public List <IMapNode> GetShortestCompleteRouteToLocation(CoOrdinates closestChest) { var result = new List <IMapNode>(); try { var node = this._server.Board[closestChest.X][closestChest.Y]; int depth; IMapNode target = node; do { result.Add(target); depth = target.MovementCost; target = target.Parents.Where(n => n.Passable && n.MovementCost > 0).OrderBy(n => n.MovementCost).First(); // no route to anything protection.. just wait if (result.Count > 100) { return(null); } } while (depth > 1); // 0 is the Hero result = result.OrderBy(n => n.MovementCost).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { } return(result); }
public MapNode(Tile type, int x, int y) { this.Type = type; this.Passable = false; this.Location = new CoOrdinates(x, y); this.MovementCost = Int32.MaxValue; }
public string GetDirection(CoOrdinates currentLocation, CoOrdinates moveTo) { var direction = "Stay"; if (moveTo == null) { return(direction); } if (moveTo.X > currentLocation.X) { direction = "East"; } else if (moveTo.X < currentLocation.X) { direction = "West"; } else if (moveTo.Y > currentLocation.Y) { direction = "South"; } else if (moveTo.Y < currentLocation.Y) { direction = "North"; } return(direction); }
public void RemoveSubscriber(string subscriberId, CoOrdinates coordinates) { dynamic googleResults = new Uri(string.Format(_baseUrl, coordinates.Latitude, coordinates.Longitude)).GetDynamicGeoCodeJson(); var geoCodeResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoogleGeoCodeResponse>(googleResults); RedisKey key = ((CustoDL.Models.GoogleGeoCodeResponse)geoCodeResponse).results[0].address_components[4].long_name; db.GeoRemove(geoCodeResponse.results[0].address_components[3].long_name, subscriberId, CommandFlags.None); }
public void TransposeFrom_Rover_will_Respond_With_new_State() { var rover = Rover.Instance; CoOrdinates coOrdinates = new CoOrdinates(0, 0); string command = "MMR"; rover.TransposeFrom(new State(coOrdinates, new NorthMovement()), command); rover.CurrentState.Should().NotBeNull(); }
public void TransposeFrom_Rover_with_null_co_ordinates_will_throw_Exception() { var rover = Rover.Instance; CoOrdinates coOrdinates = null; string command = "M"; Action act = () => rover.TransposeFrom(new State(coOrdinates, new NorthMovement()), command); act.Should().Throw <ArgumentNullException>(); }
private CoOrdinates ExtractCoOrdinates(string expression) { var extractNumbers = new Regex(@"\d{1,2}"); var matches = extractNumbers.Matches(expression); var row = int.Parse(matches[0].Value); var col = int.Parse(matches[1].Value); var coOrdinates = new CoOrdinates(row, col); return coOrdinates; }
public async Task AssignSubscriber(string publisherId, string subscriberId, CoOrdinates assignedCoordinates) { var checkForExistingSubscriber = db.GeoRadius(publisherId, assignedCoordinates.Longitude, assignedCoordinates.Latitude, 1.0, GeoUnit.Kilometers, 1, Order.Ascending, GeoRadiusOptions.Default, CommandFlags.None); if (checkForExistingSubscriber.Count() == 1) { // Logic to club with the existing order } bool addedSuccessfully = await db.GeoAddAsync(publisherId, assignedCoordinates.Longitude, assignedCoordinates.Latitude, subscriberId, CommandFlags.None); }
public async Task FindSubscriber(string publisherId, CoOrdinates coordinates) { dynamic googleResults = new Uri(string.Format(_baseUrl, coordinates.Latitude, coordinates.Longitude)).GetDynamicGeoCodeJson(); var geoCodeResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoogleGeoCodeResponse>(googleResults); RedisKey key = ((CustoDL.Models.GoogleGeoCodeResponse)geoCodeResponse).results[0].address_components[4].long_name; //To fetch closest "10" delivery boy to the hotel with a range of radius 5.0KM var result = db.GeoRadius(key, coordinates.Longitude, coordinates.Latitude, 5.0, GeoUnit.Kilometers, 10, Order.Ascending, GeoRadiusOptions.Default, CommandFlags.None); await SendNotification(result, coordinates, publisherId); }
public void UpdateCoordinatesTest() { BattleArea battleArea = new BattleArea(); CoOrdinates coords = new CoOrdinates('1', 'Y'); coords.Value = 1; battleArea.GetAcquireCoordinates().Add(coords); battleArea.UpdateCoordinates(new CoOrdinates('1', 'Y')); Assert.AreEqual(battleArea.GetAcquireCoordinates()[0].Value, 0); }
public void UpdateCoordinatesTest() { Ship ship = new Ship(1, 1, ShipType.TypeP); ship.AcquiredCoordinates.Add(new CoOrdinates('1', 'A')); CoOrdinates coordinate = new CoOrdinates('1', 'A'); coordinate.Value = 1; ship.UpdateCoordinates(coordinate); Assert.AreEqual(ship.AcquiredCoordinates[0].Value, 1); }
public void DamageTest() { Ship ship = new Ship(1, 1, ShipType.TypeP); CoOrdinates coords = new CoOrdinates('1', 'A'); coords.Value = 1; ship.AcquiredCoordinates.Add(coords); bool result = ship.Damage(new CoOrdinates('1', 'A')); Assert.IsTrue(result); Assert.AreEqual(ship.AcquiredCoordinates[0].Value, 0); Assert.AreEqual(ship.DamageStatus, DamageStatus.Destroyed); }
public void UpdateCoordinateTest() { CoOrdinateConcreteMediator coordinateMediator = new CoOrdinateConcreteMediator(); BattleArea battleArea = new BattleArea(); battleArea.GetAcquireCoordinates().Add(new CoOrdinates('X', 'Y')); CoOrdinates coords = new CoOrdinates('X', 'Y'); coords.Value = 1; coordinateMediator.UpdateCoordinate(battleArea, coords); Assert.AreEqual(battleArea.GetAcquireCoordinates()[0].Value, 1); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Welcome to rover motion control program."); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Please enter valid command to rover movement or press 1 for exit"); var command = Console.ReadLine(); if (ShouldExit(command)) { break; } Console.WriteLine("Please enter initial co-ordinates of rover : "); Console.WriteLine("enter X co-ordinate:"); int x = ReadCoOrdianate("X"); Console.WriteLine("enter Y co-ordinate:"); int y = ReadCoOrdianate("Y"); var points = new CoOrdinates(x, y); Console.WriteLine("enter initial direction of rover:"); Movement movement = ReadDirection(); var state = new State(points, movement); try { var newState = GetUpdatedState(state, command); Console.WriteLine($"new state of rover : {newState.ToString()}"); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { continue; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Please retry"); } } Console.WriteLine("thank you!!"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public async Task <bool> AddSubscriber(string subscriberId, CoOrdinates coordinates) { try { dynamic googleResults = new Uri(string.Format(_baseUrl, coordinates.Latitude, coordinates.Longitude)).GetDynamicGeoCodeJson(); var geoCodeResponse = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoogleGeoCodeResponse>(googleResults); RedisKey key = ((GoogleGeoCodeResponse)geoCodeResponse).results[0].address_components[4].long_name; bool val = await db.GeoAddAsync(key, coordinates.Longitude, coordinates.Latitude, subscriberId, CommandFlags.None); return(val); } catch (Exception ex) { var str = ex.Message; return(false); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Enter top right corner of plateu"); var line = Console.ReadLine(); if (line != null) { string[] topRightCoOrdinate = line.Split(' '); var plateau = new Plateau(StringToInt(topRightCoOrdinate[0]), StringToInt(topRightCoOrdinate[1])); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Enter current position of rover"); var readLine = Console.ReadLine(); if (readLine != null) { var position = readLine.Split(' '); var currentPosition = new CoOrdinates(StringToInt(position[0]), StringToInt(position[1])); var currentDirection = Direction.N.StringToEnum(position[2]); var rover = new RoverObject(currentPosition, currentDirection, plateau); Console.WriteLine("Enter command string"); var command = Console.ReadLine(); rover.Run(command); } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid position"); } Console.WriteLine("Do you want to exit: (Y/N)"); line = Console.ReadLine(); if (line == "Y") { break; } } } Console.ReadKey(); }
public void DamageTest() { BattleArea battleArea = new BattleArea(); IShip ship = new Ship(1, 1, ShipType.TypeP); CoOrdinates coords = new CoOrdinates('1', 'A'); coords.Value = 1; ship.AcquiredCoordinates.Add(coords); battleArea.AddShip(ship, new CoOrdinates('1', 'A')); bool result = battleArea.Damage(new CoOrdinates('1', 'A')); Assert.AreEqual(result, true); IShip ship1 = battleArea.AllShips[0]; Assert.AreEqual(ship1.AcquiredCoordinates[0].Value, 0); Assert.AreEqual(ship1.DamageStatus, DamageStatus.Destroyed); Assert.AreEqual(battleArea.GetAcquireCoordinates()[0].Value, 0); battleArea.AllShips.Add(ship); }
private async Task SendNotification(GeoRadiusResult[] activeSubscribers, CoOrdinates coordinates, string publisherId) { //TO-DO: Send notification to the filtered subscribers, consider the subscribers with response. //Pick the earlier available user from the responded users. var originAddresses = activeSubscribers.Select(x => x.Position.Value.Latitude.ToString() + "," + x.Position.Value.Longitude.ToString()).ToArray(); var origin = string.Join("|", originAddresses); using (var client = new HttpClient()) { var uri = new Uri(string.Format(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DirectionMatrixApi"], origin, coordinates.Latitude.ToString(), coordinates.Longitude.ToString())); // var uri = new Uri($"{origin}&destinations={coordinates.Latitude.ToString()},{coordinates.Longitude.ToString()}&key=AIzaSyC0FU6C2KERjo4LU6Wfq67PKJWNJFd3iEo"); HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(uri); if (!response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { throw new Exception("GoogleDistanceMatrixApi failed with status code: " + response.StatusCode); } else { var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var res = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <dynamic>(content); var temp = res[2].Value; foreach (var re in res[2].Value) { // Select the Delivery Boy with least turn around time } } } //Assign the order to the delivery boy AssignSubscriber(publisherId, activeSubscribers.First().Member, new CoOrdinates { Latitude = 12.9222382, Longitude = 80.12740099999996 }).GetAwaiter(); // Rewrite to get Delivery coordinates }
public bool IsInBound(CoOrdinates newCoOrdinate) { return IsInLowerBount(newCoOrdinate) & IsInUpperBount(newCoOrdinate); }
public Plateau(int topXCoOrdinate, int topYCoOrdinate, int bottomXCoOrdinate, int bottomYCoOrdinate) { TopRightCoOrdinate = new CoOrdinates(topYCoOrdinate, topYCoOrdinate); BottomLeftCoOrdinate = new CoOrdinates(bottomXCoOrdinate, bottomYCoOrdinate); }
public State(CoOrdinates points, Movement movement) { Points = points; Movement = movement; }
public CoOrdinatesTests() { startingPoint = new CoOrdinates(2, 2); }
public void AddBall(BallModel ball, CoOrdinates coOrdinates) { cells[coOrdinates] = ball; }
private bool IsInLowerBount(CoOrdinates newCoOrdinate) { return(newCoOrdinate.XCoOrdinate >= BottomLeftCoOrdinate.XCoOrdinate & newCoOrdinate.YCoOrdinate >= BottomLeftCoOrdinate.YCoOrdinate); }
private bool IsInUpperBount(CoOrdinates newCoOrdinate) { return(newCoOrdinate.XCoOrdinate <= TopRightCoOrdinate.XCoOrdinate & newCoOrdinate.YCoOrdinate <= TopRightCoOrdinate.YCoOrdinate); }
public bool IsInBound(CoOrdinates newCoOrdinate) { return(IsInLowerBount(newCoOrdinate) & IsInUpperBount(newCoOrdinate)); }
public RoverState() { RoverPosition = new CoOrdinates(); }
public GridModelTests() { grid = new GridModel(); coOrdinates = new CoOrdinates(2, 4); }
private bool IsInLowerBount(CoOrdinates newCoOrdinate) { return newCoOrdinate.XCoOrdinate >= BottomLeftCoOrdinate.XCoOrdinate & newCoOrdinate.YCoOrdinate >= BottomLeftCoOrdinate.YCoOrdinate; }
private bool IsInUpperBount(CoOrdinates newCoOrdinate) { return newCoOrdinate.XCoOrdinate <= TopRightCoOrdinate.XCoOrdinate & newCoOrdinate.YCoOrdinate <= TopRightCoOrdinate.YCoOrdinate; }
public ViewModel GetBall(CoOrdinates coOrdinates) { ViewModel result; return cells.TryGetValue(coOrdinates, out result) ? result : new EmptySpaceModel(); }