/**<summary>Combines meshes and generates texture atlases. NOTE running coroutines at runtime does not work in Unity 4</summary>
         *  <param name="progressInfo">A delegate function that will be called to report progress.</param>
         *  <param name="textureEditorMethods">If called from the editor should be an instance of MB2_EditorMethods. If called at runtime should be null.</param>
         *  <remarks>Combines meshes and generates texture atlases</remarks> */
        public bool CombineTexturesIntoAtlases(ProgressUpdateDelegate progressInfo, MB_AtlasesAndRects resultAtlasesAndRects, Material resultMaterial, List <GameObject> objsToMesh, List <Material> allowedMaterialsFilter, MB2_EditorMethodsInterface textureEditorMethods = null, List <AtlasPackingResult> packingResults = null, bool onlyPackRects = false)
            CombineTexturesIntoAtlasesCoroutineResult result = new CombineTexturesIntoAtlasesCoroutineResult();

            RunCorutineWithoutPause(_CombineTexturesIntoAtlases(progressInfo, result, resultAtlasesAndRects, resultMaterial, objsToMesh, allowedMaterialsFilter, textureEditorMethods, packingResults, onlyPackRects), 0);
Example #2
        IEnumerator __RunTexturePackerOnly(CombineTexturesIntoAtlasesCoroutineResult result, MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.TexturePipelineData data, bool splitAtlasWhenPackingIfTooBig, MB2_EditorMethodsInterface textureEditorMethods, List <AtlasPackingResult> packingResult)
            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug)
                Debug.Log("__RunTexturePacker texture properties in shader:" + data.texPropertyNames.Count + " objsToMesh:" + data.allObjsToMesh.Count + " _fixOutOfBoundsUVs:" + data._fixOutOfBoundsUVs);
            List <GameObject> usedObjsToMesh = new List <GameObject>();

            yield return(MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.__Step1_CollectDistinctMatTexturesAndUsedObjects(null, result, data, this, textureEditorMethods, usedObjsToMesh, LOG_LEVEL));

            if (!result.success)
                yield break;

            data.allTexturesAreNullAndSameColor = new MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.CreateAtlasForProperty[data.texPropertyNames.Count];
            yield return(MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.CalculateIdealSizesForTexturesInAtlasAndPadding(null, result, data, this, textureEditorMethods, LOG_LEVEL));

            if (!result.success)
                yield break;

            MB_ITextureCombinerPacker texturePaker = MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.CreatePacker(data.OnlyOneTextureInAtlasReuseTextures(), data._packingAlgorithm);

            //    run the texture packer only
            AtlasPackingResult[] aprs = MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.RunTexturePackerOnly(data, splitAtlasWhenPackingIfTooBig, texturePaker, LOG_LEVEL);
            for (int i = 0; i < aprs.Length; i++)
Example #3
        /**<summary>Combines meshes and generates texture atlases. NOTE running coroutines at runtime does not work in Unity 4</summary>
         *  <param name="progressInfo">A delegate function that will be called to report progress.</param>
         *  <param name="textureEditorMethods">If called from the editor should be an instance of MB2_EditorMethods. If called at runtime should be null.</param>
         *  <remarks>Combines meshes and generates texture atlases</remarks> */
        public bool CombineTexturesIntoAtlases(ProgressUpdateDelegate progressInfo, MB_AtlasesAndRects resultAtlasesAndRects, Material resultMaterial, List <GameObject> objsToMesh, List <Material> allowedMaterialsFilter, MB2_EditorMethodsInterface textureEditorMethods = null, List <AtlasPackingResult> packingResults = null, bool onlyPackRects = false, bool splitAtlasWhenPackingIfTooBig = false)
            CombineTexturesIntoAtlasesCoroutineResult result = new CombineTexturesIntoAtlasesCoroutineResult();

            RunCorutineWithoutPause(_CombineTexturesIntoAtlases(progressInfo, result, resultAtlasesAndRects, resultMaterial, objsToMesh, allowedMaterialsFilter, textureEditorMethods, packingResults, onlyPackRects, splitAtlasWhenPackingIfTooBig), 0);
            if (result.success == false)
                Debug.LogError("Failed to generate atlases.");
Example #4
        //texPropertyNames is the list of texture properties in the resultMaterial
        //allowedMaterialsFilter is a list of materials. Objects without any of these materials will be ignored.
        //						 this is used by the multiple materials filter
        //textureEditorMethods encapsulates editor only functionality such as saving assets and tracking texture assets whos format was changed. Is null if using at runtime.
        IEnumerator __CombineTexturesIntoAtlases(ProgressUpdateDelegate progressInfo, CombineTexturesIntoAtlasesCoroutineResult result, MB_AtlasesAndRects resultAtlasesAndRects, MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.TexturePipelineData data, bool splitAtlasWhenPackingIfTooBig, MB2_EditorMethodsInterface textureEditorMethods)
            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug)
                Debug.Log("__CombineTexturesIntoAtlases texture properties in shader:" + data.texPropertyNames.Count + " objsToMesh:" + data.allObjsToMesh.Count + " _fixOutOfBoundsUVs:" + data._fixOutOfBoundsUVs);

            if (progressInfo != null)
                progressInfo("Collecting textures ", .01f);

             *          each atlas (maintex, bump, spec etc...) will have distinctMaterialTextures.Count images in it.
             *          each distinctMaterialTextures record is a set of textures, one for each atlas. And a list of materials
             *          that use that distinct set of textures.
            List <GameObject> usedObjsToMesh = new List <GameObject>();

            yield return(MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.__Step1_CollectDistinctMatTexturesAndUsedObjects(progressInfo, result, data, this, textureEditorMethods, usedObjsToMesh, LOG_LEVEL));

            if (!result.success)
                yield break;

            if (MB3_MeshCombiner.EVAL_VERSION)
                bool usesAllowedShaders = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < data.distinctMaterialTextures.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < data.distinctMaterialTextures[i].matsAndGOs.mats.Count; j++)
                        if (!data.distinctMaterialTextures[i].matsAndGOs.mats[j].mat.shader.name.EndsWith("Diffuse") &&
                            !data.distinctMaterialTextures[i].matsAndGOs.mats[j].mat.shader.name.EndsWith("Bumped Diffuse"))
                            Debug.LogError("The free version of Mesh Baker only works with Diffuse and Bumped Diffuse Shaders. The full version can be used with any shader. Material " + data.distinctMaterialTextures[i].matsAndGOs.mats[j].mat.name + " uses shader " + data.distinctMaterialTextures[i].matsAndGOs.mats[j].mat.shader.name);
                            usesAllowedShaders = false;
                if (!usesAllowedShaders)
                    result.success = false;
                    yield break;

            //Textures in each material (_mainTex, Bump, Spec ect...) must be same size
            //Calculate the best sized to use. Takes into account tiling
            //if only one texture in atlas re-uses original sizes
            yield return(MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.CalculateIdealSizesForTexturesInAtlasAndPadding(progressInfo, result, data, this, textureEditorMethods, LOG_LEVEL));

            if (!result.success)
                yield break;

            StringBuilder             report       = MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.GenerateReport(data);
            MB_ITextureCombinerPacker texturePaker = MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.CreatePacker(data.OnlyOneTextureInAtlasReuseTextures(), data._packingAlgorithm);

            yield return(texturePaker.ConvertTexturesToReadableFormats(progressInfo, result, data, this, textureEditorMethods, LOG_LEVEL));

            if (!result.success)
                yield break;

            AtlasPackingResult[] uvRects = texturePaker.CalculateAtlasRectangles(data, splitAtlasWhenPackingIfTooBig, LOG_LEVEL);
            yield return(MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.__Step3_BuildAndSaveAtlasesAndStoreResults(result, progressInfo, data, this, texturePaker, uvRects[0], textureEditorMethods, resultAtlasesAndRects, report, LOG_LEVEL));
Example #5
        IEnumerator _CombineTexturesIntoAtlases(ProgressUpdateDelegate progressInfo, CombineTexturesIntoAtlasesCoroutineResult result, MB_AtlasesAndRects resultAtlasesAndRects, Material resultMaterial, List <GameObject> objsToMesh, List <Material> allowedMaterialsFilter, MB2_EditorMethodsInterface textureEditorMethods, List <AtlasPackingResult> atlasPackingResult, bool onlyPackRects, bool splitAtlasWhenPackingIfTooBig)
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
                MeshBakerMaterialTexture.readyToBuildAtlases = false;

                if (textureEditorMethods != null)

                if (objsToMesh == null || objsToMesh.Count == 0)
                    Debug.LogError("No meshes to combine. Please assign some meshes to combine.");
                    result.success = false;
                    yield break;

                if (_atlasPadding < 0)
                    Debug.LogError("Atlas padding must be zero or greater.");
                    result.success = false;
                    yield break;

                if (_maxTilingBakeSize < 2 || _maxTilingBakeSize > 4096)
                    Debug.LogError("Invalid value for max tiling bake size.");
                    result.success = false;
                    yield break;

                for (int i = 0; i < objsToMesh.Count; i++)
                    Material[] ms = MB_Utility.GetGOMaterials(objsToMesh[i]);
                    for (int j = 0; j < ms.Length; j++)
                        Material m = ms[j];
                        if (m == null)
                            Debug.LogError("Game object " + objsToMesh[i] + " has a null material");
                            result.success = false;
                            yield break;

                if (progressInfo != null)
                    progressInfo("Collecting textures for " + objsToMesh.Count + " meshes.", .01f);

                MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.TexturePipelineData data = LoadPipelineData(resultMaterial, new List <ShaderTextureProperty>(), objsToMesh, allowedMaterialsFilter, new List <MB_TexSet>());
                if (!MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline._CollectPropertyNames(data, LOG_LEVEL))
                    result.success = false;
                    yield break;

                if (_fixOutOfBoundsUVs && (_packingAlgorithm == MB2_PackingAlgorithmEnum.MeshBakerTexturePacker_Horizontal ||
                                           _packingAlgorithm == MB2_PackingAlgorithmEnum.MeshBakerTexturePacker_Vertical))
                    if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.info)
                        Debug.LogWarning("'Consider Mesh UVs' is enabled but packing algorithm is MeshBakerTexturePacker_Horizontal or MeshBakerTexturePacker_Vertical. It is recommended to use these packers without using 'Consider Mesh UVs'");


                if (onlyPackRects)
                    yield return(__RunTexturePackerOnly(result, data, splitAtlasWhenPackingIfTooBig, textureEditorMethods, atlasPackingResult));
                    yield return(__CombineTexturesIntoAtlases(progressInfo, result, resultAtlasesAndRects, data, splitAtlasWhenPackingIfTooBig, textureEditorMethods));

                 *      } catch (MissingReferenceException mrex){
                 *              Debug.LogError("Creating atlases failed a MissingReferenceException was thrown. This is normally only happens when trying to create very large atlases and Unity is running out of Memory. Try changing the 'Texture Packer' to a different option, it may work with an alternate packer. This error is sometimes intermittant. Try baking again.");
                 *              Debug.LogError(mrex);
                 *      } catch (Exception ex){
                 *              Debug.LogError(ex);*/
                if (textureEditorMethods != null)
                if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug)
                    Debug.Log("===== Done creating atlases for " + resultMaterial + " Total time to create atlases " + sw.Elapsed.ToString());
            //result.success = success;
Example #6
        //float _maxTimePerFrameForCoroutine;
        public IEnumerator CombineTexturesIntoAtlasesCoroutine(ProgressUpdateDelegate progressInfo, MB_AtlasesAndRects resultAtlasesAndRects, Material resultMaterial, List <GameObject> objsToMesh, List <Material> allowedMaterialsFilter, MB2_EditorMethodsInterface textureEditorMethods = null, CombineTexturesIntoAtlasesCoroutineResult coroutineResult = null, float maxTimePerFrame = .01f, List <AtlasPackingResult> packingResults = null, bool onlyPackRects = false, bool splitAtlasWhenPackingIfTooBig = false)
            if (!_RunCorutineWithoutPauseIsRunning && (MBVersion.GetMajorVersion() < 5 || (MBVersion.GetMajorVersion() == 5 && MBVersion.GetMinorVersion() < 3)))
                Debug.LogError("Running the texture combiner as a coroutine only works in Unity 5.3 and higher");
                yield return(null);
            coroutineResult.success    = true;
            coroutineResult.isFinished = false;
            if (maxTimePerFrame <= 0f)
                Debug.LogError("maxTimePerFrame must be a value greater than zero");
                coroutineResult.isFinished = true;
                yield break;
            //_maxTimePerFrameForCoroutine = maxTimePerFrame;
            yield return(_CombineTexturesIntoAtlases(progressInfo, coroutineResult, resultAtlasesAndRects, resultMaterial, objsToMesh, allowedMaterialsFilter, textureEditorMethods, packingResults, onlyPackRects, splitAtlasWhenPackingIfTooBig));

            coroutineResult.isFinished = true;
            yield break;
        //texPropertyNames is the list of texture properties in the resultMaterial
        //allowedMaterialsFilter is a list of materials. Objects without any of these materials will be ignored.
        //						 this is used by the multiple materials filter
        //textureEditorMethods encapsulates editor only functionality such as saving assets and tracking texture assets whos format was changed. Is null if using at runtime.
        IEnumerator __CombineTexturesIntoAtlases(ProgressUpdateDelegate progressInfo, CombineTexturesIntoAtlasesCoroutineResult result, MB_AtlasesAndRects resultAtlasesAndRects, MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline.TexturePipelineData data, MB2_EditorMethodsInterface textureEditorMethods)
            if (LOG_LEVEL >= MB2_LogLevel.debug)
                Debug.Log("__CombineTexturesIntoAtlases texture properties in shader:" + data.texPropertyNames.Count + " objsToMesh:" + data.allObjsToMesh.Count + " _fixOutOfBoundsUVs:" + data._fixOutOfBoundsUVs);

            if (progressInfo != null)
                progressInfo("Collecting textures ", .01f);

            MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline pipeline = new MB3_TextureCombinerPipeline();

             * each atlas (maintex, bump, spec etc...) will have distinctMaterialTextures.Count images in it.
             * each distinctMaterialTextures record is a set of textures, one for each atlas. And a list of materials
             * that use that distinct set of textures.
            List <GameObject> usedObjsToMesh = new List <GameObject>();

            yield return(pipeline.__Step1_CollectDistinctMatTexturesAndUsedObjects(progressInfo, result, data, this, textureEditorMethods, usedObjsToMesh, LOG_LEVEL));

            if (!result.success)
                yield break;

            //Textures in each material (_mainTex, Bump, Spec ect...) must be same size
            //Calculate the best sized to use. Takes into account tiling
            //if only one texture in atlas re-uses original sizes
            yield return(pipeline.CalculateIdealSizesForTexturesInAtlasAndPadding(progressInfo, result, data, this, textureEditorMethods, LOG_LEVEL));

            if (!result.success)
                yield break;

            StringBuilder             report       = pipeline.GenerateReport(data);
            MB_ITextureCombinerPacker texturePaker = pipeline.CreatePacker(data.OnlyOneTextureInAtlasReuseTextures(), data._packingAlgorithm);

            if (!texturePaker.Validate(data))
                result.success = false;
                yield break;

            yield return(texturePaker.ConvertTexturesToReadableFormats(progressInfo, result, data, this, textureEditorMethods, LOG_LEVEL));

            if (!result.success)
                yield break;

            AtlasPackingResult[] uvRects = texturePaker.CalculateAtlasRectangles(data, false, LOG_LEVEL);
            Debug.Assert(uvRects.Length == 1, "Error, there should not be more than one packing here.");
            yield return(pipeline.__Step3_BuildAndSaveAtlasesAndStoreResults(result, progressInfo, data, this, texturePaker, uvRects[0], textureEditorMethods, resultAtlasesAndRects, report, LOG_LEVEL));