public void Convert_Lab_to_LCHab(double l, double a, double b, double l2, double c, double h)
            // arrange
            var input = new LabColor(l, a, b);

            // act
            LChabColor output = Converter.ToLChab(input);

            // assert
            Assert.That(output.L, Is.EqualTo(l2).Using(DoubleComparer));
            Assert.That(output.C, Is.EqualTo(c).Using(DoubleComparer));
            Assert.That(output.h, Is.EqualTo(h).Using(DoubleComparer));
Example #2
        public void Convert_Lab_to_LChab(DataRow row)
            var inputLab      = row.GetLabColor();
            var expectedLChab = row.GetLChabColor();
            var actualLChab   = _converter.ToLChab(inputLab);

                Assert.That(actualLChab, Is.EqualTo(expectedLChab)
                            .Using(new ColorVectorComparer(new DoubleDeltaComparer(0.00017))));
            catch (AssertionException ex) { RethrowException(ex, row); }
Example #3
        //                                  image loading

        //load image and extract luminance
        private unsafe double[] GetImageLuminance()
            //prepare to convert between RGB and HCL
            var converter = new ColourfulConverter {
                WhitePoint = Illuminants.D65

            double[] result = new double[bitmap.Width * bitmap.Height];

            //prepare to read bitmap
            var data = bitmap.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height),
                                       ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb);
            int *src = (int *)data.Scan0;

            for (int pix = 0; pix < result.Length; pix++)
                //read RGB color
                var intValue = *src++;
                var color    = Color.FromArgb((byte)(intValue >> 16), (byte)(intValue >> 8), (byte)intValue);

                //convert to HCL
                var hclColor = converter.ToLChab((RGBColor)color);

                //take luminance (0..100)
                result[pix] = hclColor.L;

            //normalize values
            var min   = result.Min();
            var max   = result.Max();
            var scale = 1.0 / (max - min);

            for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
                result[i] = (result[i] - min) * scale;

Example #4
        private void colorMeasurment()

            if (!IsRun)
            //   float[] T = dtAnalys.Transmittance(numSmoothing, darkData, refrenceData);
            float X = 0;
            float Y = 0;
            float Z = 0;
            float x = X; // ( X / (X + Y + Z)) ;
            float y = Y; // (Y / (X + Y + Z));
            float z = Z; // =( 1 - (x + y) );
            int   k = 0;

            float Kcolor = 0;

            int[] colordt = new int[500];
            if (dt1 == null)

            //int result;
            //int s = 0;
            //for (int m = 80; m < 1270; m++)

            //    Math.DivRem(Convert.ToInt32(xvalue [m]), 5, out result);
            //    if (result == 0)
            //    {
            //        colordt [s] = Convert.ToInt32(xvalue  [m]);
            //        s++;
            //    }

            colordt = colordt.Distinct().ToArray();
            if (rdA.Checked && rd2.Checked)
                for (int m = 0; m < 79; m++)
                    if (m == 78)
                        X       = X + (A[m - 1] * X2[m - 1] * dt1[m]);
                        Y       = Y + (A[m - 1] * Y2[m - 1] * dt1[m]);
                        Z       = Z + (A[m - 1] * Z2[m - 1] * dt1[m]);
                        Kcolor += (A[m - 1] * Y2[m - 1]);
                        X       = X + (A[m] * X2[m] * dt1[m]);
                        Y       = Y + (A[m] * Y2[m] * dt1[m]);
                        Z       = Z + (A[m] * Z2[m] * dt1[m]);
                        Kcolor += (A[m] * Y2[m]);
                Kcolor = 100 / Kcolor;
                X      = Kcolor * X;
                Y      = Kcolor * Y;
                Z      = Kcolor * Z;
                x      = X / (X + Y + Z);
                y      = Y / (X + Y + Z);
                z      = 1 - (x + y);
            else if (rdA.Checked && rd10.Checked)
                for (int i = 420; i <= 750; i = i + 5)
                    X       = X + (A[k] * X10[k] * dt1[k]);
                    Y       = Y + (A[k] * Y10[k] * dt1[k]);
                    Z       = Z + (A[k] * Z10[k] * dt1[k]);
                    Kcolor += (A[k] * Y10[k]);
                    k       = k + 1;
                Kcolor = 100 / Kcolor;
                X      = Kcolor * X;
                Y      = Kcolor * Y;
                Z      = Kcolor * Z;
                x      = X / (X + Y + Z);
                y      = Y / (X + Y + Z);
                z      = 1 - (x + y);
            else if (rdD65.Checked && rd10.Checked)
                for (int i = 420; i <= 750; i = i + 5)
                    X       = X + (D65[k] * X10[k] * dt1[k]);
                    Y       = Y + (D65[k] * Y10[k] * dt1[k]);
                    Z       = Z + (D65[k] * Z10[k] * dt1[k]);
                    Kcolor += (D65[k] * Y10[k]);
                    k       = k + 1;
                Kcolor = 100 / Kcolor;
                X      = Kcolor * X;
                Y      = Kcolor * Y;
                Z      = Kcolor * Z;
                x      = X / (X + Y + Z);
                y      = Y / (X + Y + Z);
                z      = 1 - (x + y);

            else if (rdD65.Checked && rd2.Checked)
                //float[] p = new float[200];
                //int countC = 0;
                //for (int m = 0; m < pirple.Length; m = m + 16)
                //    p[countC] = pirple[m];
                //    countC++;


                for (int m = 0; m < 79; m++)
                    if (m == 78)
                        X       = X + (A[m - 1] * X2[m - 1] * dt1[m]);
                        Y       = Y + (A[m - 1] * Y2[m - 1] * dt1[m]);
                        Z       = Z + (A[m - 1] * Z2[m - 1] * dt1[m]);
                        Kcolor += (D65[m - 1] * Y2[m - 1]);
                        X       = X + (D65[m] * X2[m] * dt1[m]);
                        Y       = Y + (D65[m] * Y2[m] * dt1[m]);
                        Z       = Z + (D65[m] * Z2[m] * dt1[m]);
                        Kcolor += (D65[m] * Y2[m]);
                Kcolor = 100 / Kcolor;
                X      = Kcolor * X;
                Y      = Kcolor * Y;
                Z      = Kcolor * Z;
                x      = X / (X + Y + Z);
                y      = Y / (X + Y + Z);
                z      = 1 - (x + y);

            XYZg.Visible     = true;
            RGBg.Visible     = true;
            CIELuvg.Visible  = true;
            LABg.Visible     = true;
            CIExyYg.Visible  = true;
            CIElchuv.Visible = true;
            LCHABg.Visible   = true;
            //   fchart.LMSg.Visible = true;
            Hunterg.Visible = true;
            CIEXlbl.Text    = "X=" + x.ToString("N4");
            CIEYlbl.Text    = "Y=" + y.ToString("N4");
            CIEZlbl.Text    = "Z=" + z.ToString("N4");

            Colourful.Conversion.ColourfulConverter a = new ColourfulConverter();
            Colourful.XYZColor xyz = new Colourful.XYZColor(x, y, z);
            ColourfulConverter a1  = new ColourfulConverter();

            //  lblWithepoint.Text =   a1.WhitePoint.ToString();

            LabColor la = a1.ToLab(xyz);

            CIELlbl.Text = "L=" + la.L.ToString("N4");
            CIEAlbl.Text = "a=" + la.a.ToString("N4");
            CIEBlbl.Text = "b=" + la.b.ToString("N4");

            Colourful.LuvColor luvc = a1.ToLuv(xyz);
            CIELuvLlbl.Text = "L=" + luvc.L.ToString("N4");
            CIELuvUlbl.Text = "u=" + luvc.u.ToString("N4");
            CIELuvVlbl.Text = "v=" + luvc.v.ToString("N4");

            Colourful.xyYColor xyY = a1.ToxyY(xyz);
            CIExyYxlbl.Text  = "x=" + xyY.x.ToString("N4");
            CIExyYylbl.Text  = "y=" + xyY.y.ToString("N4");
            CIExyYy1lbl.Text = "L=" + xyY.Luminance.ToString("N4");
            Colourful.LChuvColor lchuv = a1.ToLChuv(xyz);

            LCHLlbl.Text = "L=" + lchuv.L.ToString("N4");
            LCHClbl.Text = "C=" + lchuv.C.ToString("N4");
            LCHHlbl.Text = "h=" + lchuv.h.ToString("N4");
            Colourful.LChabColor lchab = a1.ToLChab(xyz);

            LCHabLlbl.Text = "L=" + lchab.L.ToString("N4");
            LCHabClbl.Text = "C=" + lchab.C.ToString("N4");
            LCHabhlbl.Text = "h=" + lchab.h.ToString("N4");
            //Colourful.LMSColor lms = a1.ToLMS(xyz);
            //fchart.LMSLbl.Text = "L=" + lms.L.ToString("N4");
            //fchart.LMSMlbl.Text = "M=" + lms.M.ToString("N4");
            //fchart.LMSSlbl.Text = "S=" + lms.S.ToString("N4");
            Colourful.HunterLabColor hunter = a1.ToHunterLab(xyz);
            hunterLlbl.Text = "L=" + hunter.L.ToString("N4");
            Hunteralbl.Text = "a=" + hunter.a.ToString("N4");
            hunterblbl.Text = "b=" + hunter.b.ToString("N4");

            Color rgb = a.ToRGB(xyz);

            Rlbl.Text = "R=" + rgb.R.ToString();
            Glbl.Text = "G=" + rgb.G.ToString();
            Blbl.Text = "B=" + rgb.B.ToString();
            double C  = 1 - (rgb.R / 255f);
            double M  = 1 - (rgb.G / 255f);
            double Y1 = 1 - (rgb.B / 255f);
            double K1 = 1;

            if (C < K1)
                K1 = C;
            if (M < K1)
                K1 = M;
            if (Y1 < K1)
                K1 = Y1;
            if (K1 == 1)
                C  = 0;
                M  = 0;
                Y1 = 0;
                C  = (C - K1) / (1 - K1);
                M  = (M - K1) / (1 - K1);
                Y1 = (Y1 - K1) / (1 - K1);
            lblC.Text = "C=" + C.ToString("N4");
            lblM.Text = "M=" + M.ToString("N4");
            lblY.Text = "Y=" + Y1.ToString("N4");
            lblK.Text = "K=" + K1.ToString("N4");

            int match = FindNearestColor(colormach, rgb);

            chart1.Series["palete"].Points.AddXY(XvalColor[match], YvalColor[match]);
            measurment = false;