public void MutiTierTest() { CoapClient client = new CoapClient(new Uri($"coap://localhost:{_port}/ps")); Response resp = client.Get(); Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.Content, resp.StatusCode); Assert.AreEqual(MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat, resp.ContentType); List <WebLink> links = LinkFormat.Parse(resp.PayloadString).ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(0, links.Count); resp = client.Post($"<middle>;ct={MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat}", MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.Created, resp.StatusCode); Assert.AreEqual("ps/middle", resp.LocationPath); client.UriPath = "/ps/middle"; resp = client.Post($"<topic1>;ct={MediaType.TextPlain}", MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.Created, resp.StatusCode); Assert.AreEqual("ps/middle/topic1", resp.LocationPath); resp = client.Post($"<topic2>;ct={MediaType.ApplicationCbor}", MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.Created, resp.StatusCode); Assert.AreEqual("ps/middle/topic2", resp.LocationPath); client.UriPath = ""; resp = client.Get(); Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.Content, resp.StatusCode); Assert.AreEqual(MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat, resp.ContentType); links = LinkFormat.Parse(resp.PayloadString).ToList(); Assert.AreEqual(3, links.Count); string[] linkStrings = resp.PayloadString.Split(','); Assert.Contains("</ps/middle/topic2>;ct=60;obs", linkStrings); Assert.Contains("</ps/middle/topic1>;ct=0;obs", linkStrings);; }
public void PostTo() { CoapClient c = new CoapClient(Program.Host) { UriPath = "/.well-known/core", UriQuery = "ep=node1", Timeout = 5000, EndPoint = EndPoints.First() }; Response r = c.Post(new byte[] { }, MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); if (r == null) { Console.WriteLine("No response received"); } else { if (r.StatusCode != StatusCode.Changed) { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect response"); } Console.WriteLine(Utils.ToString(r)); } }
static void RunTest5_4_1() { CoapClient request = new CoapClient(Program.Host + "/oscore/hello/1") { Timeout = 2000 }; Response response = request.Post(new byte[] { 0x4a }, MediaType.TextPlain); if (response == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to receive response"); return; } if (response.StatusCode != StatusCode.Changed) { Console.WriteLine($"Content type should be 2.04 not {response.StatusCode}"); } if (response.PayloadSize != 1 || response.Payload[0] != 0x4a) { Console.WriteLine("Payload for the package is wrong - should be 0x4a"); } Console.WriteLine($"Response Message:\n{Utils.ToString(response)}"); }
static void RunTest4(string[] cmds) { // Do it as a third party. CoapClient cl = new CoapClient(Program.Host) { UriPath = ResourceRegister, UriQuery = "ep=node2", Timeout = 20 * 1000 }; Response r1 = cl.Post( "</temp>;rt=\"temperature\";ct=0," + "</light>;rt=\"light-lux\";ct=0," + "</t>;anchor=\"sensors/temp\";rel=\"alternate\"," + "<>;anchor=\"sensors/temp\";rel=\"describedby\"", MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); if (r1 == null) { Console.WriteLine("No response message retrieved"); return; } Test4Location = r1.LocationPath; return; }
static void ProductCall() { // Create a new client var client = new CoapClient(); // Set the Uri to visit client.Uri = new Uri("coap://"); // Build the data MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); // Example product dynamic product = new JObject(); = "Example Product"; product.price = 120.35; // Get JSON object from example product var response = client.Post(product.ToString(), MediaType.ApplicationJson); Console.WriteLine("Wrote product: {0}", product.ToString()); // Get the response Console.WriteLine("Response from GET: {0}", response.PayloadString); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Thread.Sleep(1000); CoapClient client = new CoapClient() { Uri = new Uri("coap://localhost"), UriPath = "/ps" }; Response resp = client.Get(); Console.WriteLine($"Discover ==> {resp.ToString()}"); resp = client.Post("<topic1>;ct=40", MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); Console.WriteLine($"Create topic1 ==> {resp.ToString()}"); client.UriPath = "/ps/topic1"; resp = client.Post("<subtopic1>;ct=0;rt=temperature;obs", MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); Console.WriteLine($"Create subtopic1 ==> {resp.ToString()}"); client.UriPath = "/ps"; resp = client.Get(); Console.WriteLine($"Discover ==> {resp.PayloadString}"); client.UriPath = "/ps/topic1/subtopic1"; resp = client.Post("Payload #1", MediaType.TextPlain); Console.WriteLine($"Post #1 ==> {resp.ToString()}"); resp = client.Post("Payload #2", MediaType.TextPlain); Console.WriteLine($"Post #2 ==> {resp.ToString()}"); resp = client.Post("Payload #3", MediaType.TextXml); Console.WriteLine($"Post #2 ==> {resp.ToString()}"); }
private static void TestPostMessage_ApiCoap() { var cliente = new CoapClient(); cliente.Uri = uri; var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, "*.txt"); foreach (string file in files) { var fileName = new FileInfo(file).Name; var peticion = ObtenerMetricas(fileName); var response = cliente.Post(peticion); Console.WriteLine(fileName + " response: " + response.StatusCode.ToString()); } }
private static async Task TestPost_ApiCoap() { var client = new CoapClient(); client.Uri = new Uri("coap://localhost:5683/helloworld"); var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new EntidadSensor() { FK_IdEstacionBase = 1, Id = 11, Nombre = "EB01SE11", Latitud = 0.00.ToString(), Longitud = 0.00.ToString() }); var res = client.Post(json); Console.WriteLine(res.ResponseText); }
private static async Task PeticionPost() { var cliente = new CoapClient(); cliente.Uri = uri; var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, "*.txt"); foreach (string file in files) { var fileName = new FileInfo(file).Name; string peticion = ObtenerMetricas(fileName); var response = cliente.Post(peticion); if (response.StatusCode.ToString() == "Changed") { File.Delete(file); //elimina el fichero } } }
static void RunTest6(string[] cmds) { // Do it as a third party. CoapClient cl = new CoapClient(Program.Host) { UriPath = GroupRegister, UriQuery = "gp=lights&base=coap://[ff35:30:2001:db8::1]/", Timeout = 20 * 1000 }; Response r1 = cl.Post( $"<{Test3Location}>,<{Test4Location}>", MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); if (r1 == null) { Console.WriteLine("No response message retrieved"); return; } Test6Location = r1.LocationPath; }
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken) { while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested) { try { var files = Directory.EnumerateFiles(directorioSensores, "*.txt"); foreach (string file in files) { var fileName = new FileInfo(file).Name; string payload = GetData(fileName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(payload)) { var result = client.Post(payload); if (result.StatusCode.ToString() == "Changed") { _logger.Information($"WORKER (ExecuteAsync) - La informacion del fichero {fileName} se ha insertado correctamente"); File.Delete(file); //elimina el fichero } else { _logger.Error($"ERR. WORKER (ExecuteAsync) - No se ha podido insertar la información del fichero {fileName}"); File.Delete(file); //elimina el fichero } } } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error($"ERR WORKER (ExecuteAsync) - {ex.Message}"); } await Task.Delay(tiempoEnvio * 1000, stoppingToken); } }
static void RunTest5(string[] cmds) { // Do it as a third party. CoapClient cl = new CoapClient(Program.Host) { UriPath = ResourceRegister, UriQuery = "ep=node3", Timeout = 20 * 1000 }; Response r1 = cl.Post( "</light/left>;rt=\"light\";ct=0," + "</light/middle>;rt=\"light\";ct=0," + "</light/right>;rt=\"light\";ct=0", MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); if (r1 == null) { Console.WriteLine("No response message retrieved"); return; } Test5Location = r1.LocationPath; }
static void RunTest53() { CoapClient request = new CoapClient(Program.Host + "/oscore/hello/1") { Timeout = 2000, OscoreContext = _oscoreContext }; byte[] saveKey = _oscoreContext.Recipient.Key; byte[] newKey = (byte[])saveKey.Clone(); _oscoreContext.Sender.Key = newKey; newKey[0] += 1; Response response = request.Post(new byte[] { 0x4a }, MediaType.TextPlain); if (response == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to receive response"); return; } if (response.StatusCode != StatusCode.Changed) { Console.WriteLine($"Content type should be 2.04 not {response.StatusCode}"); } if (response.PayloadSize != 1 || response.Payload[0] != 0x4a) { Console.WriteLine("Payload for the package is wrong - should be 0x4a"); } Console.WriteLine($"Response Message:\n{Utils.ToString(response)}"); _oscoreContext.Recipient.Key = saveKey; }
static void RunTest6() { CoapClient request = new CoapClient(Program.Host + "/hello/6") { Timeout = 2000, OscoapContext = _oscoap_context }; Response response = request.Post(new byte[] { 0x4a }, MediaType.TextPlain); if (response == null) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to receive response"); return; } if (response.StatusCode != StatusCode.Changed) { Console.WriteLine($"Content type should be 2.04 not {response.StatusCode}"); } Console.WriteLine($"Response Message:\n{Utils.ToString(response)}"); }
static void RunTest13(string[] cmds) { // Do it as a third party. CoapClient cl = new CoapClient(Program.Host) { UriPath = Test4Location, UriQuery = "base=coaps://", Timeout = 20 * 1000 }; Response r1 = cl.Post((byte[])null, MediaType.Undefined); if (r1 == null) { Console.WriteLine("No response message retrieved"); return; } if (r1.StatusCode != StatusCode.Changed) { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect return code"); } Console.WriteLine(Utils.ToString(r1)); }
public static Response SetValues(this CoapClient _client, TradFriRequest request) { _client.UriPath = request.UriPath; return(_client.Post(request.Payload)); }
static void RunTest2X(string[] cmds) { int useContentFormat = MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat; if (cmds.Length > 2) { switch (cmds[2].ToLower()) { #if false // Dead code? case "cbor": useContentFormat = MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormatCbor; break; case "json": useContentFormat = MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormatJson; break; #endif default: Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized content type"); return; } } CoapClient c = new CoapClient(Program.Host); IEnumerable <WebLink> d = c.Discover("rt=core.r*", MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); string endpointRegister = null; string endpointLookup = null; string groupRegister = null; string groupLookup = null; string resourceLookup = null; foreach (WebLink w in d) { foreach (string s in w.Attributes.GetResourceTypes()) { switch (s) { case "core.rd": endpointRegister = w.Uri; break; case "core.rd-lookup-res": resourceLookup = w.Uri; break; case "core.rd-group": groupRegister = w.Uri; break; case "core.rd-lookup-gp": groupLookup = w.Uri; break; case "core.rd-lookup-ep": endpointLookup = w.Uri; break; } } } if (endpointRegister == null) { Console.WriteLine("No endpoint registration resource found"); return; } // Register three endpoints and get their locations Uri uri1 = new Uri(Program.Host, endpointRegister); c = new CoapClient(uri1); c.UriQuery = "ep=endpoint1&con=coap://sensor1<=240"; Response r = c.Post(EncodeResources( "</sensors/temp>;ct=41;rt=\"temperature-c\";if=sensor,</sensors/light>;ct=41;rt=\"light-lux\";if=sensor;obs", useContentFormat), useContentFormat); string endpoint1Location = r.Location; c.UriQuery = "ep=endpoint2&d=floor3&con=coap://sensor2<=120"; r = c.Post(EncodeResources( "</sensors/temp>;ct=41;rt=\"temperature-c\";if=sensor,</sensors/light>;ct=41;rt=\"light-lux\";if=sensor", useContentFormat), useContentFormat); string endpoint2Location = r.Location; c.UriQuery = "ep=endpoint3&con=coaps://door1&even=yes<=120"; r = c.Post(EncodeResources( "</door/state>;ct=41;rt=doorx;if=senseor,</door/lock>,</door/desc>;ct=0;anchor=\"https://doorcomany/locks?locktype=1\";rt=description", useContentFormat), useContentFormat); string endpoint3Location = r.Location; // do end point queries if (endpointLookup == null) { Console.WriteLine("No endpoint lookup resource found"); } else { uri1 = new Uri(Program.Host, endpointLookup); c = new CoapClient(uri1); d = c.Discover(endpointLookup, null, useContentFormat); Console.WriteLine("Query Endpoint all - expect 3"); foreach (WebLink w in d) { Console.WriteLine(" " + w.ToString()); } d = c.Discover(endpointLookup, "if=sensor", useContentFormat); Console.WriteLine("Query for if=sensor"); foreach (WebLink w in d) { Console.WriteLine(" " + w.ToString()); } d = c.Discover(endpointLookup, "even=yes", useContentFormat); Console.WriteLine("Query for even=yes"); foreach (WebLink w in d) { Console.WriteLine(" " + w.ToString()); } } if (resourceLookup == null) { Console.WriteLine("No resource lookup resource found"); } else { uri1 = new Uri(Program.Host, resourceLookup); c = new CoapClient(uri1); d = c.Discover(resourceLookup, null, useContentFormat); Console.WriteLine("Query resources all"); foreach (WebLink w in d) { Console.WriteLine(" " + w.ToString()); } d = c.Discover(resourceLookup, "if=sensor", useContentFormat); Console.WriteLine("Query resource - if=sensor"); foreach (WebLink w in d) { Console.WriteLine(" " + w.ToString()); } d = c.Discover(resourceLookup, "ep=endpoint1", useContentFormat); Console.WriteLine("Query resource - endpoint1"); foreach (WebLink w in d) { Console.WriteLine(" " + w.ToString()); } } if (groupRegister != null) { uri1 = new Uri(Program.Host, groupRegister); c = new CoapClient(uri1); c.UriQuery = "gp=lights"; r = c.Post($"<{endpoint1Location}>,<{endpoint2Location}>", MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); string group1Location = r.Location; c.UriQuery = "gp=all&con=coap://[MD1]:8080&odd=no"; r = c.Post($"<{endpoint1Location}>,<{endpoint2Location}>,<{endpoint3Location}>", MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); if (groupLookup != null) { uri1 = new Uri(Program.Host, groupLookup); c = new CoapClient(uri1); // Get all of the groups d = c.Discover(groupLookup, null, useContentFormat); Console.WriteLine("Retrieve all groups - expect 3"); foreach (WebLink w in d) { Console.WriteLine(" " + w.ToString()); } // Get all groups w/ doors d = c.Discover(groupLookup, "rt=doorx", useContentFormat); Console.WriteLine("Retrieve groups w/ rt=doors - expect 1"); foreach (WebLink w in d) { Console.WriteLine(" " + w.ToString()); } } } }
private static void RunTest3(string[] cmds) { // Simple registration - RdServer server = new RdServer(); server.Start(); server.PostTo(); Thread.Sleep(20 * 1000); server.Stop(); CoapClient cl = new CoapClient(Program.Host) { UriPath = EndpointLookup, UriQuery = "ep=node1", Timeout = 20 * 1000 }; Response r1 = cl.Get(MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); if (r1 != null && r1.StatusCode == StatusCode.Content) { string ss = r1.PayloadString.Substring(1); int i = ss.IndexOf('>'); Test3Location = ss.Substring(0, i); } Console.WriteLine("Test 3 done"); #if false if (cmds.Length == 2) { // Do it as a third party. CoapClient cl = new CoapClient(Program.Host) { UriPath = "/rd", Timeout = 20 * 1000, UriQuery = "lt=6000&ep=node1" }; Response r1 = cl.Post( "</sensors/temp>;ct=41;rt=\"temperature-c\";if=sensor;anchor=\"coap://\"," + "</sensors/light>;ct=41;rt=\"light-lux\";if=sensor", MediaType.ApplicationLinkFormat); if (r1 == null) { Console.WriteLine("No response message retrieved"); return; } Test3Location = r1.LocationPath; return; } if (cmds.Length != 4) { Console.WriteLine("Should be 'rd_test 1 <server to do Simple Registration> <endpoint name>'"); return; } CoapClient client = new CoapClient(cmds[2]) { UriPath = "/rd/post2", Timeout = 20 * 1000 }; Response r = client.Post(Program.Host.ToString() + " " + cmds[3]); if (r == null) { Console.WriteLine("No response message retrieved"); return; } else if (r.Code != (int)StatusCode.Changed) { Console.WriteLine("Unexpected status code {0}.{1} returned", r.Code / 32, r.Code % 32); return; } #endif }
public void Process(Request request, Response response) { // Is this processable? if (response.StatusCode != StatusCode.Unauthorized || response.ContentFormat != 65008) { return; } try { // Init from the response data Oauth.AsInfo info = new Oauth.AsInfo(response.Payload); // Missage this as needed. string aSServer = info.ASServer; // Need to build one from scratch if (!authServers.ContainsKey(info.ASServer)) { Console.WriteLine($"No security association is setup for {info.ASServer}"); return; } AuthServerInfo asi = authServers[info.ASServer]; if (asi.ClientLink == null) { asi.ClientLink = new CoapClient(new Uri(info.ASServer)); if (asi.UseDTLS) { asi.ClientLink.EndPoint = new DTLSClientEndPoint(asi.TlsKey); asi.ClientLink.EndPoint.Start(); } } // M00BUG - need to make sure that this will pickup a port number if given. string audience = $"{request.URI.Scheme}://{request.URI.Authority}"; Oauth.Request myRequest = new Oauth.Request("client_credentials") { Audience = audience, Scope = CBORObject.FromObject(request.UriPath) }; myRequest.Profile = Profile; byte[] payload = myRequest.EncodeToBytes(); asi.ClientLink.Timeout = 2 * 60 * 1000; Response asResponse = asi.ClientLink.Post(payload, MediaType.ApplicationCbor); if (asResponse == null) { asi.ClientLink.EndPoint.Stop(); asi.ClientLink = null; Console.WriteLine($"Timed out requesting token from {info.ASServer}"); return; } if (asResponse.StatusCode != StatusCode.Created) { // We had an error condition appear if (asResponse.Payload != null) { CBORObject obj = CBORObject.DecodeFromBytes(asResponse.Payload); int error = obj["error"].AsInt32(); string errorText = ""; if (obj.ContainsKey("error_description")) { errorText = obj["error_description"].AsString(); } Console.WriteLine( $"Recieved an error {asResponse.StatusCode} with error no = {error} and description '{errorText}'"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Received and error {asResponse.StatusCode} from the AS but no text"); } return; } Oauth.Response myResponse = new Oauth.Response(asResponse.Payload); // default profile for client - #if false if (Profile != null && myResponse.Profile != Profile) { Console.WriteLine("AS Server returned an unexpected profile {0}", myResponse.Profile); return; } #endif myResponse.Profile = Oauth.ProfileIds.Coap_Dtls; // Post token to resource server CoapClient client = new CoapClient(); client.Uri = new Uri($"coap://{request.URI.Authority}/authz-info"); client.Timeout = 10000; // 1 second Response tknResponse = client.Post(myResponse.Token, MediaType.ApplicationCbor); if (tknResponse == null) { Console.WriteLine("Post of token failed w/ no response"); return; } if (tknResponse.StatusCode != StatusCode.Created) { Console.WriteLine($"Post of token failed with error {tknResponse.StatusCode}"); return; } Confirmation cnf = myResponse.Confirmation; Request newRequest = new Request(request.Method); newRequest.Payload = request.Payload; newRequest.SetOptions(request.GetOptions()); DTLSClientEndPoint endPoint = null; switch (myResponse.Profile) { case Oauth.ProfileIds.Coap_Dtls: { OneKey key = cnf.Key; endPoint = new DTLSClientEndPoint(cnf.Key); endPoint.Start(); newRequest.EndPoint = endPoint; newRequest.URI = new Uri($"coaps://{request.URI.Authority}/{request.URI.AbsolutePath}"); } break; case Oauth.ProfileIds.Coap_Oscore: { OneKey oneKey = cnf.Key; byte[] salt = null; if (oneKey.ContainsName("slt")) { salt = oneKey[CBORObject.FromObject("slt")].GetByteString(); } CBORObject alg = null; if (oneKey.ContainsName(CoseKeyKeys.Algorithm)) { alg = oneKey[CoseKeyKeys.Algorithm]; } CBORObject kdf = null; if (oneKey.ContainsName(CBORObject.FromObject("kdf"))) { kdf = oneKey[CBORObject.FromObject("kdf")]; } SecurityContext oscoapContext = SecurityContext.DeriveContext( oneKey[CoseKeyParameterKeys.Octet_k].GetByteString(), oneKey[CBORObject.FromObject("sid")].GetByteString(), oneKey[CBORObject.FromObject("rid")].GetByteString(), salt, alg, kdf); newRequest.OscoapContext = oscoapContext; } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Cannot rewrite as we don't recognize the profile"); return; } newRequest.Respond += delegate(Object sender, ResponseEventArgs e) { Response responseN = e.Response; if (responseN == null) { Console.WriteLine("Request timeout"); } else { Console.WriteLine(Utils.ToString(responseN)); Console.WriteLine("Time (ms): " + responseN.RTT); } if (endPoint != null) { endPoint.Stop(); } }; newRequest.Send(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error processing AceAuthz - " + e.ToString()); } }
public void Process(Request request, Response response) { // Is this processable? if (response.StatusCode != StatusCode.Unauthorized /* || * !(response.ContentFormat == 65008 || response.ContentFormat == MediaType.ApplicationCbor)*/) { return; } try { // Init from the response data Oauth.AsInfo info = new Oauth.AsInfo(response.Payload); // Massage this as needed. string aSServer = info.ASServer; // Need to build one from scratch if (!authServers.ContainsKey(info.ASServer)) { Console.WriteLine($"No security association is setup for {info.ASServer}"); return; } AuthServerInfo asi = authServers[info.ASServer]; if (asi.ClientLink == null) { asi.ClientLink = new CoapClient(new Uri(info.ASServer)); if (asi.UseDTLS) { asi.ClientLink.EndPoint = new DTLSClientEndPoint(asi.TlsKey); asi.ClientLink.EndPoint.Start(); } else { if (asi.ClientLink.Uri.Scheme == "coaps") { asi.ClientLink.Uri = new Uri($"coap://{asi.ClientLink.Uri.Authority}/{asi.ClientLink.UriPath}"); } asi.ClientLink.OscoreContext = asi.OscoreKey; } } // M00BUG - need to make sure that this will pickup a port number if given. string audience = $"{request.URI.Scheme}://{request.URI.Authority}"; if (UseAudience != null) { audience = UseAudience; } Oauth.Request myRequest = new Oauth.Request("client_credentials") { Audience = audience, Scope = (UseScopeValue == null) ? CBORObject.FromObject(request.UriPath) : UseScopeValue }; if (ClientKey != null) { myRequest.Cnf = new Confirmation(); switch (ClientKeyType) { case 1: // kid myRequest.Cnf.Kid = ClientKey.PrivateKey[CoseKeyKeys.KeyIdentifier].GetByteString(); break; case 2: // key myRequest.Cnf.Key = ClientKey.PrivateKey; break; } } Response asResponse; if (asi.UseJSON) { string jsonPayload = myRequest.EncodeToString(); asi.ClientLink.Timeout = 2 * 60 * 1000; asResponse = asi.ClientLink.Post(jsonPayload, MediaType.ApplicationJson); } else { byte[] payload = myRequest.EncodeToBytes(); asi.ClientLink.Timeout = 2 * 60 * 1000; asResponse = asi.ClientLink.Post(payload, MediaType.ApplicationCbor); } if (asResponse == null) { asi.ClientLink.EndPoint.Stop(); asi.ClientLink = null; Console.WriteLine($"Timed out requesting token from {info.ASServer}"); return; } if (asResponse.StatusCode != StatusCode.Created) { // We had an error condition appear if (asResponse.Payload != null) { CBORObject obj = CBORObject.DecodeFromBytes(asResponse.Payload); int error = obj[/*"error"*/ CBORObject.FromObject(15)].AsInt32(); string errorText = ""; if (obj.ContainsKey(/*"error_description")*/ CBORObject.FromObject(16))) { errorText = obj[CBORObject.FromObject(16)].AsString(); } Console.WriteLine( $"Received an error {asResponse.StatusCode} with error no = {error} and description '{errorText}'"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Received and error {asResponse.StatusCode} from the AS but no text"); } return; } Oauth.Response myResponse = Oauth.Response.FromCBOR(asResponse.Payload); // default profile for client - #if false if (Profile != null && myResponse.Profile != Profile) { Console.WriteLine("AS Server returned an unexpected profile {0}", myResponse.Profile); return; } #endif if (!myResponse.ContainsKey(Oauth.Oauth_Parameter.Profile)) { myResponse.Profile = Oauth.ProfileIds.Coap_Dtls; } // Post token to resource server byte[][] OscoreSalts = null; if (!SendTokenAsPsk) { CoapClient client = new CoapClient(); client.Uri = new Uri($"coap://{request.URI.Authority}/authz-info"); client.Timeout = 10000; // 1 second Response tknResponse = null; if (myResponse.Profile == Oauth.ProfileIds.Coap_Oscore) { byte[] mySalt = new byte[] { 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 }; CBORObject post = CBORObject.NewMap(); post.Add((CBORObject)Oauth.Oauth_Parameter.Access_Token, myResponse.Token); post.Add((CBORObject)Oauth.Oauth_Parameter.CNonce, mySalt); tknResponse = client.Post(post.EncodeToBytes(), MediaType.ApplicationAceCbor); OscoreSalts = new byte[][] { mySalt, null }; } else { tknResponse = client.Post(myResponse.Token, MediaType.ApplicationOctetStream); } if (tknResponse == null) { Console.WriteLine("Post of token failed w/ no response"); return; } if (tknResponse.StatusCode != StatusCode.Created) { Console.WriteLine($"Post of token failed with error {tknResponse.StatusCode}"); return; } if (tknResponse.ContentType == MediaType.ApplicationAceCbor) { CBORObject post = CBORObject.DecodeFromBytes(tknResponse.Payload); if (post.ContainsKey((CBORObject)Oauth.Oauth_Parameter.Client_id)) { // Retrieve } if (post.ContainsKey((CBORObject)Oauth.Oauth_Parameter.CNonce)) { if (OscoreSalts == null) { throw new Exception("Internal Error - salts"); } OscoreSalts[1] = post[(CBORObject)Oauth.Oauth_Parameter.CNonce].GetByteString(); } } } Confirmation cnf = myResponse.Confirmation; if (cnf == null) { if (ClientKey == null) { Console.WriteLine("Returned a token but I don't know what key I should be using"); return; } cnf = new Confirmation(ClientKey.PrivateKey); } if (cnf.Kid != null) { Console.WriteLine("Missing code - how do we map a kid to a real key?"); return; } Request newRequest = new Request(request.Method); newRequest.Payload = request.Payload; newRequest.SetOptions(request.GetOptions()); DTLSClientEndPoint endPoint = null; switch (myResponse.Profile) { case Oauth.ProfileIds.Coap_Dtls: { OneKey key = cnf.Key; LastKeyFound = cnf.Key; if (SendTokenAsPsk) { cnf.Key.AsCBOR().Set(CoseKeyKeys.KeyIdentifier, CBORObject.FromObject(myResponse.Token)); } endPoint = new DTLSClientEndPoint(cnf.Key); endPoint.Start(); if (myResponse.RsConfirmation != null) { ResourceInfo rsInfo = new ResourceInfo(myResponse.RsConfirmation.Key); endPoint.TlsEventHandler += rsInfo.CheckRPK; } newRequest.EndPoint = endPoint; newRequest.URI = new Uri($"coaps://{request.URI.Authority}/{request.URI.AbsolutePath}"); } break; case Oauth.ProfileIds.Coap_Oscore: { CBORObject oscoreContext = cnf.AsCBOR[CBORObject.FromObject(Confirmation.ConfirmationIds.COSE_OSCORE)]; byte[] salt = new byte[0]; if (oscoreContext.ContainsKey(CBORObject.FromObject(6))) { salt = oscoreContext[CBORObject.FromObject(CBORObject.FromObject(6))].GetByteString(); } CBORObject alg = null; if (oscoreContext.ContainsKey(CBORObject.FromObject(5))) { alg = oscoreContext[CBORObject.FromObject(5)]; } CBORObject kdf = null; if (oscoreContext.ContainsKey(CBORObject.FromObject(4))) { kdf = oscoreContext[CBORObject.FromObject(4)]; } byte[] keyContext = null; if (oscoreContext.ContainsKey(CBORObject.FromObject(7))) { keyContext = oscoreContext[CBORObject.FromObject(7)].GetByteString(); } if (OscoreSalts == null) { throw new Exception("Internal Error"); } byte[] newSalt = new byte[salt.Length + OscoreSalts[0].Length + OscoreSalts[1].Length]; Array.Copy(salt, newSalt, salt.Length); Array.Copy(OscoreSalts[0], 0, newSalt, salt.Length, OscoreSalts[0].Length); Array.Copy(OscoreSalts[1], 0, newSalt, salt.Length + OscoreSalts[0].Length, OscoreSalts[1].Length); SecurityContext oscoapContext = SecurityContext.DeriveContext( oscoreContext[CBORObject.FromObject(1)].GetByteString(), keyContext, oscoreContext[CBORObject.FromObject(2)].GetByteString(), oscoreContext[CBORObject.FromObject(3)].GetByteString(), newSalt, alg, kdf); newRequest.OscoreContext = oscoapContext; newRequest.URI = new Uri($"coap://{request.URI.Authority}/{request.URI.AbsolutePath}"); } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Cannot rewrite as we don't recognize the profile"); return; } newRequest.Respond += delegate(object sender, ResponseEventArgs e) { Response responseN = e.Response; if (responseN == null) { Console.WriteLine("Request timeout"); } else { Console.WriteLine(Utils.ToString(responseN)); Console.WriteLine("Time (ms): " + responseN.RTT); } if (endPoint != null) { endPoint.Stop(); } }; newRequest.Send(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error processing AceAuthz - " + e.ToString()); } }