public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            CollectionCreationDetails     details  = null;
            OperationResultWithTrackingId response = null;
            Collection collection = null;

            collection = FindCollection(CollectionName);

            if (collection != null)
                details = new CollectionCreationDetails()
                    Name = CollectionName,
                    TemplateImageName = ImageName,
                    BillingPlanName   = collection.BillingPlanName

                if (ShouldProcess(CollectionName, "Update collection"))
                    response = CallClient(() => Client.Collections.Set(CollectionName, false, false, details), Client.Collections);

                if (response != null)
Example #2
        private void CanCreateNonPopulateOnlyAndDeleteRemoteAppService()
            using (var undoContext = UndoContext.Current)

                var client = GetRemoteAppManagementClient();

                string           name = TestUtilities.GenerateName("ghut");
                string           activeDirectoryName = TestUtilities.GenerateName("ghut");
                string           billingPlanName     = "Standard";
                string           templateName        = TestUtilities.GenerateName("ghut"); // BUGBUG this must be a real template
                HttpStatusCode[] statusSuccess       = { HttpStatusCode.OK, HttpStatusCode.Accepted };

                ActiveDirectoryConfig adDetails = new ActiveDirectoryConfig()
                    DomainName = activeDirectoryName,
                    UserName   = "******",
                    Password   = "******"

                CollectionCreationDetails collectionDetails = new CollectionCreationDetails()
                    Name               = name,
                    AdInfo             = adDetails,
                    PlanName           = billingPlanName,
                    TemplateImageName  = templateName,
                    Description        = "OneSDK test created.",
                    Mode               = CollectionMode.Apps,
                    ReadyForPublishing = true,
                    VNetName           = "SomeVnet"

                CollectionResult queriedCollection = null;

                OperationResultWithTrackingId result = client.Collections.Create(false, collectionDetails);
                Assert.Contains(result.StatusCode, statusSuccess);

                if (result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Accepted)
                    //                    RemoteAppManagementClient.WaitForLongRunningOperation(result.TrackingId, timeoutMs, client);
                    Assert.True(result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK, "Failed to create collection.");

                queriedCollection = client.Collections.Get(collectionDetails.Name);
                Assert.Equal(queriedCollection.Collection.AdInfo.DomainName, collectionDetails.AdInfo.DomainName);
                Assert.Equal(queriedCollection.Collection.PlanName, collectionDetails.PlanName);
                Assert.Equal(queriedCollection.Collection.TemplateImageName, collectionDetails.TemplateImageName);
                Assert.Equal(queriedCollection.Collection.Mode, collectionDetails.Mode);
                Assert.Equal(queriedCollection.Collection.VNetName, collectionDetails.VNetName);
                Assert.Equal(queriedCollection.Collection.Description, collectionDetails.Description);
                Assert.Equal(queriedCollection.Collection.ReadyForPublishing, collectionDetails.ReadyForPublishing);

                OperationResultWithTrackingId response = client.Collections.Delete(queriedCollection.Collection.Name);
                Assert.True(result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK, "Delete collection did not return OK.");
        public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            NetworkCredential             creds    = null;
            CollectionCreationDetails     details  = null;
            OperationResultWithTrackingId response = null;
            Collection collection = null;

            collection = FindCollection(CollectionName);
            if (collection == null)

            details = new CollectionCreationDetails()
                Name              = CollectionName,
                BillingPlanName   = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Plan) ? collection.BillingPlanName : Plan,
                Description       = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Description) ? collection.Description : Description,
                CustomRdpProperty = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(CustomRdpProperty) ? collection.CustomRdpProperty : CustomRdpProperty,
                TemplateImageName = collection.TemplateImageName

            switch (ParameterSetName)
            case DomainJoined:
                if (collection.AdInfo == null)
                    ErrorRecord er = RemoteAppCollectionErrorState.CreateErrorRecordFromString(

                details.AdInfo                    = new ActiveDirectoryConfig();
                details.VnetName                  = collection.VnetName;
                details.AdInfo.DomainName         = collection.AdInfo.DomainName;
                details.AdInfo.OrganizationalUnit = collection.AdInfo.OrganizationalUnit;

                if (Credential != null)
                    creds = Credential.GetNetworkCredential();
                    details.AdInfo.UserName = creds.UserName;
                    details.AdInfo.Password = creds.Password;

            response = CallClient(() => Client.Collections.Set(CollectionName, false, false, details), Client.Collections);
            if (response != null)
                TrackingResult trackingId = new TrackingResult(response);
Example #4
        private Collection CreateNewServiceWithPopulateOnlyTrue(RemoteAppManagementClient client)
            string name = "hsut2861";
            string activeDirectoryName = "ghutad";
            string billingPlanName     = "Standard";
            string templateName        = "bluerefresh.2014.08.21.vhd"; //GetReadyTemplateImageName(client);

            ActiveDirectoryConfig adDetails = new ActiveDirectoryConfig()
                DomainName = activeDirectoryName,
                UserName   = "******",
                Password   = "******"

            CollectionCreationDetails collectionDetails = new CollectionCreationDetails()
                Name               = name,
                AdInfo             = adDetails,
                PlanName           = billingPlanName,
                TemplateImageName  = templateName,
                Description        = "OneSDK test created.",
                Mode               = CollectionMode.Apps,
                ReadyForPublishing = true,
                VNetName           = "SomeVnet"

            OperationResultWithTrackingId result = null;

            Assert.DoesNotThrow(() =>
                result = client.Collections.Create(true, collectionDetails);


            // if OK is returned then the tracking id is the name of the newly created collection
            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, result.StatusCode);


            // now check if the object is actually created at the backend
            CollectionResult queriedService = client.Collections.Get(collectionDetails.Name);

            Assert.Equal(HttpStatusCode.OK, queriedService.StatusCode);
            Assert.Equal(queriedService.Collection.Name, name);
            Assert.Equal(queriedService.Collection.PlanName, collectionDetails.PlanName);
            Assert.Equal(queriedService.Collection.TemplateImageName, collectionDetails.TemplateImageName);
            Assert.Equal(queriedService.Collection.Status, "Creating");

        public static int SetUpDefaultRemoteAppCollectionCreate(Mock <IRemoteAppManagementClient> clientMock, string collectionName, string region, string billingPlan, string imageName, string description, string customProperties, string trackingId)
            CollectionCreationDetails collectionDetails = new CollectionCreationDetails()
                Name              = collectionName,
                PlanName          = billingPlan,
                TemplateImageName = imageName,
                Mode              = CollectionMode.Apps,
                Region            = region,
                Description       = description,
                CustomRdpProperty = customProperties

            List <Collection> collectionList = new List <Collection>()
                new Collection()
                    Name              = collectionDetails.Name,
                    Region            = collectionDetails.Region,
                    PlanName          = collectionDetails.PlanName,
                    TemplateImageName = collectionDetails.TemplateImageName,
                    Mode              = collectionDetails.Mode,
                    Description       = collectionDetails.Description,
                    Status            = "Active"

            OperationResultWithTrackingId response = new OperationResultWithTrackingId()
                StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Accepted,
                TrackingId = trackingId,
                RequestId  = "111-2222-4444"

            mockTrackingId = new List <TrackingResult>()
                new TrackingResult(response)

            ISetup <IRemoteAppManagementClient, Task <OperationResultWithTrackingId> > setup = clientMock.Setup(c => c.Collections.CreateAsync(It.IsAny <bool>(), It.IsAny <CollectionCreationDetails>(), It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()));

            setup.Returns(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => response));

            mockCollectionList = collectionList;

        public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            // register the subscription for this service if it has not been before
            // sebsequent call to register is redundent

            NetworkCredential         creds   = null;
            CollectionCreationDetails details = new CollectionCreationDetails()
                Name = CollectionName,
                TemplateImageName = ImageName,
                Region            = Location,
                PlanName          = Plan,
                Description       = Description,
                CustomRdpProperty = CustomRdpProperty,
                Mode = CollectionMode.Apps
            OperationResultWithTrackingId response = null;

            switch (ParameterSetName)
            case DomainJoined:
            case AzureVNet:
                creds            = Credential.GetNetworkCredential();
                details.VNetName = VNetName;

                if (SubnetName != null)
                    if (!IsFeatureEnabled(EnabledFeatures.azureVNet))
                        ErrorRecord er = RemoteAppCollectionErrorState.CreateErrorRecordFromString(


                    details.SubnetName = SubnetName;
                    ValidateCustomerVNetParams(details.VNetName, details.SubnetName);

                    if (DnsServers != null)
                        details.DnsServers = DnsServers.Split(new char[] { ',' });

                    details.Region = Location;

                details.AdInfo = new ActiveDirectoryConfig()
                    DomainName         = Domain,
                    OrganizationalUnit = OrganizationalUnit,
                    UserName           = creds.UserName,
                    Password           = creds.Password,

            case NoDomain:
                details.Region = Location;

            response = CallClient(() => Client.Collections.Create(false, details), Client.Collections);

            if (response != null)
                TrackingResult trackingId = new TrackingResult(response);
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a collection with the given details.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// Reference to the
 /// Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.RemoteApp.ICollectionOperations.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='populateOnly'>
 /// Required. A flag denoting if the request is to populate the
 /// creation details of the collection or update and deploy (true for
 /// populate only).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='collectionDetails'>
 /// Required. Details for the collection to be created.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The response containing the operation tracking id.
 /// </returns>
 public static Task <OperationResultWithTrackingId> CreateAsync(this ICollectionOperations operations, bool populateOnly, CollectionCreationDetails collectionDetails)
     return(operations.CreateAsync(populateOnly, collectionDetails, CancellationToken.None));
Example #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a collection with the given details.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// Reference to the
 /// Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.RemoteApp.ICollectionOperations.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='populateOnly'>
 /// Required. A flag denoting if the request is to populate the
 /// creation details of the collection or update and deploy (true for
 /// populate only).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='collectionDetails'>
 /// Required. Details for the collection to be created.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The response containing the operation tracking id.
 /// </returns>
 public static OperationResultWithTrackingId Create(this ICollectionOperations operations, bool populateOnly, CollectionCreationDetails collectionDetails)
     return(Task.Factory.StartNew((object s) =>
         return ((ICollectionOperations)s).CreateAsync(populateOnly, collectionDetails);
                                  , operations, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.Default).Unwrap().GetAwaiter().GetResult());
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets a new information to the collection with given id.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name='operations'>
 /// Reference to the
 /// Microsoft.Azure.Management.RemoteApp.ICollectionOperations.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='collectionName'>
 /// Required. The name of the collection.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='forceRedeploy'>
 /// Required. A flag denoting if the request is to re-deploy the
 /// collection after it is updated.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='populateOnly'>
 /// Required. A flag denoting if the request is to populate the
 /// collection details(true for populate only).
 /// </param>
 /// <param name='collectionDetails'>
 /// Required. Details for the collection to be created.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 /// The response containing the operation tracking id.
 /// </returns>
 public static Task <OperationResultWithTrackingId> SetAsync(this ICollectionOperations operations, string collectionName, bool forceRedeploy, bool populateOnly, CollectionCreationDetails collectionDetails)
     return(operations.SetAsync(collectionName, forceRedeploy, populateOnly, collectionDetails, CancellationToken.None));
        public override void ExecuteCmdlet()
            // register the subscription for this service if it has not been before
            // sebsequent call to register is redundent

            NetworkCredential         creds   = null;
            CollectionCreationDetails details = new CollectionCreationDetails()
                Name = CollectionName,
                TemplateImageName = ImageName,
                Region            = Location,
                PlanName          = Plan,
                Description       = Description,
                CustomRdpProperty = CustomRdpProperty,
                Mode = (ResourceType == null || ResourceType == CollectionMode.Unassigned) ? CollectionMode.Apps : ResourceType.Value
            OperationResultWithTrackingId response = null;

            if (ParameterSetName == "AzureVNet")
                details.VNetName   = VNetName;
                details.SubnetName = SubnetName;
                ValidateCustomerVNetParams(details.VNetName, details.SubnetName);

                if (DnsServers != null)
                    details.DnsServers = DnsServers.Split(new char[] { ',' });

                if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Domain) || Credential != null)
                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Domain) || Credential == null)
                        // you supplied either a domain or a cred, but not both.
                        ErrorRecord er = RemoteAppCollectionErrorState.CreateErrorRecordFromString(


                    creds          = Credential.GetNetworkCredential();
                    details.AdInfo = new ActiveDirectoryConfig()
                        DomainName         = Domain,
                        OrganizationalUnit = OrganizationalUnit,
                        UserName           = creds.UserName,
                        Password           = creds.Password,
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(details.Region))
                    ErrorRecord er = RemoteAppCollectionErrorState.CreateErrorRecordFromString(


            response = CallClient(() => Client.Collections.Create(false, details), Client.Collections);

            if (response != null)
                TrackingResult trackingId = new TrackingResult(response);
        public static int SetUpDefaultRemoteAppCollectionSet(Mock <IRemoteAppManagementClient> clientMock, string collectionName, string subscriptionId, string billingPlan, string imageName, PSCredential credential, string domainName, string trackingId)
            NetworkCredential cred = credential != null?credential.GetNetworkCredential() : null;

            CollectionCreationDetails collectionDetails = new CollectionCreationDetails()
                Name              = collectionName,
                PlanName          = billingPlan,
                TemplateImageName = imageName,
                Mode              = CollectionMode.Apps,
                Description       = "unit test"

            if (cred != null)
                collectionDetails.AdInfo = new ActiveDirectoryConfig()
                    DomainName = domainName,
                    UserName   = cred.UserName,
                    Password   = cred.Password

            List <Collection> collectionList = new List <Collection>()
                new Collection()
                    Name              = collectionDetails.Name,
                    PlanName          = collectionDetails.PlanName,
                    TemplateImageName = collectionDetails.TemplateImageName,
                    Mode              = collectionDetails.Mode,
                    Description       = collectionDetails.Description,
                    Status            = "Active",
                    AdInfo            = collectionDetails.AdInfo != null ? collectionDetails.AdInfo : null

            OperationResultWithTrackingId response = new OperationResultWithTrackingId()
                StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Accepted,
                TrackingId = trackingId,
                RequestId  = "222-3456-789"

            mockTrackingId = new List <TrackingResult>()
                new TrackingResult(response)

            ISetup <IRemoteAppManagementClient, Task <OperationResultWithTrackingId> > setup =
                    c => c.Collections.SetAsync(
                        It.IsAny <bool>(),
                        It.IsAny <bool>(),
                        It.IsAny <CollectionUpdateDetails>(),
                        It.IsAny <CancellationToken>()));

            setup.Returns(Task.Factory.StartNew(() => response));

            mockCollectionList = collectionList;
