Example #1
    public static CollisionManifold GetSphereToSphereCollisionManifold(SphereBehaviour sphereA, SphereBehaviour sphereB)
        var manifold = new CollisionManifold();

        var direction = sphereA.transform.position - sphereB.transform.position;

        manifold.PenetrationDistance = (direction.magnitude - (sphereA.Radius + sphereB.Radius)) / 2;

        if (manifold.PenetrationDistance <= 0.001f && manifold.PenetrationDistance > 0)
            manifold.CollisionType = CollisionType.Colliding;
        else if (manifold.PenetrationDistance < 0)
            manifold.CollisionType = CollisionType.Penetrating;
            manifold.CollisionType = CollisionType.None;

        manifold.Normal = direction.normalized;

Example #2
    /// <summary>
    /// If collision happened project the ParticleObject back to prevCenterMass.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="b1"></param>
    /// <param name="b2"></param>
    public void CollisionResolutionOBB(CollisionManifold cm, ColliderBox b1, ColliderBox b2)
        Vector3 currPoint = cm.avg_depth;
        Vector3 projPoint = cm.avg_contact;

        float dist = Vector3.Magnitude(currPoint - projPoint);

        if (Util.CMP(dist, 0.0f) || float.IsNaN(dist))

        if (!b1.IsStatic() && !b2.IsStatic())
            this.SeparateParticleObjects(b1.GetParticleObject(), currPoint, projPoint, b2.GetParticleObject());
            if (!b1.IsStatic())
                this.SeparateParticleObjects(b1.GetParticleObject(), currPoint, projPoint);
            else if (!b2.IsStatic())
                this.SeparateParticleObjects(b2.GetParticleObject(), projPoint, currPoint);
Example #3
    public static CollisionManifold getSphereToAABBCollisionManifold(SphereBehaviour sphere, CubeBehaviour box)
        var manifold = new CollisionManifold();

        var closestPoint = GetAABBClosestPoint(sphere, box);
        var direction    = sphere.transform.position - closestPoint;

        manifold.PenetrationDistance = (direction.magnitude - sphere.Radius) / 2;

        if (manifold.PenetrationDistance <= 0.001f && manifold.PenetrationDistance > 0)
            manifold.CollisionType = CollisionType.Colliding;
        else if (manifold.PenetrationDistance < 0)
            manifold.CollisionType = CollisionType.Penetrating;
            manifold.CollisionType = CollisionType.None;

        // manifold.Objects.Add(sphere.gameObject);
        // manifold.Objects.Add(box.gameObject);
        manifold.Normal = direction.normalized;

        // Broadphase
        private void GeneratePairs()
            // Clear previous contacts and collision pairs.

            for (var i = 0; i < Colliders.Count; ++i)
                for (var j = i + 1; j < Colliders.Count; ++j)
                    // Prevent collider self check.
                    if (Colliders[i] == Colliders[j])

                    // Prevent colliders on same object creating collisions.
                    if (Colliders[i].RigidBody.GameObject == Colliders[j].RigidBody.GameObject)

                    if (Colliders[i].RigidBody.InvMass == 0.0f && Colliders[j].RigidBody.InvMass == 0.0f)

                    // Check distance between 2 colliders.
                    var dist = Vector2.Distance(Colliders[i].Position, Colliders[j].Position);

                    // Check collisions between each collider.
                    var colliderPair = new CollisionManifold(Colliders[i], Colliders[j]);

                    // Limit the distance to check for collisions. Hacky but for now works
                    // until I get around to TODO: spatial partitioning.
                    if (dist <= 5.0f)

                        if (colliderPair.ContactDetected)

                    // if the two colliders are further than 5 units away OR no contacts were detected this step
                    // check if any exit callbacks need to be called.
            public void Execute(int index)
                Entity   collAEntity      = CollisionPairsArray[index].ColliderEntityA;
                Entity   collBEntity      = CollisionPairsArray[index].ColliderEntityB;
                Collider collA            = ColliderFromEntity[collAEntity];
                Collider collB            = ColliderFromEntity[collBEntity];
                Entity   rigidBodyAEntity = collA.RigidBodyEntity;
                Entity   rigidBodyBEntity = collB.RigidBodyEntity;

                float3 aPos           = ColliderPositionFromEntity[collAEntity].Value;
                float3 bPos           = ColliderPositionFromEntity[collBEntity].Value;
                float3 fromAToBVector = bPos - aPos;

                if (math.lengthSquared(fromAToBVector) == 0f)
                    fromAToBVector = new float3(0f, 1f, 0f);

                float overlapDistance = -math.length(fromAToBVector) + SphereColliderFromEntity[collAEntity].Radius + SphereColliderFromEntity[collBEntity].Radius;

                if (overlapDistance > 0f)
                    float3 relativeVelocity    = VelocityFromEntity[collB.RigidBodyEntity].Value - VelocityFromEntity[collA.RigidBodyEntity].Value;
                    float3 collisionNormalAToB = math.normalize(fromAToBVector);

                    bool aIsKinematic = RigidBodyFromEntity[collA.RigidBodyEntity].IsKinematic > 0;
                    bool bIsKinematic = RigidBodyFromEntity[collB.RigidBodyEntity].IsKinematic > 0;

                    if (!(aIsKinematic && bIsKinematic))
                        CollisionManifold manifold = new CollisionManifold()
                            ColliderEntityA = collAEntity,
                            ColliderEntityB = collBEntity,

                            RigidBodyEntityA = rigidBodyAEntity,
                            RigidBodyEntityB = rigidBodyBEntity,

                            ContactPointA = aPos + (collisionNormalAToB * SphereColliderFromEntity[collAEntity].Radius),
                            ContactPointB = bPos + (-collisionNormalAToB * SphereColliderFromEntity[collBEntity].Radius),

                            CollisionNormalAToB = collisionNormalAToB,
                            OverlapDistance     = overlapDistance,

Example #6
        private bool IsTouchingCircleCircle(IGameObject parent, IGameObject s, out CollisionManifold manifold)
            manifold = new CollisionManifold();

            float radiusA = parent.Rectangle.Width < parent.Rectangle.Height ? parent.Rectangle.Width / 2.0f : parent.Rectangle.Height / 2.0f;
            float radiusB = s.Rectangle.Width < s.Rectangle.Height ? s.Rectangle.Width / 2.0f : s.Rectangle.Height / 2.0f;

            //find the centre of each sprite's hit area (using .Center() will give a loss of precision)
            Vector2 centreA = new Vector2(parent.transform.position.X + parent.Rectangle.X + parent.Rectangle.Width / 2, parent.transform.position.Y + parent.Rectangle.Y + parent.Rectangle.Height / 2);
            Vector2 centreB = new Vector2(s.transform.position.X + s.Rectangle.X + s.Rectangle.Width / 2, s.transform.position.Y + s.Rectangle.Y + s.Rectangle.Height / 2);

            float r  = radiusA + radiusB;
            float r2 = r * r;
            float distanceSquared = Vector2.DistanceSquared(centreA, centreB);

            if (r2 < distanceSquared)
                //Not collided
                // Circles have collided, now compute manifold
                manifold.Collidee = s;

                // Calculate distance
                float distance = (float)Math.Sqrt(distanceSquared);

                if (distance != 0)
                    // If distance between circles is not zero
                    // Normal vector is points from A to B, and is a unit vector
                    manifold.Normal = (centreB - centreA) / distance;

                    // Distance is difference between radius and distance
                    manifold.Penetration = r - distance;
                    // If distance between circles is zero
                    manifold.Normal = Vector2.UnitX;

                    // Distance is difference between radius and distance
                    manifold.Penetration = (float)Math.Min(parent.Rectangle.Width / 2.0, s.Rectangle.Width / 2.0);

    public static void ResolveCollision(PhysicsBehaviour a, PhysicsBehaviour b)
        CollisionManifold manifold = new CollisionManifold(a, b); // The normal will point from a to b

        if (manifold.mPenetration > 0.0f)
            // Linear displacement
            if (a.mobile)
                a.transform.position -= manifold.mNormal.normalized * manifold.mPenetration;
            if (b.mobile)
                b.transform.position += manifold.mNormal.normalized * manifold.mPenetration;

            // Linear Impulse
            Vector3 vr        = manifold.mVelocity;
            Vector3 n         = manifold.mNormal;
            float   vrn       = Vector3.Dot(vr, n);
            float   e         = Mathf.Min(a.bounciness, b.bounciness);
            float   InvMasses = (1.0f / a.mass) + (1.0f / b.mass);
            float   j         = (-(1.0f + e) * vrn) / InvMasses;

            // Friction
            Vector3 t        = vr - (vrn * n);
            float   jt       = (-(1.0f + e) * (Vector3.Dot(vr, t))) / InvMasses;
            float   friction = Mathf.Sqrt(a.friction * b.friction);
            jt = Mathf.Max(jt, -j * friction);
            jt = Mathf.Min(jt, j * friction);

            // Adjust velocities
            a.velocity = a.velocity - ((jt / a.mass) * n);
            b.velocity = b.velocity + ((jt / b.mass) * n);
Example #8
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks and resolves the collision between particle object colliders.
    /// </summary>
    private void CollidersCollisions()
        int count = Colliders.Count;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < count; j++)
                // OBB vs OBB
                if (Colliders[i] as ColliderBox != null && Colliders[j] as ColliderBox != null)
                    CollisionManifold features = Geometry.FindCollisionFeatures((ColliderBox)Colliders[i], (ColliderBox)Colliders[j]);
                    if (!features.colliding)
                        //Debug.Log("No collision happened.");
                        this.CollisionResolutionOBB(features, (ColliderBox)Colliders[i], (ColliderBox)Colliders[j]);
                        //Debug.Log("COLLISION: collision happened.");

                // SPHERE vs SPHERE
                else if (Colliders[i] as SphereCollider != null && Colliders[j] as SphereCollider != null)
                    if (AreSpheresColliding((SphereCollider)Colliders[i], (SphereCollider)Colliders[j]))
                        Logger.Instance.DebugInfo("Collision happened [Sphere vs Sphere]: " +
                                                  Colliders[i].Id + " - " +
                                                  Colliders[j].Id + " !",

                // OBB vs SPHERE
                    ColliderBox    b = Colliders[i] as ColliderBox;
                    SphereCollider s = Colliders[j] as SphereCollider;

                    if (b == null)
                        b = Colliders[j] as ColliderBox;
                        s = Colliders[i] as SphereCollider;

                    if (b != null && s != null)
                        if (AreSphereOBBColliding(b, s))
                            Logger.Instance.DebugInfo("Collision happened [OBB vs Sphere]: " +
                                                      Colliders[i].Id + " - " +
                                                      Colliders[j].Id + " !",
Example #9
    public static CollisionManifold FindCollisionFeatures(ColliderBox obb1, ColliderBox obb2)
        CollisionManifold result = new CollisionManifold();


        // First, make a quick collision test on spheres within the OBBs, if they don't collide => OBBs dont collide
        Sphere s1 = new Sphere(new Point(obb1._center), Vector3.Magnitude(obb1._xyzLength / 2) + 0.1f);
        Sphere s2 = new Sphere(new Point(obb2._center), Vector3.Magnitude(obb2._xyzLength / 2) + 0.1f);

        if (!SphereSphere(s1, s2))

        Cube c1 = obb1.cube;
        Cube c2 = obb2.cube;

        List <Vector3> axis = new List <Vector3>();

        // Get axis from first cube
        Vector3 c1axis1 = (c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.B] - c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A]).normalized;
        Vector3 c1axis2 = (c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.D] - c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A]).normalized;
        Vector3 c1axis3 = (c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.E] - c1.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A]).normalized;


        // Get axis from second cube
        Vector3 c2axis1 = (c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.B] - c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A]).normalized;
        Vector3 c2axis2 = (c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.D] - c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A]).normalized;
        Vector3 c2axis3 = (c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.E] - c2.vertices[(int)CubeIdx.A]).normalized;


        // Check 9 axis given by cross product between 2 cubes
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            axis.Add(Vector3.Cross(axis[i], axis[3]));
            axis.Add(Vector3.Cross(axis[i], axis[4]));
            axis.Add(Vector3.Cross(axis[i], axis[5]));

        Vector3[] test = axis.ToArray();

        Vector3 hitNormal  = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        bool    shouldFlip = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < test.Length; ++i) // axis.Count = 15
            if (axis[i].x < 0.000001f)
                test[i].x = 0.0f;
            if (test[i].y < 0.000001f)
                test[i].y = 0.0f;
            if (test[i].z < 0.000001f)
                test[i].z = 0.0f;
            if (Vector3.Magnitude(test[i]) * Vector3.Magnitude(test[i]) < 0.001f)

            Tuple <float, bool> pntrtion_info = PenetrationDepth(obb1, obb2, test[i], shouldFlip);
            float depth = pntrtion_info.Item1;
            shouldFlip = pntrtion_info.Item2;
            //Debug.Log("shouldFlip" + shouldFlip);
            //if (depth < 0.0f) return result; // if penetration depth < 0.0f
            if (depth <= 0.001f)
                Debug.Log("DEPTH: " + depth);

            else if (depth < result.depth)
                if (shouldFlip)
                    test[i] = test[i] * -1.0f;

                result.depth = depth;
                hitNormal    = test[i];
                //Debug.Log("hitNormal" + hitNormal);

        //Debug.Log("PenetrationDepth: " + result.depth);
        //Debug.Log("shouldFlip: " + shouldFlip);
        //Debug.Log("COLLIDING2: " + result.colliding);

        //if (Util.CMP(hitNormal.magnitude, 0.0f))// return result;        //if (hitNormal.magnitude <= 0.1f)
        //    Debug.Log("RETURN hitNormal.magnitude: " + hitNormal.magnitude);
        //    return result;

        Vector3 axs = hitNormal.normalized;

        List <Point> list1 = ClipEdgesToOBB(GetEdges(obb2), obb1);
        List <Point> list2 = ClipEdgesToOBB(GetEdges(obb1), obb2);

        result.contacts = new List <Vector3>();
        result.depths   = new List <Vector3>();

        foreach (Point point in list1)
        foreach (Point point in list2)

        Interval interval = GetInterval(obb1, axs);
        float    depth_distance_points = (interval.max - interval.min) * 0.5f;                // depth points after intersection inside obb
        float    contact_points        = (interval.max - interval.min) * 0.5f - result.depth; // points of intersection at the surface

        Vector3 pointOnPlane1 = obb1._center + axs * depth_distance_points;
        Vector3 pointOnPlane2 = obb1._center + axs * contact_points;

        for (int i = result.contacts.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            Vector3 contact = result.contacts[i];
            result.contacts[i] = contact + (axs * Vector3.Dot(axs, pointOnPlane2 - contact));
            result.depths[i]   = contact + (axs * Vector3.Dot(axs, pointOnPlane1 - contact));

            //result.depths.Add(contact + (axs * Vector3.Dot(axs, pointOnPlane1 - contact)));

            // This bit is in the "There is more" section of the book
            for (int j = result.contacts.Count - 1; j > i; --j)
                float magnitude = Vector3.Magnitude(result.contacts[j] - result.contacts[i]);
                if (magnitude * magnitude < 0.0001f)

        foreach (Vector3 cp in result.contacts)
            result.avg_contact += cp;
        result.avg_contact /= result.contacts.Count;

        //result.avg_depth = result.avg_contact + result.depth * result.normal;

        foreach (Vector3 dp in result.depths)
            result.avg_depth += dp;
        result.avg_depth /= result.depths.Count;

        result.colliding = true;
        result.normal    = axs;

Example #10
        private bool IsTouchingAABBAABB(IGameObject parent, IGameObject s, out CollisionManifold manifold)
            manifold = new CollisionManifold();

            Vector2 halfA = new Vector2(parent.Rectangle.Width / 2.0f, parent.Rectangle.Height / 2.0f);
            Vector2 halfB = new Vector2(s.Rectangle.Width / 2.0f, s.Rectangle.Height / 2.0f);

            //find the centre of each sprite's hit area (using .Center() will give a loss of precision)
            Vector2 centreA = new Vector2(parent.transform.position.X + parent.Rectangle.X + halfA.X, parent.transform.position.Y + parent.Rectangle.Y + halfA.Y);
            Vector2 centreB = new Vector2(s.transform.position.X + s.Rectangle.X + halfB.X, s.transform.position.Y + s.Rectangle.Y + halfB.Y);

            //Not collided
            if (parent.Rectangle.Right < s.Rectangle.Left || parent.Rectangle.Left > s.Rectangle.Right)
            if (parent.Rectangle.Bottom < s.Rectangle.Top || parent.Rectangle.Top > s.Rectangle.Bottom)

            // AABBs have collided, now compute manifold
            manifold.Collidee = s;

            float distance = Vector2.Distance(centreA, centreB);

            if (distance != 0)
                // If distance between AABBs is not zero

                // Distance is difference between radius and distance
                float xOverlapAB = (halfA.X + halfB.X) - (centreA.X - centreB.X);
                float xOverlapBA = (halfA.X + halfB.X) - (centreB.X - centreA.X);
                float yOverlapAB = (halfA.Y + halfB.Y) - (centreA.Y - centreB.Y);
                float yOverlapBA = (halfA.Y + halfB.Y) - (centreB.Y - centreA.Y);

                manifold.Penetration = Math.Min(xOverlapAB, Math.Min(xOverlapBA, Math.Min(yOverlapAB, yOverlapBA)));

                //calculate normal vector
                if (manifold.Penetration == xOverlapAB)
                    //Left of A
                    manifold.Normal = new Vector2(-1, 0);
                else if (manifold.Penetration == xOverlapBA)
                    //Right of A
                    manifold.Normal = new Vector2(1, 0);
                else if (manifold.Penetration == yOverlapAB)
                    //Top of A
                    manifold.Normal = new Vector2(0, -1);
                else if (manifold.Penetration == yOverlapBA)
                    //Bottom of A
                    manifold.Normal = new Vector2(0, 1);
                // If distance between circles is zero
                manifold.Normal = Vector2.UnitX;

                // Distance is difference between radius and distance
                manifold.Penetration = (float)Math.Min(parent.Rectangle.Width / 2.0, s.Rectangle.Width / 2.0);

Example #11
        private bool IsTouchingCircleAABB(IGameObject parent, IGameObject s, out CollisionManifold manifold)
            manifold = new CollisionManifold();

            Vector2 halfA = new Vector2(parent.Rectangle.Width / 2.0f, parent.Rectangle.Height / 2.0f);
            Vector2 halfB = new Vector2(s.Rectangle.Width / 2.0f, s.Rectangle.Height / 2.0f);

            //find the centre of each sprite's hit area (using .Center() will give a loss of precision)
            Vector2 centreA = new Vector2(parent.transform.position.X + parent.Rectangle.X + parent.Rectangle.Width / 2, parent.transform.position.Y + parent.Rectangle.Y + parent.Rectangle.Height / 2);
            Vector2 centreB = new Vector2(s.transform.position.X + s.Rectangle.X + s.Rectangle.Width / 2, s.transform.position.Y + s.Rectangle.Y + s.Rectangle.Height / 2);

            // Vector from B to A
            Vector2 n = centreA - centreB;

            // Closest point on B to center of A
            Vector2 closest = n;

            // Clamp point to edges of the AABB
            closest.X = MathHelper.Clamp(closest.X, -halfB.X, halfB.X);
            closest.Y = MathHelper.Clamp(closest.Y, -halfB.Y, halfB.Y);

            bool inside = false;

            // Circle is inside the AABB, so we need to clamp the circle's center
            // to the closest edge
            if (n == closest)
                inside = true;

                // Find closest axis
                if (Math.Abs(n.X) > Math.Abs(n.Y))
                    // Clamp to closest extent
                    closest.X = closest.X > 0 ? halfB.X : -halfB.X;
                // y axis is shorter
                    // Clamp to closest extent
                    closest.Y = closest.Y > 0 ? halfB.Y : -halfB.Y;

            Vector2 normal = n - closest;
            float   d      = normal.LengthSquared();
            float   r      = parent.Rectangle.Width < parent.Rectangle.Height ? parent.Rectangle.Width / 2.0f : parent.Rectangle.Height / 2.0f;

            // Early out of the radius is shorter than distance to closest point and
            // Circle not inside the AABB
            if (d > r * r && !inside)

            // AABBs have collided, now compute manifold
            manifold.Collidee = s;

            // Avoided sqrt until we needed
            d = (float)Math.Sqrt(d);

            // Collision normal needs to be flipped to point outside if circle was
            // inside the AABB
            if (inside)
                manifold.Normal      = Vector2.Normalize(normal);
                manifold.Penetration = r - d;
                manifold.Normal      = -Vector2.Normalize(normal);
                manifold.Penetration = r - d;