internal void CompareArray(RuleBasedCollator c, String[] tests) { for (int i = 0; i < tests.Length; i += 3) { int expect = 0; if (tests[i + 1].Equals("<")) { expect = -1; } else if (tests[i + 1].Equals(">")) { expect = 1; } else if (tests[i + 1].Equals("=")) { expect = 0; } else { // expect = Integer.decode(tests[i+1]).intValue(); Errln("Error: unknown operator " + tests[i + 1]); return; } String s1 = tests[i]; String s2 = tests[i + 2]; CollationTest.DoTest(this, c, s1, s2, expect); } }
public void TestPinYin() { String[] seq = { "\u963f", "\u554a", "\u54ce", "\u6371", "\u7231", "\u9f98", "\u4e5c", "\u8baa", "\u4e42", "\u53c8" }; RuleBasedCollator collator = null; try { collator = (RuleBasedCollator)Collator.GetInstance( // ICU4N: See: new CultureInfo("zh-Hans")); //("zh", "", "PINYIN")); // ICU4N TODO: Can we replicate the 3rd parameter somehow? } catch (Exception e) { Warnln("ERROR: in creation of collator of zh__PINYIN locale"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < seq.Length - 1; i++) { CollationTest.DoTest(this, collator, seq[i], seq[i + 1], -1); } }