Example #1
        public void DBObjectInstantiation()

            // Putting persons in the UsageTypes doesn't really make sense, but for testing purposes
            // it doesn't matter what we store there as long as it is derived from CmPossibility
            CmPerson      person = new CmPerson();
            CmPossibility pos    = new CmPossibility();


            int khvoAPossibiltyObject = pos.Hvo;
            int khvoAPersonObject     = person.Hvo;

            Assert.AreEqual("CmPerson", CmPossibility.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, khvoAPersonObject).GetType().Name);
            Assert.AreEqual("CmPossibility", CmPossibility.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, khvoAPossibiltyObject).GetType().Name);

            // Now try it not assuming anything about the class type (use the method on CmObject)
            // CmObject uses a different, less efficient method.
            Assert.AreEqual("CmPerson", CmObject.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, khvoAPersonObject).GetType().Name);

            // trying to turn a possibility into a person should throw an exception
            CmPerson.CreateFromDBObject(Cache, khvoAPossibiltyObject);
Example #2
        public void ModifyVectors(LangProject lp)
            //add a new item to an owned sequence attribute
            CmAnthroItem a = (CmAnthroItem)lp.AnthroListOA.PossibilitiesOS.Append(new CmAnthroItem());

            //add a new item to an owned collection attribute
            CmOverlay overlay = (CmOverlay)lp.OverlaysOC.Add(new CmOverlay());

            //add a new item to a reference collection attribute
            CmPossibility position = (CmPossibility)lp.PositionsOA.PossibilitiesOS [0];
            CmPerson      person   = (CmPerson)lp.PeopleOA.PossibilitiesOS[0];


            //move the last item in a sequence to the beginning
            FdoOwnSeqVector positions = lp.PositionsOA.PossibilitiesOS;

            position = (CmPossibility)positions[positions.Count - 1];
            positions.InsertAt(position, 0);

            //do the same, without instantiating the object we're moving
            int hvo = positions.hvoArray[positions.Count - 1];

            positions.InsertAt(hvo, 0);
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a new ICmPossibility instance with the given guid and owner.
		/// It will be added to the end of the Possibilities list.
		/// </summary>
		ICmPerson ICmPersonFactory.Create(Guid guid, ICmPossibilityList owner)
			if (owner == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("owner");

			int hvo = ((IDataReader)m_cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IDataSetup>()).GetNextRealHvo();
			int flid = m_cache.MetaDataCache.GetFieldId("CmPossibilityList", "Possibilities", false);

			var retval = new CmPerson(m_cache, hvo, guid);
			return retval;