public ClusterStat(ClusterOutput output, string winName) { this.output = output; this.alignFile = output.alignFile;// output[0].loadableProfile; InitializeComponent(); Settings set = new Settings(); set.Load(); if (set.mode == INPUTMODE.RNA) { distanceControl1.HideAtoms = true; } dataGridView2.Columns[1].ValueType = typeof(Double); this.Text = winName; if (output == null) { return; } if (output != null && output.hNode != null) { button2.Visible = true; } else { button3.Enabled = true; if (output.clusters != null) { selected = output.clusters; } else if (output.juryLike != null) { selected = new List <List <string> >(); List <string> n = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in output.juryLike) { n.Add(item.Key); } selected.Add(n); } } string fileName = output.dirName + ".pdb"; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { textBox1.Text = fileName; } if (Directory.Exists(output.dirName)) { dirName = output.dirName; textBox2.Text = dirName; } fileName = output.dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + Path.GetFileName(output.dirName); if (File.Exists(fileName)) { textBox3.Text = fileName; } }
private void dataGridView1_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.ColumnIndex == 3 && e.RowIndex >= 0) { string str = dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString(); ClusterOutput output = dicOuput[str]; if (output.hNode != null) { visHierar select = new visHierar(output.hNode, "Select clusters", output.measure, null); select.ShowCloseButton(); DialogResult res = select.ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.OK) { ((List <List <string> >)(dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[5].Value)).Clear(); foreach (var item in select.listNodes) { ((List <List <string> >)(dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[5].Value)).Add(item.Key.setStruct); } dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[3].Value = select.listNodes.Count; dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[4].ReadOnly = false; } } } if (e.ColumnIndex == 4 && e.RowIndex >= 0) { if (!dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[4].ReadOnly || !dataGridView1.Columns["Column5"].Visible) { dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[4].Value = !(bool)dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[4].Value; } } }
private void toolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClusterOutput output = new ClusterOutput(); output.hNode = drawH.hnode; ClusterVis wrCluster = new ClusterVis(output); saveFileDialog1.DefaultExt = "png"; saveFileDialog1.Filter = "Png files|*.png"; DialogResult res = saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.OK && saveFileDialog1.FileName.Length > 0) { Resolution resForm = new Resolution(buffer.Width, buffer.Height, Color.Black); res = resForm.ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.OK) { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(resForm.WidthR, resForm.HeightR); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); g.Clear(Color.White); drawH.PrepareGraphNodes(bmp); drawH.DrawOnBuffer(bmp, resForm.ShowLegend, resForm.LineThickness, resForm.LinesColor); SavePicture(saveFileDialog1.FileName, bmp); drawH.PrepareGraphNodes(buffer); } // this.SavePicture(saveFileDialog1.FileName); } }
public ListVisual(ClusterOutput output, string item, Dictionary <string, string> labels) { InitializeComponent(); this.output = output; this.clusters = output.clusters; for (int i = 1; i <= clusters.Count; i++) { if (clusters[i - 1].Count > 1) { listBox1.Items.Add(String.Format("{0,12} {1,7} {2,8}", "Cluster_" + i, clusters[i - 1].Count, output.clusterConsisten[i - 1].ToString("0.00"))); } else { listBox1.Items.Add(String.Format("{0,12} {1,7} ", "Cluster_" + i, clusters[i - 1].Count)); } } this.Text = item; this.labels = labels; richTextBox1.SelectAll(); if (listBox1.Items.Count > 0) { listBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; } //richTextBox1.SelectionColor = Color.Black; }
private void saveToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult res; // saveFileDialog1 = new OpenFileDialog(); saveFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "results"; saveFileDialog1.FileName = "result_" + (string)dataGridView1.Rows[dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Index].Cells[0].Value + ".out"; res = saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.OK) { ClusterOutput sel = GetSelectedOutput(); if (sel != null) { if (sel.hNode != null) { // MessageBox.Show("For hierarchical clustering only 10 top clusters are saved"); } sel.SaveTxt(saveFileDialog1.FileName); } else { MessageBox.Show("Something went wrong. Cannot save results!"); } } }
public static List<string> GetVisOptions(ClusterOutput output) { if (output.hNode != null) return hNodeOptions; if (output.clusters != null) return clusterOptions; return null; }
public static List <string> GetVisOptions(ClusterOutput output) { if (output.hNode != null) { return(hNodeOptions); } if (output.clusters != null) { return(clusterOptions); } return(null); }
public visHierar(ClusterOutput outp, string name, string measureName, Dictionary <string, string> labels) { InitializeComponent(); root = outp.hNode; profilesColorMap = outp.profilesColor; buffer = new Bitmap(pictureBox1.Width, pictureBox1.Height); drawH = new DrawHierarchical(root, measureName, labels, buffer, true); drawH.horizontalView = true; winName = name; this.Text = name; vecColor = labels; InitVisHier(); }
public ClusterOutput Run3DJury() { ClusterOutput output = new ClusterOutput(); List<KeyValuePair<string, double>> li = new List<KeyValuePair<string, double>>(); long[] distTab = new long[dMeasure.structNames.Count]; progressRead = 1; dMeasure.CalcDistMatrix(new List <string>(dMeasure.structNames.Keys)); maxV = dMeasure.structNames.Count + 1 ; for(int i=0;i<dMeasure.structNames.Count;i++) { long sum=0; for(int j=0;j<dMeasure.structNames.Count;j++) { sum += dMeasure.GetDistance(i, j); } distTab[i] = sum; currentV++; } KeyValuePair<string, double> v; List<string> structKeys = new List<string>(dMeasure.structNames.Keys); for(int m=0;m<structKeys.Count;m++) { v = new KeyValuePair<string, double>(structKeys[m], (double)(distTab[m] / (100.0 * dMeasure.structNames.Count))); li.Add(v); } if (dMeasure.order == false) { li.Sort((firstPair, nextPair) => { return nextPair.Value.CompareTo(firstPair.Value); }); } else li.Sort((firstPair, nextPair) => { return firstPair.Value.CompareTo(nextPair.Value); }); output.juryLike=li; currentV = maxV; return output; }
public ClusterStat(ClusterOutput output,string winName) { this.output = output; this.alignFile = output.alignFile;// output[0].loadableProfile; InitializeComponent(); Settings set = new Settings(); set.Load(); if (set.mode == INPUTMODE.RNA) distanceControl1.HideAtoms = true; dataGridView2.Columns[1].ValueType=typeof(Double); this.Text = winName; if (output == null) return; if (output!=null && output.hNode != null) button2.Visible = true; else { button3.Enabled = true; if(output.clusters!=null) selected = output.clusters; else if (output.juryLike != null) { selected = new List<List<string>>(); List<string> n = new List<string>(); foreach (var item in output.juryLike) n.Add(item.Key); selected.Add(n); } } string fileName = output.dirName + ".pdb"; if (File.Exists(fileName)) textBox1.Text = fileName; if (Directory.Exists(output.dirName)) { dirName = output.dirName; textBox2.Text = dirName; } fileName=output.dirName+Path.DirectorySeparatorChar+Path.GetFileName(output.dirName); if (File.Exists(fileName)) textBox3.Text = fileName; }
public ClusterClassification(ClusterOutput clOut) { InitializeComponent(); this.clOut = clOut; if (clOut.hNode != null) { button2.Visible = true; button3.Enabled = false; } else if (clOut.clusters != null) selected = clOut.clusters; else { MessageBox.Show("This tool is not design for this type of clustering!"); this.Close(); } }
public ClusterClassification(ClusterOutput clOut) { InitializeComponent(); this.clOut = clOut; if (clOut.hNode != null) { button2.Visible = true; button3.Enabled = false; } else if (clOut.clusters != null) { selected = clOut.clusters; } else { MessageBox.Show("This tool is not design for this type of clustering!"); this.Close(); } }
public ClusterOutput HierarchicalKMeans() { HClusterNode node; maxDist = 0; currentV = 0; List<string> availStruct = new List<string>(dMeasure.structNames.Keys); hmaxV =availStruct.Count; node=MakeNodes(availStruct,0); hcurrentV = hmaxV; node.levelDist = maxDist; node.realDist = dMeasure.GetRealValue(maxDist); AddDistance(node); ClusterOutput outClust = new ClusterOutput(); outClust.hNode = node; clusterName = "H-Kmeans"; return outClust; }
private void toolStripButton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClusterOutput output = new ClusterOutput(); output.hNode = hnode; ClusterVis wrCluster = new ClusterVis(output); DialogResult res = saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.OK && saveFileDialog1.FileName.Length > 0) { Resolution resForm = new Resolution(buffer.Width, buffer.Height, Color.Black); res = resForm.ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.OK) { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(resForm.WidthR, resForm.HeightR); DrawOnBuffer(bmp, false); //DrawOnBuffer(bmp, resForm.ShowLegend, resForm.LineThickness, resForm.LinesColor); SavePicture(saveFileDialog1.FileName, bmp); //PrepareGraphNodes(buffer); } //this.SavePicture(saveFileDialog1.FileName, buffer); } }
public ClusterFileVis(ClusterOutput output):base(output) { }
public void ColorAndLabels(string fileName) { vecColor = ClusterOutput.ReadLabelsFile(fileName); SetColors(); }
public ClusterVis(ClusterOutput output) { this.output = output; }
public ClusterOutput RunHashCluster(List<string> structNames) { ClusterOutput outC; ClusterOutput finalOut = new ClusterOutput(); List<string> sData = new List<string>(structNames); finalOut.clusters = new List<List<string>>(); // MakeBackgroundCluster(); //outC = AutomaticCluster(structNames, false); outC = Cluster(sData); return outC; }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] aux; if (checkBox1.Checked) { if (jury1DSetup1.profileName == null || jury1DSetup1.profileName.Length == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Profile name for 1djury must be specified!"); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.None; return; } jury1D jury = new jury1D(); jury.PrepareJury(structures, "", jury1DSetup1.profileName); List <string> prep = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in structures) { aux = item.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); prep.Add(aux[aux.Length - 1]); } ClusterOutput oc = jury.JuryOptWeights(prep); for (int i = 0; i < selectBest1.bestNumber; i++) { bestJuryStructures.Add(oc.juryLike[i].Key); } } this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; if (selectBest1.getFileName != null && File.Exists(selectBest1.getFileName)) { DistanceMeasures measure = selectBest1.measure; structures.Add(selectBest1.getFileName); DistanceMeasure dist = null; switch (measure) { case DistanceMeasures.HAMMING: dist = new JuryDistance(structures, "", false, selectBest1.hammingProfile); break; case DistanceMeasures.MAXSUB: dist = new MaxSub(structures, "", false); break; case DistanceMeasures.RMSD: dist = new Rmsd(structures, "", false, selectBest1.CAtoms); break; } List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > distList = new List <KeyValuePair <string, int> >(); aux = selectBest1.getFileName.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); dist.InitMeasure(); string native = aux[aux.Length - 1]; foreach (var item in structures) { aux = item.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); int val = dist.GetDistance(native, aux[aux.Length - 1]); distList.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, int>(aux[aux.Length - 1], val)); } distList.Sort((firstPair, nextPair) => { return(firstPair.Value.CompareTo(nextPair.Value)); }); for (int i = 0; i < selectBest1.bestNumber; i++) { bestStructures.Add(distList[i].Key); } } }
public void SClusters(string item, string measureName, string option) { Dictionary <string, string> dic = ClusterOutput.ReadLabelsFile(output.GetLabelFile()); if (output.clusters != null) { switch (option) { case "Order Visual": if (active == null || !(active is VisOrder)) { VisOrder visOrder; visOrder = new VisOrder(output.clusters, item, null); visOrder.closeForm = Closing; active = visOrder; visOrder.Show(); } return; case "Text List": default: if (active == null || !(active is ListVisual)) { ListVisual visBaker; visBaker = new ListVisual(output.clusters, item, dic); visBaker.closeForm = Closing; active = visBaker; visBaker.Show(); } return; } } if (output.hNode != null) { // win = new visHierar(output.hNode,item,measureName); if (option == null) { return; } switch (option) { case "Dendrogram": default: if (active == null || !(active is visHierar)) { visHierar winH; winH = new visHierar(output.hNode, item, measureName, dic); winH.closeForm = Closing; active = winH; winH.Show(); } return; case "Sunburst chart": if (active == null || !(active is VisHierarCircle)) { VisHierarCircle winC; winC = new VisHierarCircle(output.hNode, item, measureName); winC.closeForm = Closing; active = winC; winC.Show(); } return; } } if (output.juryLike != null || output.hNNRes != null) { if (active == null || !(active is FormText)) { FormText showRes; if (output.juryLike != null) { showRes = new FormText(output.juryLike, item); } else { showRes = new FormText(output.hNNRes, item); } showRes.closeForm = Closing; active = showRes; showRes.Show(); } return; } if (output.nodes != null) { HeatMap heatRes = new HeatMap(output.nodes[1], output.nodes[0], null, output.measure,; active = heatRes; heatRes.Show(); } }
private StatClust Calc(ClusterOutput outp, bool flag) { List <string> five = new List <string>(); List <string> listFiles = new List <string>(); //if (outp == null || outp.clusters == null) // return null; if (outp == null || outp.dirName == null) { return(null); } string [] aux = outp.dirName.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); string native = aux[aux.Length - 1] + ".pdb"; string dirM = ""; for (int i = 0; i < aux.Length - 1; i++) { dirM += aux[i] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; } native = dirM + native; if (!File.Exists(native)) { return(null); } five.Add(native); jury1D jury; if (outp.clusters != null) { outp.clusters.Sort((a, b) => b.Count.CompareTo(a.Count)); int end = outp.clusters.Count; if (outp.clusters.Count > 5) { end = 5; } for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { listFiles.Clear(); foreach (var item in outp.clusters[i]) { listFiles.Add(outp.dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + item); } // // //Sift sift = new Sift(listFiles); //ClusterOutput oo = sift.Shape(); if (flag) { DistanceMeasure distRmsd = new Rmsd(listFiles, "", false, uQlustCore.PDB.PDBMODE.ONLY_CA); distRmsd.InitMeasure(); string strName = distRmsd.GetReferenceStructure(outp.clusters[i]); five.Add(outp.dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + strName); } else { jury = new jury1D(); //jury.PrepareJury(listFiles, "", "Z:\\dcd\\SS3_SA9_jury_internal.profiles"); ClusterOutput oo = jury.JuryOptWeights(outp.clusters[i]); if (oo == null) { continue; } five.Add(outp.dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + oo.juryLike[0].Key); } //five.Add(outp.dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + outp.clusters[i][0]); } } if (outp.hNode != null) { int end; List <List <string> > cli = outp.hNode.GetClusters(10); cli.Sort((a, b) => b.Count.CompareTo(a.Count)); outp.clusters = new List <List <string> >(); end = cli.Count; if (cli.Count > 5) { end = 5; } for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { // listFiles.Clear(); //foreach (var item in cli[i]) //{ //listFiles.Add( //} listFiles.Clear(); foreach (var item in cli[i]) { listFiles.Add(outp.dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + item); } jury = new jury1D(); jury.PrepareJury(listFiles, "", "C:\\data\\dcd\\SS8_SA3_jury_internal.profiles"); outp.clusters.Add(cli[0]); //jury ClusterOutput oo = jury.JuryOptWeights(cli[i]); if (oo == null) { continue; } five.Add(outp.dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + cli[i][0]); //five.Add(outp.dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + strName); } } if (outp.juryLike != null) { int end = outp.juryLike.Count; if (outp.juryLike.Count > 5) { end = 5; } for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { five.Add(outp.dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + outp.juryLike[i].Key); } } // DistanceMeasure dist; // dist = new Rmsd(five, "", false, PDB.PDBMODE.ONLY_CA); // dist = new MaxSub(five, "", false); Dictionary <string, double> cc = ReadScore(aux[aux.Length - 1]); if (cc == null) { return(null); } StatClust stCLust = new StatClust(); string[] tt1 = native.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); stCLust.native = tt1[tt1.Length - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < five.Count; i++) { string[] tt2 = five[i].Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); // double rmsd = dist.GetDistance(tt1[tt1.Length-1], tt2[tt2.Length-1]) /100.0; double rmsd = 0; if (cc.ContainsKey(tt2[tt2.Length - 1])) { rmsd = cc[tt2[tt2.Length - 1]]; } if (rmsd > stCLust.rmsd) { if (outp.juryLike != null) { stCLust.size = outp.juryLike.Count; } else { stCLust.size = outp.clusters[i - 1].Count; } stCLust.rmsd = rmsd; string[] dd = five[i].Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); stCLust.reference = dd[dd.Length - 1]; } } if (stCLust.rmsd < 1000) { avrSum += stCLust.rmsd; avrCount++; } if (outp.hNode != null) { outp.clusters.Clear(); outp.clusters = null; } return(stCLust); }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool errors = false; bool times = false; bool binary = false; bool progress = false; bool automaticProfiles = false; string configFileName = ""; Options opt = new Options(); ClusterVis clusterOut = new ClusterVis(); try { InternalProfilesManager.InitProfiles(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Some of the profiles are not available: ", ex.Message); } //Console.WriteLine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)); /*foreach(var item in InternalProfilesManager.internalList) * { * Console.WriteLine("profile=" + item); * }*/ if (args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Following argument is required:"); Console.WriteLine("-f configuration_file"); Console.WriteLine("Following options may be specified"); Console.WriteLine("-e \n\t show all errors"); Console.WriteLine("-m \n\t set the input mode\n\tRNA or PROTEIN [default PROTEIN]"); Console.WriteLine("-n \n\t number of cores to be used"); Console.WriteLine("-t \n\tshow time information"); Console.WriteLine("-a \n\tgenerate automatic profiles (can be used only when aligned profile is set in configuration file)"); Console.WriteLine("-b \n\tSave results to binary file (readable by GUI version)"); Console.WriteLine("-p \n\tShow progres bar"); return; } Settings set = new Settings(); set.Load(); if (set.profilesDir == null || set.profilesDir.Length == 0) { set.profilesDir = "generatedProfiles"; // set.Save(); } set.mode = INPUTMODE.PROTEIN; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { switch (args[i]) { case "-f": if (i + 1 >= args.Length) { Console.WriteLine("After -f option you have to provide configuration file"); return; } if (!File.Exists(args[i + 1])) { Console.WriteLine("File " + args[i + 1] + " does not exist"); return; } configFileName = args[i + 1]; i++; break; case "-b": binary = true; break; case "-n": if (args.Length > i) { int num; try { num = Convert.ToInt32(args[++i]); set.numberOfCores = num; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Wrong definition of number of cores: " + ex.Message); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine("Number of cores has been not provided"); } break; case "-m": if (args.Length > i) { set.Load(); i++; if (args[i] == "PROTEIN") { set.mode = INPUTMODE.PROTEIN; } else if (args[i] == "RNA") { set.mode = INPUTMODE.RNA; } else if (args[i] == "USER") { set.mode = INPUTMODE.USER_DEFINED; } else { Console.WriteLine("Incorrect mode:" + args[i]); return; } } else { Console.WriteLine("No mode specified"); } break; case "-e": errors = true; break; case "-t": times = true; break; case "-a": automaticProfiles = true; break; case "-p": progress = true; break; default: if (args[i].Contains("-")) { Console.WriteLine("Unknown option " + args[i]); } break; } } set.Save(); if (configFileName.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Configurarion file has been not provided!"); return; } string[] aux = null; try { Console.WriteLine("Configuration file " + configFileName); opt.ReadOptionFile(configFileName); if (automaticProfiles) { opt.GenerateAutomaticProfiles(null); } aux = args[0].Split('.'); manager.opt = opt; manager.message = ErrorMessage; if (progress) { TimeIntervalTerminal.InitTimer(UpdateProgress); TimeIntervalTerminal.Start(); } manager.RunJob(""); manager.WaitAllNotFinished(); UpdateProgress(null, null); if (progress) { TimeIntervalTerminal.Stop(); } Console.Write("\r "); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Exception : " + ex.Message); } if (manager.clOutput.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in manager.clOutput.Keys) { clusterOut.output = manager.clOutput[item]; string clustName = manager.clOutput[item].clusterType; if (clustName.Contains(":")) { clustName = clustName.Replace(':', '-'); } clusterOut.output.SaveTxt(clustName + "_" + opt.outputFile); //clusterOut.SCluster(clustName+"_"+opt.outputFile); if (binary) { string fileName = opt.outputFile + "_" + item + ".cres"; StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(fileName); file.Close(); ClusterOutput.Save(opt.outputFile + "_" + item + ".cres0", clusterOut.output); } } } if (times) { foreach (var item in manager.clOutput) { Console.WriteLine(item.Value.dirName + " " + item.Value.measure + " " + item.Value.time); } } if (errors) { foreach (var item in ErrorBase.GetErrors()) { Console.WriteLine(item); } } Console.WriteLine(); }
public ClusterOutput Cluster(List<string> _structNames,bool dendrog=false) { structNames = new List<string>(_structNames.Count); ClusterOutput output = new ClusterOutput(); PrepareClustering(_structNames); currentV++; //output = PrepareClustersJuryLike(dicC, structNames); output.clusters = PrepareClusters(dicC, structNames); currentV = maxV; return output; }
public ClusterOutput DendrogHashEntropy(Dictionary<string, List<int>> dic, List<string> structures) { int[] indexes = new int[columns.Length]; HClusterNode root = new HClusterNode(); Queue<KeyValuePair<HClusterNode, int>> queue = new Queue<KeyValuePair<HClusterNode, int>>(); for (int j = 0; j < indexes.Length; j++) indexes[j] = j; double[] entropy = CalcEntropy(columns); Array.Sort(entropy, indexes); Dictionary<string, string> dicStructKey = new Dictionary<string,string>(); foreach(var item in dic.Keys) foreach(var str in dic[item]) dicStructKey.Add(structures[str],item); root.setStruct = new List<string>(structures); root.parent = null; root.levelDist = indexes.Length; root.realDist = root.levelDist; queue.Enqueue(new KeyValuePair<HClusterNode,int>(root,1)); while(queue.Count!=0) { KeyValuePair<HClusterNode, int> aux = queue.Dequeue(); AddChildrens(aux.Key,dicStructKey,indexes,aux.Value); if (aux.Value + 1 < indexes.Length) { if (aux.Key.joined != null) { foreach (var item in aux.Key.joined) queue.Enqueue(new KeyValuePair<HClusterNode, int>(item, aux.Value + 1)); } else queue.Enqueue(new KeyValuePair<HClusterNode, int>(aux.Key, aux.Value + 1)); } } ClusterOutput cOut = new ClusterOutput(); cOut.hNode = root; return cOut; }
public ClusterGraphVis(ClusterOutput output, string name, Dictionary<string, ClusterOutput> lOut = null) : base(output) { this.lOut = lOut; this.Name = name; randomV = r.Next(); }
public ClusterGraphVis(ClusterOutput output, string name, Dictionary <string, ClusterOutput> lOut = null) : base(output) { this.lOut = lOut; this.Name = name; randomV = r.Next(); }
public ClusterOutput AutomaticCluster(List<string> _structNames,bool dendrog=false) { HashCInput remInput = input; int remRelClusters=0; int remPerData = 0; ClusterOutput output = new ClusterOutput(); ClusterOutput[] backOutput = new ClusterOutput[10]; Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, double>> res = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<int, double>>(); double finalRes = Double.MinValue; PrepareClustering(_structNames); dicC = SelectColumnsByEntropy(dicC, dicC.Keys.Count - dicC.Keys.Count/5, 0.95); List<string> keys =new List<string>(dicC.Keys); Dictionary<string,string> backDic=new Dictionary<string,string>(); foreach (var item in _structNames) allItems.Add(dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + item); for (int i = 0; i < backOutput.Length; i++) backOutput[i] = new ClusterOutput(); jury = new jury1D(); jury.PrepareJury(allItems, null, input.profileName); Dictionary<string, List<int>> remDic = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>(dicC); for(int i=2;i<10;i++)//relevant clusters { if (output.clusters != null) { output.clusters.Clear(); foreach(var item in backOutput) item.clusters.Clear(); } input.relClusters = i; Dictionary<int, double> aux = new Dictionary<int, double>(); for (int j = 30; j < 90; j += 5) //percentage { dicC = remDic; input.perData = j; output.clusters = PrepareClusters(dicC, structNames); double backDisp = 0; List<double> backList = new List<double>(); foreach (var item in backOutput) { List<string> kk = new List<string>(remDic.Keys); KeyValuePair<Dictionary<string, List<int>>, List<string>> backGround = default(KeyValuePair<Dictionary<string, List<int>>, List<string>>); backGround = MakeBackgroundData(kk); backDic.Clear(); foreach (var bitem in backGround.Key) backDic.Add(backGround.Value[bitem.Value[0]], bitem.Key); dicC = backGround.Key; item.clusters = PrepareClusters(backGround.Key, backGround.Value); backList.Add(Math.Log(CalcDisp(item.clusters, backDic))); backDisp += backList[backList.Count-1]; } backDisp /= backOutput.Length; double disp = 0; disp = Math.Log(CalcDisp(output.clusters, structToKey)); double sdk = 0; foreach(var item in backList) { sdk += (item - backDisp) * (item - backDisp); } sdk = Math.Sqrt(1.0 / backList.Count * sdk)*Math.Sqrt(1.0/backList.Count+1); double gap = backDisp - disp; aux.Add(j, gap); // aux.Add(j, CalculateDaviesBouldinIndex(output.clusters)); if (j>30 && aux[j-5]-aux[j]+sdk >= finalRes) { finalRes = aux[j - 5] - aux[j] + sdk; remRelClusters = i; remPerData = j-5; //break; } } res.Add(i, aux); } input.relClusters = remRelClusters; input.perData = remPerData; output.clusters = PrepareClusters(dicC, structNames); input = remInput; return output; }
private void toolStripButton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClusterOutput output = new ClusterOutput(); output.hNode = hnode; ClusterVis wrCluster = new ClusterVis(output); DialogResult res = saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.OK && saveFileDialog1.FileName.Length > 0) this.SavePicture(saveFileDialog1.FileName,buffer); }
/*private List<string> RefStructFind(int k, List<string> allStruct) { ClusterOutput clustOut; List <string> refStruct=new List<string>(); Random rand=new Random(); int [][] refDist=new int[k][]; clustOut = jury.JuryOpt(allStruct); int step = clustOut.juryLike.Count / k; for(int i=0;i<k;i++) //refStruct.Add(clustOut.juryLike[rand.Next(0,clustOut.juryLike.Count/4)].Key); refStruct.Add(clustOut.juryLike[i].Key); return refStruct; int [] sum=new int[allStruct.Count]; for(int n=1;n<k;n++) { for(int i=0;i<sum.Length;i++) sum[i]=0; for(int i=0;i<refStruct.Count;i++) { refDist[i]=dMeasure.GetDistance(refStruct[i],allStruct); for(int m=0;m<sum.Length;m++) sum[m]+=refDist[i][m]; } List <KeyValuePair<string,int>> li=new List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>(); KeyValuePair <string, int> v; for(int m=0;m<sum.Length;m++) { v=new KeyValuePair<string, int>(allStruct[m],sum[m]); li.Add(v); } li.Sort((firstPair,nextPair) => { return nextPair.Value.CompareTo(firstPair.Value); }); refStruct.Add(li[rand.Next(0,sum.Length/3)].Key); } return refStruct; }*/ public ClusterOutput kMeansL(int k,int maxIter, List<string> allStruct) { ClusterOutput clustOut,remClust=new ClusterOutput(); float cost,remCost=100; for (int r = 0; r < 1; r++) { clustOut = kMeansLevel(k, maxIter,allStruct); cost = CalculateDaviesBouldinIndex(clustOut.clusters); if (remCost > cost) { remCost = cost; remClust = clustOut; } } return remClust; }
public void CalcStat() { List <string> fileNames = new List <string>(); List <string> refStructures = new List <string>(); DistanceMeasures measure = distanceControl1.distDef; DistanceMeasure distTemp = null; double distRes = 0; maxV = selected.Count; distList.Clear(); try { tableRes = new DataTable(); tableRes.Columns.Add("Cluster Size", typeof(int)); tableRes.Columns.Add("Reference structure", typeof(string)); tableRes.Columns.Add("Distance", typeof(double)); tableRes.Columns.Add("Hidden1", typeof(int)); tableRes.Columns.Add("Hidden2", typeof(string)); if (checkBoxSable.Checked) { tableRes.Columns.Add("Dist to Sable", typeof(double)); maxV *= 2; } if (checkBox1.Checked) { for (int i = 0; i < selected.Count; i++) { maxV += selected[i].Count; } } fileNames.Add(textBox1.Text); jury1D jury = new jury1D(); if (distanceControl1.reference) { jury.PrepareJury(dirName, alignFile, distanceControl1.referenceProfile); } refStructures.Clear(); selected.Sort(delegate(List <string> first, List <string> second) { return(first.Count.CompareTo(second.Count)); }); selected.Reverse(); // dataGridView1.Rows.Add(selected.Count); for (int i = 0; i < selected.Count; i++) { string refD = selected[i][0]; ClusterOutput juryO = null; if (distanceControl1.reference) { if (selected[i].Count > 5) { juryO = jury.JuryOptWeights(selected[i]); if (juryO == null) { continue; } refD = juryO.juryLike[0].Key; if (!fileNames.Contains(dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + juryO.juryLike[0].Key)) { fileNames.Add(dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + juryO.juryLike[0].Key); refStructures.Add(dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + refD); } } else if (!fileNames.Contains(dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + selected[i][0])) { fileNames.Add(dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + selected[i][0]); refStructures.Add(dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + selected[i][0]); } } else { dist = PrepareDistanceMeasure(selected[i], measure, dirName); distTemp = dist; refD = dist.GetReferenceStructure(selected[i]); fileNames.Add(dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + refD); refStructures.Add(dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + refD); } if (fileNames.Count == 2) { switch (measure) { case DistanceMeasures.HAMMING: dist = new JuryDistance(fileNames, alignFile, false, distanceControl1.profileName); break; case DistanceMeasures.MAXSUB: dist = new MaxSub(fileNames, null, false); break; case DistanceMeasures.RMSD: dist = new Rmsd(fileNames, null, false, distanceControl1.CAtoms); break; } dist.InitMeasure(); distRes = Convert.ToDouble(String.Format("{0:0.00}", dist.GetDistance(native, refD) / 100.0)); } fileNames.RemoveAt(fileNames.Count - 1); if (checkBoxSable.Checked && refStructures.Count > 0) { tableRes.Rows.Add(selected[i].Count, refD, distRes, i, dirName, 0.0); } else { tableRes.Rows.Add(selected[i].Count, refD, distRes, i, dirName); } currentV++; } if (checkBoxSable.Checked && refStructures.Count > 0) { Dictionary <string, double> res = null;// SableDist(refStructures); for (int i = 0; i < refStructures.Count; i++) { if (res.ContainsKey(Path.GetFileName(refStructures[i]))) { DataRow dr = tableDist.Rows[i]; dr[5] = Convert.ToDouble(String.Format("{0:0.00}", res[Path.GetFileName(refStructures[i])])); } } } if (checkBox1.Checked) { CalculateDistToAll(); } } catch (Exception ex) { exc = ex; } }
public ClusterOutput kMeansRun(int iterNum, List<string> allStruct, List<string> refStruct) { ClusterOutput clustOut; int currentBest = allStruct.Count; int bestCounter = 0 ; bool end = false; int index = 0, changeCounter=1000; int[][] refDist = new int[refStruct.Count][]; List<List<string>> clusters = new List<List<string>>(refStruct.Count); int[] status = new int[allStruct.Count]; Random rand = new Random(); if (refStruct == null || refStruct.Count<=1) return null; for (int j = 0; j < refStruct.Count; j++) clusters.Add(new List<string>()); //refStruct = SimpleRefStruct(k, allStruct); for (int i = 0; i < status.Length; i++) status[i] = -1; loopCounter = 0; while (!end) { for (int i = 0; i < refStruct.Count; i++) { clusters[i].Add(refStruct[i]); } refDist = dMeasure.GetDistance(refStruct, allStruct); //for(int i=0;i<refStruct.Count;i++) // refDist[i]=dMeasure.GetDistance(refStruct[i],allStruct); changeCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < allStruct.Count; i++) { int min = refDist[0][i]; index = 0; for (int j = 1; j < refStruct.Count; j++) { if (refDist[j][i] < min) { min = refDist[j][i]; index = j; } } if (allStruct[i].Contains(clusters[index][0])) continue; clusters[index].Add(allStruct[i]); if (status[i] != index) { status[i] = index; changeCounter++; } } if (currentBest <= changeCounter) bestCounter++; else { bestCounter = 0; currentBest = changeCounter; } if (changeCounter <= allStruct.Count / 100 || loopCounter > iterNum || bestCounter>=5) end = true; else { loopCounter++; for (int i = 0; i < refStruct.Count; i++) { if (clusters[i].Count > 0) refStruct[i] = dMeasure.GetReferenceStructure(clusters[i]); else refStruct[i] = allStruct[rand.Next(0, allStruct.Count)]; clusters[i].Clear(); } currentV++; } } List<List<string>> finalClusters = new List<List<string>>(); for (int i = 0; i < clusters.Count; i++) { List<string> aux = new List<string>(); aux.Add(refStruct[i]); foreach (var item in clusters[i]) if (item != refStruct[i]) aux.Add(item); if(aux.Count>=1) finalClusters.Add(aux); } clustOut = new ClusterOutput(); clustOut.clusters = finalClusters; // clustOut.clusters = clusters; currentV = maxV; return clustOut; }
public ClusterOutput HierarchicalClustering(List <string> structures) { List <List <HClusterNode> > level = new List <List <HClusterNode> >(); List <HClusterNode> levelNodes = new List <HClusterNode>(); List <HClusterNode> rowNodes = new List <HClusterNode>(); ClusterOutput outCl = new ClusterOutput(); int levelCount = 0; bool end = false; HClusterNode node; if (structures.Count <= 1) { outCl.hNode = new HClusterNode(); outCl.hNode.setStruct = structures; outCl.hNode.refStructure = structures[0]; outCl.hNode.levelDist = 0; outCl.hNode.joined = null; return(outCl); } dMeasure.CalcDistMatrix(structures); for (int i = 0; i < structures.Count; i++) { node = new HClusterNode(); node.refStructure = structures[i]; node.joined = null; node.setStruct.Add(structures[i]); node.levelNum = levelCount; node.levelDist = dMeasure.maxSimilarity; node.realDist = dMeasure.GetRealValue(node.levelDist); levelNodes.Add(node); } level.Add(levelNodes); while (!end) { levelNodes = new List <HClusterNode>(); List <List <HClusterNode> > rowList = LevelMinimalDist(level[level.Count - 1]); if (rowList.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in rowList) { node = new HClusterNode(); node.joined = item; node.levelDist = min; node.realDist = dMeasure.GetRealValue(min); node.levelNum = level.Count; for (int m = 0; m < item.Count; m++) { node.setStruct.AddRange(item[m].setStruct); item[m].fNode = true; } //node.refStructure = dMeasure.GetReferenceStructure(node.setStruct); List <string> refList = new List <string>(); foreach (var itemJoined in node.joined) { refList.Add(itemJoined.refStructure); } node.refStructure = null; if (mustRefStructure != null) { foreach (var itemRef in refList) { if (itemRef == mustRefStructure) { node.refStructure = mustRefStructure; } } } if (node.refStructure == null) { node.refStructure = dMeasure.GetReferenceStructure(node.setStruct, refList); } levelNodes.Add(node); } } if (levelNodes.Count > 0) { level.Add(levelNodes); for (int i = 0; i < level[level.Count - 2].Count; i++) { if (!level[level.Count - 2][i].fNode) { level[level.Count - 1].Add(level[level.Count - 2][i]); } } } if (level[level.Count - 1].Count == 1) { end = true; } } outCl.hNode = level[level.Count - 1][0]; outCl.hNode.levelNum = 0; //At the end level num must be set properly Queue <HClusterNode> qq = new Queue <HClusterNode>(); HClusterNode h; for (int i = 0; i < level.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < level[i].Count; j++) { level[i][j].fNode = true; } } for (int i = 0; i < level.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < level[i].Count; j++) { if (level[i][j].fNode) { level[i][j].levelDist = Math.Abs(level[i][j].levelDist - dMeasure.maxSimilarity); level[i][j].realDist = dMeasure.GetRealValue(level[i][j].levelDist); level[i][j].fNode = false; } } } qq.Enqueue(level[level.Count - 1][0]); while (qq.Count != 0) { h = qq.Dequeue(); if (h.joined != null) { foreach (var item in h.joined) { item.levelNum = h.levelNum + 1; qq.Enqueue(item); } } } outCl.hNode.dirName = dirName; outCl.clusters = null; outCl.juryLike = null; return(outCl); }
ClusterOutput Shape() { PrepareSift(); MakeHistogram(); FindMaxMin(); field.Sort((firstPair, nextPair) => { return nextPair.Value.CompareTo(firstPair.Value); }); ClusterOutput siftOut = new ClusterOutput(); siftOut.juryLike = field; currentV = maxV; return siftOut; }
private void toolStripButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClusterOutput output = new ClusterOutput(); output.hNode = hnode; ClusterVis wrCluster=new ClusterVis(output); DialogResult res=saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.OK && saveFileDialog1.FileName.Length > 0) { Resolution resForm = new Resolution(buffer.Width, buffer.Height); res=resForm.ShowDialog(); if (res == DialogResult.OK) { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(resForm.Width, resForm.Height); PrepareGraphNodes(bmp); DrawOnBuffer(bmp); SavePicture(saveFileDialog1.FileName, bmp); PrepareGraphNodes(buffer); } // this.SavePicture(saveFileDialog1.FileName); } }
ClusterOutput DivideSpace1DJury(List<string> list) { ClusterOutput outC,finalOut=new ClusterOutput(); outC=jury.JuryOptWeights(list); double dev = CalcStandDev(outC); List<string> clust1 = new List<string>(); List<string> clust2 = new List<string>(); dev += dev; if (useKMeans) { clust1.Add(outC.juryLike[0].Key); clust1.Add(outC.juryLike[outC.juryLike.Count - 1].Key); kMeans km = new kMeans(dMeasure); return km.kMeansRun(kMeansIter,list, clust1); } else { for (int i = 0; i < outC.juryLike.Count; i++) if(i<outC.juryLike.Count / 2) clust1.Add(outC.juryLike[i].Key); else clust2.Add(outC.juryLike[i].Key); finalOut.clusters = new List<List<string>>(); finalOut.clusters.Add(clust1); finalOut.clusters.Add(clust2); } return finalOut; }
private void UpdateOutput(string name, string dirName, string alignFile, ClusterOutput output, string distStr, DateTime cpuPart1, DateTime cpuPart2, object obj) { output.clusterType = obj.ToString(); output.measure = distStr.ToString(); DateTime cc = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan preprocess=new TimeSpan(); TimeSpan cluster=new TimeSpan(); if(cpuPart1!=null && cpuPart2!=null) preprocess = cpuPart2.Subtract(cpuPart1); if(cpuPart2!=null) cluster = cc.Subtract(cpuPart2); output.time = "Prep="+String.Format("{0:F2}", preprocess.TotalMinutes); if(cpuPart2!=null) output.time += " Clust=" + String.Format("{0:F2}", cluster.TotalMinutes); = name; output.dirName = dirName; output.alignFile = alignFile; output.peekMemory = Process.GetCurrentProcess().PeakWorkingSet64; Process.GetCurrentProcess().Refresh(); progressDic.Remove(name); //Process.GetCurrentProcess(). clOutput.Add(, output); UpadateJobInfo(name, false,false); }
private double CalcStandDev(ClusterOutput outC) { if (outC.juryLike != null) { double sum = 0,avr,dev=0; for (int i = 0; i < outC.juryLike.Count; i++) { sum += outC.juryLike[i].Value; } avr = sum / outC.juryLike.Count; for (int i = 0; i < outC.juryLike.Count; i++) { double aux = avr - outC.juryLike[i].Value; dev += aux * aux; } dev /= outC.juryLike.Count; return Math.Sqrt(dev); } return -1; }
public ClusterOutput HierarchicalClustering(List <string> structures) { List<List<HClusterNode>> level =new List<List<HClusterNode>>(); List<HClusterNode> levelNodes=new List<HClusterNode>(); List<HClusterNode> rowNodes=new List<HClusterNode>(); ClusterOutput outCl = new ClusterOutput(); int levelCount = 0; bool end=false; HClusterNode node; if (structures.Count <= 1) { outCl.hNode = new HClusterNode(); outCl.hNode.setStruct = structures; outCl.hNode.refStructure = structures[0]; outCl.hNode.levelDist = 0; outCl.hNode.joined = null; return outCl; } dMeasure.CalcDistMatrix(structures); for(int i=0;i<structures.Count;i++) { node=new HClusterNode(); node.refStructure=structures[i]; node.joined=null; node.setStruct.Add(structures[i]); node.levelNum = levelCount; node.levelDist = dMeasure.maxSimilarity; node.realDist = dMeasure.GetRealValue(node.levelDist); levelNodes.Add(node); } level.Add(levelNodes); while(!end) { levelNodes=new List<HClusterNode>(); List<List<HClusterNode>> rowList = LevelMinimalDist(level[level.Count - 1]); if (rowList.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in rowList) { node=new HClusterNode(); node.joined=item; node.levelDist = min; node.realDist = dMeasure.GetRealValue(min); node.levelNum = level.Count; for(int m=0;m<item.Count;m++) { node.setStruct.AddRange(item[m].setStruct); item[m].fNode = true; } //node.refStructure = dMeasure.GetReferenceStructure(node.setStruct); List<string> refList = new List<string>(); foreach (var itemJoined in node.joined) refList.Add(itemJoined.refStructure); node.refStructure = null; if (mustRefStructure != null) foreach (var itemRef in refList) if (itemRef == mustRefStructure) node.refStructure = mustRefStructure; if(node.refStructure==null) node.refStructure = dMeasure.GetReferenceStructure(node.setStruct,refList); levelNodes.Add(node); } } if(levelNodes.Count>0) { level.Add(levelNodes); for(int i=0;i<level[level.Count-2].Count;i++) { if(!level[level.Count-2][i].fNode) level[level.Count-1].Add(level[level.Count-2][i]); } } if(level[level.Count-1].Count==1) end=true; } outCl.hNode = level[level.Count - 1][0]; outCl.hNode.levelNum = 0; //At the end level num must be set properly Queue<HClusterNode> qq = new Queue<HClusterNode>(); HClusterNode h; for (int i = 0; i < level.Count; i++) for (int j = 0; j < level[i].Count; j++) level[i][j].fNode = true; for (int i = 0; i < level.Count; i++) for (int j = 0; j < level[i].Count; j++) if (level[i][j].fNode) { level[i][j].levelDist = Math.Abs(level[i][j].levelDist - dMeasure.maxSimilarity); level[i][j].realDist = dMeasure.GetRealValue(level[i][j].levelDist); level[i][j].fNode = false; } qq.Enqueue(level[level.Count - 1][0]); while (qq.Count != 0) { h = qq.Dequeue(); if (h.joined != null) foreach (var item in h.joined) { item.levelNum = h.levelNum + 1; qq.Enqueue(item); } } outCl.hNode.dirName = dirName; outCl.clusters = null; outCl.juryLike = null; return outCl; }
public ClusterOutput Run(List<string> structs) { maxProgress=5; currentProgress=0; if (hConcensus) { maxProgress++; consensus = new HammingConsensus(dMeasure.dirName, null, false, input.consensusProfile); progressObject = consensus; consensus.InitMeasure(); currentProgress += 1.0 / maxProgress; } jury = new jury1D(); progressObject = jury; currentProgress += 1.0 / maxProgress; progressObject = null; jury.PrepareJury(dMeasure.dirName, dMeasure.alignFile, input.jury1DProfileFast); currentProgress += 1.0 / maxProgress; ClusterOutput clOut = new ClusterOutput(); root.setStruct = structs; // if(hConcensus) // consensus.ToConsensusStates(structs); FastCluster(root); maxV = initNodesNum; while (st.Count>0 && (leaves.Count+st.Count)<initNodesNum) { st.Sort( delegate(HClusterNode p1, HClusterNode p2) { return p2.setStruct.Count.CompareTo(p1.setStruct.Count); } ); HClusterNode node = st[0]; st.RemoveAt(0); FastCluster(node); currentV += leaves.Count + st.Count; } currentV = maxV; currentProgress+=1.0/maxProgress; while (st.Count > 0) { HClusterNode node = st[0]; st.RemoveAt(0); leaves.Add(node); } MakeDendrogs(linkage); currentProgress+=1.0/maxProgress; PrepareList(); root = ConnectDendrogs(linkage); root.levelDist = root.SearchMaxDist(); root.realDist = dMeasure.GetRealValue(root.levelDist); //CheckRefDistances(); //dendrogList = RearangeDendrogram(root); //root = ConnectDendrogs(); clOut.hNode = root; currentProgress+=1.0/maxProgress; return clOut; }
private StatClust Calc(ClusterOutput outp,bool flag) { List <string> five=new List<string>(); List<string> listFiles = new List<string>(); //if (outp == null || outp.clusters == null) // return null; if(outp==null || outp.dirName==null) return null; string []aux=outp.dirName.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); string native=aux[aux.Length-1]+".pdb"; string dirM = ""; for (int i = 0; i < aux.Length - 1; i++) dirM += aux[i] + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar; native = dirM + native; if(!File.Exists(native)) return null; five.Add(native); // jury1D jury = new jury1D(outp.dirName, "", "C:\\data\\dcd\\SS_SA9internal.profiles"); // jury1D jury = new jury1D(outp.dirName, "", "C:\\data\\dcd\\SS3_SA9_jury_internal.profiles"); //jury1D jury = new jury1D(outp.dirName, "", "C:\\data\\dcd\\SS8_SA3_jury_internal.profiles"); jury1D jury; // jury1D jury = new jury1D(outp.dirName, "", "C:\\data\\dcd\\SS_Contact_jury_internal.profiles"); if(outp.clusters!=null) { outp.clusters.Sort((a,b)=>b.Count.CompareTo(a.Count)); int end = outp.clusters.Count; if (outp.clusters.Count > 5) end = 5; for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { listFiles.Clear(); foreach (var item in outp.clusters[i]) { listFiles.Add(outp.dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar+item); } // // //Sift sift = new Sift(listFiles); //ClusterOutput oo = sift.Shape(); if (flag) { DistanceMeasure distRmsd = new Rmsd(listFiles, "", false, uQlustCore.PDB.PDBMODE.ONLY_CA); distRmsd.InitMeasure(); string strName = distRmsd.GetReferenceStructure(outp.clusters[i]); five.Add(outp.dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + strName); } else { jury = new jury1D(); jury.PrepareJury(listFiles, "", "Z:\\dcd\\SS3_SA9_jury_internal.profiles"); ClusterOutput oo = jury.JuryOptWeights(outp.clusters[i]); if (oo == null) continue; five.Add(outp.dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + oo.juryLike[0].Key); } //five.Add(outp.dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + outp.clusters[i][0]); } } if (outp.hNode != null) { int end; List<List<string>> cli=outp.hNode.GetClusters(10); cli.Sort((a, b) => b.Count.CompareTo(a.Count)); outp.clusters = new List<List<string>>(); end = cli.Count; if (cli.Count > 5) end = 5; for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) { // listFiles.Clear(); //foreach (var item in cli[i]) //{ //listFiles.Add( //} listFiles.Clear(); foreach (var item in cli[i]) { listFiles.Add(outp.dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + item); } jury = new jury1D(); jury.PrepareJury(listFiles, "", "C:\\data\\dcd\\SS8_SA3_jury_internal.profiles"); outp.clusters.Add(cli[0]); //jury ClusterOutput oo = jury.JuryOptWeights(cli[i]); if (oo == null) continue; five.Add(outp.dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + cli[i][0]); //five.Add(outp.dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + strName); } } if (outp.juryLike != null) { int end = outp.juryLike.Count; if (outp.juryLike.Count > 5) end = 5; for (int i = 0; i < end; i++) five.Add(outp.dirName + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + outp.juryLike[i].Key); } // DistanceMeasure dist; // dist = new Rmsd(five, "", false, PDB.PDBMODE.ONLY_CA); // dist = new MaxSub(five, "", false); Dictionary<string, double> cc = ReadScore(aux[aux.Length - 1]); if (cc == null) return null ; StatClust stCLust = new StatClust(); string[] tt1 = native.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); stCLust.native = tt1[tt1.Length - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < five.Count; i++) { string[] tt2 = five[i].Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); // double rmsd = dist.GetDistance(tt1[tt1.Length-1], tt2[tt2.Length-1]) /100.0; double rmsd=0; if (cc.ContainsKey(tt2[tt2.Length-1])) rmsd = cc[tt2[tt2.Length - 1]]; if (rmsd > stCLust.rmsd) { if (outp.juryLike != null) stCLust.size = outp.juryLike.Count; else stCLust.size = outp.clusters[i - 1].Count; stCLust.rmsd = rmsd; string[] dd = five[i].Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); stCLust.reference = dd[dd.Length-1]; } } if (stCLust.rmsd < 1000) { avrSum += stCLust.rmsd; avrCount++; } if (outp.hNode != null) { outp.clusters.Clear(); outp.clusters = null; } return stCLust; }
ClusterOutput DivideSpaceHamming(List<string> list) { ClusterOutput output=new ClusterOutput(); Dictionary<string, int> aux = new Dictionary<string, int>(); ClusterOutput outC = jury.JuryOptWeights(list); if (outC == null) return null; List<string> clust1 = new List<string>(); List<string> clust2 = new List<string>(); //consensus.ToConsensusStates(list, jury.GetStructureStates(outC.juryLike[0].Key)); consensus.ToConsensusStates(list,outC.juryLike[0].Key); foreach (var item in list) aux.Add(item, consensus.distanceOrdered[item]); if (useKMeans) { clust1.Add(outC.juryLike[0].Key); var item = aux.OrderByDescending(j => j.Value); int dist = item.First().Value; foreach (var ll in item) { if (dist != ll.Value) break; else clust2.Add(ll.Key); } Dictionary<string, double> dic = new Dictionary<string, double>(); foreach (var it in outC.juryLike) dic.Add(it.Key, it.Value); double min = Double.MaxValue; string rem = ""; foreach (var it in clust2) { if (dic[it] < min) { min = dic[it]; rem = it; } } clust1.Add(rem); kMeans km = new kMeans(dMeasure); return km.kMeansRun(kMeansIter,list, clust1); } else { int i = 0; foreach (var item in aux.OrderBy(j => j.Value)) { if (i < list.Count() / 2) clust1.Add(item.Key); else clust2.Add(item.Key); i++; } output.clusters = new List<List<string>>(); output.clusters.Add(clust1); output.clusters.Add(clust2); } return output; }