public Boolean UpdateClothingProduct(ClothingProduct product) { if (productGetway.UpdateProductInfo(product) > 0) { return(true); } return(false); }
public JsonResult updateClothingProductInfo(ClothingProduct product) { if (productManager.UpdateClothingProduct(product)) { return(Json("true", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(Json("false", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public ActionResult ProductPage(String code, int sectionId, String name) { List <SectionC> sections = sectionManager.getAllSections(); ViewBag.sections = sections; if (sectionId == 1) { ClothingProduct clothingProduct = productManager.getAClothingProduct(code)[0]; ViewBag.product = clothingProduct; } else if (sectionId == 2) { ElectronicsProduct electronicsProduct = productManager.GetElectronicsProducts(code)[0]; ViewBag.product = electronicsProduct; } else if (sectionId == 3) { DailyNeedProduct dailyNeedProduct = productManager.GetADailyNeedProuct(code)[0]; ViewBag.product = dailyNeedProduct; } else if (sectionId == 4) { MobileProduct mobileProduct = productManager.GetAllMobileProduct(code)[0]; ViewBag.product = mobileProduct; } else if (code.Equals("null") && sectionId == -1) { List <Product> products = productManager.GetProduct(name); int secId = products[0].SectionId; if (secId == 1) { ClothingProduct clothingProduct = productManager.getAClothingProduct(products[0].ProductCode)[0]; ViewBag.product = clothingProduct; } else if (secId == 2) { ElectronicsProduct electronicsProduct = productManager.GetElectronicsProducts(products[0].ProductCode)[0]; ViewBag.product = electronicsProduct; } else if (secId == 3) { DailyNeedProduct dailyNeedProduct = productManager.GetADailyNeedProuct(products[0].ProductCode)[0]; ViewBag.product = dailyNeedProduct; } else if (secId == 4) { MobileProduct mobileProduct = productManager.GetAllMobileProduct(products[0].ProductCode)[0]; ViewBag.product = mobileProduct; } } return(View()); }
public Boolean InsertClothingProduct(ClothingProduct product) { if (productGetway.insertClothingProduct(product) > 0) { return(true); } return(false); }
public int insertClothingProduct(ClothingProduct product) { SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); String Query = "INSERT INTO products VALUES ('" + product.ProductName + "','" + product.ProductCode + "'," + product.SectionId + "," + product.Price + ",'" + product.Category + "','" + product.Description + "','" + product.ImageLink + "'," + product.LCount + "," + product.MCount + "," + product.XLCount + "," + product.XXLCount + ",null" + ",'" + product.BrandName + "')"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(Query, connection); connection.Open(); int res = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); return(res); }
public int UpdateProductInfo(ClothingProduct product) { SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString); String Query = "UPDATE products SET productName = '" + product.ProductName + "',ProductCode='" + product.ProductCode + "',Price=" + product.Price + ",Category ='" + product.Category + "',Description='" + product.Description + "',LCount=" + product.LCount + ",MCount=" + product.MCount + ",XLCount=" + product.XLCount + ",XXLCount=" + product.XXLCount + ",BrandName='" + product.BrandName + "' WHERE ProductId=" + product.ProductId; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(Query, connection); connection.Open(); int res = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); connection.Close(); return(res); }
/// <summary> /// Add a clothing item product to the catalog /// </summary> /// <param name="newProduct">The new clothing product</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <IActionResult> AddClothing(ClothingProduct newProduct) { //Call API to add new product var response = await client.PostAsJsonAsync <ClothingProduct>("product/Clothing", newProduct); //check response for errors if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { var model = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <ClothingProduct>(); ViewData["ClothingModel"] = model; ViewData["NewProductId"] = model.Id; ViewData["ProgressMessage"] = "Product Created"; return(View("Index")); } else { throw new ApplicationException(response.ReasonPhrase); } }
public JsonResult getclothProduct(String Code) { ClothingProduct clothingProduct = productManager.getAClothingProduct(Code)[0]; return(Json(clothingProduct, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public void ShopMenuLogic(IShop shop, string option) { switch (option) { case "1": Console.Clear(); try { if (shop.GetProducts().Count > 0) { foreach (var product in shop.GetProducts()) { Console.WriteLine($"Barcode: {product.GetBarcode()} Product name: {product} Available ammount: {shop.GetQuantityOf(product.GetBarcode())} Price: {shop.GetPrice(product.GetBarcode())} HUF"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("There are not products yet!"); } } catch (ShopIsClosedException) { Console.WriteLine("Please open the shop first!"); } break; case "2": Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("What product you are looking for?"); var productName = Console.ReadLine(); try { Product currentProduct = shop.FindByName(productName); Console.WriteLine($"Barcode: {currentProduct.GetBarcode()} Product name: {currentProduct} Available ammount: " + $"{shop.GetQuantityOf(currentProduct.GetBarcode())} Price: {shop.GetPrice(currentProduct.GetBarcode())} HUF"); } catch (ShopIsClosedException) { Console.WriteLine("Please open the shop first!"); } catch (NoSuchProductException) { Console.WriteLine("There is no such product available."); } break; case "3": Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(shop.GetOwner()); break; case "4": Console.Clear(); shop.Open(); break; case "5": Console.Clear(); shop.Close(); break; case "6": Console.Clear(); try { Console.WriteLine("Press 1 if you want to add food, 2 for adding clothes"); var foodOrCloth = Console.ReadLine(); switch (foodOrCloth) { case "1": Console.WriteLine("Pls give the barcode of the product"); var barcode = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What's the name of the product?"); var name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Who is the manufacturer?"); var manufact = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("How many calories it have?"); var calories = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Best before?"); var bestBefore = Console.ReadLine(); var productToAdd = new FoodProduct(Convert.ToInt64(barcode), name, manufact, Convert.ToInt32(calories), Convert.ToDateTime(bestBefore)); Console.WriteLine("How many you want to add?"); var FoodQuantity = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("How much it costs?"); var price = Console.ReadLine(); shop.AddNewProduct(productToAdd, Convert.ToInt32(FoodQuantity), Convert.ToSingle(price)); break; case "2": Console.WriteLine("Pls give the barcode of the product"); var barcodec = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What's the name of the product?"); var namec = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Who is the manufacturer?"); var manufactc = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What material it is"); var material = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("What type is it?"); var type = Console.ReadLine(); var clothToAdd = new ClothingProduct(Convert.ToInt64(barcodec), namec, manufactc, material, type); Console.WriteLine("How many you want to add?"); var Clothesquanty = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("How much it costs?"); var priceCloth = Console.ReadLine(); shop.AddNewProduct(clothToAdd, Convert.ToInt32(Clothesquanty), Convert.ToSingle(priceCloth)); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); break; } } catch (System.FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Input format."); } catch (ProductAlreadyExistsException) { Console.WriteLine("The given product already exists"); } catch (ShopIsClosedException) { Console.WriteLine("Please open the shop first!"); } break; case "7": Console.Clear(); try { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Pls give the barcode of the product"); var barcodeToAdd = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Pls give quantity you want to add."); var quantity = Console.ReadLine(); shop.AddProduct(Convert.ToInt64(barcodeToAdd), Convert.ToInt32(quantity)); } catch (System.FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Input format."); } catch (NoSuchProductException) { Console.WriteLine("There is no product like that available!"); } catch (ShopIsClosedException) { Console.WriteLine("Please open the shop first!"); } break; case "8": Console.Clear(); try { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the barcode of the product you want to buy"); var barcodeToBuy = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine("How many products you wanna buy?"); var quant = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); if (quant == 1) { Cart.Add(shop.BuyProduct(barcodeToBuy)); Prices.Add(shop.GetPrice(barcodeToBuy)); } else if (quant > 1) { Cart.AddRange(shop.BuyProducts(barcodeToBuy, quant)); for (int i = 0; i < quant; i++) { Prices.Add(shop.GetPrice(barcodeToBuy)); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); } } catch (System.FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Input format."); } catch (NoSuchProductException) { Console.WriteLine("There is no product like that available!"); } catch (ShopIsClosedException) { Console.WriteLine("Please open the shop first!"); } catch (OutOfStockException) { Console.WriteLine("We don't have enough supply! :("); } break; case "9": Console.Clear(); try { Console.WriteLine("Please enter the barcode of the product you want to check"); var barcodeToCheck = Convert.ToInt64(Console.ReadLine()); Console.WriteLine($"The price of {shop.GetProductName(barcodeToCheck)}: {shop.GetPrice(barcodeToCheck)} HUF"); } catch (System.FormatException) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid Input format."); } catch (NoSuchProductException) { Console.WriteLine("There is no product like that available!"); } catch (ShopIsClosedException) { Console.WriteLine("Please open the shop first!"); } break; case "0": inAShop = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input"); Thread.Sleep(500); Console.Clear(); break; } }
public ActionResult AddProduct(ClothingProduct product, ElectronicsProduct electronics, DailyNeedProduct dailyNeeds, MobileProduct mobile, int SectionId) { WebImage photo = null; var newFileName = ""; var imagePath = ""; photo = WebImage.GetImageFromRequest(); if (product.ProductName != null && product.SectionId > 0 && product.ProductCode != null && product.Price != 0 && photo != null) { if (!productManager.isThisCodeAlreadyExist(product.ProductCode)) { photo.FileName = product.ProductCode + "img"; newFileName = photo.FileName; imagePath = @"Style/ProductImage/" + product.SectionId + @"/" + newFileName; photo.Save(@"~/" + imagePath); Boolean res = false; if (SectionId == 1) { product.ImageLink = imagePath; res = productManager.InsertClothingProduct(product); } else if (SectionId == 2) { electronics.ImageLink = imagePath; res = productManager.InsertElectronicsProduct(electronics); } else if (SectionId == 3) { dailyNeeds.ImageLink = imagePath; res = productManager.InsertDailyNeedsProduct(dailyNeeds); } else if (SectionId == 4) { mobile.ImageLink = imagePath; productManager.InsertMobileProduct(mobile); } if (res) { ViewBag.insertResult = "1"; List <ClothingProduct> clothingProducts = productManager.GetAllCLothingProduct(); List <ElectronicsProduct> electronicsProducts = productManager.GetAllElectroinicProduct(); List <DailyNeedProduct> dailyNeedProducts = productManager.GetADailyNeedProuct(); List <MobileProduct> mobileProducts = productManager.GetAllMobileProduct(); return(View(new AdminSectionC((AdminC)Session["adminIndo"], (List <SectionC>)Session["sectionInfo"], clothingProducts, electronicsProducts, dailyNeedProducts, mobileProducts))); } else { List <ClothingProduct> clothingProducts = productManager.GetAllCLothingProduct(); List <ElectronicsProduct> electronicsProducts = productManager.GetAllElectroinicProduct(); List <DailyNeedProduct> dailyNeedProducts = productManager.GetADailyNeedProuct(); List <MobileProduct> mobileProducts = productManager.GetAllMobileProduct(); return(View(new AdminSectionC((AdminC)Session["adminIndo"], (List <SectionC>)Session["sectionInfo"], clothingProducts, electronicsProducts, dailyNeedProducts, mobileProducts))); } } else { ViewBag.insertResult = "2"; List <ClothingProduct> clothingProducts = productManager.GetAllCLothingProduct(); List <ElectronicsProduct> electronicsProducts = productManager.GetAllElectroinicProduct(); List <DailyNeedProduct> dailyNeedProducts = productManager.GetADailyNeedProuct(); List <MobileProduct> mobileProducts = productManager.GetAllMobileProduct(); return(View(new AdminSectionC((AdminC)Session["adminIndo"], (List <SectionC>)Session["sectionInfo"], clothingProducts, electronicsProducts, dailyNeedProducts, mobileProducts))); } } else { ViewBag.insertResult = "3"; List <ClothingProduct> clothingProducts = productManager.GetAllCLothingProduct(); List <ElectronicsProduct> electronicsProducts = productManager.GetAllElectroinicProduct(); List <DailyNeedProduct> dailyNeedProducts = productManager.GetADailyNeedProuct(); List <MobileProduct> mobileProducts = productManager.GetAllMobileProduct(); return(View(new AdminSectionC((AdminC)Session["adminIndo"], (List <SectionC>)Session["sectionInfo"], clothingProducts, electronicsProducts, dailyNeedProducts, mobileProducts))); } }
public async Task <JsonResult> AddClothing(ClothingProduct product) { var newProduct = await docService.AddProductAsync <ClothingProduct>(product); return(new JsonResult(newProduct)); }
bool ChooseShop(Shop shop) { string choice = AnyInput("Please choose an option..."); switch (choice) { case "1": // is the shop open? Console.Clear(); if (shop.IsOpen()) { Console.WriteLine("The shop is opened."); } else { Console.WriteLine("The shop is closed."); } AnyInput("Press any key to continue..."); return(true); case "2": // open shop Console.Clear(); shop.Open(); Console.WriteLine("The shop has just opened."); Thread.Sleep(1000); return(true); case "3": // close shop Console.Clear(); shop.Close(); Console.WriteLine("The shop has just closed."); Thread.Sleep(1000); return(true); case "4": // list the products Console.Clear(); Dictionary <long, int> quanityOfProduct = new Dictionary <long, int>(); Dictionary <long, Product> ProductsDictionary = new Dictionary <long, Product>(); try { foreach (Product product in shop.GetProducts()) { long barcode = product.GetBarcode(); if (quanityOfProduct.ContainsKey(barcode)) { quanityOfProduct[barcode] += +1; } else { quanityOfProduct.Add(barcode, 1); ProductsDictionary.Add(barcode, product); } } foreach (KeyValuePair <long, int> item in quanityOfProduct) { Product product = ProductsDictionary[item.Key]; Console.Write(product.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(", Quantity: " + item.Value); } } catch (ShopIsClosedException) { Console.WriteLine("The shop is closed."); Thread.Sleep(1000); } AnyInput("Press any key to continue..."); return(true); case "5": // find a product by name Console.Clear(); try { string productName = AnyInput("The name of the product: "); Product product = shop.FindByName(productName); Console.WriteLine(product.ToString()); AnyInput("Press any key to continue..."); } catch (ShopIsClosedException) { Console.WriteLine("The shop is closed."); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (NoSuchProductException) { Console.WriteLine("There is no such product with this name."); Thread.Sleep(1000); } return(true); case "6": // get the owner of the shop Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(shop.GetOwner()); AnyInput("Press any key to continue..."); return(true); case "7": // add new product try { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("(1) Add a new foodproduct"); Console.WriteLine("(2) Add a new clothing product"); while (true) { if (!shop.IsOpen()) { throw new ShopIsClosedException(); } int input = IntInput("Choose an option..."); long barcode = LongInput("The barcode of the product: "); string name = AnyInput("The name of the product: "); string manufacturer = AnyInput("The manufacturer of the product: "); if (input == 1) { int calories = IntInput("The calorie of the product: "); DateTime bestBefore = DateTimeInput("The expiration date of the product: "); FoodProduct foodProduct = new FoodProduct(barcode, name, manufacturer, calories, bestBefore); int quantity = IntInput("The quantity of the product: "); int price = IntInput("The price of the product: "); shop.AddNewProduct(foodProduct, quantity, price); Console.WriteLine("The new product has added to the shop."); Thread.Sleep(1000); break; } else if (input == 2) { string material = AnyInput("The material of the product: "); string type = AnyInput("The type of the product: "); ClothingProduct clothingProduct = new ClothingProduct(barcode, name, manufacturer, material, type); int quantity = IntInput("The quantity of the product: "); int price = IntInput("The price of the product: "); shop.AddNewProduct(clothingProduct, quantity, price); Console.WriteLine("The new product has added to the shop."); Thread.Sleep(1000); break; } } } catch (ShopIsClosedException) { Console.WriteLine("The shop is closed"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (ProductAlreadyExistsException) { Console.WriteLine("The product is already exist"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } return(true); case "8": // add existing product Console.Clear(); try { if (!shop.IsOpen()) { throw new ShopIsClosedException(); } long barcode = LongInput("The barcode of the product: "); int quantity = IntInput("The quantity: "); shop.AddProduct(barcode, quantity); Console.WriteLine("The product is added to the shop"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (ShopIsClosedException) { Console.WriteLine("The shop is closed"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (NoSuchProductException) { Console.WriteLine("There is no product with this name"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } return(true); case "9": //Buy a product Console.Clear(); try { if (!shop.IsOpen()) { throw new ShopIsClosedException(); } long barcode = LongInput("The barcode of the product: "); Product boughtProduct = shop.BuyProduct(barcode); cart.Add(boughtProduct); prices.Add(shop.GetPrice(boughtProduct.GetBarcode())); Console.WriteLine("The product is bought from the shop"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (ShopIsClosedException) { Console.WriteLine("The shop is closed"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (NoSuchProductException) { Console.WriteLine("There is no product with this name"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (OutOfStockException) { Console.WriteLine("The shop has run out of this product"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } return(true); case "10": // Buy products Console.Clear(); try { if (!shop.IsOpen()) { throw new ShopIsClosedException(); } long barcode = LongInput("The barcode of the product: "); int quantity = IntInput("The quantity: "); List <Product> boughtProducts = shop.BuyProducts(barcode, quantity); foreach (Product product in boughtProducts) { cart.Add(product); prices.Add(shop.GetPrice(product.GetBarcode())); } Console.WriteLine("The products are bought from the shop"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (ShopIsClosedException) { Console.WriteLine("The shop is closed"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (NoSuchProductException) { Console.WriteLine("There is no product with this name"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (OutOfStockException) { Console.WriteLine("The shop has not enough from this product"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } return(true); case "11": // Get the price Console.Clear(); try { long barcode = LongInput("The barcode of the product: "); Console.WriteLine("The price is: " + shop.GetPrice(barcode).ToString()); AnyInput("Press any key to continue..."); } catch (ShopIsClosedException) { Console.WriteLine("The shop is closed"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (NoSuchProductException) { Console.WriteLine("There is no product with this name"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (OutOfStockException) { Console.WriteLine("The shop has not enough from this product"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } return(true); case "0": return(false); default: return(true); } }