public void Partition(IEntity entity, Point2D location, int radius) { var candidate = new CollisionCandidate(entity, location, radius); var left = (candidate.Position.X - candidate.Radius) / _capacity; var top = (candidate.Position.Y - candidate.Radius) / _capacity; var right = (candidate.Position.X + candidate.Radius) / _capacity; var bottom = (candidate.Position.Y + candidate.Radius) / _capacity; var cells = new int[] { left + top * _unit, right + top * _unit, left + bottom * _unit, right + bottom * _unit, }; _inner[cells[0]].Add(candidate); if (cells[0] != cells[1]) { _inner[cells[1]].Add(candidate); } if (cells[1] != cells[2]) { _inner[cells[2]].Add(candidate); } if (cells[2] != cells[3]) { _inner[cells[3]].Add(candidate); } }
public bool CollidesWith(CollisionCandidate other) { var length = (Position - other.Position).Length; return(length < Radius + other.Radius); }
private static void CheckSpellCollision() { if (ObjectCache.menuCache.cache["CheckSpellCollision"].GetValue <bool>() == false) { return; } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> entry in detectedSpells) { Spell spell = entry.Value; var collisionObject = spell.CheckSpellCollision(); if (collisionObject != null) { spell.predictedEndPos = spell.GetSpellProjection(collisionObject.ServerPosition.To2D()); if (spell.currentSpellPosition.Distance(collisionObject.ServerPosition) < collisionObject.BoundingRadius + spell.radius) { if (! || spell.spellType != SpellType.Circular) { DelayAction.Add(1, () => DeleteSpell(entry.Key)); } } } } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, CollisionCandidate> entry in collisionObjs) { CollisionCandidate cand = entry.Value; var spellTime = cand.spellTime = EvadeUtils.TickCount - cand.startTick - cand.spellInfo.spellDelay; if (spellTime >= 0) { cand.currentPos = cand.startPos + (cand.endPos - cand.startPos).Normalized() * cand.spellInfo.projectileSpeed * (cand.spellTime / 1000); } var collisionObj = cand.currentPos.To3D().CheckPositionCollision(cand.endPos.To3D(), cand.spellInfo, false); if (collisionObj != null) { var data = cand.spellInfo.CopyData(); data.spellDelay = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Spell> value in detectedSpells) { Spell spell = value.Value; if (spell.spellType == SpellType.Line && { if ( == cand.spellInfo.spellName) { DelayAction.Add(1, () => DeleteSpell(value.Key)); // delete the skillshot } } } CreateSpellData(cand.candidateHero, cand.startPos.To3D(), collisionObj.ServerPosition, data, null, 0, true, SpellType.Circular, false, true); // create the explosion collisionObjs.Remove(cand.candidateId); break; } DelayAction.Add((int)cand.endTime, () => collisionObjs.Remove(cand.candidateId)); } }