}        //ProcessFrontEndRequest().

        // *********************************************************
        // ****             ProcessCreatedForm()                ****
        // *********************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// A new Form has been created by the GUI thread, and is now ready to
        /// be employed.  We request all controls for this display (based on the type
        /// of display it is).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="anEventArg"></param>
        private void ProcessCreatedForm(Utilities.GuiCreator.CreateFormEventArgs anEventArg)
            if (anEventArg.CreatedForm is ClusterDisplay)
            {                                                                                              // We have created a new ClusterDisplay.
                ClusterDisplay display    = (ClusterDisplay)anEventArg.CreatedForm;
                IEngineHub     iengineHub = display.AssocEngineHub;                                        // EngineHub associated with this display.
                display.FormClosing += new System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventHandler(ClusterDisplay_FormClosing);
                display.ID           = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref m_NextClusterDisplayID); // create a unique ID for this display.
                m_ClusterDisplays.Add(display.ID, display);

                // Create quick lookup tables for engine event arg processing.
                // We create a list of display IDs that contain the controls once given the IEngineHub name
                // and IEngineContainerID.
                Dictionary <int, List <int> > clusterIdsToDislayIds = null;
                if (!m_ClusterDisplayIds.TryGetValue(iengineHub.ServiceName, out clusterIdsToDislayIds))
                {   // First form created for this engineHub.  Add entry for it.
                    clusterIdsToDislayIds = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();
                    m_ClusterDisplayIds.Add(iengineHub.ServiceName, clusterIdsToDislayIds);
                int displayID = display.ID;
                foreach (IEngineContainer iengContainer in display.GetEngineContainers())
                    List <int> clusterIdList;
                    if (!clusterIdsToDislayIds.TryGetValue(iengContainer.EngineContainerID, out clusterIdList))
                        clusterIdList = new List <int>();
                        clusterIdsToDislayIds.Add(iengContainer.EngineContainerID, clusterIdList);
                    clusterIdList.Add(displayID);                               // For each list add this displayID.
                Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Major, "ProcessCreatedForm: ClusterDisplay created. Requesting parameter values.");

                // Request all parameter values for my new display.
                // Since Display exists now, when response comes back, we have this display in the display list.
                foreach (IEngineContainer iEngineContainer in display.GetEngineContainers())
                    string engineHubName = iengineHub.ServiceName;    // name of StrategyHub I am associated with.
                    foreach (EngineEventArgs e in EngineEventArgs.RequestAllParameters(engineHubName, iEngineContainer))
                        // TODO: Throttle requests we will make to StrategyHubs.
Example #2
        #endregion//Public Methods

        #region HubEvent Handler
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                 Private HubEvent Methods                ****
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Hub Event Handler               ****
        /// <summary>
        /// Main request handling routine.
        /// Called only by the internal hub thread.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        protected override void HubEventHandler(EventArgs[] eArgList)
            foreach (EventArgs eArg in eArgList) // process each event
                Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Minor, eArg.ToString());
                Type eArgType = eArg.GetType();
                if (eArgType == typeof(FrontEndHub.DisplayArgs))
                {   // ****************************************
                    // ****         Display Events         ****
                    // ****************************************
                    // These are my internal requests, used to create new GUI displays, etc.
                    FrontEndHub.DisplayArgs e = (FrontEndHub.DisplayArgs)eArg;
                    switch (e.Request)
                    case DisplayArgs.DisplayRequest.NewDisplay:
                        // ***          New Display         ***
                        // When a new display is requested (to be displayed from this hub), a request is pushed
                        // onto the queue and comes here.  this way the new ClusterDisplay can be created and
                        // added to the list without the need to lock the list (only the hub thread ever touches
                        // this list.)
                        IEngineHub            engineHub = e.display.AssocEngineHub; // hub whose elements we want to display
                        List <ClusterDisplay> displayList;                          // displays already associated with element hub
                        if (!m_EngineSubscriptions.TryGetValue(engineHub, out displayList))
                        {                                                           // First time we are creating a display for this hub. There is no existing list.
                            displayList = new List <ClusterDisplay>();              // create new list.
                            m_EngineSubscriptions.Add(engineHub, displayList);
                            engineHub.EngineChanged += new EventHandler(this.HubEventEnqueue);
                        ClusterDisplay newDisplay = e.display;                                                                          // display created by event creator.
                        m_ClusterDisplay.Add(newDisplay.ID, newDisplay);                                                                // the ID is made by original caller
                        // Now request a complete list of the controls for engines from hub.
                        engineHub.HubEventEnqueue(Engines.EngineEventArgs.RequestAllControls(newDisplay.ID - newDisplay.prevGuiTurns)); //newDisplay.ID));

                    case DisplayArgs.DisplayRequest.RemoveDisplay:
                        // ***          Remove Display          ***
                        ClusterDisplay displayToRemove = e.display;
                        if (displayToRemove != null)
                        {       // Remove any book subscriptions
                            List <object> hubsToRemove = new List <object>();
                            foreach (BookHub hub in m_Subscriptions.Keys)
                                if (m_Subscriptions[hub].Contains(displayToRemove))
                                    if (m_Subscriptions[hub].Count == 0)
                                        hub.InstrumentChanged -= this.HubEventEnqueue;
                            foreach (object hub in hubsToRemove)
                            // Remove engine subscriptions
                            foreach (IEngineHub hub in m_EngineSubscriptions.Keys)
                                if (m_EngineSubscriptions[hub].Contains(displayToRemove))
                                    if (m_EngineSubscriptions[hub].Count == 0)
                                        hub.EngineChanged -= this.HubEventEnqueue;
                            foreach (object hub in hubsToRemove)
                            m_ClusterDisplay[displayToRemove.ID] = null;        // dump my pointer to it.

                        // ***          default error       ***
                        Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Error, "Unknown DisplayArg Request.");
                else if (eArgType == typeof(EngineEventArgs))
                {   // *****************************************************
                    // *****            Process Engine Events           ****
                    // *****************************************************
                    EngineEventArgs e = (EngineEventArgs)eArg;
                    // Pass event to all ClusterDisplays subscribed to event-generating hub.
                    List <ClusterDisplay> clusterDisplayList;
                    if (m_EngineSubscriptions.TryGetValue(e.EngineHubResponding, out clusterDisplayList))
                    {   // at least some displays are subscribed to this hub.
                        for (int i = 0; i < clusterDisplayList.Count; ++i)
                            ClusterDisplay display = clusterDisplayList[i];
                            //List<IEngineContainer> containers = display.GetEngineContainers();  // get containers in this hub.
                            //Dictionary<int, IEngineContainer> containersDict = display.GetEngineContainersDictionary();
                            //IEngineContainer engineContainer11;
                            if (e.EngineContainerID < 0)
                            {   // EngineContainer ID < 0 => event is meant for all containers in hub.
                                // Such events are passed to all Stratgies or Clusters, etc.
                                if (e.MsgType == EngineEventArgs.EventType.GetControls)
                                {   // Create the cluster controls for this display.
                                    // This request is made by ClusterDisplays (to the Hub they are displaying) after
                                    // they have been created, but not completely initialized.
                                    // Now proceed through our list of ClusterDisplays and only the first uninitialized
                                    // display we find will have the controls inside this eventarg passed to it.
                                    bool isNewDisplay = (e.Status == EngineEventArgs.EventStatus.Confirm) &&
                                    if (isNewDisplay)
                                        display.HubEventEnqueue(e);                                                                                                 // This is a non-asynchronous call, display is initialized immediately.
                                        // Now request all parameter updates for new display.
                                        List <EngineEventArgs> newRequestList = EngineEventArgs.RequestAllParameters((display.ID - display.prevGuiTurns), display); //(i,display);
                                        foreach (EngineEventArgs newRequest in newRequestList)
                                        break;  // only initialize one display per GetControls event. The first uninitialized display gets initialized.
                                {                                                                       // Every other non-GetControls event for "all clusters" processed here.
                                    // Right now, there are none of such terms.
                                    List <IEngineContainer> containers = display.GetEngineContainers(); // get containers in this hub.
                                    foreach (IEngineContainer container in containers)
                            {                                   // A specific containerID was provided.
                                                                // Pass along this event directly to the specific engineContainer.
                                Dictionary <int, IEngineContainer> containersDict = display.GetEngineContainersDictionary();
                                IEngineContainer engineContainer;
                                if (containersDict.TryGetValue(e.EngineContainerID, out engineContainer))
                                {                                       // Failed to find enginecontainer!
                                    Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Error, "Received event for unknown engineContainerID={0}.", e.EngineContainerID);
                            display.RegenerateNow(this, null);   // tells the display to repaint, if needed.
                {   //
                    // ****         Unrecognized Event          ****
                    Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Error, "Unknown event type: {0}", eArgType.ToString());
            } //next event arg
        }     //HubEventHandler()