Example #1
    void Awake()
        //Check if on Desktop or Mobile.

        //Set External References.
        gameController  = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <GameController>();
        musicController = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MusicController").GetComponent <MusicController>();

        //Set Internal References.
        rb2d = this.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
        streetcarAnimator = this.GetComponent <Animator>();
        colorStrobe       = this.GetComponentInChildren <ColorStrobe>();

        //Lists and other things.
        PassengerInfo     = new List <PedestrianData>();
        currentPassengers = 0;
        currentAbilities  = new List <string>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

        //Initialize parameters.
        maxSpeed          = baseMaxSpeed;
        acceleration      = baseAcceleration;
        speedBoostUI.text = inspectorNum.ToString();
        scoreMultiplier   = false;
        score             = 0;
        shields           = 0;
        speedBoosts       = 0;
        abilities         = 0;
        private void AudioMeter_Extended_Solid_Color_Strobe(ColorStrobe LightStrobeMode)
            switch (LightStrobeMode) {
            case ColorStrobe.White:
            case ColorStrobe.SingleWhite:
                for (int i = 0; i < LightSystem.LIGHT_COUNT; i++) {
                    CurrentFrame [i].R = 255;
                    CurrentFrame [i].G = 255;
                    CurrentFrame [i].B = 255;
            case ColorStrobe.Rainbow:
            case ColorStrobe.SingleRainbow:
                AnimationUpdateColorShift ();
                for (int i = 0; i < LightSystem.LIGHT_COUNT; i++) {
                    CurrentFrame [i].R = ColorShift_Red;
                    CurrentFrame [i].G = ColorShift_Green;
                    CurrentFrame [i].B = ColorShift_Blue;
            case ColorStrobe.Hueshift:
                for (int i = 0; i < LightSystem.LIGHT_COUNT; i++) {
                    if (LightProcessing.Is_LED_Dark_Brightness (CurrentFrame, i, LightSystem.Color_DARK)) {
                        CurrentFrame [i].R = 0;
                        CurrentFrame [i].G = 0;
                        CurrentFrame [i].B = 0;
                //Assigning colors handled below

            double CurrentLight_VU_Max = 0;

            if (LightStrobeMode != ColorStrobe.SingleRainbow & LightStrobeMode != ColorStrobe.SingleWhite) {
                for (int i = 0; i < (LightSystem.LIGHT_COUNT / 2); i++) {
                    if (i < AudioProcessedSnapshot.Count) {
                        CurrentLight_VU_Max = AudioProcessedSnapshot [Math.Min (((LightSystem.LIGHT_COUNT / 2 - 1) - i), AudioProcessedSnapshot.Count - 1)];
                    if (LightStrobeMode == ColorStrobe.Hueshift) {
                        if (LightProcessing.Is_LED_Dark_Brightness (CurrentFrame, i, LightSystem.Color_DARK)) {
                            if ((Randomizer.RandomProvider.NextDouble () < Audio_Low_Intensity * VU_Solid_Color_Strobe_Hueshift_Flicker_Chance)) {
                                CurrentFrame [i].B = 255;
                                CurrentFrame [i].Brightness = 255;
                            } else if ((Randomizer.RandomProvider.NextDouble () < Audio_Mid_Intensity * VU_Solid_Color_Strobe_Hueshift_Flicker_Chance)) {
                                CurrentFrame [i].G = 255;
                                CurrentFrame [i].Brightness = 255;
                            } else if ((Randomizer.RandomProvider.NextDouble () < Audio_High_Intensity * VU_Solid_Color_Strobe_Hueshift_Flicker_Chance)) {
                                CurrentFrame [i].R = 255;
                                CurrentFrame [i].Brightness = 255;
                            } else {
                                CurrentFrame [i].Brightness = 0;
                        } else {
                            CurrentFrame [i].Brightness = 0;
                    } else {
                        if ((Randomizer.RandomProvider.NextDouble () < Audio_Average_Intensity * VU_Solid_Color_Strobe_Flicker_Chance) && LightProcessing.Is_LED_Dark_Brightness (CurrentFrame, i, LightSystem.Color_DARK)) {
                            CurrentFrame [i].R = LightSystem.Color_MAX;
                            CurrentFrame [i].G = LightSystem.Color_MAX;
                            CurrentFrame [i].B = LightSystem.Color_MAX;
                            CurrentFrame [i].Brightness = 255;
                            //Strobe mode overrides the standard VU-based flickering
                        } else {
                            if (CurrentLight_VU_Max > 0.5) {
                                CurrentFrame [i].Brightness = (byte)(255 * (CurrentLight_VU_Max - 0.5) * VU_ColorShift_Brightness_Multiplier);
                            } else {
                                CurrentFrame [i].Brightness = 0;

                //Clone upper half to lower half
                int i_source = 0;
                for (int i = LightSystem.LIGHT_INDEX_MAX; i > (LightSystem.LIGHT_INDEX_MIDDLE); i--) {
                    i_source = (LightSystem.LIGHT_INDEX_MAX - i);
                    CurrentFrame [i].R = CurrentFrame [i_source].R;
                    CurrentFrame [i].G = CurrentFrame [i_source].G;
                    CurrentFrame [i].B = CurrentFrame [i_source].B;
                    CurrentFrame [i].Brightness = CurrentFrame [i_source].Brightness;
            } else if (LightStrobeMode == ColorStrobe.SingleRainbow | LightStrobeMode == ColorStrobe.SingleWhite) {
                if (VU_Solid_Color_Single_Strobe_Off_Count > MathUtilities.ConvertRange (Audio_Average_Intensity, 0, 1, VU_Solid_Color_Single_Strobe_Max_Delay, VU_Solid_Color_Single_Strobe_Min_Delay)) {
                    VU_Solid_Color_Single_Strobe_Off_Count = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < LightSystem.LIGHT_COUNT; i++) {
                        CurrentFrame [i].Brightness = 255;
                } else {
                    VU_Solid_Color_Single_Strobe_Off_Count ++;
                    for (int i = 0; i < LightSystem.LIGHT_COUNT; i++) {
                        CurrentFrame [i].Brightness = 0;

            if (LightStrobeMode == ColorStrobe.SingleRainbow | LightStrobeMode == ColorStrobe.SingleWhite) {
                SmoothingAmount = Math.Min (Math.Max ((1 - (Audio_Average_Intensity * 1.1)), 0.45), 0.75);
                SmoothingAmount = Math.Max (SmoothingAmount - (VU_Solid_Color_Single_Strobe_Smoothing_Decrease * Audio_Average_Intensity), 0);
                //ApplySmoothing (Math.Max (VU_Smoothing_Percentage - (VU_Solid_Color_Single_Strobe_Smoothing_Decrease * VU_Average_Intensity), 0), true);