protected static void DemoScrolltext() { var width = CoEx.WindowWidth; var height = CoEx.WindowHeight; var bheight = CoEx.BufferHeight; CoEx.WindowHeight = 20; CoEx.BufferWidth = CoEx.WindowWidth = 40; CoEx.BufferHeight = ScrollText.Length + (2 * CoEx.WindowHeight); ulong pos = CoEx.RealCursorY; for (int i = 0; i < CoEx.WindowHeight; i++) { CoEx.WriteLine(); } foreach (var line in ScrollText) { var temp = line; var istitle = temp.StartsWith(":"); if (istitle) { temp = temp.Substring(1); } var row = RowConf.Create(new string[] { temp }).SetAlignment(RowConf.ALIGNCENTER); if (istitle) { row = row.PresetTitle(); } CoEx.WriteColumns(row); } int length = (int)(CoEx.RealCursorY - pos); for (int i = 0; i < CoEx.WindowHeight; i++) { CoEx.WriteLine(); } CoEx.Scroll(0, (int)(pos - CoEx.RealCursorY)); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { CoEx.BufferViewportY++; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(600); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); CoEx.WindowWidth = CoEx.BufferWidth = width; CoEx.WindowHeight = height; CoEx.BufferHeight = bheight; }
protected static void DemoBasicColumns() { CoEx.WriteTitleLarge("Basic column system, no custom column length, no custom formatting"); CoEx.WriteLine(); // loop both exampledata arrays foreach (var data in new string[][][] { exambledata, exambledatalong }) { // print single row from one of the exampledata arrays foreach (var row in data) { CoEx.WriteColumns(row); // print the row } } }