internal void UpdateInfo(JToken data) { #if DEBUG CrestronConsole.PrintLine("Updated data for IPTV Receiver..."); CrestronConsole.PrintLine(data.ToString(Formatting.Indented)); #endif Name = data["name"].Value <string>(); Location = data["location"].Value <string>(); MacAddress = data["mac"].Value <string>(); try { IpAddress = data["ip"].Value <string>(); } catch (Exception e) { IpAddress = data["address"].Value <string>(); } finally { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(IpAddress)) { CloudLog.Error( "Could not parse Device hostname / address from data in {0}.UpdateInfo(JToken data)", GetType().Name); } } }
public void SetVolume(int volumeLevel) { var json = string.Format("{{ \"params\": {{ \"receivervolume\": {0} }} }}", volumeLevel); PostRequest("/cgi-bin/json_xfer", json, (userobj, error) => { if (error != HTTP_CALLBACK_ERROR.COMPLETED || userobj == null) { CheckComms(false); return; } try { var data = JToken.Parse(userobj.ContentString); //#if DEBUG CrestronConsole.PrintLine("{0} received response:", GetType().Name); CrestronConsole.PrintLine(data.ToString(Formatting.Indented)); //#endif CheckComms(true); } catch (Exception e) { //#if DEBUG CrestronConsole.PrintLine(userobj.ContentString); //#endif CloudLog.Error("Error in {0}.SetVolume(int volumeLevel), {1}", GetType().Name, e.Message); CheckComms(false); } }); }
public void SetCurrentMode(ReceiverMode mode) { var json = string.Format("{{ \"params\": {{ \"currentMode\": \"{0}\" }} }}", mode.ToString().ToLower()); Mode = mode; PostRequest("/cgi-bin/json_xfer", json, (userobj, error) => { if (error != HTTP_CALLBACK_ERROR.COMPLETED || userobj == null) { CheckComms(false); return; } try { var data = JToken.Parse(userobj.ContentString); #if DEBUG CrestronConsole.PrintLine("{0} received response:", GetType().Name); CrestronConsole.PrintLine(data.ToString(Formatting.Indented)); #endif CheckComms(true); } catch (Exception e) { #if DEBUG CrestronConsole.PrintLine(userobj.ContentString); #endif CloudLog.Error("Error in {0}.SetCurrentMode(ReceiverMode mode), {1}", GetType().Name, e.Message); CheckComms(false); } }); }
public FireAlarmMonitorSystem(CrestronControlSystem controlSystem) : base(controlSystem) { try { if (controlSystem.NumberOfVersiPorts > 0) { controlSystem.VersiPorts[1].Register(); _fireAlarmMonitor = new FireAlarmMonitor(9002, 20, controlSystem.VersiPorts[1]); return; } if (controlSystem.NumberOfDigitalInputPorts > 0) { controlSystem.DigitalInputPorts[1].Register(); _fireAlarmMonitor = new FireAlarmMonitor(9002, 20, controlSystem.DigitalInputPorts[1]); return; } CloudLog.Error("Could not setup fire alarm interface! No io ports available"); } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Exception(e); } }
public uint AddItem(object linkedObject, bool holdOffSettingListSize) { if (_count == MaxNumberOfItems) { CloudLog.Error("Cannot add item to {0}, No more items available!, count = {1}, max = {2}", GetType().Name, _count, MaxNumberOfItems); return(0); } _count++; var item = this[_count]; item.Show(); item.Enable(); item.Feedback = false; item.LinkedObject = linkedObject; if (!holdOffSettingListSize) { SetNumberOfItems(_count); } return(_count); }
public override void SetInput(DisplayDeviceInput input) { if (_availableInputs.Contains(input)) { switch (input) { case DisplayDeviceInput.HDMI1: _requestedInputValue = "HDMI"; break; case DisplayDeviceInput.DVI: _requestedInputValue = "D-RGB"; break; case DisplayDeviceInput.VGA: _requestedInputValue = "A-RGB2"; break; case DisplayDeviceInput.HDBaseT: _requestedInputValue = "HDBT"; break; } _socket.Send(string.Format("INPUT={0}", _requestedInputValue)); _socket.Send("GET=INPUT"); } else { CloudLog.Error("{0} does not have the option of input: {1}", this, input); } }
internal QsysResponse Request(string method, object args) { if (Thread.CurrentThread.ThreadType == Thread.eThreadType.SystemThread) { throw new Exception("Cannot call QsysCore.Request synchronously in system thread!"); } var request = new QsysRequest(_socket, method, args); //CloudLog.Debug("{0}.Request(), ID = {1}", GetType().Name, request.Id); _awaitingEventsLocked.Enter(); _awaitingEvents[request.Id] = new CEvent(true, false); _awaitingEventsLocked.Leave(); _socket.SendRequest(request); var result = _awaitingEvents[request.Id].Wait(30000); _awaitingEvents[request.Id].Dispose(); _awaitingEventsLocked.Enter(); _awaitingEvents.Remove(request.Id); _awaitingEventsLocked.Leave(); if (!result) { CloudLog.Error("{0} Request Time Out, Request: {1}, ID {2}", GetType().Name, request.Method, request.Id); throw new TimeoutException("Request did not process a response in suitable time"); } var response = _awaitingResponses[request.Id]; _awaitingResponsesLocked.Enter(); _awaitingResponses.Remove(request.Id); _awaitingResponsesLocked.Leave(); return(response); }
internal virtual void UpdateProperties(Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > properties) { try { foreach (var property in properties["gen"]) { switch (property.Key) { case "model": Model = property.Value; break; case "state": State = (DeviceState)Enum.Parse(typeof(DeviceState), property.Value, true); break; case "name": Name = property.Value; break; case "uptime": var timeMatch = Regex.Match(property.Value, @"(\d+)d:(\d+)h:(\d+)m:(\d+)s"); UpTime = TimeSpan.FromDays(int.Parse(timeMatch.Groups[1].Value)) + TimeSpan.FromHours(int.Parse(timeMatch.Groups[2].Value)) + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(int.Parse(timeMatch.Groups[3].Value)) + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(int.Parse(timeMatch.Groups[4].Value)); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Error("Error processing property values in {0}, {1}", GetType().Name, e.Message); } }
internal QsysRequest(JToken data) { try { if (data["method"] != null) { Method = data["method"].Value <string>(); if (data["id"] != null) { Id = data["id"].Value <int>(); } if (data["params"] != null) { Args = data["params"]; } return; } CloudLog.Error("Error processing {0} from data string", GetType().Name); } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Exception(e); } }
/// <summary> /// Create an instance of a QsysCore /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceAddresses">The hostnames or ip addresses of the core(s)</param> /// <param name="port">Override the default TCP port of 1710</param> /// <param name="name"></param> public QsysCore(IList <string> deviceAddresses, string name, int port) { _name = name; try { _socket = new QsysSocket(deviceAddresses, port, name); _socket.StatusChanged += (client, status) => { _initialized = status != SocketStatus.SOCKET_STATUS_CONNECTED; DeviceCommunicating = status == SocketStatus.SOCKET_STATUS_CONNECTED; }; _socket.RequestReceived += SocketOnRequestReceived; _socket.ResponseReceived += SocketOnResponseReceived; CloudLog.Debug("{0} instance created with address(es) \"{1}\" port {2}", GetType().Name, String.Join(",", deviceAddresses.ToArray()), port); CrestronConsole.AddNewConsoleCommand(parameters => DefaultChangeGroup.Invalidate(), "QSysUpdateAll", "Invalidate the default change group in the core", ConsoleAccessLevelEnum.AccessOperator); } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Error("Error in {0}.ctor(), {1}", GetType().Name, e.Message); } }
internal override void UpdateProperties(Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, string> > properties) { base.UpdateProperties(properties); try { if (properties.ContainsKey("hdmiInput")) { HdmiInput.UpdateFromProperties(properties["hdmiInput"]); } } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Error("Error processing property values in {0}, {1}", GetType().Name, e.Message); } #if DEBUG CrestronConsole.PrintLine("Updated {0}, \"{1}\": State: {2}", GetType().Name, Name, State); if (State != DeviceState.Up) { return; } CrestronConsole.PrintLine(" Uptime: {0}", UpTime.ToPrettyFormat()); CrestronConsole.PrintLine(" HdmiInput: {0}{1}{2}", HdmiInput.Connected ? "Connected" : "Disconnected", HdmiInput.Connected ? " " + HdmiInput.Format : "", HdmiInput.Connected ? " HDCP: " + HdmiInput.Hdcp : "", HdmiInput.Connected ? " HDMI 2.0: " + HdmiInput.Hdmi2Point0 : ""); #endif }
private void SocketOnReceivedString(string receivedString) { DeviceCommunicating = true; var match = Regex.Match(receivedString, @"^([\w-]+) ([\w/]+)(?:(\.|:| )(.+))?$"); if (!match.Success) { CloudLog.Error("Error processing line from lightware: \"{0}\"", receivedString); return; } var prefix = match.Groups[1].Value; var path = match.Groups[2].Value; var context = match.Groups[4].Value; Debug.WriteNormal(Debug.AnsiBlue + prefix + " " + Debug.AnsiPurple + path + Debug.AnsiCyan + match.Groups[3].Value + Debug.AnsiGreen + context + Debug.AnsiReset); switch (prefix) { case "CHG": OnReceiveChange(path, context); break; case "pr": OnReceiveProperty(path, context, true); break; case "pw": OnReceiveProperty(path, context, false); break; } }
internal ChristieComPortHandler(IComPortDevice comPort) { _comPort = comPort; var port = _comPort as CrestronDevice; if (port != null && !port.Registered) { var result = port.Register(); if (result != eDeviceRegistrationUnRegistrationResponse.Success) { CloudLog.Error("Could not register {0}, {1}", port, result); } } _comPort.SetComPortSpec(new ComPort.ComPortSpec() { BaudRate = ComPort.eComBaudRates.ComspecBaudRate115200, DataBits = ComPort.eComDataBits.ComspecDataBits8, StopBits = ComPort.eComStopBits.ComspecStopBits1, Parity = ComPort.eComParityType.ComspecParityNone, Protocol = ComPort.eComProtocolType.ComspecProtocolRS232, ReportCTSChanges = false, HardwareHandShake = ComPort.eComHardwareHandshakeType.ComspecHardwareHandshakeNone, SoftwareHandshake = ComPort.eComSoftwareHandshakeType.ComspecSoftwareHandshakeNone, }); _bytes = new byte[1000]; _byteIndex = 0; _comPort.SerialDataReceived += ComPortOnSerialDataReceived; }
public IEnumerable <Booking> GetBookings() { var cmd = new CodecCommand("Bookings", "List"); cmd.Args.Add("Days", 1); cmd.Args.Add("DayOffset", 0); var bookings = new List <Booking>(); var response = Codec.SendCommand(cmd); if (response.Code != 200) { CloudLog.Error("Error getting bookings search, Codec Responded with {0} code", response.Code); return(bookings); } var result = response.Xml.Element("Command").Element("BookingsListResult"); Debug.WriteInfo("Bookings List"); Debug.WriteNormal(Debug.AnsiPurple + result + Debug.AnsiReset); if (result.Attribute("status").Value == "Error") { var message = result.Element("Reason").Value; CloudLog.Error("Error getting bookings search: {0}", message); return(bookings); } bookings.AddRange(result.Elements("Booking").Select(data => new Booking(data))); return(bookings.ToArray()); }
public override void SetInput(DisplayDeviceInput input) { if (_availableInputs.Contains(input)) { _requestedInput = input; switch (input) { case DisplayDeviceInput.HDMI1: Send('x', 'b', 0x90); break; case DisplayDeviceInput.HDMI2: Send('x', 'b', 0x91); break; case DisplayDeviceInput.HDMI3: Send('x', 'b', 0x92); break; case DisplayDeviceInput.HDMI4: Send('x', 'b', 0x93); break; } } else { CloudLog.Error("{0} does not have the option of input: {1}", this, input); } }
public void Initialize() { if (_timer != null) { return; } _refreshCount = 60; CrestronEnvironment.ProgramStatusEventHandler += type => { _programStopping = type == eProgramStatusEventType.Stopping; if (_programStopping) { RequestQueue.Enqueue(null); } }; _timer = new CTimer(specific => { _refreshCount = _refreshCount - 1; try { if (_refreshCount == 0 || !Receivers.Any()) { Receivers.Discover(); } } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Error("Error getting receiver collection from AvediaServer, {0}", e.Message); } try { if (_refreshCount == 0 || !Channels.Any()) { Channels.UpdateChannels(); } } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Error("Error getting channel collection from AvediaServer, {0}", e.Message); } if (!_initialized) { _initialized = true; OnHasInitialized(this); } if (_refreshCount == 0) { _refreshCount = 60; } }, null, 1000, (long)TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1).TotalMilliseconds); }
public void Initialize() { if (_initialized) { return; } var port = _comPort as PortDevice; if (port != null && !port.Registered) { var result = port.Register(); if (result != eDeviceRegistrationUnRegistrationResponse.Success) { CloudLog.Error("Could not register {0} with ID {1}, {2}", port.GetType().Name, port.ID, result); } } var spec = new ComPort.ComPortSpec() { BaudRate = ComPort.eComBaudRates.ComspecBaudRate9600, DataBits = ComPort.eComDataBits.ComspecDataBits8, Parity = ComPort.eComParityType.ComspecParityNone, StopBits = ComPort.eComStopBits.ComspecStopBits1, Protocol = ComPort.eComProtocolType.ComspecProtocolRS232, HardwareHandShake = ComPort.eComHardwareHandshakeType.ComspecHardwareHandshakeNone, SoftwareHandshake = ComPort.eComSoftwareHandshakeType.ComspecSoftwareHandshakeNone, ReportCTSChanges = false }; _comPort.SetComPortSpec(spec); _comPort.SerialDataReceived += (device, args) => { var bytes = args.SerialData.ToByteArray(); #if DEBUG Debug.WriteSuccess("Samsung Rx", Debug.AnsiBlue + Tools.GetBytesAsReadableString(bytes, 0, bytes.Length, false) + Debug.AnsiReset); #endif foreach (var b in bytes) { _rxQueue.Enqueue(b); } if (_rxThread != null && _rxThread.ThreadState == Thread.eThreadStates.ThreadRunning) { return; } _rxThread = new Thread(ReceiveBufferProcess, null, Thread.eThreadStartOptions.CreateSuspended) { Priority = Thread.eThreadPriority.UberPriority, Name = string.Format("Samsung Display ComPort - Rx Handler") }; _rxThread.Start(); }; _initialized = true; }
protected BaseUIController(SystemBase system, BasicTriListWithSmartObject device, RoomBase room) : base(system, device, room) { try { var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var streamName = assembly.GetManifestResourceNames() .FirstOrDefault(n => n.Contains(".sgd") && n.Contains(device.Name)) ?? assembly.GetManifestResourceNames() .FirstOrDefault( n => n.Contains(".sgd") && n.Contains("XPanel") && device is XpanelForSmartGraphics) ?? assembly.GetManifestResourceNames() .FirstOrDefault( n => n.Contains(".sgd") && n.Contains("CrestronApp") && device is CrestronApp) ?? assembly.GetManifestResourceNames() .FirstOrDefault(n => n.Contains(".sgd")); CloudLog.Info("Loading Smartgraphics for {0} ID {1}, File: {2}", GetType().Name, Id, streamName); var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(streamName); LoadSmartObjects(stream); } catch { CloudLog.Error("Could not load SGD file for {0}", this); } _roomNameLabel = new UILabel(this, Serials.RoomName); _roomContactNumberLabel = new UILabel(this, Serials.RoomContactNumber); _bootPage = new BootPageViewController(this, Digitals.PageBoot, null); var tswX60BaseClass = device as TswX60BaseClass; if (tswX60BaseClass != null) { tswX60BaseClass.ExtenderSystem2ReservedSigs.Use(); } _restartingView = new ASubPage(this, Device.BooleanInput[Digitals.SubPageRestarting], string.Empty, TimeSpan.Zero); _restartingText = new UILabel(this, Serials.RestartingText) { Text = "System Restarting" }; _homeButton = new UIButton(this, Digitals.HomeButton); _backButton = new UIButton(this, Digitals.BackButton) { VisibleJoin = Device.BooleanInput[Digitals.BackButtonVisible] }; _backButton.Show(); _homeButton.ButtonEvent += HomeButtonOnButtonEvent; _textEntryView = new TextFieldEntryViewController(this); _actionSheets[0] = new ActionSheetDefault(this); }
internal void FusionRegisterInternal() { var ipId = FusionShouldRegister(); try { if (ipId > 0) { IpIdFactory.Block(ipId, IpIdFactory.DeviceType.Fusion); Fusion = new FusionRoom(ipId, System.ControlSystem, Name, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); Fusion.Description = "Fusion for " + Name; Fusion.FusionStateChange += OnFusionStateChange; Fusion.OnlineStatusChange += OnFusionOnlineStatusChange; Fusion.FusionAssetStateChange += FusionOnFusionAssetStateChange; } else { return; } } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Exception(e); } try { FusionShouldRegisterUserSigs(); } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Exception(e); } try { FusionShouldRegisterAssets(); } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Exception(e); } try { var regResult = Fusion.Register(); if (regResult != eDeviceRegistrationUnRegistrationResponse.Success) { CloudLog.Error("Error registering fusion in room {0} with IpId 0x{1:X2}, result = {2}", Id, ipId, regResult); } } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Exception(e); } }
private bool CheckIfNewVersion(Assembly appAssembly) { try { var runningVersion = appAssembly.GetName().Version; CloudLog.Info("Checking version of {0} to see if \"{1}\" is new", appAssembly.GetName().Name, runningVersion); var filePath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", AppStoragePath, appAssembly.GetName().Name); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { using (var newFile = File.OpenWrite(filePath)) { newFile.Write(runningVersion.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8); } CloudLog.Notice("Version file created at \"{0}\", app must be updated or new", filePath); return(true); } bool appIsNewVersion; using (var file = new StreamReader(filePath, Encoding.UTF8)) { var contents = file.ReadToEnd().Trim(); var version = new Version(contents); appIsNewVersion = runningVersion.CompareTo(version) != 0; if (appIsNewVersion) { CloudLog.Warn("APP UPDATED TO {0}", runningVersion.ToString()); } else { CloudLog.Notice("App version remains as {0}", runningVersion.ToString()); } } if (appIsNewVersion) { File.Delete(filePath); using (var newFile = File.OpenWrite(filePath)) { newFile.Write(runningVersion.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8); } CloudLog.Notice("Version file deleted and created at \"{0}\", with new version number", filePath); } return(appIsNewVersion); } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Error("Error checking if app is new version, returning true, {0}", e.Message); return(true); } }
public void GetStatus() { try { //CloudLog.Debug("{0}.GetStatus() for address {1}", GetType().Name, _address); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_address) && _firstAttempt) { _firstAttempt = false; CloudLog.Error("Error with Solstice Pod, no address set, please check config"); return; } var uri = string.Format("http://{0}/api/stats?password={1}", _address, _password); #if DEBUG CloudLog.Debug("Gettiing .. " + uri); #endif _client.GetAsync(uri, (response, error) => { try { if (error == HTTP_CALLBACK_ERROR.COMPLETED) { #if DEBUG Debug.WriteNormal(Debug.AnsiPurple + response + Debug.AnsiReset); #endif var data = JToken.Parse(response); var info = data["m_displayInformation"]; _displayName = info["m_displayName"].Value <string>(); _productName = info["m_productName"].Value <string>(); _productVarient = info["m_productVariant"].Value <string>(); Name = _productName + " " + _productVarient + " (" + _displayName + ")"; DeviceCommunicating = true; return; } } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Error("Error with response from Solstice Pod at \"{0}\", {1}", _address, e.Message); } if (DeviceCommunicating || _firstAttempt) { _firstAttempt = false; CloudLog.Error("Error waiting for response from Solstice Pod at \"{0}\"", _address); DeviceCommunicating = false; } }); } catch (Exception e) { if (DeviceCommunicating || _firstAttempt) { _firstAttempt = false; CloudLog.Error("Error calling request for Solstice Pod at \"{0}\", {1}", _address, e.Message); DeviceCommunicating = false; } } }
private static void CallMethodForClient(string host, string method, uint clientId) { GetRequest((id, response) => { if (response.Code != 200) { CloudLog.Error("Error trying method \"{0}\", Response code: {1}", method, response.Code); } }, host, method, clientId); }
public static void SetChannel(string host, uint clientId, uint channelNumber) { GetRequest((id, response) => { if (response.Code != 200) { CloudLog.Error("Error trying to set channel, Response code: {0}", response.Code); } }, host, "SelectChannel", clientId, channelNumber); }
private void Callback(HttpClientResponse response, HTTP_CALLBACK_ERROR error) { try { if (error != HTTP_CALLBACK_ERROR.COMPLETED) { CloudLog.Warn("Cannot communicate with AvediaServer to discover receivers"); return; } if (response.Code != 200) { CloudLog.Error("{0} HttpResponse = {1}", GetType().Name, response.Code); return; } var data = JArray.Parse(response.ContentString); #if true Debug.WriteInfo(Debug.AnsiPurple + data.ToString(Formatting.Indented) + Debug.AnsiReset); #endif foreach ( var device in data.Where( d => d["type"].Value <string>() == "Media Player" || d["type"].Value <string>() == "Receiver") ) { if (this.Any(d => d.Id == device["id"].Value <string>())) { this[device["id"].Value <string>()].UpdateInfo(device); } else { Receiver receiver = null; try { receiver = new Receiver(_server, device); } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Exception(e, "Error loading receiver object from data"); } if (receiver == null) { continue; } _receivers.Add(receiver); OnReceiverDiscovered(receiver, receiver.Id, receiver.Name); } } } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Exception(e); } }
private object SourceLoadProcess(object userSpecific) { var sources = userSpecific as SourceBase[]; if (sources == null) { CloudLog.Error("Error in SourceLoadProcess(object userSpecific)"); return(null); } _sourceChangeBusy = true; try { SourceLoadStarted(sources[1]); } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Exception(e); } try { SourceLoadProcess(sources[0], sources[1]); } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Exception(e, "Error loading source \"{0}\"", sources[1] != null ? sources[1].Name : "None"); } try { if (Fusion != null) { FusionShouldUpdateCoreParameters(); } } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Exception(e); } _sourceChangeBusy = false; try { SourceLoadEnded(); } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Exception(e); } return(null); }
public void StopRecording(int contentId, string name) { var requestData = new { name, schedule = new { @stop = DateTime.Now, } }; var json = JToken.FromObject(requestData); var request = new ServerRequest(_server.HostNameOrIpAddress, "/api/content/recording/scheduled/" + contentId, json.ToString(), RequestType.Put, (response, error) => { if (error != HTTP_CALLBACK_ERROR.COMPLETED) { CloudLog.Warn("Cannot communicate with AvediaServer to get recordings"); OnRecordingsUpdated(new RecordingsUpdatedEventArgs { EventType = RecordingUpdatedEventType.StopRecording, RequestFailed = true, FailReason = "Could not get response from server" }); return; } if (response.Code != 200) { CloudLog.Error("{0} HttpResponse = {1}", GetType().Name, response.Code); OnRecordingsUpdated(new RecordingsUpdatedEventArgs { EventType = RecordingUpdatedEventType.StopRecording, RequestFailed = true, FailReason = "Server responded with " + response.Code + " error", }); return; } var data = JToken.Parse(response.ContentString).First; var id = data["Id"].Value <int>(); CloudLog.Error("{0} HttpResponse = {1}", GetType().Name, response.Code); OnRecordingsUpdated(new RecordingsUpdatedEventArgs { EventType = RecordingUpdatedEventType.StopRecording, RequestFailed = false, RecordingId = id }); }); _server.QueueRequest(request); }
protected override void ActionPowerRequest(bool powerRequest) { if (_powerSetThread != null && _powerSetThread.ThreadState == Thread.eThreadStates.ThreadRunning) { if (powerRequest == RequestedPower) { return; } } _powerSetThread = new Thread(specific => { try { var response = SonyBraviaHttpClient.Request(_deviceAddress, _psk, "/sony/system", "setPowerStatus", "1.0", new JObject { { "status", powerRequest } }).Await(); if (response.Type == SonyBraviaResponseType.Success) { if (powerRequest && PowerStatus == DevicePowerStatus.PowerOff) { PowerStatus = DevicePowerStatus.PowerWarming; } else if (!powerRequest && PowerStatus == DevicePowerStatus.PowerOn) { PowerStatus = DevicePowerStatus.PowerCooling; } } else if (response.Type == SonyBraviaResponseType.Failed) { CloudLog.Error("Could not set display power, Response = {0}, {1}", response.Type, response.Exception.Message); } else { CloudLog.Error("Could not set display power, Response = {0}", response.Type); } } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Exception(e, "Error trying to set display power"); _connectionOk = false; } _checkWait.Set(); return(null); }, null); }
protected override void ReceivedResponse(TesiraResponse response) { if (response.CommandType != TesiraCommand.Get || response.OtherCommandElements.Any()) { return; } var json = response.TryParseResponse(); if (json == null) { CloudLog.Error("{0} could not parse {1} value from json message \"{2}\"", GetType().Name, response.AttributeCode, response.Message); return; } try { switch (response.AttributeCode) { case TesiraAttributeCode.Label: _label = response.TryParseResponse()["value"].Value <string>(); break; case TesiraAttributeCode.NumInputs: _numberOfInputs = response.TryParseResponse()["value"].Value <uint>(); break; case TesiraAttributeCode.NumOutputs: _numberOfOutputs = response.TryParseResponse()["value"].Value <uint>(); break; case TesiraAttributeCode.NumSources: _numberOfSources = response.TryParseResponse()["value"].Value <uint>(); break; case TesiraAttributeCode.SourceSelection: _sourceSelection = response.TryParseResponse()["value"].Value <uint>(); break; case TesiraAttributeCode.StereoEnable: _stereroEnabled = response.TryParseResponse()["value"].Value <bool>(); OnInitialized(); break; } } catch (Exception e) { CloudLog.Error("{0} could not parse {1} value from json \"{2}\", {3}", GetType().Name, response.AttributeCode, json.ToString(), e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Access to the controls registered to the component /// </summary> /// <param name="controlName">The name of the control</param> /// <returns>A QsysControl object</returns> public QsysControl this[string controlName] { get { if (Controls.ContainsKey(controlName)) { return(Controls[controlName]); } CloudLog.Error("Qsys Component \"{0}\" does not contain control \"{1}\"", Name, controlName); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Access a Named Component on the Core /// </summary> /// <param name="componentName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ComponentBase this[string componentName] { get { if (_components.ContainsKey(componentName)) { return(_components[componentName]); } CloudLog.Error("QsysCore does not contain component \"{0}\"", componentName); return(null); } }