Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Enables a seller to define shipping cost discount profiles for things such as combined
        /// payments for shipping and handling costs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CurrencyID">
        /// The three-digit code of the currency to be used for shipping cost discounts and
        /// insurance for combined payment orders. A discount profile can only be associated
        /// with a listing if the <b>CurrencyID</b> value of the profile matches the
        /// <b>Item.Currency</b> value specified in a listing.
        /// Required if the user creates flat rate shipping discount profiles, a promotional
        /// discount, a packaging/handling cost profile based on a variable
        /// discount rule, or if the user defines shipping insurance range/fee pairs.
        /// Note: There is a currencyID attribute on many elements of SetShippingDiscountProfiles.
        /// To avoid an error, be sure to use the same <b>CurrencyID</b> value
        /// in each occurrence within the same request.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CombinedDuration">
        /// This field is used to specify the number of days after the sale of an
        /// item in which the buyer or seller can combine multiple and mutual order
        /// line items into one Combined Payment order. In a Combined Payment order,
        /// the buyer makes one payment for all order line items, hence only unpaid
        /// order line items can be combined into a Combined Payment order.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ModifyActionCode">
        /// Indicates what action to take on the specified flat shipping discount,
        /// calculated shipping discount or promotional discount.
        /// If the action is Delete and if a flat rate or calculated shipping discount
        /// profile is specified, the discount profile identified by
        /// DiscountProfile.DiscountProfileID is deleted
        /// (see DiscountProfile.MappedDiscountProfileID for related details).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="FlatShippingDiscount">
        /// Details of a shipping cost discount profile for flat rate shipping.
        /// If this is provided, CalculatedShippingDiscount and PromotionalShippingDiscountDetails
        /// should be omitted.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CalculatedShippingDiscount">
        /// Details of a shipping cost discount profile for calculated shipping.
        /// If this is provided, FlatShippingDiscount and PromotionalShippingDiscountDetails
        /// should be omitted.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CalculatedHandlingDiscount">
        /// This container is used by the seller to specify/modify packaging and handling discounts that are applied
        /// for combined payment orders.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="PromotionalShippingDiscountDetails">
        /// The data for the promotional shipping discount.
        /// If this is provided, FlatShippingDiscount and CalculatedShippingDiscount
        /// should be omitted.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ShippingInsurance">
        /// Information establishing what fee to apply for domestic shipping insurance
        /// for combined payment depending on which range the order item-total price
        /// falls into.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="InternationalShippingInsurance">
        /// Information establishing what fee to apply for international shipping
        /// insurance for combined payment depending on which range the order item-total
        /// price falls into.
        /// </param>
        public void SetShippingDiscountProfiles(CurrencyCodeType CurrencyID, CombinedPaymentPeriodCodeType CombinedDuration, ModifyActionCodeType ModifyActionCode, FlatShippingDiscountType FlatShippingDiscount, CalculatedShippingDiscountType CalculatedShippingDiscount, CalculatedHandlingDiscountType CalculatedHandlingDiscount, PromotionalShippingDiscountDetailsType PromotionalShippingDiscountDetails, ShippingInsuranceType ShippingInsurance, ShippingInsuranceType InternationalShippingInsurance)
            this.CurrencyID                         = CurrencyID;
            this.CombinedDuration                   = CombinedDuration;
            this.ModifyActionCode                   = ModifyActionCode;
            this.FlatShippingDiscount               = FlatShippingDiscount;
            this.CalculatedShippingDiscount         = CalculatedShippingDiscount;
            this.CalculatedHandlingDiscount         = CalculatedHandlingDiscount;
            this.PromotionalShippingDiscountDetails = PromotionalShippingDiscountDetails;
            this.ShippingInsurance                  = ShippingInsurance;
            this.InternationalShippingInsurance     = InternationalShippingInsurance;

        /// <summary>
        /// Enables a seller to define shipping cost discount profiles for things such as combined
        /// payments for shipping and handling costs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CurrencyID">
        /// The ID of the currency to be used for shipping cost discounts and
        /// insurance for combined payment. A discount profile can only be
        /// associated with a listing if the currency ID of the profile matches the
        /// currency ID of the listing.
        /// Required if the user creates flat rate shipping discount profiles, a promotional
        /// discount, a packaging/handling cost profile based on a variable
        /// discount rule, or if the user defines shipping insurance range/fee pairs.
        /// Note: There is a currencyID attribute on many elements of SetShippingDiscountProfiles.
        /// To avoid an error, be sure to use the same value of CurrencyCodeType in each
        /// occurrence within the same request.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CombinedDuration">
        /// Only those items purchased within CombinedDuration days of each other can
        /// be combined into an order and benefit from any shipping discounts.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ModifyActionCode">
        /// Indicates what action to take on the specified flat shipping discount,
        /// calculated shipping discount or promotional discount.
        /// If the action is Delete and if a flat rate or calculated shipping discount
        /// profile is specified, the discount profile identified by
        /// DiscountProfile.DiscountProfileID is deleted
        /// (see DiscountProfile.MappedDiscountProfileID for related details).
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="FlatShippingDiscount">
        /// Details of a shipping cost discount profile for flat rate shipping.
        /// If this is provided, CalculatedShippingDiscount and PromotionalShippingDiscountDetails
        /// should be omitted.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CalculatedShippingDiscount">
        /// Details of a shipping cost discount profile for calculated shipping.
        /// If this is provided, FlatShippingDiscount and PromotionalShippingDiscountDetails
        /// should be omitted.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="CalculatedHandlingDiscount">
        /// The data for the specific packaging/handling cost details for combined payment.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="PromotionalShippingDiscountDetails">
        /// The data for the promotional shipping discount.
        /// If this is provided, FlatShippingDiscount and CalculatedShippingDiscount
        /// should be omitted.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="ShippingInsurance">
        /// Information establishing what fee to apply for domestic shipping insurance
        /// for combined payment depending on which range the order item-total price
        /// falls into.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="InternationalShippingInsurance">
        /// Information establishing what fee to apply for international shipping
        /// insurance for combined payment depending on which range the order item-total
        /// price falls into.
        /// </param>
        public void SetShippingDiscountProfiles(CurrencyCodeType CurrencyID, CombinedPaymentPeriodCodeType CombinedDuration, ModifyActionCodeType ModifyActionCode, FlatShippingDiscountType FlatShippingDiscount, CalculatedShippingDiscountType CalculatedShippingDiscount, CalculatedHandlingDiscountType CalculatedHandlingDiscount, PromotionalShippingDiscountDetailsType PromotionalShippingDiscountDetails, ShippingInsuranceType ShippingInsurance, ShippingInsuranceType InternationalShippingInsurance)
            this.CurrencyID = CurrencyID;
            this.CombinedDuration = CombinedDuration;
            this.ModifyActionCode = ModifyActionCode;
            this.FlatShippingDiscount = FlatShippingDiscount;
            this.CalculatedShippingDiscount = CalculatedShippingDiscount;
            this.CalculatedHandlingDiscount = CalculatedHandlingDiscount;
            this.PromotionalShippingDiscountDetails = PromotionalShippingDiscountDetails;
            this.ShippingInsurance = ShippingInsurance;
            this.InternationalShippingInsurance = InternationalShippingInsurance;
