public NativeRuntime(ClrInfo info, DataTargetImpl dt, DacLibrary lib) : base(info, dt, lib) { byte[] tmp = new byte[sizeof(int)]; if (!Request(DacRequests.VERSION, null, tmp)) throw new ClrDiagnosticsException("Failed to request dac version.", ClrDiagnosticsException.HR.DacError); _dacRawVersion = BitConverter.ToInt32(tmp, 0); if (_dacRawVersion != 10 && _dacRawVersion != 11) throw new ClrDiagnosticsException("Unsupported dac version.", ClrDiagnosticsException.HR.DacError); }
public V45Runtime(ClrInfo info, DataTargetImpl dt, DacLibrary lib) : base(info, dt, lib) { if (!GetCommonMethodTables(ref _commonMTs)) throw new ClrDiagnosticsException("Could not request common MethodTable list.", ClrDiagnosticsException.HR.DacError); // Ensure the version of the dac API matches the one we expect. (Same for both // v2 and v4 rtm.) byte[] tmp = new byte[sizeof(int)]; if (!Request(DacRequests.VERSION, null, tmp)) throw new ClrDiagnosticsException("Failed to request dac version.", ClrDiagnosticsException.HR.DacError); int v = BitConverter.ToInt32(tmp, 0); if (v != 9) throw new ClrDiagnosticsException("Unsupported dac version.", ClrDiagnosticsException.HR.DacError); }
private DiagnosticAnalyzer(DataTarget dataTarget, bool cacheObjects) { _dataTarget = dataTarget; CacheAllObjects = cacheObjects; //_dataTarget.BinaryLocator.FindBinary() if (_dataTarget.ClrVersions.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("No compatible CLR has been found on this machine"); } if (_dataTarget.ClrVersions.Length > 1) { Debug.WriteLine("Multiple compatible CLR have been found on this machine, picking the first of the following list"); foreach (var version in _dataTarget.ClrVersions) { var dacFilename = version.DacInfo.PlatformSpecificFileName; var moduleInfo = version.ModuleInfo; Debug.WriteLine("CLR Version: " + version.Version); Debug.WriteLine("Filesize: {0:X}", moduleInfo.IndexFileSize); Debug.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0:X}", moduleInfo.IndexTimeStamp); Debug.WriteLine("Dac File: {0}", dacFilename); Debug.WriteLine(""); } } _clrInfo = _dataTarget.ClrVersions[0]; if (_clrInfo.DacInfo.LocalDacPath == null) { throw new Exception("The runtime used in the dump cannot be found on this installation"); } _clrLocation = new FileInfo(_clrInfo.DacInfo.LocalDacPath); _clrRuntime = _clrInfo.CreateRuntime(); _dacInfo = _clrInfo.DacInfo; PrepareGCRootCache(); }
private static ClrRuntime CreateRuntime(string dump, string dac) { // Create the data target. This tells us the versions of CLR loaded in the target process. DataTarget dataTarget = DataTarget.LoadCrashDump(dump); // Now check bitness of our program/target: bool isTarget64Bit = dataTarget.PointerSize == 8; if (Environment.Is64BitProcess != isTarget64Bit) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Architecture mismatch: Process is {0} but target is {1}", Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "64 bit" : "32 bit", isTarget64Bit ? "64 bit" : "32 bit")); } // Note I just take the first version of CLR in the process. You can loop over every loaded // CLR to handle the SxS case where both v2 and v4 are loaded in the process. ClrInfo version = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0]; // Next, let's try to make sure we have the right Dac to load. Note we are doing this manually for // illustration. Simply calling version.CreateRuntime with no arguments does the same steps. if (dac != null && Directory.Exists(dac)) { dac = Path.Combine(dac, version.DacInfo.FileName); } else if (dac == null || !File.Exists(dac)) { dac = dataTarget.SymbolLocator.FindBinary(version.DacInfo); } // Finally, check to see if the dac exists. If not, throw an exception. if (dac == null || !File.Exists(dac)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find the specified dac.", dac); } // Now that we have the DataTarget, the version of CLR, and the right dac, we create and return a // ClrRuntime instance. return(version.CreateRuntime(dac)); }
private static ClrRuntime CreateRuntime(int pid) { // Create the data target. This tells us the versions of CLR loaded in the target process. DataTarget dataTarget = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(pid, 60000, AttachFlag.Passive); dataTarget.SymbolLocator.SymbolPath = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("_NT_SYMBOL_PATH"); // Now check bitness of our program/target: bool isTarget64Bit = dataTarget.PointerSize == 8; if (Environment.Is64BitProcess != isTarget64Bit) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Architecture mismatch: Process is {0} but target is {1}", Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "64 bit" : "32 bit", isTarget64Bit ? "64 bit" : "32 bit")); } // Note I just take the first version of CLR in the process. You can loop over every loaded // CLR to handle the SxS case where both v2 and v4 are loaded in the process. ClrInfo version = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0]; // Now that we have the DataTarget, the version of CLR, and the right dac, we create and return a // ClrRuntime instance. return(version.CreateRuntime()); }
public static ClrRuntime Createruntime(string dac, string dump) { // Create the data target. This tells us the versions of CLR loaded in the target process. DataTarget dataTarget = DataTarget.LoadCrashDump(dump); // Now check bitness of our program/target: //bool isTarget64Bit = dataTarget.PointerSize == 8; //if (Environment.Is64BitProcess != isTarget64Bit) //{ // // f.resultobox.Text = throw new Exception(string.Format("Architecture mismatch: Process is {0} but target is {1}", Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "64 bit" : "32 bit", isTarget64Bit ? "64 bit" : "32 bit")); // MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Architecture mismatch: Process is {0} but target is {1},Please check your setting and try again ,Ok will restart the app", Environment.Is64BitProcess ? "64 bit" : "32 bit", isTarget64Bit ? "64 bit" : "32 bit")); // // Note I just take the first version of CLR in the process. You can loop over every loaded // // CLR to handle the SxS case where both v2 and v4 are loaded in the process. // //System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Application.ExecutablePath); //} ClrInfo runtimeInfo = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0]; foreach (ClrInfo version in dataTarget.ClrVersions) { //Console.WriteLine("Found CLR Version: " + version); Form1.r = new Form1(); r.resultobox.Clear(); r.resultobox.up("Found CLR Version: " + version); r.Dispose(); // This is the data needed to request the dac from the symbol server: //ModuleInfo dacInfo = version.DacInfo; //Console.WriteLine("Filesize: {0:X}", dacInfo.FileSize); //Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0:X}", dacInfo.TimeStamp); //Console.WriteLine("Dac File: {0}", dacInfo.FileName); } return(runtimeInfo.CreateRuntime(dac)); }
public ClrRuntime Runtime() { if (File.Exists(mscrdwaksloc)) { Console.WriteLine("using {0} for dac loc", mscrdwaksloc); DataTarget dataTarget = DataTarget.LoadCrashDump(path); ClrInfo runtimeInfo = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0]; ClrRuntime runtime = runtimeInfo.CreateRuntime(mscrdwaksloc); return(runtime); } if (!File.Exists(mscrdwaksloc)) { DataTarget dataTarget = DataTarget.LoadCrashDump(path); ClrInfo runtimeInfo = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0]; ClrRuntime runtime = runtimeInfo.CreateRuntime(); return(runtime); } return(null); }
private static void DumpThreadInfo(DataTarget dataTarget, ClrInfo clrVersion, ClrRuntime runtime, ClrAppDomain appDomain) { // Dump thread info Console.WriteLine("## Threads"); Console.WriteLine("Thread count: {0}", runtime.Threads.Count); Console.WriteLine(""); foreach (var thread in runtime.Threads) { Console.WriteLine("### Thread {0}", thread.OSThreadId); Console.WriteLine("Thread type: {0}", thread.IsBackground ? "Background" : thread.IsGC ? "GC" : "Foreground"); Console.WriteLine(""); Console.WriteLine("Stack trace:"); foreach (var stackFrame in thread.EnumerateStackTrace()) { Console.WriteLine("* {0}", stackFrame.DisplayString); } Console.WriteLine(""); } }
private void CreateManagedObjects() { if (Process == null) { return; } using (DataTarget dataTarget = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(Process.Id, dataTargetTimeOut, dataTargetAttachFlag)) { ClrInfo clrVersion = dataTarget.ClrVersions.First(); ClrRuntime runtime = clrVersion.CreateRuntime(); Snapshot snapshot = new Snapshot() { MemoryPrivateBytes = Process.PrivateMemorySize64, Date = DateTime.Now, Position = Snapshots.Count }; Snapshots.Add(snapshot); snapshotPosition = Snapshots.Count - 1; snapshot.Comment = snapshotPosition + ". Snapshot: "; richTextBoxComment.Text = snapshot.Comment; CollectMemory(runtime, snapshot); snapshot.ManagedObjectDic = ListObjects(runtime); RefreshSnapshotGrid(snapshot); } }
public bool Attach(Process process, string dacFile = null, uint attachTimeout = DefaultAttachTimeout) { if (process == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("process"); } _process = process; if (_dataTarget != null) { _output.Error(String.Format("Already attached to process PID={0} Name={1}", _process.Id, _process.ProcessName)); return(false); } _output.Info(String.Format("Attaching to process PID={0}", process.Id)); try { _dataTarget = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(process.Id, attachTimeout); //make sure we dont kill the process on exit } catch (Exception exception) { //TODO: Be more specific, dont catch all exceptions _output.Error("Could not attach to the process."); throw; } if (_dataTarget == null) { //TODO: Be more specific, what exactly does it mean? _output.Error("Could not attach to the process."); _process = null; return(false); } _dataTarget.DebuggerInterface.SetProcessOptions(DEBUG_PROCESS.DETACH_ON_EXIT); if (_dataTarget.ClrVersions.Count == 0) { var msg = String.Format( "Process PID={0} Name={1} does not seem to have CLR loaded. Is it an unmanaged process?", _process.Id, _process.ProcessName); _output.Error(msg); Detach(); return(false); } if (_dataTarget.ClrVersions.Count > 1) { //TODO: multiple CLRs found present user with choice? var msg = String.Format("Multiple CLR versions loaded. Proceeding with first version."); _output.Warning(msg); } _clrInfo = _dataTarget.ClrVersions[0]; _output.Info(String.Format("Using CLR Version={0} DACFileName={1}", _clrInfo.Version, _clrInfo.DacInfo.FileName)); string dacLocation; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dacFile)) { dacLocation = _clrInfo.TryGetDacLocation(); } else { dacLocation = dacFile; _output.Info(String.Format("Using DacFile={0}", dacFile)); } if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dacLocation)) { //TODO: Check filepath, display meaningful message _output.Error("Could not automatically locate Data Access Component (mscordacwks.dll). This may mean that bitness or CLR versions do not match. " + "You may specify file location manually eg. ClrDiag.Attach(PID, @\"C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework64\\v4.0.30319\\mscordacwks.dll\""); Detach(); return(false); } ClrRuntime runtime = _dataTarget.CreateRuntime(dacLocation); if (runtime == null) { //TODO: add more meaningful information _output.Error("Unable to get CLR information."); Detach(); } _output.Success(String.Format("Succesfully attached to process PID={0} Name={1}", _process.Id, _process.ProcessName)); Clr = runtime; return(true); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { bool detailed = false; if (args.Length != 1) { Console.WriteLine("dotnet run dmp"); return; } var strings = new Dictionary <string, ClrObject>(); using (DataTarget dataTarget = DataTarget.LoadCrashDump(args[0])) { ClrInfo runtimeInfo = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0]; ClrRuntime runtime = runtimeInfo.CreateRuntime(); ClrHeap heap = runtime.Heap; ulong gen2Size = 0; long gen2StringCount = 0; long gen2ScanStringCount = 0; long gen2DupStringCount = 0; long gen2StringSize = 0; long gen2ScanStringSize = 0; long gen2DupStringSize = 0; foreach (ClrSegment segment in heap.Segments) { gen2Size += segment.Gen2Length; } foreach (ClrObject obj in heap.EnumerateObjects()) { int?objGen = GenerationOf(heap, obj); if (objGen == 2) { if (obj.Type.Name.Equals("System.String")) { // This are all the strings in gen2, they may or may not be live, they may or may not have a gen 2 reference. // This should give an idea why strings are important // My prediction is that this should be a significant percentage (otherwise why bother?) gen2StringCount++; gen2StringSize += obj.AsString().Length * 2; } foreach (ClrObject referencedObject in obj.EnumerateReferences()) { int?refGen = GenerationOf(heap, referencedObject); // This happen when we see a string referenced by a gen2 object if (refGen == 2) { if (referencedObject.Type.Name.Equals("System.String")) { if (detailed) { Console.WriteLine("A gen 2 object {0:X} is referencing a gen 2 string {1:X}", obj.Address, referencedObject.Address); } // This is a string the string deduplication algorithm would consider to put into the hash table // This should give an idea how much work we need to do to scan these strings // My assumption is that the majority of the work is the computing of the hash code, that why // the cost should be roughly corresponding to the total length of the strings string referencedObjectAsString = referencedObject.AsString(); gen2ScanStringCount++; gen2ScanStringSize += referencedObjectAsString.Length * 2; // This happen when we see a gen2 string referenced by a gen2 object ClrObject existingObject; if (strings.TryGetValue(referencedObjectAsString, out existingObject)) { // This happen when we see a gen2 string referenced by a gen2 object with a seen content if (referencedObject.Address != existingObject.Address) { if (detailed) { Console.WriteLine("And it is considered a duplicate with {0:X}", existingObject.Address); } // This happen when we see a different gen 2 string referenced by a gen2 object with a seen content // We do not know if deduplicating it will lead to its death (it depends on whether or not that string has any other references) // which would be expensive to compute, but this should give an upper bound on how much we could save. gen2DupStringCount++; gen2DupStringSize += referencedObjectAsString.Length * 2; } } else { // This happen when we see a gen 2 string referenced by a gen2 object that is not seen before strings.Add(referencedObjectAsString, referencedObject); } } } } } } Console.WriteLine("Gen 2 size : " + gen2Size); Console.WriteLine("Gen 2 strings : " + gen2StringSize + " bytes out of " + gen2StringCount + " strings"); Console.WriteLine("Gen 2 scan string : " + gen2ScanStringSize + " bytes out of " + gen2ScanStringCount + " strings"); Console.WriteLine("Gen 2 dup string : " + gen2DupStringSize + " bytes out of " + gen2DupStringCount + " strings"); Console.WriteLine("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6}", gen2Size, gen2StringSize, gen2StringCount, gen2ScanStringSize, gen2ScanStringCount, gen2DupStringSize, gen2DupStringCount); } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves the debug support files (DAC, SOS, CLR) from the Microsoft symbol server /// and returns the path to the temporary directory in which they were placed. If the <paramref name="storageLocation"/> /// parameter is not null/empty, the files will be stored in that location. /// </summary> /// <param name="clrInfo">The CLR version for which to load the support files.</param> public static string GetDebugSupportFiles(ClrInfo clrInfo, DataTarget target, string storageLocation = null) { IntPtr processHandle = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Handle; if (!SymInitialize(processHandle, null, false)) { Console.WriteLine("*** Error initializing dbghelp.dll symbol support"); return(null); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(storageLocation)) { storageLocation = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), clrInfo.Version.ToString()); if (!Directory.Exists(storageLocation)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(storageLocation); } } Console.WriteLine("CLR version: " + clrInfo.Version); string clrModuleName = clrInfo.Version.Major == 2 ? "mscorwks" : "clr"; StringBuilder loadedClrFile = new StringBuilder(2048); if (!SymFindFileInPath(processHandle, null, clrModuleName + ".dll", clrInfo.DacInfo.TimeStamp, clrInfo.DacInfo.FileSize, 0, 0x2, loadedClrFile, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)) { Console.WriteLine("*** Error retrieving CLR from symbol server"); } else { File.Copy(loadedClrFile.ToString(), Path.Combine(storageLocation, clrModuleName + ".dll"), true); } string str = (IntPtr.Size == 4) ? "x86" : "amd64"; VersionInfo clrVersion = clrInfo.Version; string sosFileName = string.Format("sos_{0}_{1}_{2}.{3}.{4}.{5:D2}.dll", str, target.Architecture, clrVersion.Major, clrVersion.Minor, clrVersion.Revision, clrVersion.Patch); StringBuilder loadedSOSFile = new StringBuilder(2048); if (!SymFindFileInPath(processHandle, null, sosFileName, clrInfo.DacInfo.TimeStamp, clrInfo.DacInfo.FileSize, 0, 0x2, loadedSOSFile, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)) { Console.WriteLine("*** Error retrieving SOS from symbol server"); } else { File.Copy(loadedSOSFile.ToString(), Path.Combine(storageLocation, "SOS.dll"), true); } StringBuilder loadedDacFile = new StringBuilder(2048); if (!SymFindFileInPath(processHandle, null, clrInfo.DacInfo.FileName, clrInfo.DacInfo.TimeStamp, clrInfo.DacInfo.FileSize, 0, 0x2 /*SSRVOPT_DWORD*/, loadedDacFile, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero)) { Console.WriteLine("*** Error retrieving DAC from symbol server"); } else { File.Copy(loadedDacFile.ToString(), Path.Combine(storageLocation, "mscordacwks.dll"), true); } SymCleanup(processHandle); return(storageLocation); }
internal DesktopRuntimeBase(ClrInfo info, DataTargetImpl dt, DacLibrary lib) : base(info, dt, lib) { }
static void Main() { DataTarget dataTarget = DataTarget.LoadCrashDump(@"MyDump.dmp"); ClrInfo runtimeInfo = dataTarget.ClrVersions.Single(); // just using the first runtime string dacFile = @"mscordacwks_amd64_amd64_4.7.2117.00.dll"; ClrRuntime runtime = runtimeInfo.CreateRuntime(dacFile); if (!runtime.Heap.CanWalkHeap) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot walk heap"); return; } ClrType connectionGroupType = runtime.Heap.GetTypeByName("System.Net.ConnectionGroup"); foreach (ClrObject connectionGroup in runtime.Heap.EnumerateObjects().Where(o => o.Type == connectionGroupType)) { Console.WriteLine($"Found {connectionGroup}"); //connectionGroup.PrintFields(); int connectionLimit = connectionGroup.GetField <int>("m_ConnectionLimit"); Console.WriteLine($"ConnectionGroup 0x{connectionGroup.Address:x16} - m_ConnectionLimit: {connectionLimit}"); List <ClrObject> connections = connectionGroup.GetObjectField("m_ConnectionList").GetObjectField("_items") .EnumerateObjectArrayItems().Where(o => !o.IsNull).ToList(); Console.WriteLine($" Connections: {connections.Count}"); foreach (ClrObject c in connections) { Console.WriteLine(c); } List <ClrObject> connectionsStuck = connections.Where(c => c.GetField <bool>("m_NonKeepAliveRequestPipelined")).ToList(); Console.WriteLine($" m_NonKeepAliveRequestPipelined: true = {connectionsStuck.Count} / false = {connections.Count - connectionsStuck.Count}"); Console.WriteLine($" m_WriteDone: {connectionsStuck.Where(c => c.GetField<bool>("m_WriteDone")).Count()}"); Console.WriteLine($" m_ReadDone: {connectionsStuck.Where(c => c.GetField<bool>("m_ReadDone")).Count()}"); Console.WriteLine($" m_Free: {connectionsStuck.Where(c => c.GetField<bool>("m_Free")).Count()}"); int connections_KeepAlive = connections.Where(c => c.GetField <bool>("m_KeepAlive")).Count(); Console.WriteLine($" m_KeepAlive: true = {connections_KeepAlive} / false = {connections.Count - connections_KeepAlive}"); int connectionIndex = -1; foreach (ClrObject connection in connections) { connectionIndex++; //Debug.Assert(connection.Type.Name == "System.Net.Connection"); //connection.PrintFields(); bool m_NonKeepAliveRequestPipelined = connection.GetField <bool>("m_NonKeepAliveRequestPipelined"); List <ClrObject> writeList = connection.GetObjectField("m_WriteList").GetObjectField("_items").EnumerateObjectArrayItems().NonNull().ToList(); List <ClrObject> waitList = connection.GetObjectField("m_WaitList").GetObjectField("_items").EnumerateObjectArrayItems().NonNull().ToList(); /* * if (writeList.Count != 0 || waitList.Count != 0) * { * continue; * } */ /* * if (writeList.Count + waitList.Count != 1) * { * continue; * } */ /* * if (writeList.Count == 0 || writeList[0].GetField<bool>("m_KeepAlive")) * { * continue; * } */ Console.WriteLine($" Connection[{connectionIndex++}] 0x{connection.Address:x16}"); Console.WriteLine(" m_NonKeepAliveRequestPipelined = {0}", connection.GetField <bool>("m_NonKeepAliveRequestPipelined")); Console.WriteLine(" m_KeepAlive = {0}", connection.GetField <bool>("m_KeepAlive")); Console.WriteLine(" m_ReadDone = {0}", connection.GetField <bool>("m_ReadDone")); Console.WriteLine(" m_WriteDone = {0}", connection.GetField <bool>("m_WriteDone")); Console.WriteLine(" m_Free = {0}", connection.GetField <bool>("m_Free")); Console.WriteLine($" m_WriteList ({writeList.Count})"); int writeListIndex = 0; foreach (ClrObject httpWebRequest in writeList) { Console.WriteLine($" HWR[{writeListIndex++}] 0x{httpWebRequest.Address:x16}"); PrintHttpWebRequestFields(httpWebRequest, " "); } Console.WriteLine($" m_WaitList ({waitList.Count})"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ClrInfoAdapter" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="info">The information.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">info</exception> /// <inheritdoc /> public ClrInfoAdapter(IConverter converter, ClrInfo info) : base(converter) { Info = info ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(info)); LocalMatchingDac = Info.LocalMatchingDac; }
// Returns all the info about any Composite Keys stored in memory public static List <CompositeKeyInfo> GetCompositeKeyInfo(Process process) { List <CompositeKeyInfo> keyInfo = new List <CompositeKeyInfo>(); DataTarget dt = null; string databaseLocation = ""; try { dt = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(process.Id, 50000); if (dt.ClrVersions.Count == 0) { string err = "CLR is not loaded. Is it Keepass 1.x, perhaps?"; Logger.WriteLine(err); throw new Exception(err); } if (dt.ClrVersions.Count > 1) { Logger.WriteLine("*** Interesting... there are multiple .NET runtimes loaded in KeePass"); } ClrInfo Version = dt.ClrVersions[0]; ClrRuntime Runtime = Version.CreateRuntime(); ClrHeap Heap = Runtime.GetHeap(); if (!Heap.CanWalkHeap) { string err = "Error: Cannot walk the heap!"; Logger.WriteLine(err); throw new Exception(err); } foreach (ulong obj in Heap.EnumerateObjectAddresses()) { ClrType type = Heap.GetObjectType(obj); if (type == null || type.Name != "KeePassLib.PwDatabase") { continue; } Logger.WriteLine("************ Found a PwDatabase! **********"); List <ulong> referencedObjects = ClrMDHelper.GetReferencedObjects(Heap, obj); // First walk the referenced objects to find the database path foreach (ulong refObj in referencedObjects) { ClrType refObjType = Heap.GetObjectType(refObj); if (refObjType.Name == "KeePassLib.Serialization.IOConnectionInfo") { ClrInstanceField UrlField = refObjType.GetFieldByName("m_strUrl"); ulong UrlFieldAddr = UrlField.GetAddress(refObj); object Url = UrlField.GetValue(UrlFieldAddr, true); databaseLocation = (string)Url; } } if (databaseLocation != "") { Logger.WriteLine("*** PwDatabase location : " + databaseLocation); referencedObjects = ClrMDHelper.GetReferencedObjects(Heap, obj); // now walk the referenced objects looking for a master composite key foreach (ulong refObj in referencedObjects) { ClrType refObjType = Heap.GetObjectType(refObj); if (refObjType.Name == "KeePassLib.Keys.CompositeKey") { Logger.WriteLine("************ Found a CompositeKey! **********"); CompositeKeyInfo CompositeKey = new CompositeKeyInfo(); // Get all objects kept alive by the composite key. // (A shortcut to get references to all Key types) List <ulong> referencedObjects2 = ClrMDHelper.GetReferencedObjects(Heap, refObj); foreach (ulong refObj2 in referencedObjects2) { ClrType refObjType2 = Heap.GetObjectType(refObj2); if (refObjType2.Name == "KeePassLib.Keys.KcpPassword") { KcpPassword KcpPassword = GetKcpPasswordInfo(refObj2, refObjType2, Heap, databaseLocation); if (KcpPassword == null) { continue; } CompositeKey.AddUserKey(KcpPassword); } else if (refObjType2.Name == "KeePassLib.Keys.KcpKeyFile") { KcpKeyFile KcpKeyFile = GetKcpKeyFileInfo(refObj2, refObjType2, Heap, databaseLocation); if (KcpKeyFile == null) { continue; } CompositeKey.AddUserKey(KcpKeyFile); } else if (refObjType2.Name == "KeePassLib.Keys.KcpUserAccount") { KcpUserAccount KcpUserAccount = GetKcpUserAccountInfo(refObj2, refObjType2, Heap, databaseLocation); if (KcpUserAccount == null) { continue; } CompositeKey.AddUserKey(KcpUserAccount); } } if (CompositeKey.UserKeyCount > 0) { keyInfo.Add(CompositeKey); } } } } } Logger.Write("\n"); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.WriteLine(e.Message); throw; } finally { if (dt != null) { dt.Dispose(); } } return(keyInfo); }
static void handleException(Exception ex) { if (ex.Message == "Safe handle has been closed") { return; } if (MainV2.instance != null && MainV2.instance.IsDisposed) { return; } MissionPlanner.Utilities.Tracking.AddException(ex); log.Debug(ex.ToString()); GetStackTrace(ex); // hyperlinks error if (ex.Message == "Requested registry access is not allowed." || ex.ToString().Contains("System.Windows.Forms.LinkUtilities.GetIELinkBehavior")) { return; } if (ex.Message.Contains("The port is closed")) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Serial connection has been lost"); return; } if (ex.Message.Contains("Array.Empty")) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Please install Microsoft Dot Net 4.6.2"); Application.Exit(); return; } if (ex.Message.Contains("A device attached to the system is not functioning")) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Serial connection has been lost"); return; } if (ex.GetType() == typeof(MissingMethodException) || ex.GetType() == typeof(TypeLoadException)) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Please Update - Some older library dlls are causing problems\n" + ex.Message); return; } if (ex.GetType() == typeof(ObjectDisposedException) || ex.GetType() == typeof(InvalidOperationException)) // something is trying to update while the form, is closing. { log.Error(ex); return; // ignore } if (ex.GetType() == typeof(FileNotFoundException) || ex.GetType() == typeof(BadImageFormatException)) // i get alot of error from people who click the exe from inside a zip file. { CustomMessageBox.Show( "You are missing some DLL's. Please extract the zip file somewhere. OR Use the update feature from the menu " + ex.ToString()); // return; } // windows and mono if (ex.StackTrace != null && ex.StackTrace.Contains("System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.Dispose") || ex.StackTrace != null && ex.StackTrace.Contains("System.IO.Ports.SerialPortStream.Dispose")) { log.Error(ex); return; // ignore } log.Info("Th Name " + Thread?.Name); var dr = CustomMessageBox.Show("An error has occurred\n" + ex.ToString() + "\n\nReport this Error???", "Send Error", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if ((int)DialogResult.Yes == dr) { try { string data = ""; foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry de in ex.Data) { data += String.Format("-> {0}: {1}", de.Key, de.Value); } string message = ""; try { Controls.InputBox.Show("Message", "Please enter a message about this error if you can.", ref message); } catch { } string processinfo = ""; try { var result = new Dictionary <int, string[]>(); var pid = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id; using (var dataTarget = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(pid, 5000, AttachFlag.Passive)) { ClrInfo runtimeInfo = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0]; var runtime = runtimeInfo.CreateRuntime(); foreach (var t in runtime.Threads) { result.Add( t.ManagedThreadId, t.StackTrace.Select(f => { if (f.Method != null) { return(f.Method.Type.Name + "." + f.Method.Name); } return(null); }).ToArray() ); } } processinfo = result.ToJSON(Formatting.Indented); //;Process.GetCurrentProcess().Modules.ToJSON(); } catch { } string postData = "message=" + Environment.OSVersion.VersionString + " " + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString() + " " + Application.ProductVersion + "\nException " + ex.ToString().Replace('&', ' ').Replace('=', ' ') + "\nStack: " + ex.StackTrace.ToString().Replace('&', ' ').Replace('=', ' ') + "\nTargetSite " + ex.TargetSite + " " + ex.TargetSite.DeclaringType + "\ndata " + data + "\nmessage " + message.Replace('&', ' ').Replace('=', ' ') + "\n\n" + processinfo; Download.PostAsync("", postData); } catch (Exception exp) { Console.WriteLine(exp.ToString()); log.Error(exp); CustomMessageBox.Show("Could not send report! Typically due to lack of internet connection."); } } }
private static void DumpRetention(DataTarget dataTarget, ClrInfo clrVersion, ClrRuntime runtime, ClrAppDomain appDomain, ClrHeap heap, string targetType) { var graph = new Graph(); Console.WriteLine("## What's the retention path of the {0} object?", targetType); Console.WriteLine(""); foreach (var ptr in heap.EnumerateObjectAddresses()) { var type = heap.GetObjectType(ptr); if (type == null || type.Name != targetType) { continue; } // Enumerate roots and try to find the current object var stack = new Stack <ulong>(); foreach (var root in heap.EnumerateRoots()) { stack.Clear(); stack.Push(root.Object); if (GetPathToObject(heap, ptr, stack, new HashSet <ulong>())) { // Print retention path var depth = 0; var previousAddress = (ulong)0; foreach (var address in stack) { var t = heap.GetObjectType(address); if (t == null) { continue; } Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} - {2} - {3} bytes", new string('+', depth++), address, t.Name, t.GetSize(address)); graph.AddNode(address.ToString()).LabelText = $"{t.Name} ({address})"; if (previousAddress > 0 && !graph.Edges.Any(e => e.Source == previousAddress.ToString() && e.Target == address.ToString())) { graph.AddEdge(previousAddress.ToString(), address.ToString()); } previousAddress = address; } Console.WriteLine(); } } } Console.ReadLine(); // Render graph var width = 1600; var renderer = new GraphRenderer(graph); renderer.CalculateLayout(); var bitmap = new Bitmap(width, (int)(graph.Height * (width / graph.Width)), PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb); renderer.Render(bitmap); bitmap.Save("test.png"); Process.Start("test.png"); }
private static KeyValuePair <bool, string> Enumerate() { //Attach to target process DataTarget dt = null; try { dt = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(targetPID, 10000, AttachFlag.NonInvasive); } catch (Exception e) { return(new KeyValuePair <bool, string>(false, e.ToString())); } //If no ClrVersions, return if (dt.ClrVersions.Count == 0) { return(new KeyValuePair <bool, string>(false, "[!] No Clr Versions detected")); } #if DEBUG foreach (var ver in dt.ClrVersions) { Console.WriteLine("Clr Runtime Version Found: " + ver.Version.ToString()); } #endif ClrInfo ClrVersion = dt.ClrVersions[0]; try { cRun = ClrVersion.CreateRuntime(); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("[+] Created Runtime"); #endif } catch (Exception e) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("[!] Failed to create runtime"); #endif return(new KeyValuePair <bool, string>(false, e.ToString())); } ClrHeap Heap = cRun.GetHeap(); //if we can't walk the heap, return if (!Heap.CanWalkHeap) { return(new KeyValuePair <bool, string>(false, "[!] Unable to walk the heap")); } Console.WriteLine("[+] Walking the heap...."); string m = WildCardToRegWithQM("System.*"); string m1 = WildCardToRegWithQM("_*"); string m2 = WildCardToRegWithQM("Microsoft.*"); foreach (ulong obj in Heap.EnumerateObjectAddresses()) { //Grab each object, check if it has a simple value, if so, display it ClrType type = Heap.GetObjectType(obj); if (type == null || Regex.IsMatch(type.Name, m) || Regex.IsMatch(type.Name, m1) || Regex.IsMatch(type.Name, m2) || type.Name == "Free") { continue; } if (!type.IsPrimitive) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("[+] Enumerating type: " + type.Name); #endif //if the type has a simple value, add the type and its value to the results resultOutput.Append("\r\nType: " + type.Name + "\r\n\r\n"); //Enumerate all of the instance fields for the given type if (showFields) { if (type.Fields != null) { GetInstanceFields(type.Fields, obj); } } if (showstaticFields) { if (type.StaticFields != null) { GetStaticFields(type.StaticFields, cRun.AppDomains[0]); } } if (showMethods) { if (type.Methods != null) { GetMethods(type.Methods); } } } } return(new KeyValuePair <bool, string>(true, "[+] Successfully walked the heap.")); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the thread call stacks. /// </summary> /// <param name="threadMap">The thread map.</param> private static void GetThreadCallStacks(Dictionary <int, ThreadInfo> threadMap) { using (DataTarget target = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(Process.GetCurrentProcess( ).Id, 2500, AttachFlag.Passive)) { if (target.ClrVersions.Count > 0) { ClrInfo version = target.ClrVersions[0]; var runtime = version.CreateRuntime( ); var appDomains = new Dictionary <ulong, string>( ); foreach (var appDomain in runtime.AppDomains) { appDomains[appDomain.Address] = appDomain.Name; } foreach (var thread in runtime.Threads) { if (!thread.IsAlive) { continue; } ThreadInfo threadInfo; if (threadMap.TryGetValue(( int )thread.OSThreadId, out threadInfo)) { var callStack = new StringBuilder( ); foreach (ClrStackFrame frame in thread.StackTrace) { callStack.AppendLine(frame.ToString( )); } threadInfo.CallStack = callStack.ToString( ); threadInfo.OsThreadId = ( int )thread.OSThreadId; string appDomainName; if (appDomains.TryGetValue(thread.AppDomain, out appDomainName)) { threadInfo.AppDomain = appDomainName; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(threadInfo.CallStack)) { if (thread.IsFinalizer) { threadInfo.CallStack = "[Finalizer]"; } else if (thread.IsThreadpoolWorker) { threadInfo.CallStack = "[ThreadPoolWorker]"; } } } } } } }
public MDRuntimeInfo(ClrInfo info) { m_info = info; }
public ClrmdRuntime(ClrInfo info, DacLibrary dac, IRuntimeHelpers helpers) { ClrInfo = info; DacLibrary = dac; _helpers = helpers ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(helpers)); }
private void TracerBody() { IsEnd = false; while (!IsEnd) { try { for (int i = 0; i < mProbeTimes; ++i) { ProcessMeasure.Step(); Thread.Sleep(pollingFrequency); } process = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); if (process.HasExited) { process.Dispose(); process = null; return; } if (process.Responding) { process.Dispose(); continue; } var pid = process.Id; { StringBuilder mainThreadTrace = new StringBuilder(); var trace = GetStackTrace(mMainThread); if (trace == null) { trace = GetStackTrace(mMainThread); } if (trace != null) { mainThreadTrace.AppendLine("--------------------------------------"); mainThreadTrace.AppendLine("MainThread"); foreach (var f in trace.GetFrames()) { if (IsEnd) { return; } var method = f.GetMethod(); String declType = ""; if (method.DeclaringType != null) { declType = method.DeclaringType.FullName; } mainThreadTrace.AppendLine(" " + declType + "." + method.Name + "(" + f.GetFileName() + ":" + f.GetFileLineNumber() + ")"); } mainThreadTrace.AppendLine(); Tracer.D(mainThreadTrace.ToString()); } } using (var dataTarget = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(pid, 5000, AttachFlag.Passive)) { ClrInfo runtimeInfo = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0]; var runtime = runtimeInfo.CreateRuntime(); StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder(); Dictionary <String, String> moduleMap = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var t in runtime.Modules) { if (IsEnd) { return; } if (t.IsFile) { String name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(t.FileName); moduleMap[name] = t.FileName; } } foreach (var t in runtime.Threads) { if (IsEnd) { return; } if (t.ManagedThreadId == Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId) { continue; } if (!t.IsAlive) { continue; } strb.AppendLine("--------------------------------------"); strb.AppendLine("Thread " + t.ManagedThreadId); int count = 0; foreach (var f in t.EnumerateStackTrace()) { if (IsEnd) { return; } strb.AppendLine(" " + f.DisplayString + "+" + f.InstructionPointer); if (f.Method != null) { String moduleName = f.ModuleName; Module module = assembly.GetModule(f.ModuleName); String pdbName = ""; if (module != null) { pdbName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(module.Assembly.Location), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(module.Assembly.Location)) + ".pdb"; } else { if (moduleMap.ContainsKey(moduleName)) { pdbName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(moduleMap[moduleName]), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(moduleMap[moduleName])) + ".pdb"; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pdbName) && File.Exists(pdbName)) { try { var sourceFileNameAndLine = ReadClrSourceFileNameAndLine(pdbName, f.Method, f.InstructionPointer); strb.AppendLine(String.Format(" >({0}- line {1})", sourceFileNameAndLine.Item1, sourceFileNameAndLine.Item2)); } catch (Exception ee) { } } } ++count; if (count >= stackTraceIterations) { break; } } } strb.AppendLine(); Tracer.D(strb.ToString()); if (process != null) { process.Dispose(); process = null; } } } catch (Exception ee) { Tracer.D(ee.ToString()); } } }
private static void PrintDuplicateStrings(ClrInfo clr) { Dictionary <string, int> stringDupesDict = new Dictionary <string, int>(); ClrRuntime runtime = clr.CreateRuntime(); if (!runtime.Heap.CanWalkHeap) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot walk the heap!"); } else { foreach (ClrSegment seg in runtime.Heap.Segments) { foreach (ClrObject obj in seg.EnumerateObjects()) { // If heap corruption, continue past this object. if (!obj.IsValid) { continue; } if (obj.Type.Name != "System.String") { continue; } string type; if (seg.IsEphemeralSegment) { type = "Ephemeral"; } else if (seg.IsLargeObjectSegment) { type = "Large"; } else { type = "Gen2"; } var asstr = obj.AsString(); ulong objSize = obj.Size; int generation = seg.GetGeneration(obj); //Console.WriteLine($"{obj} {objSize} {generation}"); var keyWithGen = $"{asstr}_{objSize}_{generation}_{type}"; if (stringDupesDict.TryGetValue(keyWithGen, out int val)) { val = val + 1; stringDupesDict[keyWithGen] = val; } else { stringDupesDict[keyWithGen] = 1; } } } } foreach (var d in stringDupesDict.OrderBy(a => a.Value)) { Console.WriteLine($"Count:{d.Value}, String(value_size_gen):{d.Key}"); } var totalStrings = stringDupesDict.Sum(a => a.Value); Console.WriteLine($"Total strings: {totalStrings}"); }
/// <summary> /// Find all Strings in Heap an generate a dublicate string report /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void buttonStrings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Process == null) { return; } saveFileDialogStrings.FileName = String.Format("clrmd_{0:yyyyMMdd_HHmmss}", DateTime.Now); if (saveFileDialogStrings.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } if (File.Exists(saveFileDialogStrings.FileName)) { File.Delete(saveFileDialogStrings.FileName); } Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; HashSet <StringObjectHelper> stringObjectList = new HashSet <StringObjectHelper>(); ulong fullSize = 0; int objectCount = 0; using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(saveFileDialogStrings.FileName, true, Encoding.UTF8)) { using (DataTarget dataTarget = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(Process.Id, dataTargetTimeOut, dataTargetAttachFlag)) { ClrInfo clrVersion = dataTarget.ClrVersions.First(); ClrRuntime runtime = clrVersion.CreateRuntime(); if (runtime.Heap.CanWalkHeap) { foreach (ulong ptr in runtime.Heap.EnumerateObjectAddresses()) { ClrType type = runtime.Heap.GetObjectType(ptr); if (type == null || type.IsString == false) { continue; } StringObjectHelper stringObject = new StringObjectHelper(); stringObject.String = (string)type.GetValue(ptr); stringObject.Size = type.GetSize(ptr); StringObjectHelper stringObjectFound; if (stringObjectList.TryGetValue(stringObject, out stringObjectFound)) { stringObjectFound.PtrList.Add(ptr); } else { stringObject.PtrList.Add(ptr); stringObjectList.Add(stringObject); } objectCount++; fullSize += stringObject.Size; //write all strings writer.WriteLine("**{0}#{1:X}#G{2}#{3:n0}", objectCount, ptr, type.Heap.GetGeneration(ptr), stringObject.Size); writer.WriteLine(stringObject.String); } } writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("**Position#HeapPtr#Generation#Size"); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("{0:n0} String Objects", objectCount); writer.WriteLine("{0:n0} String unique Strings", stringObjectList.Count); writer.WriteLine("{0:n0} Bytes", fullSize); } } //write dublicate info var orderedList = stringObjectList.OrderByDescending(x => x.PtrList.Count); using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(saveFileDialogStrings.FileName + ".unique.csv", true, Encoding.UTF8)) { writer.WriteLine("Count;Size;FullSize;Content;Ptrs"); foreach (StringObjectHelper so in orderedList) { string pointerList = String.Join(",", so.PtrList.Select(x => String.Format("x{0:X}", x))); writer.WriteLine(String.Format("{0};{1};{2};{3};{4}", so.PtrList.Count, so.Size, so.Size * (ulong)so.PtrList.Count, (so.String.Length > 50 ? so.String.Substring(0, 50) + " ..." : so.String).Replace("'", "").Replace(";", "").Replace("\r", " ").Replace("\n", ""), pointerList.Length > 50 ? pointerList.Substring(0, 50) + " ..." : pointerList)); } } Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; }
private async Task ProcessCommand2(ILogger <Program> logger) { string filePath = @"C:\Users\Ne4to\projects\GitHub\Ne4to\Heartbeat\tests\dumps\AsyncStask.dmp"; string?dacPath = null; bool ignoreMismatch = false; var dataTarget = DataTarget.LoadDump(filePath); ClrInfo clrInfo = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0]; var clrRuntime = dacPath == null ? clrInfo.CreateRuntime() : clrInfo.CreateRuntime(dacPath, ignoreMismatch); var runtimeContext = new RuntimeContext(clrRuntime, filePath); var traversingMode = _commandLineOptions.TraversingHeapMode; ExecuteWhenTrue(PrintHttpClients, _commandLineOptions.HttpClient); ExecuteWhenTrue(PrintStringDuplicates, _commandLineOptions.StringDuplicate); ExecuteWhenTrue(PrintObjectTypeStatistics, _commandLineOptions.ObjectTypeStatistics); ExecuteWhenTrue(PrintTimerQueueTimers, _commandLineOptions.TimerQueueTimer); ExecuteWhenTrue(PrintLongStrings, _commandLineOptions.LongString); void PrintHttpClients() { var analyzer = new HttpClientAnalyzer(runtimeContext); analyzer.TraversingHeapMode = traversingMode; var httpClients = analyzer.GetClientsInfo(); foreach (var httpclient in httpClients) { logger.LogInformation($"{httpclient.Address} timeout = {httpclient.Timeout.TotalSeconds:F2} seconds"); } } void PrintStringDuplicates() { var analyzer = new StringDuplicateAnalyzer(runtimeContext); analyzer.TraversingHeapMode = traversingMode; var duplicates = analyzer.GetStringDuplicates(10, 100); foreach (var duplicate in duplicates) { logger.LogInformation($"{duplicate.Count} instances of: {duplicate.String}"); } } void PrintObjectTypeStatistics() { var analyzer = new ObjectTypeStatisticsAnalyzer(runtimeContext); analyzer.TraversingHeapMode = traversingMode; var statistics = analyzer.GetObjectTypeStatistics(); foreach (var stat in statistics) { logger.LogInformation($"{stat.TypeName}: {stat.TotalSize} ({stat.InstanceCount} instances)"); } } void PrintTimerQueueTimers() { var analyzer = new TimerQueueTimerAnalyzer(runtimeContext); analyzer.TraversingHeapMode = traversingMode; var timers = analyzer.GetTimers(traversingMode); foreach (var timer in timers) { logger.LogInformation($"{timer.Address} m_dueTime = {timer.DueTime}, m_period = {timer.Period}, m_canceled = {timer.Cancelled}"); if (timer.CancellationState != null) { logger.LogInformation($"CanBeCanceled: {timer.CancellationState.CanBeCanceled}"); logger.LogInformation($"IsCancellationRequested: {timer.CancellationState.IsCancellationRequested}"); logger.LogInformation($"IsCancellationCompleted: {timer.CancellationState.IsCancellationCompleted}"); } } } void PrintLongStrings() { var analyzer = new LongStringAnalyzer(runtimeContext); analyzer.TraversingHeapMode = traversingMode; var strings = analyzer.GetStrings(20, null); foreach (var s in strings) { logger.LogInformation($"{s.Address} Length = {s.Length} chars, Value = {s.Value}"); } } }
static void handleException(Exception ex) { if (ex.Message == "Safe handle has been closed") { return; } if (MainV2.instance != null && MainV2.instance.IsDisposed) { return; } MissionPlanner.Utilities.Tracking.AddException(ex); log.Debug(ex.ToString()); GetStackTrace(ex); // hyperlinks error if (ex.Message == "Requested registry access is not allowed." || ex.ToString().Contains("System.Windows.Forms.LinkUtilities.GetIELinkBehavior")) { return; } if (ex.Message.Contains("The port is closed")) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Serial connection has been lost"); return; } if (ex.Message.Contains("Array.Empty")) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Please install Microsoft Dot Net 4.6.2"); Application.Exit(); return; } if (ex.Message.Contains("A device attached to the system is not functioning")) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Serial connection has been lost"); return; } if (ex.GetType() == typeof(OpenTK.Graphics.GraphicsContextException)) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Please update your graphics card drivers. Failed to create opengl surface\n" + ex.Message); return; } if (ex.GetType() == typeof(MissingMethodException) || ex.GetType() == typeof(TypeLoadException)) { CustomMessageBox.Show("Please Update - Some older library dlls are causing problems\n" + ex.Message); return; } if (ex.GetType() == typeof(ObjectDisposedException) || ex.GetType() == typeof(InvalidOperationException)) // something is trying to update while the form, is closing. { log.Error(ex); return; // ignore } if (ex.GetType() == typeof(FileNotFoundException) || ex.GetType() == typeof(BadImageFormatException)) // i get alot of error from people who click the exe from inside a zip file. { CustomMessageBox.Show( "You are missing some DLL's. Please extract the zip file somewhere. OR Use the update feature from the menu " + ex.ToString()); // return; } // windows and mono if (ex.StackTrace != null && ex.StackTrace.Contains("System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.Dispose") || ex.StackTrace != null && ex.StackTrace.Contains("System.IO.Ports.SerialPortStream.Dispose")) { log.Error(ex); return; // ignore } log.Info("Th Name " + Thread?.Name); var dr = CustomMessageBox.Show("An error has occurred\n" + ex.ToString() + "\n\nReport this Error???", "Send Error", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if ((int)DialogResult.Yes == dr) { try { string data = ""; foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry de in ex.Data) { data += String.Format("-> {0}: {1}", de.Key, de.Value); } string message = ""; try { Controls.InputBox.Show("Message", "Please enter a message about this error if you can.", ref message); } catch { } string processinfo = ""; try { var result = new Dictionary <int, string[]>(); var pid = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id; using (var dataTarget = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(pid, 5000, AttachFlag.Passive)) { ClrInfo runtimeInfo = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0]; var runtime = runtimeInfo.CreateRuntime(); foreach (var t in runtime.Threads) { result.Add( t.ManagedThreadId, t.StackTrace.Select(f => { if (f.Method != null) { return(f.Method.Type.Name + "." + f.Method.Name); } return(null); }).ToArray() ); } } processinfo = result.ToJSON(Formatting.Indented); //;Process.GetCurrentProcess().Modules.ToJSON(); } catch { } // Create a request using a URL that can receive a post. WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(""); request.Timeout = 10000; // 10 sec // Set the Method property of the request to POST. request.Method = "POST"; // Create POST data and convert it to a byte array. string postData = "message=" + Environment.OSVersion.VersionString + " " + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString() + " " + Application.ProductVersion + "\nException " + ex.ToString().Replace('&', ' ').Replace('=', ' ') + "\nStack: " + ex.StackTrace.ToString().Replace('&', ' ').Replace('=', ' ') + "\nTargetSite " + ex.TargetSite + " " + ex.TargetSite.DeclaringType + "\ndata " + data + "\nmessage " + message.Replace('&', ' ').Replace('=', ' ') + "\n\n" + processinfo; byte[] byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData); // Set the ContentType property of the WebRequest. request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; // Set the ContentLength property of the WebRequest. request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length; // Get the request stream. using (Stream dataStream = request.GetRequestStream()) { // Write the data to the request stream. dataStream.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length); } // Get the response. using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse()) { // Display the status. Console.WriteLine(((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusDescription); // Get the stream containing content returned by the server. using (Stream dataStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { // Open the stream using a StreamReader for easy access. using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(dataStream)) { // Read the content. string responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd(); // Display the content. Console.WriteLine(responseFromServer); } } } } catch (Exception exp) { Console.WriteLine(exp.ToString()); log.Error(exp); CustomMessageBox.Show("Could not send report! Typically due to lack of internet connection."); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); var crashDumpPath = "../../artefacts/core_20200503_003216"; using (DataTarget dataTarget = DataTarget.LoadDump(crashDumpPath)) { foreach (ClrInfo version in dataTarget.ClrVersions) { Console.WriteLine("Found CLR Version: " + version.Version); // This is the data needed to request the dac from the symbol server: DacInfo dacInfo = version.DacInfo; Console.WriteLine("Filesize: {0:X}", dacInfo.IndexFileSize); Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0:X}", dacInfo.IndexTimeStamp); Console.WriteLine("Dac File: {0}", dacInfo.PlatformSpecificFileName); // If we just happen to have the correct dac file installed on the machine, // the "LocalMatchingDac" property will return its location on disk: string dacLocation = version.DacInfo.LocalDacPath;; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dacLocation)) { Console.WriteLine("Local dac location: " + dacLocation); } ClrInfo runtimeInfo = dataTarget.ClrVersions[0]; // just using the first runtime ClrRuntime runtime = runtimeInfo.CreateRuntime(); // You may also download the dac from the symbol server, which is covered // in a later section of this tutorial. foreach (ClrAppDomain domain in runtime.AppDomains) { Console.WriteLine("ID: {0}", domain.Id); Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}", domain.Name); Console.WriteLine("Address: {0}", domain.Address); foreach (ClrModule module in domain.Modules) { Console.WriteLine("Module: {0}", module.Name); } foreach (ClrThread thread in runtime.Threads) { if (!thread.IsAlive) { continue; } Console.WriteLine("Thread {0:X}:", thread.OSThreadId); foreach (ClrStackFrame frame in thread.EnumerateStackTrace()) { Console.WriteLine("Stack Name: " + frame.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("{0,12:X} {1,12:X} {2}", frame.StackPointer, frame.InstructionPointer, frame); } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("{0,12} {1,12} {2,12} {3,12} {4,4} {5}", "Start", "End", "CommittedMemory", "ReservedMemory", "Heap", "Type"); foreach (ClrSegment segment in runtime.Heap.Segments) { string type; if (segment.IsEphemeralSegment) { type = "Ephemeral"; } else if (segment.IsLargeObjectSegment) { type = "Large"; } else { type = "Gen2"; } Console.WriteLine("{0,12:X} {1,12:X} {2,12:X} {3,12:X} {4,4} {5}", segment.Start, segment.End, segment.CommittedMemory, segment.ReservedMemory, segment.LogicalHeap, type); } foreach (var item in (from seg in runtime.Heap.Segments group seg by seg.LogicalHeap into g orderby g.Key select new { Heap = g.Key, Size = g.Sum(p => (uint)p.Length) })) { Console.WriteLine("Heap {0,2}: {1:n0} bytes", item.Heap, item.Size); } } foreach (var handle in runtime.EnumerateHandles()) { string objectType = runtime.Heap.GetObjectType(handle.Object).Name; Console.WriteLine("{0,12:X} {1,12:X} {2,12} {3}", handle.Address, handle.Object, handle.GetType(), objectType); } if (!runtime.Heap.CanWalkHeap) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot walk the heap!"); } else { foreach (ClrSegment seg in runtime.Heap.Segments) { for (ulong obj = seg.FirstObjectAddress; obj != 0; obj = seg.GetNextObjectAddress(obj)) { ClrType type = runtime.Heap.GetObjectType(obj); // If heap corruption, continue past this object. if (type == null) { continue; } int size = type.StaticSize; Console.WriteLine("{0,12:X} {1,8:n0} {2,1:n0} {3}", obj, size, seg.GetGeneration(obj), type.Name); } } } // if (!runtime.Heap.CanWalkHeap) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot walk the heap!"); } else { foreach (ulong obj in runtime.Heap.EnumerateObjects()) { ClrType type = runtime.Heap.GetObjectType(obj); // If heap corruption, continue past this object. if (type == null) { continue; } int size = type.StaticSize; Console.WriteLine("{0,12:X} {1,8:n0} {2,1:n0} {3}", obj, size, type.GCDesc, type.Name); } } } } } }
private static KeyValuePair <bool, string> DisableScriptControl(int pid) { //Get SeDebug Privilege Process.EnterDebugMode(); // attach to CylanceSvc process and locate the IsScriptControlEnabled field try { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Attaching to process with pid: " + targetPID); #endif dt = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(pid, 10000, AttachFlag.NonInvasive); } catch (Exception e) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); #endif return(new KeyValuePair <bool, string>(false, e.ToString())); } //If no ClrVersions, exit if (dt.ClrVersions.Count == 0) { return(new KeyValuePair <bool, string>(false, "No Clr Versions detected")); } #if DEBUG foreach (var ver in dt.ClrVersions) { Console.WriteLine("Clr Runtime Version Found: " + ver.Version.ToString()); } #endif ClrInfo ClrVersion = dt.ClrVersions[0]; ClrRuntime cRun = ClrVersion.CreateRuntime(); ClrHeap Heap = cRun.GetHeap(); try { KeyValuePair <ClrInstanceField, string> res = GetField("IsScriptControlEnabled", "Cylance.Host.MemDef.MemDef", Heap); if (res.Key == null) { return(new KeyValuePair <bool, string>(false, res.Value)); } ClrInstanceField field = res.Key; Console.WriteLine("IsScriptControlEnabled -> Protected: " + field.IsProtected.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("IsScriptControlEnabled -> HasSimpleValue: " + field.HasSimpleValue.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("IsScriptControlEnabled -> Offset: " + field.Offset.ToString("X8")); Console.WriteLine("IsScriptControlEnabled -> Memory Address: " + fieldAddr.ToInt64().ToString("X8")); Console.WriteLine("IsScriptControlEnabled -> Value: " + fieldValue.ToString()); //Now that we have an address for the field, change it :) IntPtr hProcess = OpenProcess(allAccess, false, targetPID); if (hProcess == IntPtr.Zero || hProcess == null) { return(new KeyValuePair <bool, string>(false, new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message)); } #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("Obtained process handle " + hProcess.ToString("X8")); #endif bool en = false; byte[] buf = new byte[] { Convert.ToByte(en) }; return(WriteToProcess(hProcess, buf, fieldAddr)); } catch (Exception e) { return(new KeyValuePair <bool, string>(false, e.ToString())); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += CurrentDomain_UnhandledException; if (args == null || args.Length != 1) { ShowHowToUse(); return; } int procId = 0; string procIdStr = args.FirstOrDefault(); if (!int.TryParse(procIdStr, out procId)) { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't parse '{0}' as int, exiting...", procIdStr); return; } var currProc = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); Console.WriteLine("{0}[{1}] is {2}", Path.GetFileName(currProc.MainModule.FileName), currProc.Id, GetArchitecture(Environment.Is64BitProcess)); System.Diagnostics.Process process = null; bool targetProcIs64BitProcess = false; try { process = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(procId); targetProcIs64BitProcess = NativeWrapper.Is64BitProcess(process.Handle); Console.WriteLine("Successfully connected to {0} process '{1}'[{2}]", GetArchitecture(targetProcIs64BitProcess), process.MainModule.FileName, process.Id); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't connect to process '{0}'. Error: {1}", procId, ex); return; } // If current process is x64 and target process is x86, we need restart it as x86 process if (Environment.Is64BitProcess && !targetProcIs64BitProcess) { Console.WriteLine("Need restart it as x86 process"); string path = currProc.MainModule.FileName; string[] splitted = Path.GetFileName(currProc.MainModule.FileName).Split('.'); string x86Path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), splitted[0] + "_x86." + splitted[1]); ProcessStartInfo psi = new ProcessStartInfo(x86Path, procIdStr); try { Process.Start(psi); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't start x86 process from '{0}'", x86Path); } return; } Console.WriteLine("Start working..."); var now = DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) .Replace(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat.DateSeparator, "_") .Replace(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.DateTimeFormat.TimeSeparator, "_"); string fileName = string.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}.txt", Path.GetFileName(process.MainModule.FileName), procId, now); Console.WriteLine("The result will be saved in: '{0}'", fileName); using (process) { using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(fileName)) { using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(stream)) { using (DataTarget dt = DataTarget.AttachToProcess(procId, 5000, AttachFlag.NonInvasive)) { ClrInfo version = dt.ClrVersions[0]; tw.WriteLine("ClrVersion: {0}", version); Console.WriteLine("ClrVersion: {0}", version); tw.WriteLine("Process: {0}\r\nVersion: \r\n{1}", Path.GetFileName(process.MainModule.FileName), process.MainModule.FileVersionInfo); Console.WriteLine("Process: {0}\r\nVersion: \r\n{1}", Path.GetFileName(process.MainModule.FileName), process.MainModule.FileVersionInfo); EnumerateLoadedModules(tw, dt); tw.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); ClrRuntime runtime = null; try { runtime = version.CreateRuntime(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't create ClrRuntime, Exiting... :{0}", ex); return; } ShowThreads(tw, runtime); tw.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); ShowApplicationDomains(tw, runtime); } } } } Console.WriteLine("Finished."); }
public string FindDac(ClrInfo clrInfo) => FindDac(clrInfo.DacInfo.FileName, clrInfo.DacInfo.TimeStamp, clrInfo.DacInfo.FileSize);
public string FindDac(ClrInfo clrInfo) { var dac = FindDac(clrInfo.DacInfo.FileName, clrInfo.DacInfo.TimeStamp, clrInfo.DacInfo.FileSize); return(dac); }