Example #1
        private static void CompareChooseKfromN(int chooseK, int fromN, CombinatoricMode mode)
            var tst1 = Combinatorics.ChooseKfromN(chooseK, fromN, mode).ToArray();
            var tst2 = Combinatorics.ChooseKfromN(chooseK, fromN, mode); // enter alternative-call here

            Compare(tst1, tst2);
Example #2
        private void ApplyNumeric(int chooseK, int fromN, CombinatoricMode mode)
            var sb      = new StringBuilder();
            var counter = 0;

            foreach (var result in Combinatorics.ChooseKfromN(chooseK, fromN, mode))
                sb.Append(string.Concat(result)).Append(" ");
                counter += 1;
            txtOutput.Text = string.Concat(Preambel(chooseK, fromN, mode), counter, " results\n\n", sb.ToString());
Example #3
        private void Apply2Words(int chooseK, int fromN, CombinatoricMode mode)
            //demo, how to transform the int-results to any other DataType: Just take them as Indicees of an Source-Element-Array (of any type).
            var sb    = new StringBuilder();
            var words = _rgxWords.Split(txtInput.Text.Trim());

            if (words.Length != fromN)
                MessageBox.Show("number of words must equal the fromN-Parameter");
            var counter = 0;

            foreach (var result in Combinatorics.ChooseKfromN(chooseK, fromN, mode))
                sb.AppendLine(string.Join(" ", result.Select(i => words[i]).ToArray()));
                counter += 1;
            txtOutput.Text = string.Concat(Preambel(chooseK, fromN, mode), counter, " results\n\n", sb.ToString());
      public static IEnumerable<int[]> ChooseKfromN(int chooseK, int fromN, CombinatoricMode mode) {
         var ubound = chooseK - 1;
         var nMax = fromN - 1;
         int iPivot = 0;
         switch (mode) {
         case CombinatoricMode.Combination_NoRepetition:            // keeps the resultSet asc-ordered
            var resultSet = Enumerable.Range(0, chooseK).ToArray();      // init resultSet with ascending sequence
            do {
               for (var n = resultSet[ubound]; n <= nMax; n++) {  // 1) output-loop: enumerate last digit and yield results
                  resultSet[ubound] = n;
                  yield return resultSet.ToArray();
               // 2) find incrementable pivot-element: must have a gap to its successor 
               for (iPivot = ubound; iPivot-- > 0; ) if (resultSet[iPivot] < resultSet[iPivot + 1] - 1) break;
               if (iPivot < 0) yield break;               // 4) 
               // 3) "regeneration"
               var diff = resultSet[iPivot] + 1 - iPivot;               // difference between pivotValue and its index
               // fill resultSet after pivot with ascending sequence keeps it ordered without Repetitions
               for (var i = iPivot; i <= ubound; i++) resultSet[i] = i + diff;
            } while (true);

         case CombinatoricMode.Combination_WithRepetitions:            // keeps the resultSet asc-ordered
            resultSet = Enumerable.Repeat(0, chooseK).ToArray();            // init resultSet with 0
            do {
               for (var n = resultSet[ubound]; n <= nMax; n++) {  // 1) output-loop: enumerate last digit and yield results
                  resultSet[ubound] = n;
                  yield return resultSet.ToArray();
               // find incrementable position 
               for (iPivot = ubound; iPivot-- > 0; ) if (resultSet[iPivot] < resultSet[iPivot + 1]) break;
               if (iPivot < 0) yield break;
               var pivotValue = resultSet[iPivot] + 1;
               // fill resultSet after pivot with same pivotValue keeps it ordered with Repetitions
               for (var i = iPivot; i <= ubound; i++) resultSet[i] = pivotValue;
            } while (true);

         case CombinatoricMode.Variation_WithRepetitions:
            resultSet = Enumerable.Repeat(0, chooseK).ToArray();
            do {
               for (var n = resultSet[ubound]; n <= nMax; n++) {  // 1) output-loop: enumerate last digit and yield results
                  resultSet[ubound] = n;
                  yield return resultSet.ToArray();
               for (iPivot = chooseK; iPivot-- > 0; ) {    // find incrementable position, set others to 0
                  if (resultSet[iPivot] < nMax) break;
                  else resultSet[iPivot] = 0;
               if (iPivot < 0) yield break;
               resultSet[iPivot] += 1;
            } while (true);

         case CombinatoricMode.Variation_NoRepetition:
            // this is different, and results are not in lexicographic order
            // to each Combination_NoRepetition-result the Permutation-algo is applied
            // (Variation_WithRepetitions could be implemented analogously, but its actual Algo is faster, and ordered)
            foreach (var result in ChooseKfromN(chooseK, fromN, CombinatoricMode.Combination_NoRepetition)) {
               foreach (var perm in Permutation(result)) yield return perm;
Example #5
        private string Preambel(int chooseK, int fromN, CombinatoricMode mode)
            var sElementSet = string.Concat(Enumerable.Range(0, fromN));

            return(string.Format("CombinatoricMode.{0}\nchoose {1} from {2} {{{3}}}\n", mode, chooseK, fromN, sElementSet));