public void Handle(OrderStatusChanged @event)
            if (@event.IsCompleted)
                var order       = _orderDao.FindById(@event.SourceId);
                var orderStatus = _orderDao.FindOrderStatusById(@event.SourceId);
                var pairingInfo = _orderDao.FindOrderPairingById(@event.SourceId);
                var account     = _accountDao.FindById(order.AccountId);

                if (_serverSettings.GetPaymentSettings(order.CompanyKey).PaymentMode == PaymentMethod.RideLinqCmt)
                    // Check if card declined

                    if (CmtErrorCodes.IsTerminalError(orderStatus.PairingError))
                        // Terminal error, no need to react to paymentFailure.
                    var trip = _cmtTripInfoServiceHelper.CheckForTripEndErrors(pairingInfo.PairingToken);

                    if (trip != null && trip.ErrorCode == CmtErrorCodes.CardDeclined)
                        _commandBus.Send(new ReactToPaymentFailure
                            AccountId       = order.AccountId,
                            OrderId         = order.Id,
                            IBSOrderId      = order.IBSOrderId,
                            CreditCardId    = account.DefaultCreditCard.GetValueOrDefault(),
                            TransactionId   = orderStatus.OrderId.ToString().Split('-').FirstOrDefault(), // Use first part of GUID to display to user
                            OverdueAmount   = Convert.ToDecimal(@event.Fare + @event.Tax + @event.Tip + @event.Toll),
                            TransactionDate = @event.EventDate


                    // Since RideLinqCmt payment is processed automatically by CMT, we have to charge booking fees separately

                // If the user has decided not to pair (paying the ride in car instead),
                // we have to void the amount that was preauthorized
                if (_serverSettings.GetPaymentSettings(order.CompanyKey).PaymentMode != PaymentMethod.RideLinqCmt &&
                    (order.Settings.ChargeTypeId == ChargeTypes.CardOnFile.Id || order.Settings.ChargeTypeId == ChargeTypes.PayPal.Id) &&
                    (pairingInfo == null || pairingInfo.WasUnpaired) &&
                    !orderStatus.IsPrepaid)    //prepaid order will never have a pairing info
                    // void the preauthorization to prevent misuse fees
                    _paymentService.VoidPreAuthorization(order.CompanyKey, @event.SourceId);