private void btn_work_inst_srch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (rBtn_lot.Checked) { SrchValue = ComInfo.TextBoxMessage("LOT번호 입력", "입력"); if (!SrchValue.Equals("")) { ResetSetting(); Srch_by_LotNo(SrchValue); } } else if (rBtn_a_union.Checked) { SrchValue = ComInfo.TextBoxMessage("묶음코드(제품)", "입력"); if (!SrchValue.Equals("")) { ResetSetting(); Srch_by_a_union(SrchValue); } } else if (rBtn_union.Checked) { SrchValue = ComInfo.TextBoxMessage("개체번호(원료육)", "입력"); if (!SrchValue.Equals("")) { ResetSetting(); Srch_by_union(SrchValue); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("검색중 오류가 발생했습니다"); Console.WriteLine(ex); return; } }
private void btn_work_inst_srch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (rBtn_s_lot.Checked) { SrchValue = ComInfo.TextBoxMessage("납품LOT번호", "입력"); if (!SrchValue.Equals("")) { string valueTemp = SrchValue; txt_srch_value.Text = SrchValue; txt_rBtn_value.Text = rBtn_s_lot.Text; if (valueTemp.Length == 9) //200103001 { string date = ""; string cd = ""; try { decimal.Parse(valueTemp); // 양식 체크용 date = "20" + valueTemp.Substring(0, 2) + "-" + valueTemp.Substring(2, 2) + "-" + valueTemp.Substring(4, 2); cd = int.Parse(valueTemp.Substring(6, 3)).ToString(); ResetSetting(); SrchValue = "and S.SALES_DATE = '" + date + "' AND S.SALES_CD = '" + cd + "' "; Srch_List(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("입력 양식이 올바르지 않습니다 ( 9자리 )"); return; } } else { MessageBox.Show("입력 양식이 올바르지 않습니다 ( 9자리 )"); } } } else if (rBtn_lot.Checked) { SrchValue = ComInfo.TextBoxMessage("공정LOT번호", "입력"); if (!SrchValue.Equals("")) { txt_srch_value.Text = SrchValue; txt_rBtn_value.Text = rBtn_lot.Text; ResetSetting(); SrchValue = "and II.LOT_NO = '" + SrchValue + "' "; Srch_List(); } } else if (rBtn_a_union.Checked) { SrchValue = ComInfo.TextBoxMessage("묶음코드(제품)", "입력"); if (!SrchValue.Equals("")) { txt_srch_value.Text = SrchValue; txt_rBtn_value.Text = rBtn_a_union.Text; ResetSetting(); SrchValue = "and A_UNION_CD = '" + SrchValue + "' "; Srch_List(); } } else if (rBtn_srch_item.Checked) { Popup.pop_sf_제품검색 msg = new Popup.pop_sf_제품검색(); msg.ShowDialog(); if (msg.sCode != null && !msg.sCode.Equals("")) { SrchValue = msg.sCode; txt_srch_value.Text = msg.sLabelNM; txt_rBtn_value.Text = rBtn_srch_item.Text; ResetSetting(); SrchValue = "and ID.ITEM_CD = '" + SrchValue + "' and S.SALES_DATE >= '" + txt_start_date.Text + "' and S.SALES_DATE <= '" + txt_end_date.Text + "' "; Srch_List(); } } else if (rBtn_srch_cust.Checked) { Popup.pop거래처검색 msg = new Popup.pop거래처검색(); msg.sCustGbn = "1"; msg.ShowDialog(); if (msg.sCode != null && !msg.sCode.Equals("")) { SrchValue = msg.sCode; txt_srch_value.Text = msg.sName; txt_rBtn_value.Text = rBtn_srch_cust.Text; ResetSetting(); SrchValue = "and CN.CUST_CD = '" + SrchValue + "' and S.SALES_DATE >= '" + txt_start_date.Text + "' and S.SALES_DATE <= '" + txt_end_date.Text + "' "; Srch_List(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("검색중 오류가 발생했습니다"); Console.WriteLine(ex); return; } }