Example #1
        public static void UpdateCruds(BusinessLogic.User User, Cms.BusinessLogic.CMSNode Node, string Permissions)
            // delete all settings on the node for this user
            Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(GlobalSettings.DbDSN, CommandType.Text, "delete from umbracoUser2NodePermission where userId = @userId and nodeId = @nodeId", new SqlParameter("@userId", User.Id), new SqlParameter("@nodeId", Node.Id));

            // Loop through the permissions and create them
            foreach (char c in Permissions.ToCharArray())
                MakeNew(User, Node, c);
Example #2
        protected override void Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer)
            string tempTitle  = "";
            string deleteLink = " &nbsp; <a href=\"javascript:" + this.ClientID + "_clear();\" style=\"color: red\">" + UI.Text("delete") + "</a> &nbsp; ";

                if (this.Text != "")
                    tempTitle = new Cms.BusinessLogic.CMSNode(int.Parse(this.Text)).Text;
            catch {}

            writer.WriteLine("<script language=\"javascript\">\nfunction " + this.ClientID + "_chooseId() {" +
                             "\nshowPopWin('" + GlobalSettings.Path + "/dialogs/treePicker.aspx?useSubModal=true&appAlias=media', 350, 300, " + ClientID + "_saveId)" +
                             //				"\nvar treePicker = window.showModalDialog(, 'treePicker', 'dialogWidth=350px;dialogHeight=300px;scrollbars=no;center=yes;border=thin;help=no;status=no')			" +
                             "\n}" +
                             "\nfunction " + ClientID + "_saveId(treePicker) {" +
                             "\nsetTimeout('" + ClientID + "_saveIdDo(' + treePicker + ')', 200);" +
                             "\n}" +
                             "\nfunction " + ClientID + "_saveIdDo(treePicker) {" +
                             "\nif (treePicker != undefined) {" +
                             "\ndocument.getElementById(\"" + this.ClientID + "\").value = treePicker;" +
                             "\nif (treePicker > 0) {" +
                             "\nproxies.CMSNode.GetNodeName.func = " + this.ClientID + "_updateContentTitle;" +
                             "\nproxies.CMSNode.GetNodeName('" + BasePages.BasePage.UmbracoUserContextID + "', treePicker);" +
                             "\n}				"+
                             "\n}" +
                             "\n}			"+
                             "\nfunction " + this.ClientID + "_updateContentTitle(retVal) {" +
                             "\ndocument.getElementById(\"" + this.ClientID + "_title\").innerHTML = \"<strong>\" + retVal + \"</strong>" + deleteLink.Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\";" +
                             "\n}" +
                             "\nfunction " + this.ClientID + "_clear() {" +
                             "\ndocument.getElementById(\"" + this.ClientID + "_title\").innerHTML = \"\";" +
                             "\ndocument.getElementById(\"" + this.ClientID + "\").value = \"\";" +
                             "\n}" +

            // Clear remove link if text if empty
            if (this.Text == "")
                deleteLink = "";
            writer.WriteLine("<span id=\"" + this.ClientID + "_title\"><b>" + tempTitle + "</b>" + deleteLink + "</span><a href=\"javascript:" + this.ClientID + "_chooseId()\">" + UI.Text("choose") + "...</a> &nbsp; <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"" + this.ClientID + "\" Name=\"" + this.ClientID + "\" value=\"" + this.Text + "\">");
Example #3
		protected override void Render(System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter writer)

			string tempTitle = "";
			string deleteLink = " &nbsp; <a href=\"javascript:" + this.ClientID + "_clear();\" style=\"color: red\">" + UI.Text("delete") + "</a> &nbsp; ";
				if (this.Text != "") 
					tempTitle = new Cms.BusinessLogic.CMSNode(int.Parse(this.Text)).Text;
			catch {}

            writer.WriteLine("<script language=\"javascript\">\nfunction " + this.ClientID + "_chooseId() {" +
                "\nshowPopWin('" + GlobalSettings.Path + "/dialogs/treePicker.aspx?useSubModal=true&appAlias=media', 350, 300, " + ClientID + "_saveId)" +
                //				"\nvar treePicker = window.showModalDialog(, 'treePicker', 'dialogWidth=350px;dialogHeight=300px;scrollbars=no;center=yes;border=thin;help=no;status=no')			" +
                "\n}" +
                "\nfunction " + ClientID + "_saveId(treePicker) {" +
                "\nsetTimeout('" + ClientID + "_saveIdDo(' + treePicker + ')', 200);" +
                "\n}" +
                "\nfunction " + ClientID + "_saveIdDo(treePicker) {" +
                "\nif (treePicker != undefined) {" +
					"\ndocument.getElementById(\"" + this.ClientID + "\").value = treePicker;" +
					"\nif (treePicker > 0) {"+
                    "\nproxies.CMSNode.GetNodeName.func = " + this.ClientID + "_updateContentTitle;" + 
			        "\nproxies.CMSNode.GetNodeName('" + BasePages.BasePage.UmbracoUserContextID + "', treePicker);" +
					"\n}				" +
			"\n}			" + 
				"\nfunction " + this.ClientID + "_updateContentTitle(retVal) {"+
                "\ndocument.getElementById(\"" + this.ClientID + "_title\").innerHTML = \"<strong>\" + retVal + \"</strong>" + deleteLink.Replace("\"", "\\\"") + "\";" +
				"\nfunction " + this.ClientID + "_clear() {"+
				"\ndocument.getElementById(\"" + this.ClientID + "_title\").innerHTML = \"\";"+
				"\ndocument.getElementById(\"" + this.ClientID + "\").value = \"\";"+

			// Clear remove link if text if empty
			if (this.Text == "")
				deleteLink = "";
			writer.WriteLine("<span id=\"" + this.ClientID + "_title\"><b>" + tempTitle + "</b>" + deleteLink + "</span><a href=\"javascript:" + this.ClientID + "_chooseId()\">" + UI.Text("choose") + "...</a> &nbsp; <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"" + this.ClientID + "\" Name=\"" + this.ClientID + "\" value=\"" + this.Text + "\">");
			base.Render (writer);
Example #4
 public static void MakeNew(BusinessLogic.User User, Cms.BusinessLogic.CMSNode Node, char PermissionKey)
     Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(GlobalSettings.DbDSN, CommandType.Text, "if not exists(select userId from umbracoUser2nodePermission where userId = @userId and nodeId = @nodeId and permission = @permission) insert into umbracoUser2nodePermission (userId, nodeId, permission) values (@userId, @nodeId, @permission)", new SqlParameter("@userId", User.Id), new SqlParameter("@nodeId", Node.Id), new SqlParameter("@permission", PermissionKey.ToString()));