static void Main() { CmdArgs cmdArgs = new CmdArgs(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()); if (cmdArgs.Options.Count <= 0 && cmdArgs.Parameters.Count <= 0 && cmdArgs.Arguments.Count <= 1) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run(new MainForm()); return; } AttachConsole(ATTACH_PARENT_PROCESS); if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("sc")) { ScriptCompiler script = new ScriptCompiler(); if (!script.Run(new FileName(cmdArgs.Parameter("s")), cmdArgs)) Console.WriteLine("The run failed."); else Console.WriteLine("The run was ok."); } else if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("sv")) { Console.WriteLine("Run VB.NET script is not implemented yet."); } else if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("l")) { Console.WriteLine("Run from DLL is not implemented yet."); } else { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("To launch visual interface: MohidToolBox"); Console.WriteLine("To use command line: MohidToolbox [[--sc][--sv] scriptfilename] [--l dllfilename]"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine(" --sc : Used to indicate a CSharp script file name"); Console.WriteLine(" --sv : Used to indicate a VB.NET script file name (not implemented)"); Console.WriteLine(" --l : Used to indicate a DLL script file name (not implemented)"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("If no options are present, the visual interface will be launched."); Console.WriteLine("ATTENTION: Only ONE of the above options can be used at a time"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Press a key..."); } return; }
static void Main(string[] args) { string stepMessage = ""; FileName outputFileName; try { stepMessage = "command line arguments loading."; CmdArgs cmdArgs = new CmdArgs(args); if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("cfg")) { stepMessage = "configuration file loading."; Config conf = new Config(cmdArgs.Parameters["cfg"]); conf.Load(); stepMessage = "configuration file parsing."; ConfigNode nodeList = conf.Root.ChildNodes.Find(delegate(ConfigNode node){ return node.Name == ""; }); if (nodeList == null) throw new Exception("Block '' is missing."); outputFileName = conf.Root["", "output.tsr"].AsFileName(); TimeUnits timeUnits = (TimeUnits) Enum.Parse(typeof(TimeUnits), conf.Root["time.units", "seconds"].AsString(), true); List<FileName> list = new List<FileName>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, KeywordData> item in nodeList.NodeData) list.Add(item.Value.AsFileName()); if (list.Count <= 1) throw new Exception("Block '' must contain at least 2 entries"); stepMessage = "loading timeseries."; List<TimeSeries> timeSeries = new List<TimeSeries>(); foreach(FileName ts in list) { TimeSeries newTS = new TimeSeries(); newTS.Load(ts); timeSeries.Add(newTS); } DateTime start = timeSeries[0].StartInstant; for (int i = 1; i < timeSeries.Count; i++) { if (timeSeries[i].StartInstant < start) start = timeSeries[i].StartInstant; } stepMessage = "creating output timeseries."; TimeSeries outTS = new TimeSeries(); outTS.StartInstant = start; outTS.TimeUnits = timeUnits; foreach (Column col in timeSeries[0].Columns) { Column newCol = new Column(col.ColumnType); newCol.Header = col.Header; outTS.AddColumn(newCol); } foreach (TimeSeries toJoin in timeSeries) outTS.AddTimeSeries(toJoin); stepMessage = "saving output timeseries."; outTS.Save(outputFileName); Console.WriteLine("Process complete with success."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Parameter --cfg is missing."); Console.WriteLine("Execution aborted."); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("An exception was raised while {0}", stepMessage); Console.WriteLine("Exception message: {0}", ex.Message); } }
static int Main(string[] args) { CmdArgs cmdArgs = null; Exception e = null; bool sendMail = false; bool sendSMS = false; bool verbose = true; IMohidSim stdScript = null; int return_value = 0; try { Setup.StandardSetup(); cmdArgs = new CmdArgs(args); if (cmdArgs.HasOption("v")) verbose = true; else verbose = false; if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("m")) sendMail = true; if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("s")) sendSMS = true; if (cmdArgs.HasOption("i")) stdScript = (IMohidSim)new StandardScript(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (verbose) Console.WriteLine("[{0}] Model Runner: Exception raised during initialization: {0}", DateTime.Now, ex.Message); return -1; } try { MohidRunEngine mre = new MohidRunEngine(); mre.Verbose = verbose; mre.Run(cmdArgs, stdScript); } catch (Exception ex) { e = ex; return_value = -1; } if (sendMail) { try { Config cfg = new Config(cmdArgs.Parameter("m")); if (!cfg.Load()) { if (verbose) Console.WriteLine("[{0}] Model Runner: Was not possible to load the mail configuration file '{1}'", DateTime.Now, cmdArgs.Parameter("mailcfg")); } else { MailSender ms = new MailSender(); string sendTo, header, message; if (e != null) { header = "[ERROR] " + cfg.Root["header", "MohidRun Report"].AsString(); sendTo = "sendto.onerror"; message = cfg.Root["message", "Mohid Run Report"].AsString() + Environment.NewLine; message += "An exception happened" + e.Message + Environment.NewLine; while (e != null) { message += " => " + e.Message + Environment.NewLine; e = e.InnerException; } } else { header = "[SUCCESS] " + cfg.Root["header", "MohidRun Report"].AsString(); sendTo = "sendto.onsuccess"; message = cfg.Root["message", "Mohid Run Report"].AsString(); } ms.SetFrom(cfg.Root["from"].AsString(), cfg.Root["display", cfg.Root["from"].AsString()].AsString()); ms.User = cfg.Root["user", "*****@*****.**"].AsString(); ms.Password = cfg.Root["pass", "MohidOperationalISTMARETEC2011"].AsString(); ms.SetMessage(message, header); ms.Host = cfg.Root["host", ""].AsString(); ms.Port = cfg.Root["port", 587].AsInt(); ms.EnableSSL = cfg.Root["enable.ssl", true].AsBool(); foreach (ConfigNode n in cfg.Root.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return (node.Name == sendTo || node.Name == "sendto"); })) { if (!(n["bcc", ""].AsString() == "")) ms.AddBCC(n["bcc"].AsString(), n["display", n["bcc"].AsString()].AsString()); else if (!(n["cc", ""].AsString() == "")) ms.AddCC(n["cc"].AsString(), n["display", n["cc"].AsString()].AsString()); else ms.AddTo(n["to"].AsString(), n["display", n["to"].AsString()].AsString()); } ms.SendMail(); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine("[{0}] Model Runner: Was not possible to send the mail. An EXCEPTION happened. The message returned was:", DateTime.Now); Console.WriteLine("{0}", ex.Message); } return_value -= 2; } } if (sendSMS) { } return return_value; }
static void Main(string[] args) { DateTime start, end; FilePath rootResultsPath; FileName hdfResultsFile; List<FilePath> timeseriesOutputPath = new List<FilePath>(); FileName exporterEXE; FilePath exporterWorkingPath; bool joinTimeseries = false; bool useDateOnTimeseriesName = true; string folderFormat, startFormat, endFormat; StringBuilder exporterCFGBase = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder exporterCFG = new StringBuilder(); List<ConfigNode> nodes; double runLenght; bool verbose; List<FileInfo> tsFileInfoList = new List<FileInfo>(); Dictionary<string, TimeSeries> outTS = new Dictionary<string,TimeSeries>(); TimeSeries newTS = new TimeSeries(); TextFile txtFile, errors; int timeseriesSaveCounter = 1, saveCounter; int timeseriesNameCounter; errors = new TextFile("errors.log"); errors.OpenNewToWrite(); verbose = true; FilePath path; bool dateAndTimeInOutputFolder; string outputFolderFormat = "", outputFolderStartFormat = "", outputFolderEndFormat = "", outputPath, outputPath2; bool useCounter; try { CmdArgs cmdArgs = new CmdArgs(args); if (cmdArgs.HasOption("v")) verbose = true; else verbose = false; if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("cfg")) { if (verbose) Console.Write("Reading configuration file..."); Config conf = new Config(cmdArgs.Parameters["cfg"]); conf.Load(); if (verbose) Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); if (verbose) Console.Write("Looking for '' blocks..."); List<ConfigNode> tsList = conf.Root.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == ""; }); if (tsList == null || tsList.Count <= 0) throw new Exception("No '' block found in configuration file."); if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); Console.WriteLine("{0} '' block(s) found.", tsList.Count); } dateAndTimeInOutputFolder = conf.Root["user.def.output.folder", false].AsBool(); if (dateAndTimeInOutputFolder) { outputFolderFormat = conf.Root["user.def.output.folder.format", "start-end"].AsString(); outputFolderStartFormat = conf.Root["user.def.output.start.format", "yyyyMMddHH"].AsString(); outputFolderEndFormat = conf.Root["user.def.output.end.format", "yyyyMMddHH"].AsString(); } int tscCount = 1; foreach (ConfigNode tsc in tsList) { timeseriesNameCounter = 1; if (verbose) Console.Write("Processing '' block {0}...", tscCount); start = tsc["start"].AsDateTime(); end = tsc["end"].AsDateTime(); rootResultsPath = tsc["root.results.path", @".\"].AsFilePath(); hdfResultsFile = tsc["hdf.results.file"].AsFileName(); if (tsc.Contains("backup_path")) { path = tsc["backup_path"].AsFilePath(); timeseriesOutputPath.Add(path); } if (tsc.Contains("storage_path")) { path = tsc["storage_path"].AsFilePath(); timeseriesOutputPath.Add(path); } if (tsc.Contains("publish_path")) { path = tsc["publish_path"].AsFilePath(); timeseriesOutputPath.Add(path); } if (timeseriesOutputPath.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception("An error was found in the configuration file. Missing keyword." + "At least ONE of the following keywords must be provided:" + "BACKUP_PATH, STORAGE_PATH, PUBLISH_PATH"); } exporterEXE = tsc["exporter.exe"].AsFileName(); exporterWorkingPath = tsc["exporter.working.path"].AsFilePath(); joinTimeseries = tsc["join.timeseries", true].AsBool(); if (joinTimeseries && dateAndTimeInOutputFolder) { throw new Exception("join.timeseries can't be used with user.def.output.folder"); } folderFormat = tsc["folder.format", "start-end"].AsString(); startFormat = tsc["start.format", "yyyyMMddHH"].AsString(); endFormat = tsc["end.format", "yyyyMMddHH"].AsString(); runLenght = tsc["run.lenght"].AsDouble(); useCounter = tsc["use.counter.on.names", false].AsBool(); if (joinTimeseries) { outTS = new Dictionary<string, TimeSeries>(); newTS = new TimeSeries(); timeseriesSaveCounter = tsc["save.counter"].AsInt(); } else { useDateOnTimeseriesName = tsc["", true].AsBool(); } exporterCFGBase.Append("EXPORT_TYPE : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(tsc["export.type", 1].AsString()); exporterCFGBase.Append("COMPUTE_RESIDUAL : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(tsc["compute.residual", 0].AsString()); exporterCFGBase.Append("VARIABLE_GRID : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(tsc["variable.grid", 0].AsString()); exporterCFGBase.Append("WATERPOINTS_NAME : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(tsc["", "WaterPoints2D"].AsString()); exporterCFGBase.Append("GRID_FILENAME : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(tsc["", "grid.dat"].AsString()); nodes = tsc.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == "timeseries"; }); if (nodes == null || nodes.Count <= 0) throw new Exception("No 'timeseries' block found in configuration file."); foreach (ConfigNode param in nodes) { exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine("<BeginTimeSerie>"); exporterCFGBase.Append(" NAME : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["name"].AsString()); if (param.NodeData.ContainsKey("coord.y")) { exporterCFGBase.Append(" COORD_Y : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["coord.y"].AsString()); } if (param.NodeData.ContainsKey("coord.x")) { exporterCFGBase.Append(" COORD_X : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["coord.x"].AsString()); } if (param.NodeData.ContainsKey("depth.level")) { exporterCFGBase.Append(" DEPTH_LEVEL : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["depth.level"].AsString()); } if (param.NodeData.ContainsKey("localization.i")) { exporterCFGBase.Append(" LOCALIZATION_I : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["localization.i"].AsString()); } if (param.NodeData.ContainsKey("localization.j")) { exporterCFGBase.Append(" LOCALIZATION_J : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["localization.j"].AsString()); } if (param.NodeData.ContainsKey("localization.k")) { exporterCFGBase.Append(" LOCALIZATION_K : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["localization.k"].AsString()); } if (param.NodeData.ContainsKey("latitude")) { exporterCFGBase.Append(" LATITUDE : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["latitude"].AsString()); } if (param.NodeData.ContainsKey("longitude")) { exporterCFGBase.Append(" LONGITUDE : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param["longitude"].AsString()); } exporterCFGBase.AppendLine("<EndTimeSerie>"); if (joinTimeseries) { outTS[param["name"].AsString()] = new TimeSeries(); } } nodes = tsc.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == "parameter"; }); if (nodes == null || nodes.Count <= 0) throw new Exception("No 'parameter' block found in configuration file."); foreach (ConfigNode param in nodes) { exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine("<BeginParameter>"); exporterCFGBase.Append(" HDF_GROUP : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param[""].AsString()); exporterCFGBase.Append(" PROPERTY : "); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine(param[""].AsString()); exporterCFGBase.AppendLine("<EndParameter>"); } txtFile = new TextFile(exporterWorkingPath.Path + "nomfich.dat"); txtFile.OpenNewToWrite(); txtFile.WriteLine("IN_MODEL : hdfexporter.dat"); txtFile.Close(); ExternalApp hdf5exporter = new ExternalApp(); hdf5exporter.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DEFAULTOUTPUT; hdf5exporter.TextToCheck = "Program HDF5Exporter successfully terminated"; hdf5exporter.Wait = true; hdf5exporter.WorkingDirectory = exporterWorkingPath.Path; hdf5exporter.Executable = exporterEXE.FullPath; bool fail; DateTime actual = start; FilePath hdfResultsPath = new FilePath(); saveCounter = 1; while (actual.AddDays(runLenght) <= end) { fail = false; hdfResultsPath.Path = rootResultsPath.Path + (folderFormat.Replace("start", actual.ToString(startFormat)).Replace("end", actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString(endFormat))); if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(hdfResultsPath.Path)) { exporterCFG.Clear(); exporterCFG.Append("START_TIME : "); exporterCFG.AppendLine(actual.ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); exporterCFG.Append("END_TIME : "); exporterCFG.AppendLine(actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); exporterCFG.AppendLine(); exporterCFG.AppendLine("<BeginHDF5File>"); exporterCFG.Append(" NAME : "); exporterCFG.AppendLine(hdfResultsPath.Path + hdfResultsFile.FullName); exporterCFG.AppendLine("<EndHDF5File>"); txtFile.File.FullPath = exporterWorkingPath.Path + "hdfexporter.dat"; txtFile.OpenNewToWrite(); txtFile.Write(exporterCFGBase.ToString()); txtFile.Write(exporterCFG.ToString()); txtFile.Close(); try { bool res = hdf5exporter.Run(); if (!res) { throw new Exception("Unsuccessfull HDF5Exporter run"); } } catch (Exception e_run) { errors.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "] HDF5Exporter Run Exception when processing '" + hdfResultsFile + "' on results folder '" + hdfResultsPath.Path + "'"); errors.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "] The exception returned this message: " + e_run.Message); fail = true; } if (!fail) { FileTools.FindFiles(ref tsFileInfoList, exporterWorkingPath, "*.ets", true, "", System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); if (joinTimeseries) { foreach (FileInfo file in tsFileInfoList) { if (outTS[file.FileName.Name].NumberOfInstants > 0) { saveCounter++; try { newTS.Load(file.FileName); outTS[file.FileName.Name].AddTimeSeries(newTS); } catch { errors.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "] Was not possible to read timeseries '" + file.FileName.FullName + "' from HDF file '" + hdfResultsFile + "' on results folder '" + hdfResultsPath.Path + "'"); } System.IO.File.Delete(file.FileName.FullPath); if (saveCounter > timeseriesSaveCounter) { try { if (dateAndTimeInOutputFolder) { outputPath = timeseriesOutputPath[0].Path + (outputFolderFormat.Replace("start", actual.ToString(outputFolderStartFormat)).Replace("end", actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString(outputFolderEndFormat))) + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } else { outputPath = timeseriesOutputPath[0].Path; } if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(outputPath)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); outTS[file.FileName.Name].Save(new FileName(outputPath + file.FileName.FullName)); saveCounter = 1; if (timeseriesOutputPath.Count > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < timeseriesOutputPath.Count; i++) { outputPath2 = timeseriesOutputPath[i].Path + (outputFolderFormat.Replace("start", actual.ToString(outputFolderStartFormat)).Replace("end", actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString(outputFolderEndFormat))) + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(outputPath2)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath2); FileTools.CopyFile(new FileName(outputPath + file.FileName.FullName), new FileName(outputPath2 + file.FileName.FullName), CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT); } } } catch (Exception ex) { errors.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "] Was not possible to save joined timeseries '" + file.FileName.FullName + "' from HDF file '" + hdfResultsFile + "' when processing results folder '" + hdfResultsPath.Path + "'"); errors.WriteLine("[" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "] The exception returned this message: " + ex.Message); } } } else { outTS[file.FileName.Name].Load(file.FileName); System.IO.File.Delete(file.FileName.FullPath); } } } else { FileName timeseriesTarget = new FileName(); foreach (FileInfo file in tsFileInfoList) { if (dateAndTimeInOutputFolder) { outputPath = timeseriesOutputPath[0].Path + (outputFolderFormat.Replace("start", actual.ToString(outputFolderStartFormat)).Replace("end", actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString(outputFolderEndFormat))) + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } else { outputPath = timeseriesOutputPath[0].Path; } timeseriesTarget.Path = outputPath; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(outputPath)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); if (useDateOnTimeseriesName) { timeseriesTarget.FullName = file.FileName.FullName.Insert(file.FileName.FullName.LastIndexOf('.'), actual.ToString(startFormat) + "_" + actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString(endFormat)); } else if (useCounter) { timeseriesTarget.FullName = file.FileName.FullName.Insert(file.FileName.FullName.LastIndexOf('.'), timeseriesNameCounter.ToString()); timeseriesNameCounter++; } else { timeseriesTarget.FullName = file.FileName.FullName; } FileTools.CopyFile(file.FileName, timeseriesTarget, CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT); if (timeseriesOutputPath.Count > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < timeseriesOutputPath.Count; i++) { outputPath2 = timeseriesOutputPath[i].Path + (outputFolderFormat.Replace("start", actual.ToString(outputFolderStartFormat)).Replace("end", actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString(outputFolderEndFormat))) + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(outputPath2)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath2); FileTools.CopyFile(new FileName(outputPath + file.FileName.FullName), new FileName(outputPath2 + file.FileName.FullName), CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT); } } } } } } actual = actual.AddDays(runLenght); } tscCount++; if (joinTimeseries) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, TimeSeries> pair in outTS) { if (dateAndTimeInOutputFolder) { outputPath = timeseriesOutputPath[0].Path + (outputFolderFormat.Replace("start", actual.ToString(outputFolderStartFormat)).Replace("end", actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString(outputFolderEndFormat))) + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } else { outputPath = timeseriesOutputPath[0].Path; } if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(outputPath)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); pair.Value.Save(new FileName(outputPath + pair.Key + ".ets")); for (int i = 1; i < timeseriesOutputPath.Count; i++) { outputPath2 = timeseriesOutputPath[i].Path + (outputFolderFormat.Replace("start", actual.ToString(outputFolderStartFormat)).Replace("end", actual.AddDays(runLenght).ToString(outputFolderEndFormat))) + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(outputPath2)) System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath2); FileTools.CopyFile(new FileName(outputPath + pair.Key + ".ets"), new FileName(outputPath2 + pair.Key + ".ets"), CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT); } } } } } Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); } catch(Exception ex) { if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine("[FAIL]"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("An EXCEPTION was raised. The message returned was:"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } Console.WriteLine("GetTSFromModelResultsHDF finished."); errors.Close(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { SMSEngine sms = new SMSEngine(); CmdArgs cmdArgs = new CmdArgs(args); string number, message; //PORT NUMBER if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("port")) { sms.Port.PortName = "COM" + cmdArgs.Parameters["port"]; } else throw new Exception("'port' parameter is missing."); //BAUDRATE if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("baudrate")) { sms.Baudrate = int.Parse(cmdArgs.Parameters["baudrate"]); } else throw new Exception("'baudrate' parameter is missing."); //SMS CENTER if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("")) { sms.SMSCenter = cmdArgs.Parameters[""]; } else throw new Exception("'' parameter is missing."); //PIN CODE if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("pin")) { sms.PinCode = cmdArgs.Parameters["pin"]; } else throw new Exception("'pin' parameter is missing."); //TIMEOUT if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("time.out")) { sms.TimeOut = int.Parse(cmdArgs.Parameters["time.out"]); } //WAIT TIME if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("wait.time")) { sms.WaitTime = int.Parse(cmdArgs.Parameters["wait.time"]); } //INTERVAL BETWEEN MESSAGES if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("interval.time")) { sms.IntervalBetweenMessages = int.Parse(cmdArgs.Parameters["interval.time"]); } //NUMBER if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("number") && cmdArgs.HasParameter("message")) { number = cmdArgs.Parameters["number"]; message = cmdArgs.Parameters["message"]; sms.SendSMS(number, message); } else throw new Exception("No NUMBER or MESSAGE parameter found"); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("An EXCEPTION was raised. The message returned was:"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { CmdArgs cmdArgs = new CmdArgs(args); Dictionary<String, String> replace_list = new Dictionary<string, string>(); DateTime end, actual_start, actual_end; if (!cmdArgs.HasParameter("cfg")) { Console.WriteLine("Configuration file was not provided. Use --cfg [file] to provide one."); Console.WriteLine("Operation Aborted."); return; } Config cfg = new Config(cmdArgs.Parameter("cfg")); if (!cfg.Load()) { Console.WriteLine("Was not possible to load '" + cmdArgs.Parameter("cfg") + "'."); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cfg.ExceptionMessage)) { Console.WriteLine("The message returned was:"); Console.WriteLine(cfg.ExceptionMessage); Console.WriteLine("Operation Aborted."); return; } } ConfigNode root = cfg.Root; int id = root["", 1].AsInt(); string template = root["template", "FillMatrix.template"].AsString(); string dateFormat = root["dateFormat.format", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"].AsString(); actual_start = root["start"].AsDateTime(dateFormat); end = root["end"].AsDateTime(dateFormat); int interval; if (root.NodeData.ContainsKey("interval.days")) { interval = root["interval.days"].AsInt(); actual_end = actual_start.AddDays(interval); } else { interval = 10; actual_end = end; } string interpolation = root["interpolation.method", "2"].AsString(); replace_list.Add("<<start>>", actual_start.ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); replace_list.Add("<<end>>", actual_end.ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); replace_list.Add("<<id>>", id.ToString()); replace_list.Add("<<interpolation>>", interpolation); ExternalApp fillmatrix = new ExternalApp(); while (actual_end <= end) { TextFile.Replace(template, "FillMatrix.dat", ref replace_list); fillmatrix.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DONOTCHECK; fillmatrix.Wait = true; fillmatrix.WorkingDirectory = @".\"; fillmatrix.Executable = @".\fillmatrix.exe"; try { fillmatrix.Run(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Erro detectado. Mensagem de erro:"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("ID : {0}", id.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Start : {0}", actual_start.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("End : {0}", actual_end.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(""); } id++; actual_start = actual_end; actual_end = actual_start.AddDays(14); if (actual_start < end && actual_end > end) actual_end = end; replace_list["<<start>>"] = actual_start.ToString("yyyy M d H m s"); replace_list["<<end>>"] = actual_end.ToString("yyyy M d H m s"); replace_list["<<id>>"] = id.ToString(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Database db = null; string query; OdbcDataReader dbReader; string dateFormat; string server = ""; try { db = new Database(); CmdArgs cmdArgs = new CmdArgs(args); List<DataToRead> list = new List<DataToRead>(); int defaultDaysToDownload; if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("cfg")) { Config conf = new Config(cmdArgs.Parameters["cfg"]); conf.Load(); ConfigNode dbConf = conf.Root.ChildNodes.Find(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == "database.config"; }); if (dbConf == null) throw new Exception("No 'database.config' block was found."); if (db.Connect(dbConf["db.conn.string"].AsString()) != Result.TRUE) throw new Exception("Connection to database was not possible. The message returned was: " + db.RaisedException.Message); server = conf.Root["server", ""].AsString(); defaultDaysToDownload = conf.Root["", 14].AsInt(); dateFormat = conf.Root["date.format", "#yyyy-MM-dd#"].AsString(); List<ConfigNode> nodeList = conf.Root.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == ""; }); if (nodeList == null) throw new Exception("No blocks '' were found."); DataToRead item; NodeData nd; int blockNumber = 1; foreach (ConfigNode node in nodeList) { item = new DataToRead(); list.Add(item); item.TableName = node[""].AsString(); item.DBDateColumn = node[""].AsString(); List<ConfigNode> cfList = node.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode n) { return n.Name == "node"; }); if (cfList == null) throw new Exception("No blocks 'node' were found on block number " + blockNumber.ToString()); foreach (ConfigNode cn in cfList) { nd = new NodeData(); nd.DBColumn = cn["column"].AsString(); nd.NodeID = cn[""].AsString(); item.NodesList.Add(nd); } query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} ORDER BY {0} DESC", item.DBDateColumn, item.TableName); dbReader = db.ExecuteQuerySingleRow(query); item.Start = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-defaultDaysToDownload); if (dbReader.HasRows) { while (dbReader.Read()) item.Start = dbReader.GetDateTime(dbReader.GetOrdinal(item.DBDateColumn)).AddDays(1); if (!dbReader.IsClosed) dbReader.Close(); } blockNumber++; } } else throw new Exception("No valid configuration file provided. use 'cfg' parameter."); MeteoAgriEngine maEng = new MeteoAgriEngine(server); maEng.TimeOut = 360; Console.Write("Connecting to MeteoAgri..."); if (maEng.Login("arbvs", "arbvs")) { Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); int count = 1; int nItems = 0; Console.WriteLine("DATA READ/WRITE in progress."); foreach (DataToRead dr in list) { //First, find how many "slots" will be downloaded int slots = (DateTime.Now - dr.Start).Days; if (slots <= 0) { count++; continue; //throw new Exception("Start date for '' number " + count.ToString() + " (" + dr.Start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ") is same than today's date"); } nItems = 0; foreach (NodeData nd in dr.NodesList) { Console.Write("Reading from ARBVS server the node {0}, id = {1}...", nd.DBColumn, nd.NodeID); nd.Data = maEng.GetData(nd.NodeID, dr.Start, slots); if (nd.Data == null) { Console.WriteLine("[NO DATA]"); //throw new Exception(maEng.ExceptionMessage); } else if (nd.Data.Count < 1) { Console.WriteLine("[NO DATA]"); //throw new Exception("ARBVS server returned an empty node"); } else { if (nItems < 1) nItems = nd.Data[0].Data.Count; else if (nItems != nd.Data[0].Data.Count) { Console.WriteLine("[ERROR]"); throw new Exception("ARBVS server returned a different number of items than the previous node"); } Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); //Console.WriteLine(""); //Console.WriteLine("The data returned was:"); //foreach (MeteoAgriNode node in nodes) //{ // Console.WriteLine("NODE : {0}", node.NodeId); // foreach (MeteoAgriData data in node.Data) // Console.WriteLine(string.Format(" type:'{0}' d:'{1}' s:'{2}' t:'{3}' value:'{4}'", // data.Type, data.D, data.S, data.T, data.Value)); // Console.WriteLine("------------"); //} } } string fields, data; if (nItems > 0) { Console.Write("Writing info on database..."); for (int i = 0; i < nItems; i++) { fields = "Instant"; data = dr.Start.AddDays(i).ToString(dateFormat); foreach (NodeData nd in dr.NodesList) { fields += ", " + nd.DBColumn; data += ", " + nd.Data[0].Data[i].Value; } query = string.Format("INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) VALUES ({2})", dr.TableName, fields, data); //if (db.ExecuteCommand(query) != 1) db.ExecuteCommand(query); } Console.WriteLine("[OK][{0} items inserted]", nItems); } count++; } Console.Write("Logging out..."); if (maEng.Logout()) Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); else { Console.WriteLine("[ERROR]"); Console.WriteLine("The message returned was:"); Console.WriteLine(maEng.ExceptionMessage); } } else { Console.WriteLine("[ERROR]"); Console.WriteLine("The message returned was:"); Console.WriteLine(maEng.ExceptionMessage); } db.Disconnect(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (db != null) db.Disconnect(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("An exception has happened. The message returned was:"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } //Console.WriteLine(""); //Console.WriteLine("Press any key..."); //Console.ReadKey(); }
protected IMohidSim LoadUserInterface(CmdArgs args) { try { FileName interfaceName; data.sim.PreProcessing = OnPreProcessing; if (args.HasParameter("script")) interfaceName = new FileName(args.Parameters["script"]); else return null; if (interfaceName.Extension.ToLower() == "dll") //it's a library { if (!args.HasParameter("class")) return null; string class_name = args.Parameter("class"); Assembly ass = Assembly.LoadFrom(interfaceName.FullPath); data.userInterface = (IMohidSim)Activator.CreateInstance(ass.GetType("Mohid." + class_name)); return data.userInterface; } else //it's a script { ScriptCompiler sc = new ScriptCompiler(); Assembly ass = sc.Compile(interfaceName); data.userInterface = (IMohidSim)sc.FindScriptInterface("IMohidSim", ass); return data.userInterface; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("MohidRunEngine.LoadUserInterface", ex); } }
static void LoadConfig(CmdArgs args, MohidRunEngineData data) { data.cfg = new Config(); Config cfg = data.cfg; string configFile; if (args.HasParameter("simcfg")) configFile = args.Parameter("simcfg"); else configFile = "sim.cfg"; cfg.ConfigFile.FullPath = configFile; if (!cfg.Load()) throw new Exception("Was not possible to load the configuration file '" + configFile + "'. " + cfg.ExceptionMessage); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Database db = null; string query; OdbcDataReader dbReader; int interval_seconds_guess; string dateFormat; string server = ""; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; try { db = new Database(); CmdArgs cmdArgs = new CmdArgs(args); List<DataToRead> list = new List<DataToRead>(); int defaultDaysToDownload; string user, pass; bool save_ts = cmdArgs.HasOption("save_ts"); bool save_db = cmdArgs.HasOption("save_db"); if (!cmdArgs.HasParameter("user")) throw new Exception("Must provide the user. Uses '--user user_name'."); if (!cmdArgs.HasParameter("pass")) throw new Exception("Must provide the pass. Uses '--pass password'."); user = cmdArgs.Parameters["user"]; pass = cmdArgs.Parameters["pass"]; if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("cfg")) { Config conf = new Config(cmdArgs.Parameters["cfg"]); conf.Load(); if (save_db) { ConfigNode dbConf = conf.Root.ChildNodes.Find(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == "database.config"; }); if (dbConf == null) throw new Exception("No 'database.config' block was found."); if (db.Connect(dbConf["db.conn.string"].AsString()) != Result.TRUE) throw new Exception("Connection to database was not possible. The message returned was: " + db.RaisedException.Message); } server = conf.Root["server", ""].AsString(); defaultDaysToDownload = conf.Root["", 14].AsInt(); dateFormat = conf.Root["date.format", "#yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss#"].AsString(); interval_seconds_guess = conf.Root["interval.guess", 900].AsInt(); List<ConfigNode> nodeList = conf.Root.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == ""; }); if (nodeList == null) throw new Exception("No blocks '' were found."); DataToRead item; NodeData nd; int blockNumber = 1; foreach (ConfigNode node in nodeList) { item = new DataToRead(); list.Add(item); item.TimeSeriesFileName = node["", ""].AsString(); item.TableName = node[""].AsString(); item.DBDateColumn = node[""].AsString(); List<ConfigNode> cfList = node.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode n) { return n.Name == "node"; }); if (cfList == null) throw new Exception("No blocks 'node' were found on block number " + blockNumber.ToString()); foreach (ConfigNode cn in cfList) { nd = new NodeData(); nd.DefaultValue = cn["default.value", ""].AsString(); nd.DBColumn = cn["column"].AsString(); nd.TSHeader = cn["ts.header", nd.DBColumn].AsString(); nd.NodeID = cn[""].AsString(); item.NodesList.Add(nd); } if (save_db) { query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} ORDER BY {0} DESC", item.DBDateColumn, item.TableName); dbReader = db.ExecuteQuerySingleRow(query); item.Start = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-defaultDaysToDownload); if (dbReader.HasRows) { while (dbReader.Read()) item.Start = dbReader.GetDateTime(dbReader.GetOrdinal(item.DBDateColumn)).AddDays(1); if (!dbReader.IsClosed) dbReader.Close(); } } else { item.Start = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-defaultDaysToDownload); } blockNumber++; } } else throw new Exception("No valid configuration file provided. use 'cfg' parameter."); MeteoAgriEngine maEng = new MeteoAgriEngine(server); maEng.TimeOut = 360; Console.Write("Connecting to MeteoAgri..."); if (maEng.Login(user, pass)) { Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); int count = 1; int nItems = 0; Console.WriteLine("DATA READ/WRITE in progress."); foreach (DataToRead dr in list) { TimeSeries ts = new TimeSeries(); ts.StartInstant = dr.Start; ts.TimeUnits = TimeUnits.SECONDS; foreach (NodeData nd in dr.NodesList) { Column col = new Column(typeof(string), 0, nd.TSHeader); col.DefaultValue = "0"; ts.AddColumn(col); } //First, find how many "slots" will be downloaded int slots = (int)(DateTime.Now - dr.Start).TotalSeconds / interval_seconds_guess; if (slots <= 0) { count++; continue; //throw new Exception("Start date for '' number " + count.ToString() + " (" + dr.Start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + ") is same than today's date"); } nItems = 0; int column = -1; foreach (NodeData nd in dr.NodesList) { column++; Console.WriteLine("Reading from ARBVS server the node {0}, id = {1}...", nd.DBColumn, nd.NodeID); maEng.GetData(nd.NodeID, dr.Start, slots, ts, column, dateFormat); //if (nd.Data == null) //{ // Console.WriteLine("[NO DATA]"); // //throw new Exception(maEng.ExceptionMessage); //} //else if (nd.Data.Count < 1) //{ // Console.WriteLine("[NO DATA]"); // //throw new Exception("ARBVS server returned an empty node"); //} //else //{ // if (nItems < 1) // nItems = nd.Data[0].Data.Count; // else if (nItems != nd.Data[0].Data.Count) // { // Console.WriteLine("[ERROR]"); // throw new Exception("ARBVS server returned a different number of items than the previous node"); // } // Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); // //Console.WriteLine(""); // //Console.WriteLine("The data returned was:"); // //foreach (MeteoAgriNode node in nodes) // //{ // // Console.WriteLine("NODE : {0}", node.NodeId); // // foreach (MeteoAgriData data in node.Data) // // Console.WriteLine(string.Format(" type:'{0}' d:'{1}' s:'{2}' t:'{3}' value:'{4}'", // // data.Type, data.D, data.S, data.T, data.Value)); // // Console.WriteLine("------------"); // //} //} } string fields, data; //if (nItems > 0) //{ //DateTime start = DateTime.Now; //bool start_defined = false; if (save_db) { Console.Write("Writing info on database..."); for (int i = 0; i < ts.NumberOfInstants; i++) { fields = "Instant"; data = ts.InstantAsDateTime(i).ToString(dateFormat); //if (dr.NodesList[0].Data[0].Data[i].D == "-1") //{ // start = DateTime.ParseExact(dr.NodesList[0].Data[0].Data[i].T, "yyyyMMddTHH:mm:ss", null); // data = start.ToString(dateFormat); // start_defined = true; //} //else //{ // if (!start_defined) // throw new Exception("The start instant was not found in the imported data."); // start = start.AddSeconds(double.Parse(dr.NodesList[0].Data[0].Data[i].T)); // data = start.ToString(dateFormat); //} int column_index = -1; foreach (NodeData nd in dr.NodesList) { column_index++; fields += ", " + nd.DBColumn; data += ", " + (ts[column_index, i] as string); } query = string.Format("INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) VALUES ({2})", dr.TableName, fields, data); //if (db.ExecuteCommand(query) != 1) db.ExecuteCommand(query); } Console.WriteLine("[OK][{0} items inserted]", ts.NumberOfInstants.ToString()); //} } if (save_ts) { if (ts.NumberOfInstants > 1) ts.Save(new FileName(dr.TimeSeriesFileName)); else Console.WriteLine("No data was available for {0}", dr.TimeSeriesFileName); } count++; } Console.Write("Logging out..."); if (maEng.Logout()) Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); else { Console.WriteLine("[ERROR]"); Console.WriteLine("The message returned was:"); Console.WriteLine(maEng.ExceptionMessage); } } else { Console.WriteLine("[ERROR]"); Console.WriteLine("The message returned was:"); Console.WriteLine(maEng.ExceptionMessage); } db.Disconnect(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (db != null) db.Disconnect(); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("An exception has happened. The message returned was:"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } //Console.WriteLine(""); //Console.WriteLine("Press any key..."); //Console.ReadKey(); }
static int Main(string[] args) { TextFile log = null; CmdArgs cmd_args = null; Engine eng = null; int result = 0; bool debug = false; try { cmd_args = new CmdArgs(args); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error when trying to parse the command line arguments."); Console.WriteLine("The message returned was:"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); result = -1; } if (result == 0) try { string log_file; if (cmd_args.HasParameter("log")) { log_file = cmd_args.Parameters["log"]; } else { if (cmd_args.HasParameter("logpath")) log_file = (new FilePath(cmd_args.Parameters["logpath"])).Path + "log_"; else log_file = "log_"; DateTime DateNow = DateTime.Now; log_file += DateNow.Year.ToString("D4") + DateNow.Month.ToString("D2") + DateNow.Day.ToString("D2") + "-" + DateNow.Hour.ToString("D2") + DateNow.Minute.ToString("D2") + DateNow.Second.ToString("D2") + ".dat"; //Console.WriteLine("WARNING: Missing 'log' parameter."); //Console.WriteLine("A log file will be created with the name:"); //Console.WriteLine(log_file); } log = new TextFile(log_file); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error when trying to create log file."); Console.WriteLine("The message returned was:"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); result = -2; } bool verbose = false; if (cmd_args.HasOption("verbose")) verbose = true; if (cmd_args.HasOption("debug")) debug = true; if (result == 0) try { DateTime d_and_t = DateTime.Now; if (!cmd_args.HasParameter("cfg")) throw new Exception("No configuration file was provided."); if (cmd_args.HasParameter("date")) d_and_t = DateTime.ParseExact(cmd_args.Parameters["date"], "yyyy mm dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (verbose) Console.WriteLine("Starting sms engine."); eng = new Engine(); eng.Debug = debug; if (verbose) Console.WriteLine("Loading configuration."); if (!eng.LoadConfig(new Mohid.Files.FileName(cmd_args.Parameters["cfg"]))) throw new Exception("Error when loading the configuration file."); if (verbose) Console.WriteLine("Sending messages."); if (!eng.SendMessages(d_and_t)) throw new Exception("Error when trying to send the messages."); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error when trying to send messages."); Console.WriteLine("The exception returned was:"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); result = -3; } if (log != null) { if (eng.HasErrors) { log.OpenNewToWrite(); log.Write(eng.Errors); log.Close(); } } return result; }
static int Main(string[] args) { CmdArgs cmdArgs = null; Exception last_exception = null; string task_block; try { Setup.StandartSetup(); cmdArgs = new CmdArgs(args); //====================================================================================== //Load configuration //====================================================================================== Config cfg = new Config(cmdArgs.Parameter("cfg")); if (!cfg.Load()) { Console.WriteLine("[{0}] Was not possible to load the configuration file '{1}'", DateTime.Now, cmdArgs.Parameter("cfg")); return -1; } //====================================================================================== //Check to see if there are a specific name for the task block //====================================================================================== if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("task")) task_block = cmdArgs.Parameter("task"); else task_block = "task.config"; //====================================================================================== //Execute task //====================================================================================== ConfigNode task_cfg = cfg.Root.ChildNodes.Find(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == task_block; }); if (task_cfg != null) { TaskEngine te = new TaskEngine(); if (!te.LoadConfig(task_cfg)) { if ((last_exception = te.LastException) == null) last_exception = new Exception("Unknow error during process of task configuration."); } if (!te.CreateNewHDF()) { if ((last_exception = te.LastException) == null) last_exception = new Exception("Unknow error during process of task execution."); } te.End(); } else { last_exception = new Exception("No task.config block found in configuration."); } if (cmdArgs.HasOption("verbose")) { if (last_exception != null) Console.WriteLine("MohidHDF5Processor FAILED to complete the process."); else Console.WriteLine("MohidHDF5Processor SUCCESSFULLY completed the process."); } //====================================================================================== //Send STATUS e-mail if mail.config block exists //====================================================================================== ConfigNode mail_cfg = cfg.Root.ChildNodes.Find(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == "mail.config"; }); if (mail_cfg != null) { MailEngine mail_engine = new MailEngine(); if (!mail_engine.SendMail(mail_cfg, last_exception)) { Console.WriteLine("[{0}] Was not possible to send the status e-mail.", DateTime.Now); if ((last_exception = mail_engine.LastException) != null) Console.WriteLine("The message returned was: {0}", last_exception); return -1; } } else if (last_exception != null) { throw last_exception; } } catch(Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("[{0}] An unexpected exception happened. The message returned was: {1}", DateTime.Now, ex.Message); return -1; } return 0; // HDFEngine engine = new HDFEngine(); // Exception last_ex = null; // Console.WriteLine("Starting..."); // if (!engine.InitializeLibrary()) // { // Console.WriteLine("Library start failed."); // if ((last_ex = engine.LastException) != null) // Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", last_ex.Message); // } // if (!engine.OpenHDF(new FileName(@"E:\Development\Tests\HDF5\basin.evtp.hdf5"))) // { // Console.WriteLine("File Open failed."); // if ((last_ex = engine.LastException) != null) // Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", last_ex.Message); // } // Console.WriteLine("ROOT: '/'"); // List<HDFObjectInfo> list = engine.GetTree(null, engine.FileID, "/"); // PrintList(list, 0); // Console.WriteLine(""); // Console.WriteLine("ROOT: '/Grid/'"); // list.Clear(); // list = engine.GetTree(null, engine.FileID, "/Grid/"); // PrintList(list, 1); // if (!engine.CloseHDF()) // { // Console.WriteLine("File Close failed."); // if ((last_ex = engine.LastException) != null) // Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", last_ex.Message); // } // if (!engine.CloseLibrary()) // { // Console.WriteLine("Library close failed."); // if ((last_ex = engine.LastException) != null) // Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", last_ex.Message); // } // Console.WriteLine("End. Press any key."); // Console.ReadKey(); //} //public static void PrintList(List<HDFObjectInfo> list, int level) //{ // foreach (HDFObjectInfo oi in list) // { // Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", level, oi.Name); // if (oi.Children != null) // PrintList(oi.Children, level + 1); // } }
protected void LoadConfig(CmdArgs args) { try { data.cfg = new Config(); Config cfg = data.cfg; string configFile; if (args.HasParameter("simcfg")) configFile = args.Parameter("simcfg"); else configFile = "sim.cfg"; if (args.HasParameter("max.iter")) data.maxIterations = int.Parse(args.Parameter("max.iter")); else data.maxIterations = -1; cfg.ConfigFile.FullPath = configFile; if (!cfg.Load()) throw new Exception("Was not possible to load the configuration file '" + configFile + "'. " + cfg.ExceptionMessage); ConfigNode root = cfg.Root; data.sim.SimDirectory = root["sim.folder", "sim"].AsFilePath(); data.logFileName = root["log.file", data.sim.SimDirectory.Path + "sim.log"].AsFileName(); data.RestartFailedRun = root["", true].AsBool(); data.sim.Start = root["sim.start"].AsDateTime(data.dateFormat); data.sim.SimLenght = root["sim.lenght", 14].AsDouble(); data.simID = 1; data.sim.CheckRun = root["", true].AsBool(); data.sim.Verbose = root["verbose", true].AsBool(); data.sim.Wait = root["wait", true].AsBool(); data.sim.SuccessString = root["check.this", "successfully terminated"].AsString(); data.sim.SetupRunPeriod = root["", false].AsBool(); if (data.sim.SetupRunPeriod) { data.sim.EndTAG = root["sim.end.tag", "<<end>>"].AsString(); data.sim.StartTAG = root["sim.start.tag", "<<start>>"].AsString(); } data.sim.DataDirectory = root["data.folder", data.sim.SimDirectory.Path + "data"].AsFilePath(); data.sim.WorkingDirectory = root["working.folder", data.sim.SimDirectory.Path + "exe"].AsFilePath(); data.resFolder = root["results.folder", data.sim.SimDirectory.Path + "res"].AsFilePath(); data.storeFolder = root["store.folder", data.sim.SimDirectory.Path + "store"].AsFilePath(); data.oldFolder = root["old.folder", data.sim.SimDirectory.Path + "old"].AsFilePath(); data.sim.SaveOutput = root["save.output", true].AsBool(); if (data.sim.SaveOutput) { data.sim.OutputFile = new FileName(data.resFolder.Path + root["output.file", "result.txt"].AsString()); } data.sim.Executable = root["mohid.executable", "mohid.exe"].AsFileName(); data.sim.CreateInputFiles = root["use.templates", false].AsBool(); if (root.NodeData.ContainsKey("sim.end")) { data.useEndOfSimulation = true; data.endOfSimulation = root["sim.end"].AsDateTime(data.dateFormat); } else data.useEndOfSimulation = false; if (!data.useEndOfSimulation && data.maxIterations < 1 && !root["", false].AsBool()) throw new Exception("'sim.end' keyword and 'max.iter' parameter are missing and '' keyword is missing or set to False."); if (data.sim.SetupRunPeriod && !data.sim.CreateInputFiles) throw new Exception("If '' is set to True, 'use.templates' also must be set to True."); if (data.sim.CreateInputFiles) { InputFileTemplate newTemplate; List<ConfigNode> itfList = root.ChildNodes.FindAll(FindFirstTemplateInfoBlocks); foreach (ConfigNode ticn in itfList) { newTemplate = new InputFileTemplate(ticn["file"].AsFileName().FullPath, (InputFileTemplateType)Enum.Parse(typeof(InputFileTemplateType), ticn["type", "data"].AsString(), true)); data.templatesStart.Add(newTemplate); } data.sim.TemplateFilesList = data.templatesStart; data.changeTemplates = root["change.templates", true].AsBool(); if (data.changeTemplates) { itfList = root.ChildNodes.FindAll(FindNextTemplateInfoBlocks); foreach (ConfigNode ticn in itfList) { newTemplate = new InputFileTemplate(ticn["file"].AsFileName().FullPath, (InputFileTemplateType)Enum.Parse(typeof(InputFileTemplateType), ticn["type", "data"].AsString(), true)); data.templatesContinuation.Add(newTemplate); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("MohidRunEngine.LoadConfig", ex); } }
//protected bool FindTemplatesSpecialSetup(ConfigNode toMatch) //{ // if (toMatch.Name == "template.special.setup") // return true; // return false; //} protected bool LoadConfig(CmdArgs args) { Config cfg = new Config(); string configFile; if (args.HasParameter("cfg")) configFile = args.Parameter("cfg"); else configFile = "sim.cfg"; if (args.HasParameter("max.iter")) maxIterations = int.Parse(args.Parameter("max.iter")); else maxIterations = -1; cfg.ConfigFile.FullPath = configFile; if (!cfg.Load()) return false; ConfigNode root = cfg.Root; try { sim.SimDirectory = root["sim.folder", "sim"].AsFilePath(); if (!log.Load(root["log.file", sim.SimDirectory.Path + "sim.log"].AsFileName())) return false; RestartFailedRun = root["", true].AsBool(); if (log.Count > 0) { ConfigNode lastEntry = log[log.Count - 1]; if (!lastEntry["run.status"].AsBool()) { if (RestartFailedRun) { sim.Start = lastEntry["sim.start"].AsDateTime(dateFormat); sim.SimLenght = lastEntry["sim.lenght"].AsDouble(); simID = lastEntry[""].AsInt(); } else return false; } else { sim.Start = lastEntry["sim.end"].AsDateTime(dateFormat); sim.SimLenght = root["sim.lenght", 14].AsDouble(); simID = lastEntry[""].AsInt() + 1; } } else { sim.Start = root["sim.start"].AsDateTime(dateFormat); sim.SimLenght = root["sim.lenght", 14].AsDouble(); simID = 1; } sim.WorkingDirectory = root["working.folder", "."].AsFilePath(); sim.CheckRun = root["", true].AsBool(); sim.Verbose = root["verbose", true].AsBool(); sim.Wait = root["wait", true].AsBool(); sim.SuccessString = root["check.this", "successfully terminated"].AsString(); sim.DataDirectory = root["data.folder", sim.SimDirectory.Path + "data"].AsFilePath(); sim.SetupRunPeriod = root["", false].AsBool(); if (sim.SetupRunPeriod) { sim.EndTAG = root["sim.end.tag", "<<end>>"].AsString(); sim.StartTAG = root["sim.start.tag", "<<start>>"].AsString(); } sim.SetupRunPeriod = root["wait", false].AsBool(); sim.SaveOutput = true; sim.OutputFile = new FileName(sim.SimDirectory.Path + "res" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + root["output.file", "result.txt"].AsString()); sim.Executable = new FileName(sim.SimDirectory.Path + "exe" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + root["mohid.executable", "mohid.exe"].AsString()); sim.CreateInputFiles = root["use.templates", false].AsBool(); endOfSimulation = root["sim.end"].AsDateTime(dateFormat); resFolder = root["results.folder", sim.SimDirectory.Path + "res"].AsFilePath(); storeFolder = root["store.folder", sim.SimDirectory.Path + "store"].AsFilePath(); oldFolder = root["old.folder", sim.SimDirectory.Path + "old"].AsFilePath(); if (sim.SetupRunPeriod && !sim.CreateInputFiles) return false; if (sim.CreateInputFiles) { InputFileTemplate newTemplate; List<ConfigNode> itfList = root.ChildNodes.FindAll(FindFirstTemplateInfoBlocks); foreach (ConfigNode ticn in itfList) { newTemplate = new InputFileTemplate(ticn["file"].AsFileName().FullPath, (InputFileTemplateType)Enum.Parse(typeof(InputFileTemplateType), ticn["type", "data"].AsString(), true)); first.Add(newTemplate); } changeTemplates = root["change.templates", true].AsBool(); if (changeTemplates) { itfList = root.ChildNodes.FindAll(FindNextTemplateInfoBlocks); foreach (ConfigNode ticn in itfList) { newTemplate = new InputFileTemplate(ticn["file"].AsFileName().FullPath, (InputFileTemplateType)Enum.Parse(typeof(InputFileTemplateType), ticn["type", "data"].AsString(), true)); next.Add(newTemplate); } } //itfList = root.ChildNodes.FindAll(FindTemplatesSpecialSetup); //if (itfList.Count > 0) //{ // templatesSpecialSetup = true; //} //else // templatesSpecialSetup = false; } } catch { return false; } return true; }
static void Main(string[] args) { OPTamegaScript script = new OPTamegaScript(); CmdArgs cmdArgs = null; Exception e = null; bool sendMail = false; bool sendSMS = false; bool verbose = false; try { Setup.StandartSetup(); cmdArgs = new CmdArgs(args); if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("mailcfg")) sendMail = true; if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("smscfg")) sendSMS = true; if (cmdArgs.HasOption("verbose")) verbose = true; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception raised during initialization: {0}", ex.Message); return; } try { if (Run(cmdArgs, verbose)) throw new Exception("Run failed."); } catch (Exception ex) { e = ex; } if (sendMail) { try { Config cfg = new Config(cmdArgs.Parameter("mailcfg")); if (!cfg.Load()) { Console.WriteLine("[{0}] Was not possible to load the mail configuration file '{1}'", DateTime.Now, cmdArgs.Parameter("mailcfg")); } else { MailSender ms = new MailSender(); string sendTo, header, message; if (e != null) { header = "[ERROR] " + cfg.Root["header", "MohidRun Report"].AsString(); sendTo = "sendto.onerror"; message = cfg.Root["message", "Mohid Run Report"].AsString() + Environment.NewLine; message += "Exception raised: " + Environment.NewLine; message += e.Message; } else { header = "[SUCCESS] " + cfg.Root["header", "MohidRun Report"].AsString(); sendTo = "sendto.onsuccess"; message = cfg.Root["message", "Mohid Run Report"].AsString(); } ms.SetFrom(cfg.Root["from"].AsString(), cfg.Root["display", cfg.Root["from"].AsString()].AsString()); ms.User = cfg.Root["user", "*****@*****.**"].AsString(); ms.Password = cfg.Root["pass", "MohidOperationalISTMARETEC2011"].AsString(); ms.SetMessage(message, header); ms.Host = cfg.Root["host", ""].AsString(); ms.Port = cfg.Root["port", 587].AsInt(); ms.EnableSSL = cfg.Root["enable.ssl", true].AsBool(); foreach (ConfigNode n in cfg.Root.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return (node.Name == sendTo || node.Name == "sendto"); })) { if (!(n["bcc", ""].AsString() == "")) ms.AddBCC(n["bcc"].AsString(), n["display", n["bcc"].AsString()].AsString()); else if (!(n["cc", ""].AsString() == "")) ms.AddCC(n["cc"].AsString(), n["display", n["cc"].AsString()].AsString()); else ms.AddTo(n["to"].AsString(), n["display", n["to"].AsString()].AsString()); } ms.SendMail(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("[{0}] Was not possible to send the mail. An EXCEPTION happened. The message returned was:", DateTime.Now); Console.WriteLine("{0}", ex.Message); } } if (sendSMS) { } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string stepMessage = ""; List<ConfigNode> timeseries, parameters; List<string> cfg = new List<string>(); List<string> blocks = new List<string>(); DateTime start, end, actual; FilePath root; bool hasFolders; TextFile config, errors; string hdfTag; FileName hdf5EXE = new FileName(); FilePath workingFolder = new FilePath(); FilePath tsPath; Dictionary<string, TimeSeries> outTS = new Dictionary<string, TimeSeries>(); TimeSeries newTS = new TimeSeries(); List<string> failedPeriods = new List<string>(); int count_to_save; bool use_year_on_path; bool join_time_series; string startFormat, endFormat, folderFormat; errors = new TextFile("errors.log"); errors.OpenNewToWrite(); count_to_save = 0; try { stepMessage = "command line arguments loading."; CmdArgs cmdArgs = new CmdArgs(args); if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("cfg")) { stepMessage = "configuration file loading."; Config conf = new Config(cmdArgs.Parameters["cfg"]); conf.Load(); stepMessage = "configuration file parsing."; ConfigNode tsc = conf.Root.ChildNodes.Find(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == ""; }); if (tsc == null) throw new Exception("block '' is missing."); start = tsc[""].AsDateTime(); end = tsc[""].AsDateTime(); hdfTag = tsc["hdf.tag"].AsString(); hdf5EXE = tsc["exporter.exe"].AsFileName(); workingFolder = tsc["exporter.working"].AsFilePath(); tsPath = tsc["timeseries.output.path"].AsFilePath(); //root = tsc["root", ".\\"].AsFilePath(); hasFolders = tsc["has.folders", true].AsBool(); use_year_on_path = tsc["use.year.on.path", true].AsBool(); join_time_series = tsc["join.timeseries", true].AsBool(); folderFormat = tsc["folder.format", "{start}_{end}"].AsString(); startFormat = tsc["start.format", "yyyyMMddHH"].AsString(); endFormat = tsc["end.format", "yyyyMMddHH"].AsString(); blocks.Add("EXPORT_TYPE : " + tsc["export.type", 1].AsString()); blocks.Add("COMPUTE_RESIDUAL : " + tsc["compute.residual", 0].AsString()); blocks.Add("VARIABLE_GRID : " + tsc["variable.grid", 0].AsString()); blocks.Add("WATERPOINTS_NAME : " + tsc["", "WaterPoints2D"].AsString()); blocks.Add("GRID_FILENAME : " + tsc["", "grid.dat"].AsString()); blocks.Add(""); timeseries = tsc.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == "timeseries"; }); if (timeseries.Count < 1) throw new Exception("Block 'timeseries' is missing. There must be at least one."); //Creates the blocks of timeseries foreach (ConfigNode n in timeseries) { blocks.Add("<BeginTimeSerie>"); blocks.Add(" NAME : " + n["name"].AsString()); blocks.Add(" COORD_Y : " + n["y"].AsString()); blocks.Add(" COORD_X : " + n["x"].AsString()); blocks.Add("<EndTimeSerie>"); blocks.Add(""); outTS[n["name"].AsString()] = new TimeSeries(); if (System.IO.File.Exists(tsPath.Path + n["name"].AsString() + ".ets")) { outTS[n["name"].AsString()].Load(new FileName(tsPath.Path + n["name"].AsString() + ".ets")); } } parameters = tsc.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == "parameters"; }); if (parameters.Count < 1) throw new Exception("Block 'parameters' is missing. There must be at least one."); //Creates the blocks of parameters foreach (ConfigNode n in parameters) { blocks.Add("<BeginParameter>"); blocks.Add(" HDF_GROUP : " + n["group"].AsString()); blocks.Add(" PROPERTY : " + n["property"].AsString()); blocks.Add("<EndParameter>"); blocks.Add(""); } config = new TextFile(); config.File.FullPath = workingFolder.Path + "HDF5Exporter.dat"; bool quit = false; actual = start; FilePath yearFolder = new FilePath(); ExternalApp hdf5exporter = new ExternalApp(); hdf5exporter.CheckSuccessMethod = CheckSuccessMethod.DEFAULTOUTPUT; hdf5exporter.TextToCheck = "Program HDF5Exporter successfully terminated"; hdf5exporter.Wait = true; hdf5exporter.WorkingDirectory = workingFolder.Path; hdf5exporter.Executable = hdf5EXE.FullPath; FilePath wp = workingFolder; List<FileInfo> tsList = new List<FileInfo>(); bool failed, res; do { failed = false; if (use_year_on_path) yearFolder.Path = root.Path + actual.Year.ToString(); else yearFolder.Path = root.Path; if (FileTools.FolderExists(yearFolder)) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(yearFolder.Path + hdfTag + actual.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + actual.AddHours(5).ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + ".hdf5")) { config.OpenNewToWrite(); cfg.Clear(); cfg.Add(""); cfg.Add("START_TIME : " + actual.ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); cfg.Add("END_TIME : " + actual.AddHours(5).ToString("yyyy M d H m s")); cfg.Add(""); cfg.Add("<BeginHDF5File>"); cfg.Add(" NAME : " + yearFolder.Path + hdfTag + actual.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + actual.AddHours(5).ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + ".hdf5"); cfg.Add("<EndHDF5File>"); cfg.Add(""); config.WriteLines(cfg); config.WriteLines(blocks); config.Close(); //executes HDF5Exporter try { Console.Write("Running HDF5Exporter to file " + hdfTag + actual.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + actual.AddHours(5).ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + ".hdf5 ..."); res = hdf5exporter.Run(); if (!res) { errors.WriteLine("Unsuccessfull HDF5Exporter run on file '" + hdfTag + actual.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + actual.AddHours(5).ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + ".hdf5'"); failed = true; Console.WriteLine("[Failed]"); } else { Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); } } catch(Exception e_run) { errors.WriteLine("HDF5Exporter Run Exception on file '" + hdfTag + actual.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + actual.AddHours(5).ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + ".hdf5'"); errors.WriteLine("Exception returned this message: " + e_run.Message); failed = true; Console.WriteLine("[Exception]"); } if (!failed) { FileTools.FindFiles(ref tsList, wp, "*.ets", true, "", System.IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach (FileInfo file in tsList) { if (outTS[file.FileName.Name].NumberOfInstants > 0) { try { newTS.Load(file.FileName); //outTS.Load(new FileName(tsPath.Path + file.FileName.FullName)); outTS[file.FileName.Name].AddTimeSeries(newTS); } catch { errors.WriteLine("Was not possible to read timeseries '" + file.FileName + "' from HDF file '" + hdfTag + actual.ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + "_" + actual.AddHours(5).ToString("yyyyMMddHH") + ".hdf5'"); } //outTS.Save(new FileName(tsPath.Path + file.FileName.FullName)); System.IO.File.Delete(file.FileName.FullPath); } else { //FileTools.CopyFile(file.FileName, new FileName(tsPath.Path + file.FileName.FullName), CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT); //outTS[file.FileName.Name].Load(new FileName(tsPath.Path + file.FileName.FullName)); outTS[file.FileName.Name].Load(file.FileName); System.IO.File.Delete(file.FileName.FullPath); } } count_to_save++; if (count_to_save >= 60) { count_to_save = 0; foreach (FileInfo file in tsList) { Console.Write("Saving Timeseries '" + file.FileName.Name + "' ..."); try { outTS[file.FileName.Name].Save(new FileName(tsPath.Path + file.FileName.Name + ".ets")); Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); FileTools.CopyFile(new FileName(tsPath.Path + file.FileName.Name + ".ets"), new FileName((new FilePath(tsPath.Path + "bkp")).Path + file.FileName.Name + ".ets"), CopyOptions.OVERWRIGHT); } catch(Exception e_run) { Console.WriteLine("[FAILED]"); errors.WriteLine("Was not possible to save timeseries '" + file.FileName.Name + ".ets'"); errors.WriteLine("Exception returned this message: " + e_run.Message); } } } } } } actual = actual.AddHours(6); if (actual >= end) quit = true; } while (!quit); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, TimeSeries> pair in outTS) { pair.Value.Save(new FileName(tsPath.Path + pair.Key + ".ets")); } //TimeUnits timeUnits = (TimeUnits)Enum.Parse(typeof(TimeUnits), conf.Root["time.units", "seconds"].AsString(), true); // List<FileName> list = new List<FileName>(); // foreach (KeyValuePair<string, KeywordData> item in nodeList.NodeData) // list.Add(item.Value.AsFileName()); // if (list.Count <= 1) // throw new Exception("Block '' must contain at least 2 entries"); // stepMessage = "loading timeseries."; // List<TimeSeries> timeSeries = new List<TimeSeries>(); // foreach (FileName ts in list) // { // TimeSeries newTS = new TimeSeries(); // newTS.Load(ts); // timeSeries.Add(newTS); // } // start = timeSeries[0].StartInstant; // for (int i = 1; i < timeSeries.Count; i++) // { // if (timeSeries[i].StartInstant < start) // start = timeSeries[i].StartInstant; // } // stepMessage = "creating output timeseries."; // TimeSeries outTS = new TimeSeries(); // outTS.StartInstant = start; // outTS.TimeUnits = timeUnits; // foreach (Column col in timeSeries[0].Columns) // { // Column newCol = new Column(col.ColumnType); // newCol.Header = col.Header; // outTS.AddColumn(newCol); // } // foreach (TimeSeries toJoin in timeSeries) // outTS.AddTimeSeries(toJoin); // stepMessage = "saving output timeseries."; // outTS.Save(outputFileName); // Console.WriteLine("Process complete with success."); //} //else //{ // Console.WriteLine("Parameter --cfg is missing."); // Console.WriteLine("Execution aborted."); // return; //} } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("An exception was raised while {0}", stepMessage); Console.WriteLine("Exception message: {0}", ex.Message); } errors.Close(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool verbose = false; try { CmdArgs cmdArgs = new CmdArgs(args); if (cmdArgs.HasOption("v")) verbose = true; else verbose = false; if (cmdArgs.HasParameter("cfg")) { if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("Reading configuration file..."); } Config conf = new Config(cmdArgs.Parameters["cfg"]); conf.Load(); if (verbose) Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); if (verbose) Console.Write("Looking for '' blocks..."); List<ConfigNode> bkList = conf.Root.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == ""; }); if (bkList == null || bkList.Count <= 0) throw new Exception("No '' block found in configuration file."); if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); Console.WriteLine("{0} '' block(s) found.", bkList.Count); } int bkCount = 1; foreach (ConfigNode bk in bkList) { if (verbose) Console.Write("Processing '' block #{0}...", bkCount); FileName input = bk["input.file"].AsFileName(); FileName output = bk["output.file"].AsFileName(); bool eraseNoData = bk["", true].AsBool(); double noData = -99.0; if (eraseNoData) noData = bk["", -99.0].AsDouble(); bool applyScaleFator = bk["apply.scale.fator", true].AsBool(); double scaleFactor = 1.0; if (applyScaleFator) scaleFactor = bk["scale.factor", 1.0].AsDouble(); Dictionary<string, string> lookupTable = new Dictionary<string, string>(); List<ConfigNode> lookupTables = bk.ChildNodes.FindAll(delegate(ConfigNode node) { return node.Name == "lookup.table"; }); foreach (ConfigNode lt in lookupTables) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, KeywordData> kp in lt.NodeData) lookupTable[kp.Key] = kp.Value.AsString(); } //Start processing XYZ TextFile file_i = new TextFile(input); file_i.OpenToRead(); TextFile file_o = new TextFile(output); file_o.OpenNewToWrite(); string line_i = null; string line_o = null; string [] tokens; string [] sep = {" "}; double res; while ((line_i = file_i.ReadLine()) != null) { tokens = line_i.Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (tokens.Length == 3) { foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kp in lookupTable) if (double.Parse(tokens[2]) == double.Parse(kp.Key)) { tokens[2] = kp.Value; break; } res = double.Parse(tokens[2]); if (eraseNoData && res == noData) continue; if (applyScaleFator) res *= scaleFactor; line_o = string.Format("{0} {1} {2} ", tokens[0], tokens[1], res); } else line_o = line_i; file_o.WriteLine(line_o); } file_i.Close(); file_o.Close(); bkCount++; if (verbose) Console.WriteLine("[OK]"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine("[FAIL]"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("An EXCEPTION was raised. The message returned was:"); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } if (verbose) { Console.WriteLine("Process finished."); Console.WriteLine(""); } }