protected string getText(CmsLanguage lang, string configKey, string dftValue) { string[] msgArray = CmsConfig.getConfigValue(configKey, dftValue).Split(new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); CmsLanguage[] langArray = CmsConfig.Languages; int x = CmsLanguage.IndexOf(lang.shortCode, langArray); if (msgArray.Length < langArray.Length || x < 0) { throw new Exception("Missing entry for " + configKey + "!"); } return(msgArray[x]); }
public string getLocationText(CmsLanguage forLanguage) { if (CmsConfig.Languages.Length < 2) { return(LocationText); } int index = CmsLanguage.IndexOf(forLanguage.shortCode, CmsConfig.Languages); if (index < 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Error: the joblocations table needs to be updated to make all LocationTexts multi-lingual"); } string[] langParts = LocationText.Split(new char[] { CmsConfig.PerLanguageConfigSplitter }); if (index > langParts.Length - 1) { throw new ArgumentException("Error: the joblocations table needs to be updated to make all LocationTexts multi-lingual"); } return(langParts[index]); }
/* * public static string getStandardHtmlView_Old(SingleImageData image, FullSizeImageLinkMode fullSizeLinkMode, string fullSizeDisplayUrl) * { * StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(); * if (image.ImagePath != "") * { * bool linkToLarger = false; * if (image.FullSizeDisplayBoxHeight > 0 || image.FullSizeDisplayBoxWidth > 0) * linkToLarger = true; * * string thumbUrl = showThumbPage.getThumbDisplayUrl(image.ImagePath, image.ThumbnailDisplayBoxWidth, image.ThumbnailDisplayBoxHeight); * System.Drawing.Size ThumbSize = showThumbPage.getDisplayWidthAndHeight(image.ImagePath, image.ThumbnailDisplayBoxWidth, image.ThumbnailDisplayBoxHeight); * * html.Append("<div class=\"SingleImagePlaceholder View\">"); * if (linkToLarger) * { * bool useSubmodal = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderUseSubModal", false); * bool useMultibox = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderUseMultibox", false); * * * int popupPaddingWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupPaddingWidth", 50); * int popupPaddingHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupPaddingHeight", 60); * * int maxPopWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupMaxWidth", 700 - popupPaddingWidth); * int maxPopHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupMaxHeight", 500 - popupPaddingHeight); * * * int minPopWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupMinWidth", 200); * int minPopHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImagePlaceHolderPopupMinHeight", 200); * * * string showLargerPagePath = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.DisplayPath", "/_internal/showImage"); * * NameValueCollection largerParams = new NameValueCollection(); * largerParams.Add("i", image.SingleImageId.ToString()); * string showLargerPageUrl = CmsContext.getUrlByPagePath(showLargerPagePath, largerParams); * * System.Drawing.Size imgLargeSize = showThumbPage.getDisplayWidthAndHeight(image.ImagePath, image.FullSizeDisplayBoxWidth, image.FullSizeDisplayBoxHeight); * * if (ThumbSize.Width > imgLargeSize.Width || ThumbSize.Height > imgLargeSize.Height) * { * linkToLarger = false; * } * else * { * * int popWidth = imgLargeSize.Width + popupPaddingWidth; * int popHeight = imgLargeSize.Height + popupPaddingHeight; * * if (popWidth < minPopWidth) * popWidth = minPopWidth; * if (popHeight < minPopHeight) * popHeight = minPopHeight; * * if (popWidth > maxPopWidth) * popWidth = maxPopWidth; * if (popHeight > maxPopHeight) * popHeight = maxPopHeight; * * if (useSubmodal && * (fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SubModalOrPopupFromConfig || fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SubModalWindow)) * { * string submodalCssClass = "class=\"submodal-" + popWidth.ToString() + "-" + popHeight.ToString() + "\""; * html.Append("<a " + submodalCssClass + " href=\"" + showLargerPageUrl + "\" >"); * } * else if (useMultibox && (fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SubModalOrPopupFromConfig || fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SubModalWindow)) * { * string submodalCssClass = "class=\"mb\""; * html.Append("<a " + submodalCssClass + " href=\"" + showLargerPageUrl + "\" rel=\"width:" + popWidth + ",height:" + popHeight + "\" >"); * } * else if (fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SingleImagePopup || fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.SubModalOrPopupFromConfig) * { * string onclick = "var w =, 'popupLargeImage', 'toolbar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,height=" + popWidth.ToString() + ",width=" + popWidth.ToString() + "'); "; * onclick += " return false;"; * html.Append("<a href=\"" + showLargerPageUrl + "\" onclick=\"" + onclick + "\">"); * } * else if (fullSizeLinkMode == FullSizeImageLinkMode.ProvidedUrl) * html.Append("<a href=\"" + fullSizeDisplayUrl + "\">"); * else * linkToLarger = false; * } // else * } // if link to larger * * string width = ""; * string height = ""; * if (!ThumbSize.IsEmpty) * { * width = " width=\"" + ThumbSize.Width + "\""; * height = " height=\"" + ThumbSize.Height.ToString() + "\""; * } * * html.Append("<img src=\"" + thumbUrl + "\"" + width + "" + height + ">"); * if (linkToLarger) * { * html.Append("</a>"); * } * * if (image.Caption.Trim() != "") * { * html.Append("<div class=\"caption\">"); * html.Append(image.Caption); * html.Append("</div>"); // caption * } * * if (image.Credits.Trim() != "") * { * html.Append("<div class=\"credits\">"); * string creditsPrefix = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.CreditsPrefix", ""); * html.Append(creditsPrefix + image.Credits); * html.Append("</div>"); // credits * } * * if (linkToLarger) * { * string clickToEnlargeText = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.ClickToEnlargeText", ""); * if (clickToEnlargeText != "") * { * html.Append("<div class=\"clickToEnlarge\">"); * html.Append(clickToEnlargeText); * html.Append("</div>"); // clickToEnlarge * } * } * * html.Append("</div>"); * } * * return html.ToString(); * } */ public override void RenderInViewMode(HtmlTextWriter writer, CmsPage page, int identifier, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor, string[] paramList) { // -- all rendering in View mode is handled by getStandardHtmlView() SingleImageDb db = (new SingleImageDb()); SingleImageData image = db.getSingleImage(page, identifier, langToRenderFor, true); int fullWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.FullSizeDisplayWidth", -1); int fullHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.FullSizeDisplayHeight", -1); int thumbWidth = getThumbDisplayWidth(page, paramList); int thumbHeight = getThumbDisplayHeight(page, paramList); int popupPaddingWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupPaddingWidth", 50); int popupPaddingHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupPaddingHeight", 60); int maxPopWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupMaxWidth", 700 - popupPaddingWidth); int maxPopHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupMaxHeight", 500 - popupPaddingHeight); int minPopWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupMinWidth", 200); int minPopHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.PopupMinHeight", 200); string withLinkTemplate = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.WithLinkTemplate", "<a href=\"{5}\"><img src=\"{2}\" width=\"{0}\" height=\"{1}\" /></a>"); string withoutLinkTemplate = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.WithoutLinkTemplate", "<img src=\"{2}\" width=\"{0}\" height=\"{1}\" />"); string showLargerPagePath = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.DisplayPath", "/_internal/showImage"); NameValueCollection largerParams = new NameValueCollection(); largerParams.Add("i", image.SingleImageId.ToString()); string showLargerPageUrl = CmsContext.getUrlByPagePath(showLargerPagePath, largerParams); System.Drawing.Size imgLargeSize = showThumbPage.getDisplayWidthAndHeight(image.ImagePath, fullWidth, fullHeight); int popWidth = imgLargeSize.Width + popupPaddingWidth; int popHeight = imgLargeSize.Height + popupPaddingHeight; if (popWidth < minPopWidth) { popWidth = minPopWidth; } if (popHeight < minPopHeight) { popHeight = minPopHeight; } if (popWidth > maxPopWidth) { popWidth = maxPopWidth; } if (popHeight > maxPopHeight) { popHeight = maxPopHeight; } // -- create the SingleImageDisplayInfo object SingleImageDisplayInfo displayInfo = new SingleImageDisplayInfo(); displayInfo.ImagePath = image.ImagePath; displayInfo.FullImageDisplayBox = new System.Drawing.Size(fullWidth, fullHeight); displayInfo.ThumbImageDisplayBox = new System.Drawing.Size(thumbWidth, thumbHeight); displayInfo.PopupDisplayBox = new System.Drawing.Size(popWidth, popHeight); displayInfo.FullImageDisplayUrl = showLargerPageUrl; displayInfo.ThumbDisplayWithLinkTemplate = withLinkTemplate; displayInfo.ThumbDisplayWithoutLinkTemplate = withoutLinkTemplate; displayInfo.Caption = image.Caption; displayInfo.Credits = image.Credits; // -- Multilingual CreditsPromptPrefix string creditPrefix = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.CreditsPromptPrefix", ""); string[] creditPrefixParts = creditPrefix.Split(new char[] { CmsConfig.PerLanguageConfigSplitter }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (creditPrefixParts.Length >= CmsConfig.Languages.Length) { int index = CmsLanguage.IndexOf(langToRenderFor.shortCode, CmsConfig.Languages); if (index >= 0) { creditPrefix = creditPrefixParts[index]; } } // -- Multilingual ClickToEnlargeText string clickToEnlargeText = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.ClickToEnlargeText", ""); string[] clickToEnlargeTextParts = clickToEnlargeText.Split(new char[] { CmsConfig.PerLanguageConfigSplitter }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (clickToEnlargeTextParts.Length >= CmsConfig.Languages.Length) { int index = CmsLanguage.IndexOf(langToRenderFor.shortCode, CmsConfig.Languages); if (index >= 0) { clickToEnlargeText = clickToEnlargeTextParts[index]; } } displayInfo.CreditsPromptPrefix = creditPrefix; displayInfo.ClickToEnlargeText = clickToEnlargeText; string html = getStandardHtmlView(displayInfo); writer.WriteLine(html.ToString()); } // RenderView
public string RunInlineGlossaryFilter(CmsPage pageBeingFiltered, string placeholderHtml) { try { bool enabled = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("GlossaryHighlightFilter:Enable", false); // disabled by default if (!enabled || CmsContext.currentEditMode == CmsEditMode.Edit) { return(placeholderHtml); } #if DEBUG CmsContext.currentPage.HeadSection.AddCSSStyleStatements("span.InlineGlossaryTerm { border-bottom: 1px dotted red; }"); #endif // -- get the glossaryID to get data for (language specific) int glossaryId = 1; string glossaryIds = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("GlossaryHighlightFilter:GlossaryId", ""); try { string[] glossaryIdsParts = glossaryIds.Split(new char[] { CmsConfig.PerLanguageConfigSplitter }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (glossaryIdsParts.Length >= CmsConfig.Languages.Length) { int index = CmsLanguage.IndexOf(CmsContext.currentLanguage.shortCode, CmsConfig.Languages); if (index >= 0) { glossaryId = Convert.ToInt32(glossaryIdsParts[index]); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error: GlossaryHighlightFilter is incorrectly configured!"); } // -- get the glossary data from the database. The data is cached so that we don't hit the database for this info every time. GlossaryData[] gData; string cacheKey = "GlossaryHighlightFilter_Data_" + glossaryId; if (!CmsContext.currentUserIsLoggedIn && System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.Cache[cacheKey] != null) { gData = (GlossaryData[])System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.Cache[cacheKey]; } else { GlossaryDb db = new GlossaryDb(); if (GlossaryPlaceholderData.DataSource == GlossaryPlaceholderData.GlossaryDataSource.RssFeed) { gData = db.FetchRssFeedGlossaryDataFromDatabase(); } else { gData = db.getGlossaryData(glossaryId); } if (!CmsContext.currentUserIsLoggedIn) { System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, gData, null, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1), System.Web.Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration); } // go through longer words first (longer words/phrases are usually more specific than shorter ones) gData = GlossaryData.SortByWordLength(gData, SortDirection.Descending); } // -- short-circuit processing if there aren't any glossary terms in the system. if (gData.Length == 0) { return(placeholderHtml); } // -- process the placeholderHTML string html = placeholderHtml; List <string> toSurround = new List <string>(); List <string> prefixs = new List <string>(); List <string> suffixs = new List <string>(); foreach (GlossaryData d in gData) { int index = html.IndexOf(d.word.Trim(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); if (index >= 0 && d.word.Trim().Length > 0) { // string safeDesc = StringUtils.AddSlashes(d.description); string safeDesc = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(d.word + ": " + d.description); safeDesc = safeDesc.Replace("\n", " "); safeDesc = safeDesc.Replace("\r", " "); safeDesc = safeDesc.Replace("\t", " "); safeDesc = safeDesc.Replace(" ", " "); string prefix = "<span title=\"" + safeDesc + "\" class=\"InlineGlossaryTerm\">"; string suffix = "</span>"; toSurround.Add(d.word.Trim()); prefixs.Add(prefix); suffixs.Add(suffix); } } // foreach word html = SurroundInHtml(toSurround.ToArray(), prefixs.ToArray(), suffixs.ToArray(), html); return(html.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { placeholderHtml += ("<!-- GlossaryHighlightingFilter Error: " + ex.Message + " -->"); } return(placeholderHtml); }
private string renderThumbnail(SingleImageGalleryPlaceholderData placeholderData, SingleImageData img, CmsLanguage langToRenderFor) { string fullDisplayUrl = ""; Dictionary <string, string> pageParams = new Dictionary <string, string>(); pageParams.Add("galleryimage", img.SingleImageId.ToString()); fullDisplayUrl = CmsContext.currentPage.getUrl(pageParams); SingleImageDisplayInfo displayInfo = new SingleImageDisplayInfo(); displayInfo.FullImageDisplayUrl = fullDisplayUrl; displayInfo.PopupDisplayBox = new System.Drawing.Size(-1, -1); displayInfo.ImagePath = img.ImagePath; displayInfo.ThumbImageDisplayBox = new System.Drawing.Size(placeholderData.ThumbImageDisplayBoxWidth, placeholderData.ThumbImageDisplayBoxHeight); displayInfo.Caption = img.Caption; displayInfo.Credits = img.Credits; int fullImageBoxWidth = -1; int fullImageBoxHeight = -1; if (placeholderData.OverrideFullDisplayBoxSize) { fullImageBoxWidth = placeholderData.FullSizeDisplayBoxWidth; fullImageBoxHeight = placeholderData.FullSizeDisplayBoxHeight; } else { fullImageBoxWidth = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.FullSizeDisplayWidth", -1); fullImageBoxHeight = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.FullSizeDisplayHeight", -1); } displayInfo.FullImageDisplayBox = new System.Drawing.Size(fullImageBoxWidth, fullImageBoxHeight); // -- Multilingual CreditsPromptPrefix string creditPrefix = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.CreditsPromptPrefix", ""); string[] creditPrefixParts = creditPrefix.Split(new char[] { CmsConfig.PerLanguageConfigSplitter }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (creditPrefixParts.Length >= CmsConfig.Languages.Length) { int index = CmsLanguage.IndexOf(langToRenderFor.shortCode, CmsConfig.Languages); if (index >= 0) { creditPrefix = creditPrefixParts[index]; } } // -- Multilingual ClickToEnlargeText string clickToEnlargeText = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.ClickToEnlargeText", ""); string[] clickToEnlargeTextParts = clickToEnlargeText.Split(new char[] { CmsConfig.PerLanguageConfigSplitter }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (clickToEnlargeTextParts.Length >= CmsConfig.Languages.Length) { int index = CmsLanguage.IndexOf(langToRenderFor.shortCode, CmsConfig.Languages); if (index >= 0) { clickToEnlargeText = clickToEnlargeTextParts[index]; } } displayInfo.CreditsPromptPrefix = creditPrefix; displayInfo.ClickToEnlargeText = clickToEnlargeText; string displayTemplate = "<a href=\"{5}\"><img src=\"{2}\" width=\"{0}\" height=\"{1}\" /></a>"; displayTemplate = CmsConfig.getConfigValue("SingleImage.WithLinkTemplate", displayTemplate); displayInfo.ThumbDisplayWithLinkTemplate = displayTemplate; displayInfo.ThumbDisplayWithoutLinkTemplate = displayTemplate; return(SingleImage.getStandardHtmlView(displayInfo)); }
/// <summary> /// Renders a template with all its controls and placeholders, and add these controls and placeholders to the parentUserControl. /// Note: do not use Render to HtmlWriter - Control events are not called properly. /// </summary> public override void CreateChildControls(System.Web.UI.UserControl parentUserControl) { // -- get the template file contents string templateText = getTemplateFileContents(); // -- get the TemplateLayout statement string[] layouts = getCommandStatementParameters("TemplateLayout", templateText); if (layouts.Length == 0) { throw new TemplateExecutionException(templateName, "Template does not have a TemplateLayout statement."); } else if (layouts.Length > 1) { throw new TemplateExecutionException(templateName, "Template has more than one TemplateLayout statement - only one is allowed."); } // -- read the template layout file string layoutText = getTemplateLayoutFileContents(layouts[0]); // -- start with the first language if we are editing a page. currentLangIndex = 0; if (CmsContext.currentEditMode == CmsEditMode.View) { currentLangIndex = CmsLanguage.IndexOf(CmsContext.currentLanguage.shortCode, CmsConfig.Languages); } // -- make sure that StartPageBody and EndPageBody commands are included int start = layoutText.IndexOf("StartPageBody", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); if (start < 0) { start = templateText.IndexOf("StartPageBody", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); } if (start < 0) { throw new TemplateExecutionException(templateName, "You must include a StartPageBody and EndPageBody command in the template when multiple languages are used"); } int end = layoutText.IndexOf("EndPageBody", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); if (end < 0) { end = templateText.IndexOf("EndPageBody", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); } if (end < 0) { throw new TemplateExecutionException(templateName, "You must include a StartPageBody and EndPageBody command in the template when multiple languages are used"); } string startEditFormCommand = COMMAND_DELIMITER + "RenderControl(_system/StartEditForm)" + COMMAND_DELIMITER; string endEditFormCommand = COMMAND_DELIMITER + "RenderControl(_system/EndEditForm)" + COMMAND_DELIMITER; if (layoutText.IndexOf(startEditFormCommand, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0 || templateText.IndexOf(startEditFormCommand, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0 || layoutText.IndexOf(endEditFormCommand, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0 || templateText.IndexOf(endEditFormCommand, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0) { throw new TemplateExecutionException(templateName, "Do not include the StartEditForm or EndEditForm controls"); } templateLayoutFileContents = layoutText; templateFileContents = templateText; // -- render the output RenderTextToPage(parentUserControl, templateLayoutFileContents); } // CreateChildControls