Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the UI based on the results of a Cloud Geocoding Query
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateSearchResultsOnUI(CloudGeocodingResult searchResult)
            // Clear the locations list and existing location markers on the map
            SimpleMarkerOverlay geocodedLocationOverlay = (SimpleMarkerOverlay)mapView.Overlays["Geocoded Locations Overlay"];

            lsbLocations.ItemsSource = null;

            // Update the UI with the number of results found and the list of locations found
            txtSearchResultsDescription.Text = $"Found {searchResult.Locations.Count} matching locations.";
            lsbLocations.ItemsSource         = searchResult.Locations;
            if (searchResult.Locations.Count > 0)
                lsbLocations.IsVisible    = true;
                lsbLocations.SelectedItem = searchResult.Locations[0];
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Search for an address using the GeocodingCloudClient and update the UI
        /// </summary>
        private async void Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            await CollapseExpander();

            // Perform some simple validation on the input text boxes
            if (await ValidateSearchParameters())
                // Run the Cloud Geocoding query
                CloudGeocodingResult searchResult = await PerformGeocodingQuery();

                // Handle an error returned from the geocoding service
                if (searchResult.Exception != null)
                    await DisplayAlert("Error", searchResult.Exception.Message, "OK");


                // Update the UI based on the results
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Search for an address using the GeocodingCloudClient
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <CloudGeocodingResult> PerformGeocodingQuery()
            // Show a loading graphic to let users know the request is running
            loadingIndicator.IsRunning = true;
            loadingLayout.IsVisible    = true;

            CloudGeocodingOptions options = new CloudGeocodingOptions();

            // Set up the CloudGeocodingOptions object based on the parameters set in the UI
            options.MaxResults             = int.Parse(txtMaxResults.Text);
            options.SearchMode             = ((string)cboSearchType.SelectedItem) == "Fuzzy" ? CloudGeocodingSearchMode.FuzzyMatch : CloudGeocodingSearchMode.ExactMatch;
            options.LocationType           = (CloudGeocodingLocationType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CloudGeocodingLocationType), (string)cboLocationType.SelectedItem);
            options.ResultProjectionInSrid = 3857;

            // Run the geocode
            string searchString = txtSearchString.Text.Trim();
            CloudGeocodingResult searchResult = await geocodingCloudClient.SearchAsync(searchString, options);

            // Hide the loading graphic
            loadingIndicator.IsRunning = false;
            loadingLayout.IsVisible    = false;
