public unsafe static void Hmi_ScanHexCode() { PosLaction posLaction = default(PosLaction); strxinxi strxinxi = default(strxinxi); Readdata.Readdata_ReadStr(ref strxinxi, (int)Hmi.myapp.Hexstrindex); myappinf expr_28 = Hmi.myapp; expr_28.Hexstrindex += 1; if (strxinxi.size == 0 || strxinxi.size > 2048) { Hmi.Hmi_CodeEnd(); } else { Readdata.SPI_Flash_Read(Hmi.Hexstrbuf, + strxinxi.addbeg, (uint)strxinxi.size); if (strxinxi.size == 1 && *Hmi.Hexstrbuf == 69) { Hmi.Hmi_CodeEnd(); } else { = 0; posLaction.end = (ushort)(strxinxi.size - 1); if (Hmi.myapp.upapp.runapptype == { if (CodeRun.Coderun_Run(Hmi.Hexstrbuf, &posLaction) == 0 && Hmi.myapp.errcode < 255) { Commake.Commake_SendBackerr(Hmi.myapp.errcode); } } } } }
public static unsafe byte Commake_ScanComcode() { PosLaction laction; if ((NorComSta.runmod == 1) && (Commake_GetComm(&laction) > 0)) { if (myapp.comcrc > 0) { uint num2; uint num = Kuozhan.CRC32(Comstrbuf +, Comstrbuf[ - 1] - 4); Kuozhan.memcpy((byte *)&num2, Comstrbuf + (laction.end - 3), 4); laction.end = (ushort)(laction.end - 4); if (num != num2) { myapp.errcode = 0x22; Commake_SendBackerr(myapp.errcode); return(1); } } if (CodeRun.Coderun_Run(Comstrbuf, &laction) == 1) { Commake_SendBacksuc(); } else if (myapp.errcode < 0xff) { Commake_SendBackerr(myapp.errcode); } return(1); } return(0); }
public unsafe static ushort Hmi_GetPageid(byte *buf, PosLaction *bufpos) { byte[] array = new byte[14]; PosLaction posLaction = default(PosLaction); ushort result; if (buf[bufpos->star] == 112 && buf[bufpos->star + 1] == 91 && buf[bufpos->end] == 93) { = (ushort)(bufpos->star + 2); posLaction.end = (ushort)(bufpos->end - 1); byte b; int num = CodeRun.strgetS32(buf, &posLaction, &b); if (b == 0) { result = 65535; } else { result = (ushort)num; } } else { byte b = (byte)(bufpos->end - bufpos->star + 1); if (b > 14) { result = 65535; } else { fixed(byte *ptr = array) { Kuozhan.memcpy(ptr, buf + bufpos->star, (int)b); } uint num2 = array.getcrc(0); if (num2 == Hmi.lastpagenamecrc[0]) { result = Hmi.lastpageid[0]; } else if (num2 == Hmi.lastpagenamecrc[1]) { result = Hmi.lastpageid[1]; } else { Hmi.lastpagenamecrc[0] = Hmi.lastpagenamecrc[1]; Hmi.lastpageid[0] = Hmi.lastpageid[1]; Hmi.lastpagenamecrc[1] = num2; uint num3 = Datafind.Datafind_FindU32_Flash(&num2, Hmi.myapp.pagenameseradd,, 6); Hmi.lastpageid[1] = (ushort)num3; result = Hmi.lastpageid[1]; } } } return(result); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { // Each code module to run implenets the ICodeRunModule interface. // Built as a .NET Core class library dll and refernced by its // namespace. Call CodeRunModule using var rm = new CodeRunModule(); CodeRun.Run(rm); }
public static void GuidataAppinit() { Sysatt.initstsatt(); CodeRun.Cominit(); Attmake.attinit(); guidatamake.xiliepaichucom64[0] = new ulong[] { "cfgpio\0\0".strtoU64() }; guidatamake.xiliepaichucom32[0] = new uint[] { "repo".strtoU32(), "wepo".strtoU32(), "rept".strtoU32(), "wept".strtoU32() }; guidatamake.xiliepaichuxitong32[0] = new uint[] { "rtc0".strtoU32(), "rtc1".strtoU32(), "rtc2".strtoU32(), "rtc3".strtoU32(), "rtc4".strtoU32(), "rtc5".strtoU32(), "pio0".strtoU32(), "pio1".strtoU32(), "pio2".strtoU32(), "pio3".strtoU32(), "pio4".strtoU32(), "pio5".strtoU32(), "rtc6".strtoU32(), "pio6".strtoU32(), "pio7".strtoU32(), "pwm4".strtoU32(), "pwm5".strtoU32(), "pwm6".strtoU32(), "pwm7".strtoU32(), "pwmf".strtoU32() }; }
public IActionResult Run([FromBody] CodeParameter parameter) { return(new JsonResult(ResultHelper.GetOkResult(new { result = CodeRun.Start(parameter.Lang, parameter.Language, parameter.Code, parameter.Classname) }))); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //CodeRun.Run(new CodeRunTry()); CodeRun.Run(new CodeRunExample()); }
// run.objedit public unsafe void Chonghuibmp() { List <byte[]> list = new List <byte[]>(); byte[] array = new byte[1]; PosLaction posLaction = default(PosLaction); try { if (this.runscr1.myapp.upapp.filesr != null) { if (this.dobj.atts[0].zhi[0] == { lock (this.runscr1.myapp.upapp.Screenbm) { Graphics.FromImage(this.runscr1.myapp.upapp.Screenbm).Clear(Color.White); } } else if (this.dobj.Mypage.mypage.pagelock == 0) { lock (this.runscr1.myapp.upapp.Screenbm) { Graphics.FromImage(this.runscr1.myapp.upapp.Screenbm).Clear(Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0)); } } this.runscr1.myapp.upapp.havetouming = false; if (objtype.getobjmark(this.dobj.atts[0].zhi[0]).show == 0) { this.Ref(); } else { if (this.dobj.myobj.redian.x < 0 || this.dobj.myobj.redian.endx >= this.Myapp.lcdwidth || this.dobj.myobj.redian.y < 0 || this.dobj.myobj.redian.endy >= this.Myapp.lcdheight) { this.thisbm = new Bitmap(base.Width, base.Height); this.BackgroundImage = null; } else { if (this.dobj.atts[0].zhi[0] < 50) { objxinxi myobj = this.dobj.myobj; array = new byte[128000]; myobj.attpos = 0; myobj.attposqyt = this.dobj.GetobjRambytes(ref array, 0); array = array.subbytes(0, (int)myobj.attposqyt); array.BytesToptr(0, this.runscr1.myapp.mymerry); array = new byte[1]; GuiObjControl.GuiObjControls[(int)this.dobj.atts[0].zhi[0]].Init(&myobj, (byte)this.dobj.objid); } else { this.dobj.Getbianji(ref list); if (list.Count > 0) { = 0; foreach (byte[] current in list) { try { fixed(byte *ptr = current) { posLaction.end = (ushort)(current.Length - 1); CodeRun.Coderun_Run(ptr, &posLaction); } } finally { byte *ptr = null; } } } } if (this.dobj.Mypage.mypage.pagelock == 0) { this.thisbm = new Bitmap(base.Width, base.Height); lock (this.runscr1.myapp.upapp.Screenbm) { Graphics.FromImage(this.thisbm).DrawImage(this.runscr1.myapp.upapp.Screenbm, new Rectangle(0, 0, base.Width, base.Height), new Rectangle(base.Left, base.Top, base.Width, base.Height), GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } if (base.Parent != null && this.dobj.atts[0].zhi[0] == { base.Visible = false; this.Ref(); } else if (this.dobj.atts[0].zhi[0] != { base.Visible = true; this.Ref(); } } } if (this.dobj.Mypage.mypage.pagelock == 1) { base.Enabled = false; if (this.dobj.atts[0].zhi[0] == { string text = "页面已锁定".Language(); this.thisbm = new Bitmap(this.runscr1.myapp.upapp.Screenbm.Width, this.runscr1.myapp.upapp.Screenbm.Height); Graphics.FromImage(this.thisbm).Clear(Color.FromArgb(50, 72, 149, 253)); Graphics.FromImage(this.thisbm).FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.White), (this.thisbm.Width - this.imageList1.Images[0].Width) / 2 - 20, (this.thisbm.Height - this.imageList1.Images[0].Height) / 2 - 20, this.imageList1.Images[0].Width + 40, this.imageList1.Images[0].Height + 40); Graphics.FromImage(this.thisbm).DrawImage(this.imageList1.Images[0], (this.thisbm.Width - this.imageList1.Images[0].Width) / 2, (this.thisbm.Height - this.imageList1.Images[0].Height) / 2); this.BackgroundImage = this.thisbm; base.Visible = true; } else { base.Visible = false; } } } if (this.runscr1.myapp.upapp.havetouming) { this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0, 0); } if (this.dobj.Mypage.mypage.pagelock == 1 && this.dobj.objid == this.dobj.Mypage.objs.Count - 1) { lock (this.runscr1.myapp.upapp.Screenbm) { this.thisbm = new Bitmap(this.runscr1.myapp.upapp.Screenbm.Width, this.runscr1.myapp.upapp.Screenbm.Height); Graphics.FromImage(this.thisbm).DrawImage(this.runscr1.myapp.upapp.Screenbm, 0, 0); this.runscr1.BackgroundImage = this.thisbm; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageOpen.Show("重绘控件出现错误 ".Language() + ex.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var wd = new WidgetCodeRun(); CodeRun.Run(wd); }