.CheckArgument(commandAst, $"{nameof(commandAst)} cannot be null.");

            _commandAst = commandAst;
            _azContext  = azContext;

            var parameters            = new List <Parameter>();
            CommandParameterAst param = null;
            Ast arg = null;

            // positional parameters must be before named parameters.
            // This loop will convert them to named parameters.
            // Loop through all the parameters. The first element of CommandElements is the command name, so skip it.
            bool hasSeenNamedParameter      = false;
            bool hasSeenIncompleteParameter = false;

            for (var i = 1; i < commandAst.CommandElements.Count(); ++i)
                var elem = commandAst.CommandElements[i];

                if (elem is CommandParameterAst p)
                    if (hasSeenIncompleteParameter)
                        throw new CommandLineException("'-' is in the middle of the parameter list.");

                    hasSeenNamedParameter = true;
                    AddNamedParameter(param, arg);
                    // In case there is a switch parameter, we store the parameter name/value and add them when we see the next pair.
                    param = p;
                    arg   = null;
                else if (AzPredictorConstants.ParameterIndicator == elem?.ToString().Trim().FirstOrDefault())
                    // We have an incomplete command line such as
                    // `New-AzResourceGroup -Name ResourceGroup01 -Location WestUS -`
                    // We'll ignore the incomplete parameter.
                    AddNamedParameter(param, arg);
                    param = null;
                    arg   = null;
                    hasSeenIncompleteParameter = true;
                    parameters.Add(new Parameter(AzPredictorConstants.DashParameterName, null, false));
                    if (hasSeenIncompleteParameter || (hasSeenNamedParameter && param == null))
                        throw new CommandLineException("Positional parameters must be before named parameters.");

                    if (param == null)
                        // This is a positional parameter.
                        var pair = BoundParameters.First((pair) => pair.Value.Value == elem);

                        var parameterName  = pair.Key;
                        var parameterValue = CommandLineUtilities.EscapePredictionText(pair.Value.Value.ToString());
                        parameters.Add(new Parameter(parameterName, parameterValue, true));
                        BoundParameters.Remove(pair); // Remove it so that we can match another parameter with the same value.
                        arg = elem;
                        AddNamedParameter(param, arg);
                        param = null;
                        arg   = null;

            Validation.CheckInvariant <CommandLineException>((param != null) || (arg == null));
            AddNamedParameter(param, arg);

            Parameters = parameters;

            void AddNamedParameter(CommandParameterAst parameter, Ast parameterValue)
                if (parameter != null)
                    var value = parameterValue?.ToString();
                    if (value == null)
                        value = parameter.Argument?.ToString();

                    if (value != null)
                        value = CommandLineUtilities.UnescapePredictionText(value);

                    parameters.Add(new Parameter(parameter.ParameterName, value, false));
Example #5
        public void VerifyEscapingText(string expected, string input)
            var actual = CommandLineUtilities.EscapePredictionText(input);

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);