Example #1
        public void TestIPluginCohortCompiler_PopulatesCacheCorrectly()
            var activator = new ConsoleInputManager(RepositoryLocator, new ThrowImmediatelyCheckNotifier())
                DisallowInput = true

            // create a cohort config
            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "mycic");

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = externalDatabaseServer.ID;

            // this special Catalogue will be detected by ExamplePluginCohortCompiler and interpreted as an API call
            var myApi = new Catalogue(CatalogueRepository, ExamplePluginCohortCompiler.ExampleAPIName);

            // add it to the cohort config

            // create a use of the API as an AggregateConfiguration
            var cmd = new ExecuteCommandAddCatalogueToCohortIdentificationSetContainer(activator, new CatalogueCombineable(myApi), cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer);

            Assert.IsFalse(cmd.IsImpossible, cmd.ReasonCommandImpossible);

            // run the cic
            var source = new CohortIdentificationConfigurationSource();

            source.PreInitialize(cic, new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener());
            var dt = source.GetChunk(new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener(), new GracefulCancellationToken());

            // 5 random chi numbers
            Assert.AreEqual(5, dt.Rows.Count);

            // test stale
            cmd.AggregateCreatedIfAny.Description = "2";

            // run the cic again
            source = new CohortIdentificationConfigurationSource();
            source.PreInitialize(cic, new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener());
            dt = source.GetChunk(new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener(), new GracefulCancellationToken());

            // because the rules changed to generate 2 chis only there should be a new result
            Assert.AreEqual(2, dt.Rows.Count);

            var results = new[] { (string)dt.Rows[0][0], (string)dt.Rows[1][0] };

            // run the cic again with no changes, the results should be unchanged since there is no config changed
            // I.e. no new chis should be generated and the cached values returned
            source = new CohortIdentificationConfigurationSource();
            source.PreInitialize(cic, new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener());
            dt = source.GetChunk(new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener(), new GracefulCancellationToken());

            Assert.AreEqual(2, dt.Rows.Count);
            var results2 = new[] { (string)dt.Rows[0][0], (string)dt.Rows[1][0] };

            Assert.AreEqual(results[0], results2[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(results[1], results2[1]);
Example #2
        private void cbxCohort_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var cic = cbxCohort.SelectedItem as CohortIdentificationConfiguration;

            if (cic != null)
                Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                    tbCohortName.Text = cic.ToString();

                    var source = new CohortIdentificationConfigurationSource();
                    source.Timeout = 5;
                    source.PreInitialize(cic, new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener());

                    Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

            gbFile.Enabled = cic == null;
Example #3
        public void TestIPluginCohortCompiler_AsPatientIndexTable()
            var activator = new ConsoleInputManager(RepositoryLocator, new ThrowImmediatelyCheckNotifier())
                DisallowInput = true

            // Create a regular normal boring old table that will join into the results of the API call
            var db = GetCleanedServer(DatabaseType.MicrosoftSQLServer);

            using DataTable dt = new DataTable();

            var tbl   = db.CreateTable("RegularBoringOldTable", dt);
            var cata  = (Catalogue)Import(tbl);
            var eiChi = cata.GetAllExtractionInformation()[0];

            eiChi.IsExtractionIdentifier = true;

            // create a cohort config
            var cic = new CohortIdentificationConfiguration(CatalogueRepository, "mycic");

            cic.QueryCachingServer_ID = externalDatabaseServer.ID;

            // this special Catalogue will be detected by ExamplePluginCohortCompiler and interpreted as an API call
            var myApi = new Catalogue(CatalogueRepository, ExamplePluginCohortCompiler.ExampleAPIName);

            // add it to the cohort config

            // Add the regular table
            var cmd = new ExecuteCommandAddCatalogueToCohortIdentificationSetContainer(activator, new CatalogueCombineable(cata), cic.RootCohortAggregateContainer);

            Assert.IsFalse(cmd.IsImpossible, cmd.ReasonCommandImpossible);
            var regularAggregate = cmd.AggregateCreatedIfAny;

            // The thing we are wanting to test - creating a use of the API as a patient index table
            var cmd2 = new ExecuteCommandAddCatalogueToCohortIdentificationAsPatientIndexTable(
                activator, new CatalogueCombineable(myApi), cic);

            Assert.IsFalse(cmd2.IsImpossible, cmd2.ReasonCommandImpossible);

            var joinables = cic.GetAllJoinables();

            Assert.AreEqual(1, joinables.Length);

            // make them join one another
            new JoinableCohortAggregateConfigurationUse(CatalogueRepository, regularAggregate, joinables[0]);

            // run the cic again
            var source = new CohortIdentificationConfigurationSource();

            source.PreInitialize(cic, new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener());
            var result = source.GetChunk(new ThrowImmediatelyDataLoadEventListener(), new GracefulCancellationToken());

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Rows.Count);