private async Task doItemDownload(LibraryItem item) { try { item.DownloadStatus = DownloadStatus.Downloading; var downloadResult = await itemDownloader.Download(new DownloadItem { Id = item.ID, FileName = item.FullTitle + ".mp4" }); if (!downloadResult.Item1) { if (IsInBackground) { await RemoteNotificationsService.Instance.TriggerLocalNotification( "We're sorry. This video cannot be downloaded because there is not enough space on your device. Please clear some space and try again."); } else { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error", "We're sorry. This video cannot be downloaded because there is not enough space on your device. Please clear some space and try again.", "OK"); } item.DownloadUrl = downloadResult.Item2; item.DownloadStatus = DownloadStatus.Failed; item.DownloadProgress = null; } item.DownloadUrl = downloadResult.Item2; if (CloudItems != null && CloudItems.ToList().Contains(item)) { Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { SuspendOnSelectedItemDetailsChangedEvent = true; Download.ChangeCanExecute(); CancelDownload.ChangeCanExecute(); Delete.ChangeCanExecute(); SuspendOnSelectedItemDetailsChangedEvent = false; if (!downloadResult.Item1) { Play.ChangeCanExecute(); } }); } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerService.Instance.Log("ERROR: Failed to start downloading of item: Exception: " + ex); } }
private async Task getItems(bool cloudItemsOnly = false) { if (!cloudItemsOnly) { await getLocalItems(); } else { await updateLocalItems(); } var collection = await LibraryClient.Get(); if (collection?.Entries != null) { if (CloudItems == null) { CloudItems = new ObservableCollection <LibraryItem>(); } var entries = new ObservableCollection <LibraryItem>(collection.Entries); switch (librarySort) { case LibrarySort.Alphabetical: await entries.SortByTitle(); break; case LibrarySort.Recent: await entries.SortByDate(); break; } var newItems = await CloudItems.UpdateItems(entries); if (Account != null && Account.SignedIn && Account.UserInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Account.UserInfo.Email)) { var cloud = CloudItems.ToList(); var email = Account.UserInfo.Email.ToLower(); if (!SharedSettingsService.Instance.GetBoolValue("AutoDownloadDBCreated" + email)) { SharedSettingsService.Instance.SetBoolValue("AutoDownloadDBCreated" + email, true); foreach (var cloudItem in cloud) { LocalLibraryService.Instance.CreateCloudItemId(cloudItem.ID, Account.UserInfo.Email); } } else { foreach (var cloudItem in newItems) { if ( !LocalLibraryService.Instance.IsItemAddedForDownload(cloudItem.ID, Account.UserInfo.Email)) { LocalLibraryService.Instance.CreateCloudItemId(cloudItem.ID, Account.UserInfo.Email); if (AutoDownload) { LoggerService.Instance.Log("Library.getItems: Found new item for download: ID: " + cloudItem.ID); await DownloadItem(cloudItem, false); } } } } } } if (LocalItems != null && CloudItems != null) { var local = LocalItems.ToList(); var cloud = CloudItems.ToList(); foreach (var localItem in local) { var cloudItemForLocalItem = cloud.FirstOrDefault( item => item.ID == localItem.ID && localItem.Storage == LibraryItemStorage.AppLocal); if (cloudItemForLocalItem != null) { cloudItemForLocalItem.LocalItem = localItem; if (cloudItemForLocalItem.DownloadStatus != DownloadStatus.Downloading) { cloudItemForLocalItem.DownloadStatus = DownloadStatus.Completed; } } } } await sort(librarySort); OnPropertyChanged(nameof(CloudItemsCount)); }
public Library(Account accountViewModel) { this.accountViewModel = accountViewModel; Sort = new Command <LibrarySort>(p => LibrarySort = p); Manage = new Command(() => manage()); Download = new Command <LibraryItem>(async p => await DownloadItem(p, true), p => { return(p != null && !p.IsLocal && p.DownloadStatus != DownloadStatus.Downloading); }); CancelDownload = new Command <LibraryItem>(p => cancelDownload(p), p => { return(p != null && !p.IsLocal && p.DownloadStatus == DownloadStatus.Downloading); }); Play = new Command <LibraryItem>(async p => await play(p), p => { return(p != null && (p.IsLocal || p.LocalItem != null)); }); Delete = new Command <LibraryItem>(async p => { if (p == null) { return; } var message = string.Empty; if (p.IsLocal) { message = "Are you sure you want to delete this recording from your device?" + Environment.NewLine + "It is no longer available to download from the cloud."; LibraryItem cloudRecording = null; if (CloudItems != null) { cloudRecording = CloudItems.ToList().FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == p.ID); } if (cloudRecording != null) { var timeLeft = cloudRecording.Expires.ToLocalTime().Subtract(DateTime.Now); message = "Are you sure you want to delete this recording from your device?" + Environment.NewLine + "You can download it again from the cloud within the next " + Math.Round(timeLeft.TotalDays) + " days."; } } else { message = "Are you sure you want to delete this recording from the cloud?" + Environment.NewLine + "You will need to record it again to download and watch on any device."; LibraryItem localRecording = null; if (LocalItems != null) { localRecording = LocalItems.ToList().FirstOrDefault(l => l.ID == p.ID); } if (localRecording != null) { message = "Are you sure you want to delete this recording from the cloud?" + Environment.NewLine + "It will no longer be available for download on any device."; } } if (await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Delete Recording", message, "Yes", "No")) { try { CancelDownload?.Execute(p); IsLoading = true; if (!await delete(p)) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error Deleting", "Unable to delete the selected recording.", "OK"); } else { OnItemDeleted?.Invoke(this, null); } IsLoading = false; } catch (Exception ex) { LoggerService.Instance.Log("ERROR: Library.DeleteCommand: " + ex); } } }, p => { return(p != null && p.Storage != LibraryItemStorage.iTunes); }); DownloadChecked = new Command(async() => await downloadChecked(), () => { return(selectedView == LibraryViewMode.Cloud); }); ManageDone = new Command(() => manageDone()); DeleteChecked = new Command(async() => { IEnumerable <LibraryItem> items = null; if (selectedView == LibraryViewMode.Cloud) { items = CloudItems.Where(l => l.Checked); } else { items = LocalItems.Where(l => l.Checked); } if (items == null || !items.Any()) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Delete Recordings", "Please select one or more recordings to delete.", "OK"); return; } if (await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Delete Recordings", "Are you sure you want to delete the selected recordings?", "Yes", "No")) { if (!await deleteMultipleItems(items.ToArray())) { await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("Error Deleting", "Unable to delete all of the selected recordings.", "OK"); } } Edit = false; }); RefreshCloudItems = new Command(async() => { Edit = false; await getItems(true); try { var clouds = cloudItems.ToList(); foreach (var cloudItem in clouds) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cloudItem.SmallThumbnailUri)) { await ImageService.Instance.InvalidateCacheEntryAsync(cloudItem.SmallThumbnailUri, CacheType.All); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cloudItem.LargeThumbnailUri)) { await ImageService.Instance.InvalidateCacheEntryAsync(cloudItem.LargeThumbnailUri, CacheType.All); } cloudItem.RefreshImages(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //XXX : Handle error LoggerService.Instance.Log("ERROR: Library.RefreshCloudItems: " + ex); } IsRefreshing = false; }); RefreshLocalItems = new Command(async() => { Edit = false; await updateLocalItems(); IsRefreshing = false; }); itemDownloader = ItemDownloaderService.Instance; itemDownloader.DownloadProgress += ItemDownloaderOnDownloadProgress; itemDownloader.DownloadComplete += ItemDownloaderOnDownloadComplete; }