private void FourCollisionsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CollisionAPI API = new CollisionAPI(); // Create some obstacles, at 4 corners of a square List <CollisionShape> shapes = new List <CollisionShape>(); CollisionSphere sphere = new CollisionSphere(new Vector3(0f, 0f, 2f), 1f); shapes.Add(sphere); API.AddCollisionShape(sphere, 1); CollisionCapsule capsule = new CollisionCapsule(new Vector3(10f, 0f, 0f), new Vector3(10f, 0f, 4f), 1f); shapes.Add(capsule); API.AddCollisionShape(capsule, 2); // Now, an AABB CollisionAABB aabb = new CollisionAABB(new Vector3(9.5f, 9.5f, 0f), new Vector3(10.5f, 10.5f, 4f)); shapes.Add(aabb); API.AddCollisionShape(aabb, 3); CollisionOBB obb = new CollisionOBB(new Vector3(0f, 10f, 2), new Vector3[3] { new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f), new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f), new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f) }, new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f)); shapes.Add(obb); API.AddCollisionShape(obb, 4); FileStream f = new FileStream("C:\\Junk\\DumpSphereTree.txt", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(f); API.DumpSphereTree(writer); API.SphereTreeRoot.VerifySphereTree(); // Now a moving object capsule in the center of the square CollisionCapsule moCap = new CollisionCapsule(new Vector3(5f, 5f, 0f), new Vector3(5f, 5f, 4f), 1f); // Remember where the moving object started Vector3 start =; // Move the moving object toward each of the obstacles foreach (CollisionShape s in shapes) { moCap.AddDisplacement(start -; MoveToObject(writer, API, s, moCap); } writer.Close(); }
private static void TraceObstacle(CollisionShape obstacle) { if (obstacle is CollisionOBB) { CollisionOBB box = (CollisionOBB)obstacle; MO.Log(" obstacle top {0} center {1} {2}", + box.extents[1],, box); } else { MO.Log(" obstacle center {0} {1}",, obstacle); } }
public void ReadBox(string objectId, Matrix4 transform, XmlNode node, PhysicsData physicsData) { Quaternion rot = MathHelpers.GetRotation(transform); Matrix4 tmpTransform = rot.Inverse().ToRotationMatrix() * transform; Vector3 scaleDelta = tmpTransform.Scale - Vector3.UnitScale; if (scaleDelta.Length > PhysicsSerializer.ScaleEpsilon) { log.Error("Scale is not currently supported for box shapes"); } Vector3 halfExtents = Vector3.Zero; foreach (XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes) { switch (childNode.Name) { case "half_extents": ReadVector(ref halfExtents, childNode); break; default: DebugMessage(childNode); break; } } Vector3 center = unitConversion * transform.Translation; halfExtents *= unitConversion; CollisionShape collisionShape; float angle = 0; Vector3 axis = Vector3.Zero; rot.ToAngleAxis(ref angle, ref axis); // I could build AABB shapes for boxes that are aligned, but then // I can't drop instances in the world with arbitrary rotations. // Instead, just always use an OBB. //if (angle < PhysicsSerializer.RotateEpsilon) { // collisionShape = new CollisionAABB(center - halfExtents, center + halfExtents); //} else { // TODO: I'm not sure I understand the OBB constructor Vector3[] axes = new Vector3[3]; axes[0] = rot.XAxis; axes[1] = rot.YAxis; axes[2] = rot.ZAxis; collisionShape = new CollisionOBB(center, axes, halfExtents); physicsData.AddCollisionShape(objectId, collisionShape); }
public XmlNode WriteShape(CollisionShape shape, XmlDocument document) { XmlNode node = document.CreateElement("shape"); if (shape is CollisionAABB) { CollisionAABB aabbShape = shape as CollisionAABB; // convert to meters (or other scaled unit) before writing out Vector3 center = / unitConversion; Vector3 halfExtent = (aabbShape.max - / unitConversion; XmlNode translate = WriteTranslate(center, document); node.AppendChild(translate); XmlNode boxNode = WriteBox(halfExtent, document); node.AppendChild(boxNode); } else if (shape is CollisionOBB) { CollisionOBB obbShape = shape as CollisionOBB; // convert to meters (or other scaled unit) before writing out Vector3 center = / unitConversion; Vector3 halfExtent = obbShape.extents / unitConversion; Quaternion rot = Quaternion.Identity; rot.FromAxes(obbShape.axes[0], obbShape.axes[1], obbShape.axes[2]); XmlNode rotate = WriteRotate(rot, document); node.AppendChild(rotate); XmlNode translate = WriteTranslate(center, document); node.AppendChild(translate); XmlNode boxNode = WriteBox(halfExtent, document); node.AppendChild(boxNode); } else if (shape is CollisionCapsule) { CollisionCapsule capsuleShape = shape as CollisionCapsule; // convert to meters (or other scaled unit) before writing out Vector3 center = / unitConversion; float height = capsuleShape.height / unitConversion; float radius = capsuleShape.capRadius / unitConversion; Vector3 halfExtent = capsuleShape.topcenter -; Quaternion rot = Vector3.UnitY.GetRotationTo(halfExtent); XmlNode rotate = WriteRotate(rot, document); node.AppendChild(rotate); XmlNode translate = WriteTranslate(center, document); node.AppendChild(translate); XmlNode capsuleNode = WriteCapsule(height, radius, document); node.AppendChild(capsuleNode); } else if (shape is CollisionSphere) { // convert to meters (or other scaled unit) before writing out Vector3 center = / unitConversion; float radius = shape.radius / unitConversion; XmlNode translate = WriteTranslate(center, document); node.AppendChild(translate); XmlNode sphereNode = WriteSphere(radius, document); node.AppendChild(sphereNode); } else { log.ErrorFormat("Unsupported collision shape: {0}", shape.GetType()); } return(node); }
// Take a different approach, based on an idea of Robin's: // Find the farthest point pair, and use that to identify the // triangles with one of the points as a vertex. Then take // the normals of the triangles, adjust to object the // right-hand rule, and they are the axes. Compute the center // from the average of the farthest points, and extents by // dotting farthest - center with the axes. private static CollisionShape ExtractBox(SubMesh subMesh) { if (DoLog) { Log(""); Log(string.Format("Extracting box for submesh {0}", subMesh.Name)); } MeshTriangle[] triangles = ExtractSubmeshTriangles(subMesh); int count = triangles.Length; // Find the two farthest vertices across all triangle Vector3[] farthestPoints = new Vector3[2] { Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero }; float farthestDistanceSquared = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { MeshTriangle t1 = triangles[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { Vector3 p1 = t1.vertPos[j]; for (int r = i; r < count; r++) { MeshTriangle t2 = triangles[r]; for (int s = 0; s < 3; s++) { Vector3 p2 = t2.vertPos[s]; Vector3 diff = (p1 - p2); float d = diff.LengthSquared; // if (DoLog) // Log(string.Format(" TriVert {0} {1} {2} / {3} {4} {5} dist {6}", i, j, p1, r, s, p2, d)); if (d > farthestDistanceSquared) { if (DoLog) { Log(string.Format(" Largest! TriVert {0} {1} {2} / {3} {4} {5} dist {6}", i, j, p1, r, s, p2, d)); } farthestDistanceSquared = d; farthestPoints[0] = p1; farthestPoints[1] = p2; } } } } } // The center is the average of the farthest points Vector3 center = (farthestPoints[0] + farthestPoints[1]) * 0.5f; if (DoLog) { Log(string.Format("The farthest points are {0} and {1}", farthestPoints[0], farthestPoints[1])); Log(string.Format("The center is {0}", center)); } // Now find the three triangles that have the // farthestPoints[0] as a vertex Vector3[] axes = new Vector3[] { Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero }; int foundCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { MeshTriangle t = triangles[i]; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { Vector3 p = t.vertPos[j]; if ((p - farthestPoints[0]).LengthSquared < geometryEpsilon) { Vector3 side1 = t.vertPos[1] - t.vertPos[0]; Vector3 side2 = t.vertPos[2] - t.vertPos[1]; Vector3 axis = side1.Cross(side2).ToNormalized(); // Ignore this triangle if his normal matches one we already have bool ignore = false; for (int k = 0; k < foundCount; k++) { if (Math.Abs(axis.Cross(axes[k]).LengthSquared) < geometryEpsilon) { ignore = true; break; } } if (!ignore) { Debug.Assert(foundCount < 3, "Found more than three triangles with distinct normals and vertex = farthest point"); axes[foundCount] = axis; foundCount++; } } } } // Put the axes in coordinate order for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { float largest = float.MinValue; int largestIndex = i; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { float v = Math.Abs(axes[j][i]); if (v > largest) { largestIndex = j; largest = v; } } if (largestIndex != i) { Vector3 t = axes[i]; axes[i] = axes[largestIndex]; axes[largestIndex] = t; } if (axes[i][i] < 0) { axes[i] = -axes[i]; } } // Put the axes in right-hand-rule order if (axes[0].Cross(axes[1]).Dot(axes[2]) < 0) { axes[2] = -axes[2]; } Debug.Assert(axes[0].Cross(axes[1]).Dot(axes[2]) > 0, "After swapping axes, still don't obey right-hand rule"); // The extents are just the abs of the dot products of // farthest point minus the center with the axes Vector3 f = farthestPoints[0] - center; Vector3 extents = new Vector3(Math.Abs(f.Dot(axes[0])), Math.Abs(f.Dot(axes[1])), Math.Abs(f.Dot(axes[2]))); if (DoLog) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Log(string.Format(" axis[{0}] {1}, extent[{2}] {3}", i, axes[i], i, extents[i])); } int[] sign = new int[3] { 0, 0, 0 }; for (int i = -1; i < 2; i += 2) { sign[0] = i; for (int j = -1; j < 2; j += 2) { sign[1] = j; for (int k = -1; k < 2; k += 2) { sign[2] = k; Vector3 corner = center; for (int a = 0; a < 3; a++) { corner += axes[a] * extents[a] * sign[a]; } Log(string.Format(" corner[{0},{1},{2}] = {3}", i, j, k, corner)); } } } } // Now, is it an obb or an aabb? Figure out if the axes // point in the same direction as the basis vectors, and // if so, the order of the axes int[] mapping = new int[3] { -1, -1, -1 }; int foundMapping = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (Math.Abs(axes[i].Dot(Primitives.UnitBasisVectors[j]) - 1.0f) < .0001f) { if (DoLog) { Log(string.Format(" foundMapping[{0}], basis vector {1}", i, Primitives.UnitBasisVectors[j])); } mapping[i] = j; foundMapping++; break; } } } CollisionShape shape; if (foundMapping == 3) { // It's an AABB, so build the min and max vectors, in // the order that matches the unit basis vector order Vector3 min = Vector3.Zero; Vector3 max = Vector3.Zero; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { float e = extents[i]; int j = mapping[i]; min[j] = center[j] - e; max[j] = center[j] + e; } shape = new CollisionAABB(min, max); } else { // Return the OBB shape = new CollisionOBB(center, axes, extents); } if (DoLog) { Log(string.Format("Extraction result: {0}", shape)); } return(shape); }
private static CollisionShape ExtractBox_Old(SubMesh subMesh) { if (DoLog) { Log(""); Log(string.Format("Extracting box for submesh {0}", subMesh.Name)); } MeshTriangle[] triangles = ExtractSubmeshTriangles(subMesh); int count = triangles.Length; Plane[] planesUnsorted = new Plane[6]; int planeCount = 0; // Iterate through the triangles. For each triangle, // determine the plane it belongs to, and find the plane // in the array of planes, or if it's not found, add it. for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { MeshTriangle t = triangles[i]; bool found = false; Plane p = new Plane(t.vertPos[0], t.vertPos[1], t.vertPos[2]); NormalizePlane(ref p); if (DoLog) { Log(string.Format(" {0} => plane {1}", t.ToString(), p.ToString())); } for (int j = 0; j < planeCount; j++) { Plane pj = planesUnsorted[j]; if (SamePlane(pj, p)) { if (DoLog) { Log(string.Format(" plane {0} same as plane {1}", p.ToString(), pj.ToString())); } found = true; break; } } if (!found) { if (planeCount < 6) { if (DoLog) { Log(string.Format(" plane[{0}] = plane {1}", planeCount, p.ToString())); } planesUnsorted[planeCount++] = p; } else { Debug.Assert(false, string.Format("In the definition of box {0}, more than 6 planes were found", subMesh.Name)); } } } Debug.Assert(planeCount == 6, string.Format("In the definition of box {0}, fewer than 6 planes were found", subMesh.Name)); // Now recreate the planes array, making sure that // opposite faces are 3 planes apart Plane[] planes = new Plane[6]; bool[] planeUsed = new bool[6]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { planeUsed[i] = false; } int planePair = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (!planeUsed[i]) { Plane p1 = planesUnsorted[i]; planes[planePair] = p1; planeUsed[i] = true; for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { Plane p2 = planesUnsorted[j]; if (!planeUsed[j] && !Orthogonal(p2, p1)) { planes[3 + planePair++] = p2; planeUsed[j] = true; break; } } } } Debug.Assert(planePair == 3, "Didn't find 3 pairs of parallel planes"); // Make sure that the sequence of planes follows the // right-hand rule if (planes[0].Normal.Cross(planes[1].Normal).Dot(planes[3].Normal) < 0) { // Swap the first two plane pairs Plane p = planes[0]; planes[0] = planes[1]; planes[1] = p; p = planes[0 + 3]; planes[0 + 3] = planes[1 + 3]; planes[1 + 3] = p; Debug.Assert(planes[0].Normal.Cross(planes[1].Normal).Dot(planes[3].Normal) > 0, "Even after swapping, planes don't obey the right-hand rule"); } // Now we have our 6 planes, sorted so that opposite // planes are 3 planes apart, and so they obey the // right-hand rule. This guarantees that corners // correspond. Find the 8 intersections that define the // corners. Vector3[] corners = new Vector3[8]; int cornerCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i <= 3; i += 3) { Plane p1 = planes[i]; for (int j = 1; j <= 4; j += 3) { Plane p2 = planes[j]; for (int k = 2; k <= 5; k += 3) { Plane p3 = planes[k]; Vector3 corner = -1 * ((p1.D * (p2.Normal.Cross(p3.Normal)) + p2.D * (p3.Normal.Cross(p1.Normal)) + p3.D * (p1.Normal.Cross(p2.Normal))) / p1.Normal.Dot(p2.Normal.Cross(p3.Normal))); Debug.Assert(cornerCount < 8, string.Format("In the definition of box {0}, more than 8 corners were found", subMesh.Name)); if (DoLog) { Log(string.Format(" corner#{0}: {1}", cornerCount, corner.ToString())); } corners[cornerCount++] = corner; } } } Debug.Assert(cornerCount == 8, string.Format("In the definition of box {0}, fewer than 8 corners were found", subMesh.Name)); // We know that corners correspond. Now find the center Vector3 center = (corners[0] + corners[7]) / 2; Debug.Assert((center - (corners[1] + corners[5]) / 2.0f).Length > geometryEpsilon || (center - (corners[2] + corners[6]) / 2.0f).Length > geometryEpsilon || (center - (corners[3] + corners[7]) / 2.0f).Length > geometryEpsilon, string.Format("In the definition of box {0}, center definition {0} is not consistent", subMesh.Name, center.ToString())); // Find the extents Vector3 extents = new Vector3(Math.Abs((corners[1] - corners[0]).Length / 2.0f), Math.Abs((corners[3] - corners[1]).Length / 2.0f), Math.Abs((corners[4] - corners[0]).Length / 2.0f)); if (DoLog) { Log(string.Format(" extents {0}", extents.ToString())); } // Find the axes Vector3[] axes = new Vector3[3] { (corners[1] - corners[0]).ToNormalized(), (corners[3] - corners[1]).ToNormalized(), (corners[4] - corners[0]).ToNormalized() }; if (DoLog) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Log(string.Format(" axis[{0}] {1}", i, axes[i])); } } // Now, is it an obb or an aabb? Figure out if the axes // point in the same direction as the basis vectors, and // if so, the order of the axes int[] mapping = new int[3] { -1, -1, -1 }; int foundMapping = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (axes[i].Cross(Primitives.UnitBasisVectors[j]).Length < geometryEpsilon) { mapping[i] = j; foundMapping++; break; } } } CollisionShape shape; if (foundMapping == 3) { // It's an AABB, so build the min and max vectors, in // the order that matches the unit basis vector order Vector3 min = Vector3.Zero; Vector3 max = Vector3.Zero; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { float e = extents[i]; int j = mapping[i]; min[j] = center[j] - e; max[j] = center[j] + e; } shape = new CollisionAABB(min, max); } else { Vector3 ruleTest = axes[0].Cross(axes[1]); if (axes[2].Dot(ruleTest) < 0) { axes[2] = -1 * axes[2]; } // Return the OBB shape = new CollisionOBB(center, axes, extents); } if (DoLog) { Log(string.Format("Extraction result: {0}", shape)); } return(shape); }