Example #1
        public Color GetColor()
            Color color = Color_Util.HSLToColor(Hue, Saturation, Lightness);

            color.A = Alpha;
Example #2
        internal static Color BaseSpecularColor(Color baseColor)
            float h, s, v;

            Color_Util.ColorToHSV(baseColor, out h, out s, out v);
            Color fullValue = Color_Util.HSVToColor(h, s, 1f);

            fullValue.A = baseColor.A;
            return(Color.Lerp(baseColor, fullValue, 0.5f));
Example #3
        public XnaHSL(Color color)
            float hue, sat, lit;

            Color_Util.ColorToHSL(color, out hue, out sat, out lit);
            Hue        = hue;
            Saturation = sat;
            Lightness  = lit;
            Alpha      = color.A;
        private static void GetShadow(
            XnaHSL baseHSL,
            PaletteGenerator generator,
            PaletteParameters parameters,
            out XnaHSL shadow,
            out XnaHSL darkest)
            XnaHSL blackHSL = new XnaHSL(
                baseHSL.Saturation * generator.ShadowAmount,

            // If the base color is sufficiently bright, lighten the darker shades
            float lightnessRatio = (baseHSL.Lightness - 0.5f) * 2f;

            if (lightnessRatio > 0)
                blackHSL = blackHSL.SetSaturation(blackHSL.Saturation * (1f - lightnessRatio * 0.95f));

                float blackLuma = Color_Util.GetLuma(blackHSL.GetColor());
                // Increase the lightness by more if it's a color with a low
                // luma to lightness ratio
                float lumaRatio = 1f;
                if (blackLuma > 0)
                    lumaRatio = blackHSL.Lightness / blackLuma;

                blackHSL = blackHSL.SetLightness(
                                    MathHelper.Lerp(blackHSL.Lightness, 1f, 0.25f),
                                    lightnessRatio * lumaRatio));

            // Tint black and shadow blue
            blackHSL = blackHSL.LerpHue(240, parameters.BlueShadow);
            blackHSL = blackHSL.SetSaturation(MathHelper.Lerp(blackHSL.Saturation, 1f, parameters.BlueShadow / 4f));

            XnaHSL shadowHSL = XnaHSL.Lerp(blackHSL, baseHSL, generator.ShadowAmount);

            shadowHSL = shadowHSL.SetSaturation(MathHelper.Lerp(blackHSL.Saturation, baseHSL.Saturation, 0.5f));
            shadowHSL = shadowHSL.SetHue(blackHSL.Hue);
            shadowHSL = shadowHSL.LerpHue(baseHSL.Hue, 0.25f);

            shadow  = shadowHSL;
            darkest = blackHSL;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adjusts base color lightness up if it's too close to the BlackLevel
        /// </summary>
        private static XnaHSL AdjustBaseColor(Color color, float blackLevel)
            // Use HSV instead of HSL to have finer control over the saturation
            float h, s, v;

            Color_Util.ColorToHSV(color, out h, out s, out v);
            float adjustedV = BlackLevelAdjustment(v, blackLevel);
            // Adjust the saturation down if the color is brightened, so
            // extremely dark colors don't have strangely high saturation
            float adjustedS = adjustedV == 0 ? 0 : s * (v / adjustedV);
            Color adjusted  = Color_Util.HSVToColor(h, adjustedS, adjustedV);

            adjusted.A = color.A;

            return(new XnaHSL(adjusted));
Example #6
        public void LuminanceSort()
            var ordered_colors = Palette
                                 .Select(x => new Tuple <PaletteEntry, float>(
                                             x, Color_Util.GetLuma(x.Color)))
                                 // Put transparent colors last
                                 .OrderBy(x => x.Item1.Value.A == 0 ? 1 : -1)
                                 // Sort by luma
                                 .ThenByDescending(x => x.Item2)
                                 .Select(x => x.Item1)

            // Reverse if it was already sorted
            if (Enumerable.Range(0, Palette.Count)
                .All(x => Palette.ElementAt(x) == ordered_colors.ElementAt(x)))
                ordered_colors = ordered_colors
                                 .Reverse <PaletteEntry>()
                                 .OrderBy(x => x.Value.A == 0 ? 1 : -1)
            Palette = ordered_colors.ToList();
 public static float ValueFormula(Color color)