public void Generate() { indensionStack.Clear(); indensionStack.Push(-1); if (app == null) app = new Application(); thisPresentation = app.Presentations.Add(MsoTriState.msoFalse); var cl = new DocumentClosure(null, thisPresentation, app); CurrentClosure = cl; ChangeTheme(); cl.Initialize(); cl.WorkPath = DefaultWorkPath; var module = thisPresentation.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(vbext_ComponentType.vbext_ct_StdModule); module.CodeModule.AddFromString(Resources.VBAModule); while (true) { var thisLine = ScriptReader.ReadLine(); if (thisLine == null) break; Console.WriteLine(thisLine); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(thisLine) && thisLine.TrimStart()[0] != '#') ParseLine(thisLine); } while (CurrentClosure != null) ExitClosure(); app.Run("PAG_PostProcess", thisPresentation); var wnd = thisPresentation.NewWindow(); thisPresentation.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove(module); wnd.Activate(); //thisPresentation.Close(); }
static public Handle Add (uint t, GLib.TimeoutHandler timeout_handler) { Closure c; c = new Closure (timeout_handler); c.Id = GLib.Timeout.Add (t, new GLib.TimeoutHandler (c.Handler)); return c; }
/** * Constructor that performs no validation. * Use <code>getInstance</code> if you want that. * * @param predicates array of predicates, not cloned, no nulls * @param closures matching array of closures, not cloned, no nulls * @param defaultClosure the closure to use if no match, null means nop */ public SwitchClosure(Predicate[] predicates, Closure[] closures, Closure defaultClosure) : base() { iPredicates = predicates; iClosures = closures; iDefault = (defaultClosure == null ? NOPClosure.INSTANCE : defaultClosure); }
// we have a gc, so nothing to do public static void luaF_freeclosure(lua_State L, Closure c) { int size = (c.c.isC != 0) ? sizeCclosure(c.c.nupvalues) : sizeLclosure(c.l.nupvalues); //luaM_freemem(L, c, size); SubtractTotalBytes(L, size); }
// we have a gc, so nothing to do public static void LuaFFreeClosure(LuaState L, Closure c) { int size = (c.c.isC != 0) ? SizeCclosure(c.c.nupvalues) : SizeLclosure(c.l.nupvalues); //luaM_freemem(L, c, size); SubtractTotalBytes(L, size); }
// RENAMEME: It is linguistically awkward that we pass in // "handlers", and get back "handles". static public Handle Add (GLib.IdleHandler idle_handler) { Closure c; c = new Closure (idle_handler); c.Id = GLib.Idle.Add (new GLib.IdleHandler (c.Handler)); return c; }
/** * Constructor that performs no validation. * Use <code>getInstance</code> if you want that. * * @param predicate the predicate used to evaluate when the loop terminates, not null * @param closure the closure the execute, not null * @param doLoop true to act as a do-while loop, always executing the closure once */ public WhileClosure(Predicate predicate, Closure closure, bool doLoop) : base() { iPredicate = predicate; iClosure = closure; iDoLoop = doLoop; }
public StronglyTypedAstBuilder(Closure externalClosure) { foreach (var pair in externalClosure) { _closure.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value); } }
/** * Constructor that performs no validation. * Use <code>getInstance</code> if you want that. * * @param predicate predicate to switch on, not null * @param trueClosure closure used if true, not null * @param falseClosure closure used if false, not null */ public IfClosure(Predicate predicate, Closure trueClosure, Closure falseClosure) : base() { iPredicate = predicate; iTrueClosure = trueClosure; iFalseClosure = falseClosure; }
public void ShouldBeAbleToNestClosures() { MathOperation add = delegate(int a, int b) { return a + b; }; Closure doMath = new Closure(add, new Closure(add, new Closure(add, 1, 1), 1), 1); int result = (int) doMath.Invoke(); Assert.IsTrue(result == 4); }
protected IEnumerator CallLuaClosure(LuaEnvironment luaEnv, Closure callback) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); if (callback != null) { luaEnv.RunLuaFunction(callback, true); } }
/** * Clone the closures to ensure that the internal reference can't be messed with. * * @param closures the closures to copy * @return the cloned closures */ internal static Closure[] copy(Closure[] closures) { if (closures == null) { return null; } return (Closure[])closures.clone(); }
/** * Factory method that performs validation. * * @param closure the closure to call, not null * @return the <code>closure</code> transformer * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the closure is null */ public static Transformer getInstance(Closure closure) { if (closure == null) { throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Closure must not be null"); } return new ClosureTransformer(closure); }
/** * Factory method that performs validation and copies the parameter array. * * @param closures the closures to chain, copied, no nulls * @return the <code>chained</code> closure * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the closures array is null * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any closure in the array is null */ public static Closure getInstance(Closure[] closures) { FunctorUtils.validate(closures); if (closures.Length == 0) { return NOPClosure.INSTANCE; } closures = FunctorUtils.copy(closures); return new ChainedClosure(closures); }
public void CurriedClosureShouldBeAbleToBindToAStronglyTypedDelegate() { MathOperation add = delegate(int a, int b) { return a + b; }; Closure doMath = new Closure(add, Args.Lambda, 1); SingleOperatorMathOperation mathOp = doMath.AdaptTo<SingleOperatorMathOperation>(); // return 5 + 1 int result = mathOp(5); // The result should be 6 Assert.AreEqual(6, result); }
public DynValue Coroutine_Create(Closure closure) { // create a processor instance Processor P = new Processor(this); // Put the closure as first value on the stack, for future reference P.m_ValueStack.Push(DynValue.NewClosure(closure)); // Return the coroutine handle return DynValue.NewCoroutine(new Coroutine(P)); }
/** * Factory method that performs validation. * * @param predicate the predicate used to evaluate when the loop terminates, not null * @param closure the closure the execute, not null * @param doLoop true to act as a do-while loop, always executing the closure once * @return the <code>while</code> closure * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the predicate or closure is null */ public static Closure getInstance(Predicate predicate, Closure closure, bool doLoop) { if (predicate == null) { throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Predicate must not be null"); } if (closure == null) { throw new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException("Closure must not be null"); } return new WhileClosure(predicate, closure, doLoop); }
/** * Factory method that performs validation. * <p> * A null closure or zero count returns the <code>NOPClosure</code>. * A count of one returns the specified closure. * * @param count the number of times to execute the closure * @param closure the closure to execute, not null * @return the <code>for</code> closure */ public static Closure getInstance(int count, Closure closure) { if (count <= 0 || closure == null) { return NOPClosure.INSTANCE; } if (count == 1) { return closure; } return new ForClosure(count, closure); }
public MethodResolution(MethodInfo methodInfo, Closure closure, InvokeExpression callAst) { MethodInfo = methodInfo; Closure = closure; CallAst = callAst; Result = null; PassesComplete = null; Target = new StronglyTypedAstBuilder(closure).Visit(callAst.Target); FormalArgs = new List<Type>(MethodInfo.GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType)); RealArgs = new List<Expression>(callAst.Args.Select(ast => ast is LambdaExpression ? new StronglyTypedAstBuilder(closure).VisitLambda((LambdaExpression)ast, null, true) : new StronglyTypedAstBuilder(closure).Visit(ast))); InferenceCache = new Dictionary<Type, Type>(); Array.ForEach(MethodInfo.GetGenericArguments(), t => InferenceCache.Add(t, null)); }
/// <summary> /// Initialises the Lua environment and compiles the Lua string for execution later on. /// </summary> protected virtual void InitExecuteLua() { if (initialised) { return; } // Cache a descriptive name to use in Lua error messages friendlyName = + "." + parentBlock.blockName + "." + "ExecuteLua #" + commandIndex.ToString(); Flowchart flowchart = GetFlowchart(); // See if a Lua Environment has been assigned to this Flowchart if (luaEnvironment == null) { luaEnvironment = flowchart.luaEnvironment; } // No Lua Environment specified so just use any available or create one. if (luaEnvironment == null) { luaEnvironment = LuaEnvironment.GetLua(); } string s = GetLuaString(); luaFunction = luaEnvironment.LoadLuaString(s, friendlyName); // Add a binding to the parent flowchart if (flowchart.luaBindingName != "") { Table globals = luaEnvironment.Interpreter.Globals; if (globals != null) { globals[flowchart.luaBindingName] = flowchart; } } // Always initialise when playing in the editor. // Allows the user to edit the Lua script while the game is playing. if ( !(Application.isPlaying && Application.isEditor) ) { initialised = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Extension for MenuDialog that allows AddOption to call a Lua function when an option is selected. /// </summary> public static bool AddOption(this MenuDialog menuDialog, string text, bool interactable, LuaEnvironment luaEnvironment, Closure callBack) { if (!menuDialog.gameObject.activeSelf) { menuDialog.gameObject.SetActive(true); } bool addedOption = false; foreach (Button button in menuDialog.cachedButtons) { if (!button.gameObject.activeSelf) { button.gameObject.SetActive(true); button.interactable = interactable; Text textComponent = button.GetComponentInChildren<Text>(); if (textComponent != null) { textComponent.text = text; } button.onClick.AddListener(delegate { menuDialog.StopAllCoroutines(); // Stop timeout menuDialog.Clear(); menuDialog.HideSayDialog(); if (callBack != null) { luaEnvironment.RunLuaFunction(callBack, true); } }); addedOption = true; break; } } return addedOption; }
public void ShouldBeAbleToCurryArguments() { object source = new object(); EventArgs args = new EventArgs(); ITestCounter counter = mock.NewMock<ITestCounter>(); Expect.Once.On(counter).Method("Increment").WithAnyArguments(); EventHandler dummyHandler = delegate(object eventSource, EventArgs e) { // The arguments passed to the // delegate should match the ones // given Assert.AreSame(eventSource, source); Assert.AreSame(e, args); counter.Increment(); }; Closure closure = new Closure(dummyHandler, source); Assert.IsTrue(closure.Arguments.Contains(source)); closure.Invoke(args); }
/// <summary> /// Extension for MenuDialog that allows ShowTimer to call a Lua function when the timer expires. /// </summary> public static IEnumerator ShowTimer(this MenuDialog menuDialog, float duration, LuaEnvironment luaEnvironment, Closure callBack) { if (menuDialog.cachedSlider == null || duration <= 0f) { yield break; } menuDialog.cachedSlider.gameObject.SetActive(true); menuDialog.StopAllCoroutines(); float elapsedTime = 0; Slider timeoutSlider = menuDialog.GetComponentInChildren<Slider>(); while (elapsedTime < duration) { if (timeoutSlider != null) { float t = 1f - elapsedTime / duration; timeoutSlider.value = t; } elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; yield return null; } menuDialog.Clear(); menuDialog.gameObject.SetActive(false); menuDialog.HideSayDialog(); if (callBack != null) { luaEnvironment.RunLuaFunction(callBack, true); } }
/// <summary> /// A Unity coroutine method which updates a Lua coroutine each frame. /// <param name="closure">A MoonSharp closure object representing a function.</param> /// <param name="onComplete">A delegate method that is called when the coroutine completes. Includes return parameter.</param> /// </summary> protected virtual IEnumerator RunLuaCoroutine(Closure closure, Action<DynValue> onComplete = null) { DynValue co = interpreter.CreateCoroutine(closure); DynValue returnValue = null; while (co.Coroutine.State != CoroutineState.Dead) { try { returnValue = co.Coroutine.Resume(); } catch (InterpreterException ex) { LogException(ex.DecoratedMessage, GetSourceCode()); } yield return null; } if (onComplete != null) { onComplete(returnValue); } }
internal static void setclvalue(lua_State L, TValue obj, Closure x) { obj.value.gc = x; = LUA_TFUNCTION; checkliveness(G(L), obj); }
public Task Execute(TCommand command, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var closure = new Closure(this, command, cancellationToken); return(closure.Execute()); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the struct. /// </summary> /// <param name="module">The module.</param> /// <param name="receiver">The receiver, also known as the "this" reference.</param> /// <param name="arguments">The arguments.</param> /// <param name="entry">The entry point into the code.</param> /// <param name="closure">The initial closure, or null if none.</param> public Interpreter(Module module, Value receiver, Value[] arguments, int entry = 0, Closure closure = null) { this.Module = module ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(module)); this.Receiver = receiver; this.Arguments = arguments ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(arguments)); this.Closure = closure; this.ExceptionHandler = null; this.Stack = Array.Empty <Value>(); this.SP = 0; this.IP = entry; }
public TableDfa ToDfa() { var queuePool = SharedPools.Default <ProcessOnceQueue <Closure> >(); var queue = queuePool.Allocate(); queue.Clear(); var start = new Closure(Start, _nullTransitions, _finalStates); queue.Enqueue( start); var tableDfa = new TableDfa(start.GetHashCode()); while (queue.Count > 0) { var transitions = SharedPools .Default <Dictionary <char, SortedSet <int> > >() .AllocateAndClear(); var nfaClosure = queue.Dequeue(); var nfaClosureId = nfaClosure.GetHashCode(); tableDfa.SetFinal(nfaClosureId, nfaClosure.IsFinal); for (int i = 0; i < nfaClosure.States.Length; i++) { var state = nfaClosure.States[i]; Dictionary <char, int> characterTransitions = null; if (!_table.TryGetValue(state, out characterTransitions)) { continue; } foreach (var characterTransition in characterTransitions) { SortedSet <int> targets = null; if (!transitions.TryGetValue(characterTransition.Key, out targets)) { targets = SharedPools.Default <SortedSet <int> >().AllocateAndClear(); transitions.Add(characterTransition.Key, targets); } targets.Add(characterTransition.Value); } } foreach (var targetSet in transitions) { var closure = new Closure(targetSet.Value, _nullTransitions, _finalStates); closure = queue.EnqueueOrGetExisting(closure); var closureId = closure.GetHashCode(); tableDfa.AddTransition(nfaClosureId, targetSet.Key, closureId); tableDfa.SetFinal(closureId, closure.IsFinal); SharedPools.Default <SortedSet <int> >().ClearAndFree(targetSet.Value); } SharedPools .Default <Dictionary <char, SortedSet <int> > >() .ClearAndFree(transitions); } queuePool.Free(queue); return(tableDfa); }
/// <summary> /// Duplicates a closure with a specific bound object and class scope. /// </summary> public static Closure bind(Closure closure, object newthis, PhpValue newscope = default(PhpValue)) => closure.bindTo(newthis, newscope);
/// <summary> /// Adds the option to the list of displayed options, calls a Lua function when selected. /// Will cause the Menu dialog to become visible if it is not already visible. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c>, if the option was added successfully.</returns> public virtual bool AddOption(string text, bool interactable, LuaEnvironment luaEnv, Closure callBack) { if (!gameObject.activeSelf) { gameObject.SetActive(true); } // Copy to local variables LuaEnvironment env = luaEnv; Closure call = callBack; UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction action = delegate { StopAllCoroutines(); // Stop timeout Clear(); HideSayDialog(); // Use a coroutine to call the callback on the next frame StartCoroutine(CallLuaClosure(env, call)); }; return(AddOption(text, interactable, false, action)); }
private static Scope CreateNestedScope(BoundNode node, Scope parentScope, Closure currentClosure) { Debug.Assert(parentScope.BoundNode != node); var newScope = new Scope(parentScope, node, currentClosure); parentScope.NestedScopes.Add(newScope); return(newScope); }
internal static void SetCLValue(LuaState L, TValue obj, Closure x) { obj.value.gc = x; = LUA_TFUNCTION; CheckLiveness(G(L), obj); }
private static void traverseclosure(global_State g, Closure cl) { markobject(g, cl.c.env); if (cl.c.isC != 0) { int i; for (i=0; i<cl.c.nupvalues; i++) /* mark its upvalues */ markvalue(g, cl.c.upvalue[i]); } else { int i; lua_assert(cl.l.nupvalues == cl.l.p.nups); markobject(g, cl.l.p); for (i=0; i<cl.l.nupvalues; i++) /* mark its upvalues */ markobject(g, cl.l.upvals[i]); } }
public object[] Call(Closure c, params object[] args) { var cb = ((ClosureBase)c).CreateCallableInstance(); foreach(var arg in args) { cb.AddParam(arg); } if (cb is InternalClosure) { ((InternalClosure)cb).Run(); return cb.GetResults().ToArray(); } else { //cb is FunctionClosure return vm.Run((FunctionClosure)cb); } }
private ObjectLiteral BuildExecuteOutputs(Context context, ModuleLiteral env, ProcessOutputs processOutputs, bool isService) { var entry = context.TopStack; using (var empty = EvaluationStackFrame.Empty()) { var getOutputFile = new Closure( env, FunctionLikeExpression.CreateAmbient(ExecuteResultGetOutputFile, m_getOutputFileSignature, GetOutputFile, m_getOutputFileStatistic), frame: empty); var getOutputDirectory = new Closure( env, FunctionLikeExpression.CreateAmbient(ExecuteResultGetOutputDirectory, m_getOutputDirectorySignature, GetOutputDirectory, m_getOutputDirectoryStatistic), frame: empty); var getOutputFiles = new Closure( env, FunctionLikeExpression.CreateAmbient(ExecuteResultGetOutputFiles, m_getOutputFilesSignature, GetOutputFiles, m_getOutputFilesStatistic), frame: empty); var getRequiredOutputFiles = new Closure( env, FunctionLikeExpression.CreateAmbient(ExecuteResultGetRequiredOutputFiles, m_getRequiredOutputFilesSignature, GetRequiredOutputFiles, m_getRequiredOutputFilesStatistic), frame: empty); var bindings = new List <Binding>(isService ? 5 : 4) { new Binding(ExecuteResultGetOutputFile, getOutputFile, location: default), new Binding(ExecuteResultGetOutputDirectory, getOutputDirectory, location: default), new Binding(ExecuteResultGetOutputFiles, getOutputFiles, location: default), new Binding(ExecuteResultGetRequiredOutputFiles, getRequiredOutputFiles, location: default), }; if (isService) { bindings.Add(new Binding(CreateServiceResultServiceId, processOutputs.ProcessPipId, location: default)); } return(ObjectLiteral.Create(bindings, entry.InvocationLocation, entry.Path)); } // Local functions EvaluationResult GetOutputFile(Context contextArg, ModuleLiteral envArg, EvaluationStackFrame args) { var outputPath = Args.AsPathOrUndefined(args, 0, false); if (outputPath.IsValid && processOutputs.TryGetOutputFile(outputPath, out var file)) { return(EvaluationResult.Create(file)); } return(EvaluationResult.Undefined); } EvaluationResult GetOutputDirectory(Context contextArg, ModuleLiteral envArg, EvaluationStackFrame args) { var outputDir = Args.AsDirectory(args, 0); if (outputDir.IsValid && processOutputs.TryGetOutputDirectory(outputDir.Path, out var output)) { return(EvaluationResult.Create(output)); } return(EvaluationResult.Undefined); } EvaluationResult GetOutputFiles(Context contextArg, ModuleLiteral envArg, EvaluationStackFrame args) { var outputFiles = processOutputs.GetOutputFiles().Select(f => EvaluationResult.Create(f)).ToArray(); return(EvaluationResult.Create(ArrayLiteral.CreateWithoutCopy(outputFiles, entry.InvocationLocation, entry.Path))); } EvaluationResult GetRequiredOutputFiles(Context contextArg, ModuleLiteral envArg, EvaluationStackFrame args) { var outputFiles = processOutputs.GetRequiredOutputFiles().Select(f => EvaluationResult.Create(f)).ToArray(); return(EvaluationResult.Create(ArrayLiteral.CreateWithoutCopy(outputFiles, entry.InvocationLocation, entry.Path))); } }
/// <summary> /// 返回与指定处理器数据相关的指定类型的委托。 /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TDelegate">委托的类型。</typeparam> /// <param name="data">处理器数据。</param> /// <param name="id">处理器标识。</param> /// <param name="instance">处理器要绑定到的实例。</param> /// <returns>与 <paramref name="data"/> 相关的 <typeparamref name="TDelegate"/> 类型的委托。</returns> private static TDelegate CreateSwitcher <TDelegate>(ProcessorData data, string id, object instance) where TDelegate : class { Contract.Requires(data != null); var invoke = typeof(TDelegate).GetInvokeMethod(); var paramTypes = invoke.GetParameterTypes(); object closure; if (data.IsStatic) { closure = data.Processors; } else { closure = new Closure(new[] { instance, data.Processors }, null); } var method = new DynamicMethod("MethodSwitcher", invoke.ReturnType, paramTypes.Insert(0, closure.GetType()), true); var il = method.GetILGenerator(); // 静态方法中,arg_0 用作存储处理器委托字典。 if (data.IsStatic) { il.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); } else { // 实例方法中,Closure.Constants[1] 用作存储处理器委托字典。 il.EmitLoadClosureConstant(1, typeof(Dictionary <Type, Delegate>)); } // 判断关键参数是否为 null。 il.EmitLoadArg(data.KeyIndex + 1); var keyNullCase = il.DefineLabel(); il.Emit(OpCodes.Brtrue, keyNullCase); // 关键参数为 null,将 object 作为查找类型。 il.EmitConstant(typeof(object)); var endKeyNull = il.DefineLabel(); il.Emit(OpCodes.Br, endKeyNull); // 关键参数不为 null,将参数类型作为查找类型。 il.MarkLabel(keyNullCase); il.EmitLoadArg(data.KeyIndex + 1); il.EmitCall(methodGetType); il.MarkLabel(endKeyNull); // 调用 GetMethod 方法,取得方法委托。 il.EmitConstant(id); il.EmitCall(methodGetMethod); il.Emit(OpCodes.Castclass, data.DelegateType); //// 载入参数,调用委托。 var originParamTypes = data.DelegateParamTypes; if (!data.IsStatic) { // 载入实例,Closure.Constants[0]。 il.EmitLoadClosureConstant(0, instance.GetType()); } var offset = data.IsStatic ? 0 : 1; for (var i = 0; i < paramTypes.Length; i++) { var paramType = paramTypes[i]; var targetType = originParamTypes[i + offset]; Contract.Assume(paramType != null && targetType != null); il.EmitLoadArg(i + 1, paramType, targetType); } il.Emit(OpCodes.Callvirt, data.DelegateType.GetInvokeMethod()); var returnType = originParamTypes[originParamTypes.Length - 1]; var targetReturnType = invoke.ReturnType; // 转换返回类型。 if (returnType == typeof(void)) { if (targetReturnType != typeof(void)) { il.EmitConstant(null, targetReturnType); } } else { if (targetReturnType == typeof(void)) { il.Emit(OpCodes.Pop); } else if (returnType != targetReturnType) { il.EmitConversion(returnType, targetReturnType, true, ConversionType.Explicit); } } il.Emit(OpCodes.Ret); return(method.CreateDelegate(typeof(TDelegate), closure) as TDelegate); }
void IMod.Init() { _G.path = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(API.Helper.getModDirectory(this), "..", "..", "Lua Mods")); _G.LuaState.Globals["ScrW"] = new CallbackFunction((ScriptExecutionContext context, CallbackArguments arguments) => { return(DynValue.NewNumber(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width)); }); _G.LuaState.Globals["ScrH"] = new CallbackFunction((ScriptExecutionContext context, CallbackArguments arguments) => { return(DynValue.NewNumber(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height)); }); UserData.RegisterAssembly(); Lua.Enums.Register(_G.LuaState); Lua.Surface surface = new Lua.Surface(_G.LuaState); _G.LuaState.Globals["draw"] = new Lua.Draw(_G.LuaState, surface); _G.LuaState.Globals["surface"] = surface; _G.LuaState.Globals["hook"] = _G.hook; _G.hook.form = form; _G.LuaState.Globals["input"] = new Lua.Input(_G.LuaState); _G.LuaState.Globals["Msg"] = _G.LuaState.Globals["print"]; _G.LuaState.Globals["config"] = new Lua.Config(Path.Combine(_G.path, "config.ini")); _G.LuaState.Globals["AddConsoleCommand"] = new CallbackFunction((ScriptExecutionContext context, CallbackArguments arguments) => { return(DynValue.Nil); }); _G.LuaState.Globals["Derma_StringRequest"] = new CallbackFunction((ScriptExecutionContext context, CallbackArguments arguments) => { string title = arguments.AsStringUsingMeta(context, 0, "Derma_StringRequest"); string subtitle = arguments.AsStringUsingMeta(context, 1, "Derma_StringRequest"); string value = arguments.AsStringUsingMeta(context, 2, "Derma_StringRequest"); Closure confirm = arguments[3].Function; Closure cancel = arguments.Count > 4 ? arguments[4].Function : default(Closure); string confirmText = arguments.Count > 5 ? arguments.AsStringUsingMeta(context, 5, "Derma_StringRequest") : "OK"; string cancelText = arguments.Count > 6 ? arguments.AsStringUsingMeta(context, 6, "Derma_StringRequest") : "Cancel"; DialogResult res = _G.InputBox(ref value, title, subtitle, confirmText, cancelText); if (res == DialogResult.Cancel) { if (cancel != default(Closure)) { cancel.Call(); } } else if (res == DialogResult.OK) { confirm.Call(DynValue.NewString(value)); } return(DynValue.Nil); }); _G.LuaState.Globals["Derma_Message"] = new CallbackFunction((ScriptExecutionContext context, CallbackArguments arguments) => { string text = arguments.AsStringUsingMeta(context, 0, "Derma_Message"); string title = arguments.AsStringUsingMeta(context, 1, "Derma_Message"); string confirm = arguments.AsStringUsingMeta(context, 2, "Derma_Message"); _G.MessageBox(text, title, confirm); return(DynValue.Nil); }); _G.LuaState.Globals["HTTP"] = new CallbackFunction((ScriptExecutionContext context, CallbackArguments arguments) => { if (arguments.Count == 1 && arguments[0].Type == DataType.Table) { return(DynValue.NewBoolean(Lua.Http.Request(arguments[0].Table))); } return(DynValue.False); }); Util.include("http"); Util.include("math"); Util.include("string"); Util.include("table"); Util.include("bit"); Util.include("color"); Util.include("concommand"); Util.include("defaultcmds"); KeyEnums.Load(); GooseProxy.Register(); _G.LuaState.Globals["goose"] = new GooseProxy(_G.LuaState); _G.LuaState.Globals["GetModDirectory"] = new CallbackFunction((ScriptExecutionContext context, CallbackArguments arguments) => { return(DynValue.NewString(_G.path)); }); _G.LuaState.Globals["CurTime"] = new CallbackFunction((ScriptExecutionContext context, CallbackArguments arguments) => { return(DynValue.NewNumber(SamEngine.Time.time)); }); _G.LuaState.Globals["RegisterTask"] = CallbackFunction.FromMethodInfo(_G.LuaState, typeof(Task).GetMethod("Register")); InjectionPoints.PreTickEvent += preTick; InjectionPoints.PostTickEvent += postTick; InjectionPoints.PreRenderEvent += preRender; InjectionPoints.PostRenderEvent += postRender; InjectionPoints.PreUpdateRigEvent += preRig; InjectionPoints.PostUpdateRigEvent += postRig; Thread thread = new Thread(() => { form = new formLoader(); form.ShowDialog(); }); thread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); thread.Start(); System.Windows.Forms.Timer timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); timer.Tick += delegate { while (_G.mainQueue.Count > 0) { try { _G.mainQueue.Dequeue().Invoke(); } catch (InterpreterException ex) { Util.MsgC(form, Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0), string.Format("[ERROR] {0}: {1}\r\n{2}", ex.Source, ex.DecoratedMessage, ex.StackTrace), "\r\n"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), ex.Message, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }; timer.Interval = 1; timer.Start(); }
public EventListener(string eventName, Closure callback) { this.eventName = eventName; this.callback = callback; }
public void RegisterEventListener(string eventName, Closure callback) { eventListeners.Add(new EventListener(eventName, callback)); }
/// <summary> Runs the given piece of code, and returns the value left at the top of the stack. </summary> public Val Execute(Closure fn, params Val[] args) { State st = new State(fn, args); CodeHandle code = default; List <Instruction> instructions = null; if (_logger.EnableInstructionLogging) { _logger.Log("Executing: ",; _logger.Log(_ctx.code.DebugPrint(fn)); } while (!st.done) { if (!code.Equals(st.fn.code)) { code = st.fn.code; instructions = _ctx.code.Get(code).instructions; } if (st.pc >= instructions.Count) { throw new LanguageError("Runaway opcodes!"); } // fetch instruction Instruction instr = instructions[st.pc++]; if (_logger.EnableStackLogging) { _logger.Log(" " + State.PrintStack(st)); _logger.Log(string.Format("[{0,2}] {1,3} : {2}", st.stack.Count, st.pc - 1, instr.DebugPrint())); } // and now a big old switch statement. not handler functions - this is much faster. switch (instr.type) { case Opcode.LABEL: // no op :) break; case Opcode.PUSH_CONST: { st.Push(instr.first); } break; case Opcode.LOCAL_GET: { VarPos pos = new VarPos(instr.first, instr.second); Val value = Environment.GetValueAt(pos, st.env); st.Push(value); } break; case Opcode.LOCAL_SET: { VarPos pos = new VarPos(instr.first, instr.second); Val value = st.Peek(); Environment.SetValueAt(pos, value, st.env); } break; case Opcode.GLOBAL_GET: { Symbol symbol = instr.first.AsSymbol; Val value = symbol.pkg.GetValue(symbol); st.Push(value); } break; case Opcode.GLOBAL_SET: { Symbol symbol = instr.first.AsSymbol; Val value = st.Peek(); symbol.pkg.SetValue(symbol, value); } break; case Opcode.STACK_POP: st.Pop(); break; case Opcode.JMP_IF_TRUE: { Val value = st.Pop(); if (value.CastToBool) { st.pc = GetLabelPosition(instr); } } break; case Opcode.JMP_IF_FALSE: { Val value = st.Pop(); if (!value.CastToBool) { st.pc = GetLabelPosition(instr); } } break; case Opcode.JMP_TO_LABEL: { st.pc = GetLabelPosition(instr); } break; case Opcode.MAKE_ENV: { int argcount = instr.first.AsInt; if (st.argcount != argcount) { throw new LanguageError($"Argument count error, expected {argcount}, got {st.argcount}"); } // make an environment for the given number of named args st.env = new Environment(st.argcount, st.env); // move named arguments onto the stack frame for (int i = argcount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { st.env.SetValue(i, st.Pop()); } } break; case Opcode.MAKE_ENVDOT: { int argcount = instr.first.AsInt; if (st.argcount < argcount) { throw new LanguageError($"Argument count error, expected {argcount} or more, got {st.argcount}"); } // make an environment for all named args, +1 for the list of remaining varargs int dotted = st.argcount - argcount; st.env = new Environment(argcount + 1, st.env); // cons up dotted values from the stack for (int dd = dotted - 1; dd >= 0; dd--) { Val arg = st.Pop(); st.env.SetValue(argcount, new Val(new Cons(arg, st.env.GetValue(argcount)))); } // and move the named ones onto the environment stack frame for (int i = argcount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { st.env.SetValue(i, st.Pop()); } } break; case Opcode.DUPLICATE: { if (st.stack.Count == 0) { throw new LanguageError("Cannot duplicate on an empty stack!"); } st.Push(st.Peek()); } break; case Opcode.JMP_CLOSURE: { st.env = st.env.parent; // discard the top environment frame Val top = st.Pop(); Closure closure = top.AsClosureOrNull; // set vm state to the beginning of the closure st.fn = closure ?? throw new LanguageError($"Unknown function during function call around: {DebugRecentInstructions(st, instructions)}"); st.env = closure.env; st.pc = 0; st.argcount = instr.first.AsInt; } break; case Opcode.SAVE_RETURN: { // save current vm state to a return value st.Push(new Val(new ReturnAddress(st.fn, GetLabelPosition(instr), st.env, instr.first.AsStringOrNull))); } break; case Opcode.RETURN_VAL: if (st.stack.Count > 1) { // preserve return value on top of the stack Val retval = st.Pop(); ReturnAddress retaddr = st.Pop().AsReturnAddress; st.Push(retval); // restore vm state from the return value st.fn = retaddr.fn; st.env = retaddr.env; st.pc = retaddr.pc; } else { st.done = true; // this will force the virtual machine to finish up } break; case Opcode.MAKE_CLOSURE: { var cl = instr.first.AsClosure; st.Push(new Closure(cl.code, st.env, null,; } break; case Opcode.CALL_PRIMOP: { string name = instr.first.AsString; int argn = (instr.second.IsInt) ? instr.second.AsInt : st.argcount; Primitive prim = Primitives.FindNary(name, argn); if (prim == null) { throw new LanguageError($"Invalid argument count to primitive {name}, count of {argn}"); } Val result = prim.Call(_ctx, argn, st); st.Push(result); } break; default: throw new LanguageError("Unknown instruction type: " + instr.type); } } // return whatever's on the top of the stack if (st.stack.Count == 0) { throw new LanguageError("Stack underflow!"); } return(st.Peek()); }
protected internal static Expression GetAst(object args, CodeBlock cb, bool istailposition) { var spanHint = SpanHint; if (args is Annotation) { args = ((Annotation)args).stripped; } Cons c = args as Cons; if (c != null) { // in debug mode, this will be (annotated-call <location> . symbol) // TODO: see if the discarded annotation is useful if (ScriptDomainManager.Options.DebugMode && is Cons) { Cons ac = as Cons; if ( == SymbolTable.StringToObject("annotated-call")) { object se = ((Cons)ac.cdr).cdr; if (se is SymbolId) { = se; } } } if ( is SymbolId) { SymbolId f = (SymbolId); Variable var = cb.Lookup(f); if (var != null && !assigns.ContainsKey(f)) { var = null; } object m; #if OPTIMIZATIONS #if !BLAH CodeBlockExpression cbe; //// needs to do the same for overloads... if (SimpleGenerator.libraryglobals.TryGetValue(f, out cbe)) { Expression[] ppp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb); if (cbe.Block.ParameterCount < 9 && cbe.Block.ParameterCount == ppp.Length) { //inline here? we could for simple bodies, but we need to copy the entire structure if (!(cbe.Block.HasEnvironment || cbe.Block.IsClosure)) { if (cbe.Block.Body is ReturnStatement) { ReturnStatement rs = (ReturnStatement)cbe.Block.Body; if (!cb.IsGlobal && IsSimpleExpression(rs.Expression)) { return(InlineCall(cb, Ast.CodeBlockExpression(RewriteBody(cbe.Block), false, cbe.IsStronglyTyped), ppp)); } } } if (cbe.Block != cb.Parent && cbe.Block != cb) // do TCE later { return(CallNormal(cbe, ppp)); } } } // varargs if (SimpleGenerator.libraryglobalsX.TryGetValue(f, out cbe)) { Expression[] ppp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb); if (cbe.Block.ParameterCount < 9 && cbe.Block.ParameterCount - 1 <= ppp.Length) { //inline here? return(CallVarArgs(cbe, ppp)); } } // overloads CodeBlockDescriptor[] cbd; if (SimpleGenerator.libraryglobalsN.TryGetValue(f, out cbd)) { Expression[] ppp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb); foreach (CodeBlockDescriptor d in cbd) { if (d.codeblock.Block.ParameterCount < 9) { if (ppp.Length == d.arity || (d.varargs && ppp.Length > d.arity)) { if (d.varargs) { //inline here? return(CallVarArgs(d.codeblock, ppp)); } else { //inline here? //if (d.codeblock.Block != cb.Parent && d.codeblock.Block != cb) // do TCE later, not yet { return(CallNormal(d.codeblock, ppp)); } } } } } } #endif //if (!ScriptDomainManager.Options.DebugMode) { if (f == SymbolTable.StringToId("call-with-values")) { Expression[] ppp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb); if (ppp.Length == 2 && ppp[1] is MethodCallExpression) { MethodCallExpression consumer = ppp[1] as MethodCallExpression; if (ppp[0] is MethodCallExpression) { MethodCallExpression producer = ppp[0] as MethodCallExpression; if (consumer.Method == Closure_Make && producer.Method == Closure_Make) { CodeBlockExpression ccbe = consumer.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression; CodeBlockExpression pcbe = producer.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression; pcbe.Block.Bind(); ccbe.Block.Bind(); if (ccbe.Block.ParameterCount == 0) { return(InlineCall(cb, ccbe)); } else if (ccbe.Block.ParameterCount == 1) { return(InlineCall(cb, ccbe, Ast.SimpleCallHelper(typeof(Helpers).GetMethod("UnwrapValue"), InlineCall(cb, pcbe)))); } else { Variable values = cb.CreateTemporaryVariable((SymbolId)Builtins.GenSym("values"), typeof(object[])); Expression valuesarr = Ast.Read(values); Expression[] pppp = new Expression[ccbe.Block.ParameterCount]; for (int i = 0; i < pppp.Length; i++) { pppp[i] = Ast.ArrayIndex(valuesarr, Ast.Constant(i)); } return(Ast.Comma( Ast.Void( Ast.Write( values, Ast.ComplexCallHelper( Ast.SimpleCallHelper(typeof(Helpers).GetMethod("WrapValue"), InlineCall(cb, pcbe)), typeof(MultipleValues).GetMethod("ToArray", new Type[] { typeof(int) }), Ast.Constant(pppp.Length)))), InlineCall(cb, ccbe, pppp))); } } } if (consumer.Method == Closure_Make) { CodeBlockExpression ccbe = consumer.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression; ccbe.Block.Bind(); Expression producer = ppp[0]; Expression exx = Ast.ConvertHelper(producer, typeof(Callable)); MethodInfo callx = GetCallable(0); if (ccbe.Block.ParameterCount == 0) { return(InlineCall(cb, ccbe)); } else if (ccbe.Block.ParameterCount == 1) { return(InlineCall(cb, ccbe, Ast.SimpleCallHelper(typeof(Helpers).GetMethod("UnwrapValue"), Ast.Call(exx, callx)))); } else { Variable values = cb.CreateTemporaryVariable((SymbolId)Builtins.GenSym("values"), typeof(object[])); Expression valuesarr = Ast.Read(values); Expression[] pppp = new Expression[ccbe.Block.ParameterCount]; for (int i = 0; i < pppp.Length; i++) { pppp[i] = Ast.ArrayIndex(valuesarr, Ast.Constant(i)); } return(Ast.Comma( Ast.Void( Ast.Write( values, Ast.ComplexCallHelper( Ast.SimpleCallHelper(typeof(Helpers).GetMethod("WrapValue"), Ast.Call(exx, callx)), typeof(MultipleValues).GetMethod("ToArray", new Type[] { typeof(int) }), Ast.Constant(pppp.Length)))), InlineCall(cb, ccbe, pppp))); } } } else { ; } } } #endif // this can be enabled once builtins are auto CPS'd. // ok I tried, but there are issues still, not sure what #if OPTIMIZATIONS // check for inline emitter InlineEmitter ie; if (TryGetInlineEmitter(f, out ie)) { Expression result = ie(GetAstList(c.cdr as Cons, cb)); // if null is returned, the method cannot be inlined if (result != null) { if (spanHint.IsValid) { result.SetLoc(spanHint); } return(result); } } #endif if (Context.Scope.TryLookupName(f, out m)) { if (var == null) { IGenerator gh = m as IGenerator; if (gh != null) { return(gh.Generate(c.cdr, cb)); } BuiltinMethod bf = m as BuiltinMethod; if (bf != null) { MethodBinder mb = bf.Binder; Expression[] pars = Array.ConvertAll(GetAstList(c.cdr as Cons, cb), e => Unwrap(e)); if (bf.AllowConstantFold && !ScriptDomainManager.Options.DebugMode) { bool constant = Array.TrueForAll(pars, e => e is ConstantExpression && e.Type != typeof(BigInteger)); if (constant) { object[] cargs = Array.ConvertAll(pars, e => GetRuntimeConstant((ConstantExpression)e)); CallTarget0 disp = delegate { return(bf.Call(cargs)); }; CallTarget1 handler = delegate(object e) { throw new CompileTimeEvaluationException(); }; try { object result = Runtime.R6RS.Exceptions.WithExceptionHandler( Closure.Create(handler), Closure.Create(disp)); var rrrr = GetCons(result, cb); if (spanHint.IsValid) { rrrr.SetLoc(spanHint); } return(rrrr); } catch (CompileTimeEvaluationException) { } } } Type[] types = GetExpressionTypes(pars); MethodCandidate mc = mb.MakeBindingTarget(CallType.None, types); if (mc != null) { if (mc.Target.NeedsContext) { pars = ArrayUtils.Insert <Expression>(Ast.CodeContext(), pars); } MethodBase meth = mc.Target.Method; var rrrr = Ast.ComplexCallHelper(meth as MethodInfo, pars); if (spanHint.IsValid) { rrrr.SetLoc(spanHint); } return(rrrr); } } Closure clos = m as Closure; if (clos != null && !SetGenerator.IsAssigned(f)) { // no provision for varargs MethodInfo[] mis = clos.Targets; if (mis.Length > 0) { MethodBinder mb = MethodBinder.MakeBinder(binder, SymbolTable.IdToString(f), mis, BinderType.Normal); Expression[] pars = Array.ConvertAll(GetAstList(c.cdr as Cons, cb), e => Unwrap(e)); if (clos.AllowConstantFold && !ScriptDomainManager.Options.DebugMode) { bool constant = Array.TrueForAll(pars, e => e is ConstantExpression && e.Type != typeof(BigInteger)); if (constant) { object[] cargs = Array.ConvertAll(pars, e => GetRuntimeConstant((ConstantExpression)e)); CallTarget0 disp = delegate { var rrrr = clos.Call(cargs); return(rrrr); }; CallTarget1 handler = delegate(object e) { throw new CompileTimeEvaluationException(); }; try { object result = Runtime.R6RS.Exceptions.WithExceptionHandler( Closure.Create(handler), Closure.Create(disp)); var rrrr = GetCons(result, cb); if (spanHint.IsValid) { rrrr.SetLoc(spanHint); } return(rrrr); } catch (CompileTimeEvaluationException) { } } } // exclude transient members if needed if (!AllowTransientBinding) { mis = Array.FindAll(mis, x => !IsTransient(x.Module)); } if (mis.Length > 0) { Type[] types = GetExpressionTypes(pars); MethodCandidate mc = mb.MakeBindingTarget(CallType.None, types); if (mc != null) { if (mc.Target.NeedsContext) { pars = ArrayUtils.Insert <Expression>(Ast.CodeContext(), pars); } MethodBase meth = mc.Target.Method; var rrrr = Ast.ComplexCallHelper(meth as MethodInfo, pars); if (spanHint.IsValid) { rrrr.SetLoc(spanHint); } return(rrrr); } } } // check for overload thing } } } } Expression ex = Unwrap(GetAst(, cb)); // a 'let' if (ex is MethodCallExpression) { var ppp = GetAstList(c.cdr as Cons, cb); MethodCallExpression mcexpr = (MethodCallExpression)ex; if (mcexpr.Method == Closure_Make) { CodeBlockExpression cbe = mcexpr.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression; if (ppp.Length < 9 && cbe.Block.ParameterCount == ppp.Length) { return(InlineCall(cb, cbe, istailposition, ppp)); } } // cater for varargs more efficiently, this does not seem to hit, probably needed somewhere else if (mcexpr.Method == Closure_MakeVarArgsX) { CodeBlockExpression cbe = mcexpr.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression; if (ppp.Length < 9 && cbe.Block.ParameterCount <= ppp.Length) { return(CallVarArgs(cbe, ppp)); } } } if (ex is NewExpression && typeof(ITypedCallable).IsAssignableFrom(ex.Type)) { NewExpression mcexpr = ex as NewExpression; CodeBlockExpression cbe = mcexpr.Arguments[0] as CodeBlockExpression; if (cbe == null && mcexpr.Arguments[0].Type == typeof(CodeContext) && mcexpr.Arguments[0] is ConstantExpression) // implies null { cbe = mcexpr.Arguments[1] as CodeBlockExpression; } if (cbe != null) { var ppp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb); if (ppp.Length < 9 && cbe.Block.ParameterCount == ppp.Length) { return(InlineCall(cb, cbe, istailposition, ppp)); } } } if (ex is ConstantExpression) { Builtins.SyntaxError(SymbolTable.StringToObject("generator"), "expecting a procedure",, c); } Expression r = null; if (ex.Type.Name.StartsWith("TypedClosure")) { Expression[] pp = GetAstListNoCast(c.cdr as Cons, cb); var m = ex.Type.GetMethod("Invoke"); //TODO: add more checks, should we attempt some casting for types? if (m.GetParameters().Length != pp.Length) { Builtins.SyntaxError(SymbolTable.StringToObject("apply-typed-lambda"), string.Format("incorrect number of parameters, expected {0} got {1}", m.GetParameters().Length, pp.Length),, c); } r = Ast.SimpleCallHelper(ex, m, pp); } else { Expression[] pp = GetAstList(c.cdr as Cons, cb); if (ex.Type != typeof(Callable)) { ex = Ast.ConvertHelper(ex, typeof(Callable)); } MethodInfo call = GetCallable(pp.Length); r = pp.Length > 8 ? Ast.Call(ex, call, Ast.NewArray(typeof(object[]), pp)) : Ast.Call(ex, call, pp); } if (spanHint.IsValid) { r.SetLoc(spanHint); } return(r); } object[] v = args as object[]; if (v != null) { return(GetConsVector(v, cb)); } else if (args is byte[]) { Expression[] ba = Array.ConvertAll(args as byte[], b => Ast.Constant(b)); return(Ast.NewArray(typeof(byte[]), ba)); } else { if (args is SymbolId) { SymbolId sym = (SymbolId)args; if (sym == SymbolTable.StringToId("uninitialized")) { return(Ast.ReadField(null, typeof(Uninitialized), "Instance")); } else { return(Read(sym, cb, typeof(object))); } } if (args == Builtins.Unspecified) { return(Ast.ReadField(null, Unspecified)); } if (args is Fraction) { Fraction f = (Fraction)args; return(Ast.Constant(new FractionConstant(f))); } if (args is ComplexFraction) { ComplexFraction f = (ComplexFraction)args; return(Ast.Constant(new ComplexFractionConstant(f))); } if (args != null && args.GetType().Name == "stx") { args = new SerializedConstant(args); } return(Ast.Constant(args)); } }
public void SaveClosure(Closure closure) { ClosureCollection.InsertOne(closure); }
private EvaluationResult DoGetOrAdd(Context context, ModuleLiteral env, EvaluationResult key, EvaluationResult?state, Closure factoryClosure) { var helper = new HashingHelper(context.PathTable, recordFingerprintString: false); // Add the qualifier to the key var qualifierId = context.LastActiveModuleQualifier.QualifierId; var qualifierDisplayString = context.ContextTree.FrontEndContext.QualifierTable.GetQualifier(qualifierId).ToDisplayString(StringTable); helper.Add(qualifierDisplayString); if (!TryHashValue(key, helper)) { return(EvaluationResult.Error); } var keyFingerprint = helper.GenerateHash().ToHex(); var thunkCreatedByThisThread = false; // ensure that all concurrent evaluations of the same value cache key will get the same thunk and module var thunkAndModule = context.EvaluationScheduler.ValueCacheGetOrAdd( keyFingerprint, () => { var factoryArgs = state.HasValue ? new Expression[] { new LocalReferenceExpression(SymbolAtom.Create(context.StringTable, "state"), index: factoryClosure.Frame.Length, default) } : CollectionUtilities.EmptyArray <Expression>(); var thunk = new Thunk(ApplyExpression.Create(factoryClosure, factoryArgs, factoryClosure.Location), null); var module = context.LastActiveUsedModule; thunkCreatedByThisThread = true; return(thunk, module); });
internal MondValue(Closure closure) { Type = MondValueType.Function; FunctionValue = closure; }
private static void Main(string[] args) { LogFactory.SetDefaultLog(new ConsoleLog()); _settings = _settingsProvider.GetSettings(); var uzClient = new UzClient(_settings.BaseUrl, _settings.SessionCookie); var telebot = new TelegramBot(_settings.BotToken, _settings.MasterChatID); using (var locker = new AutoResetEvent(false)) { var closure = new Closure(uzClient, telebot, locker); Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8; Console.CancelKeyPress += closure.CancelKeyPressHandler; uzClient.ScanEvent += (o, e) => telebot.SendMasterMessage(e.Message); Run(uzClient, telebot); //host.Initialize(); //telebot.Error += (o, e) => { }; //var provider = resolver.Get<ISettingsProvider>(); //var settings = provider.GetSettings(); //_proxyProvider = resolver.Get<IProxyProvider>(); //var bot = new TelegramBotClient(settings.TeleBotKey); //bot.OnMessage += BotOnOnMessage; //bot.OnReceiveError += (sender, eventArgs) => Console.WriteLine("Bot receive error:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, eventArgs.ApiRequestException); //bot.OnReceiveGeneralError += (sender, eventArgs) => Console.WriteLine("Bot general receive error:{0}{1}", Environment.NewLine, eventArgs.Exception); //host.Started += (sender, eventArgs) => bot.StartReceiving(); //host.Stopping += (sender, eventArgs) => bot.StopReceiving(); //host.Stopped += (sender, eventArgs) => locker.Set(); /* * var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); * var asmName = assembly.GetName().Name; * var builder = resolver.Get<IStateMachineBuilder<TestState, StateMachineStuff, string>>(); * IStateMachine<TestState, StateMachineStuff, string> sm; * * using (var str = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream($"{asmName}.Properties.testmachine.scxml")) * { * sm = builder.BuildFromXml(str, new StateMachineStuff()); * } * * // var sm = resolver.Get<IStateMachineBuilder<DayOfWeek, EventArgs, string>>() * // .AddDefaultStates((e, dw, inp) => Console.WriteLine($"Came here by input: {inp}"), null, null) * // .AddTransition(DayOfWeek.Sunday, DayOfWeek.Monday, (e, dw, dwNew, inp) => true) * // .Build(EventArgs.Empty); * // sm.MoveNext("test"); */ //RunBot(bot, locker); //host.Start(); /* * string inp; * * * while (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(inp = Console.ReadLine())) * { * sm.MoveNext(inp); * } */ locker.WaitOne(); Console.WriteLine("Got shutdown signal. Stopping application..."); Console.CancelKeyPress -= closure.CancelKeyPressHandler; } }
private static Resource ClosureOperation(NameValueCollection queryParam) { bool outcome = true; int spReturn = 0; bool resync = false; string nameVal = Utilities.GetQueryValue("name", queryParam); string versionVal = Utilities.GetQueryValue("version", queryParam); string codeVals = Utilities.GetQueryValue("code", queryParam); string systemVal = Utilities.GetQueryValue("system", queryParam); // need to determine task (initialise /add concept / version check / resync) from what is passed // nb client can pass a version or concept(s), but not both if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameVal)) { throw new Exception(MISSING_CLOSURE_NAME); } // nb if versionVal = 0 will re-synch entire table (BUT if >0 changes since certain version OR specific version?) resync = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(versionVal); if (resync && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(codeVals)) { throw new Exception(INVALID_CLOSURE_PARAMS); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(codeVals) || resync) { if (systemVal != FhirSnomed.URI && !resync) { throw new Exception(UNSUPPORTED_CODE_SYSTEM); } string newConcepts = string.Empty; short dbVer = 0; string storedConcepts = Closure.GetClosureConcepts(nameVal, (short)spReturn, out dbVer); bool codesToAdd = false; foreach (string cd in codeVals.Split(';')) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cd)) { string newCode = cd.Trim() + "|"; if (storedConcepts.IndexOf(newCode) < 0) { storedConcepts += newCode; codesToAdd = true; } } } if (codesToAdd) { spReturn = Closure.UpdateClosureTable(nameVal, storedConcepts, CLOSURE_CODE_SYSTEM_ID, CLOSURE_CODE_SYSTEM_VERSION); } if (spReturn == -1) { throw new Exception(INVALID_CLOSURE_NAME); } else if (spReturn == 99) { throw new Exception(REINITIALISE_CLOSURE); } ConceptMap cMap = new ConceptMap(); cMap.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); cMap.Version = dbVer.ToString(); cMap.Name = "Updates for Closure Table " + nameVal; cMap.Status = PublicationStatus.Active; cMap.Experimental = true; cMap.Date = Hl7.Fhir.Model.Date.Today().Value; ConceptMap.GroupComponent gc = new ConceptMap.GroupComponent(); gc.Source = CLOSURE_CODE_SYSTEM_ID; gc.SourceVersion = CLOSURE_CODE_SYSTEM_VERSION; gc.Target = CLOSURE_CODE_SYSTEM_ID; gc.TargetVersion = CLOSURE_CODE_SYSTEM_VERSION; if (resync) { codeVals = storedConcepts.Replace("|", ";"); } string subSuper = string.Empty; // look for sub-type / super-type relationships between existing codes and new codes foreach (string newCode in codeVals.Split(';')) { foreach (string storedCode in storedConcepts.Split('|')) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(newCode) && newCode != storedCode) { // does one of these codes subsume another? string relat = TerminologyCodeSystem.GetRelationship(storedCode, newCode); string supertype = string.Empty; string subType = string.Empty; if (relat == TerminologyCodeSystem.CODE_RELATIONSHIP_SUBSUMED_BY) { subType = storedCode; supertype = newCode; } else if (relat == TerminologyCodeSystem.CODE_RELATIONSHIP_SUBSUMES) { subType = newCode; supertype = storedCode; } // check if this combination used already (reSync) string combo = subType + "+" + supertype + "|"; bool newPair = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(supertype)) { if (subSuper.IndexOf(combo) < 0) { subSuper += combo; newPair = true; } } if (newPair) { ConceptMap.SourceElementComponent sec = new ConceptMap.SourceElementComponent { Code = subType }; ConceptMap.TargetElementComponent tec = new ConceptMap.TargetElementComponent { Code = supertype, Equivalence = ConceptMap.ConceptMapEquivalence.Subsumes }; sec.Target.Add(tec); gc.Element.Add(sec); } } } } cMap.Group.Add(gc); return(cMap); } else { // initialise Closure Table outcome = Closure.AddClosureTable(nameVal, CLOSURE_CODE_SYSTEM_ID, CLOSURE_CODE_SYSTEM_VERSION); if (outcome == false) { throw new Exception(INVALID_CLOSURE_NAME); } } Parameters param = new Parameters(); param.Add("outcome", new FhirBoolean(outcome)); return(param); }
/// <summary> /// Compiles the expression x, given the environment env, into a vector of instructions. /// </summary> private List <Instruction> Compile(Val x, Environment env, State st) { // check if macro if (IsMacroApplication(x)) { return(Compile(MacroExpandFull(x), env, st)); } if (x.IsSymbol) // check if symbol { return(CompileVariable(x.AsSymbol, env, st)); } if (x.IsAtom) // check if it's not a list { return(CompileConstant(x, st)); } // it's not an atom, it's a list, deal with it. VerifyExpression(Cons.IsList(x), "Non-list expression detected!"); Cons cons = x.AsConsOrNull; Symbol name = cons.first.AsSymbolOrNull; if (name == _quote) // (quote value) { VerifyArgCount(cons, 1); return(CompileConstant(cons.second, st)); // second element is the constant } if (name == _begin) // (begin ...) { return(CompileBegin(, env, st)); } if (name == _set) // (set! symbol-name value) { VerifyArgCount(cons, 2); VerifyExpression(cons.second.IsSymbol, "Invalid lvalue in set!, must be a symbol, got: ", cons.second); return(CompileVarSet(cons.second.AsSymbol, cons.third, env, st)); } if (name == _if) // (if pred then else) or (if pred then) { VerifyArgCount(cons, 2, 3); return(CompileIf( cons.second, // pred cons.third, // then (cons.afterThird.IsNotNil ? cons.fourth : Val.NIL), // else env, st)); } if (name == _ifStar) // (if *pred else) { VerifyArgCount(cons, 2); return(CompileIfStar( cons.second, // pred cons.third, // else env, st)); } if (name == _while) // (while pred body ...) { Cons body = cons.afterSecond.AsConsOrNull; return(CompileWhile(cons.second, body, env, st)); } if (name == _lambda) // (lambda (args...) body...) { if (st.IsUnused) { return(null); // it's not used, don't compile } else { Cons body = cons.afterSecond.AsConsOrNull; Closure f = CompileLambda(cons.second, body, env); //string debug = $"#{f.code.index} : " + Val.DebugPrint(cons.afterSecond); string debug = Val.DebugPrint(cons.afterSecond); return(Merge( Emit(Opcode.MAKE_CLOSURE, new Val(f), Val.NIL, debug), EmitIf(st.IsFinal, Emit(Opcode.RETURN_VAL)))); } } if (name == _defmacro) { return(CompileAndInstallMacroDefinition(, env, st)); } return(CompileFunctionCall(cons.first,, env, st)); }
public CompilationResults(Closure closure, List <CodeHandle> blocks) { this.closure = closure; this.recents = blocks; }
private static bool noLuaClosure(Closure f) { return(f == null || == LUA_TCCL); }
private static int auxgetinfo(lua_State L, CharPtr what, lua_Debug ar, Closure f, CallInfo ci) { int status = 1; for (; what[0] != 0; what = { switch (what[0]) { case 'S': { funcinfo(ar, f); break; } case 'l': { ar.currentline = (ci != null && isLua(ci) != 0) ? currentline(ci) : -1; break; } case 'u': { ar.nups = (f == null) ? (byte)0 : f.c.nupvalues; //FIXME:(added) if (noLuaClosure(f)) { ar.isvararg = (char)1; ar.nparams = 0; } else { ar.isvararg = (char)(f.l.p.is_vararg); //FIXME: added (char) ar.nparams = f.l.p.numparams; } break; } case 't': { ar.istailcall = (ci != null) ? (char)(ci.callstatus & CIST_TAIL) : (char)0; //FIXME: added (char) break; } case 'n': { /* calling function is a known Lua function? */ if (ci != null && (ci.callstatus & CIST_TAIL) == 0 && isLua(ci.previous) != 0) { ar.namewhat = getfuncname(L, ci.previous, ref; } else { ar.namewhat = null; } if (ar.namewhat == null) { ar.namewhat = ""; /* not found */ = null; } break; } case 'L': case 'f': /* handled by lua_getinfo */ break; default: status = 0; break; /* invalid option */ } } return(status); }
/// <nodoc /> internal StackEntry Initialize(Closure closure, ApplyExpression ambientCall, AbsolutePath path, LineInfo location, DebugInfo debugInfo) => Initialize(closure?.Function, closure?.Env, ambientCall, path, location, debugInfo);
public static void AddBuiltins(CodeContext cc, Type builtinstype) { BuiltinMethod.binder = binder; BuiltinMethod.context = cc; Dictionary <string, List <MethodBase> > cpsfree = new Dictionary <string, List <MethodBase> >(); Dictionary <string, bool> foldable = new Dictionary <string, bool>(); foreach (MethodInfo mi in builtinstype.GetMethods(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)) { foreach (BuiltinAttribute ba in mi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(BuiltinAttribute), false)) { if (CheckParams(mi)) { string name = ba.Name ?? mi.Name.ToLower(); List <MethodBase> meths; foldable[name] = ba.AllowConstantFold; if (!cpsfree.TryGetValue(name, out meths)) { cpsfree[name] = meths = new List <MethodBase>(); } meths.Add(mi); } else { throw new NotSupportedException("all arguments must be of type object, method: " + mi); } } } foreach (string mn in cpsfree.Keys) { object s = SymbolTable.StringToObject(mn); var targets = cpsfree[mn].ToArray(); var paramcounts = new int[targets.Length]; var fold = foldable[mn]; if (AllIsSimple(targets, paramcounts)) { Callable c = null; if (targets.Length == 1) { var dt = CallTargets.GetTargetType(false, paramcounts[0], false); var d = Delegate.CreateDelegate(dt, targets[0] as MethodInfo); c = Closure.Create(d, paramcounts[0]); } else { var d = new Delegate[targets.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < d.Length; i++) { var dt = CallTargets.GetTargetType(false, paramcounts[i], false); d[i] = Delegate.CreateDelegate(dt, targets[i] as MethodInfo); } c = Closure.CreateCase(d, paramcounts); } c.AllowConstantFold = fold; cc.Scope.SetName((SymbolId)s, c); } else { cc.Scope.SetName((SymbolId)s, new BuiltinMethod(mn, targets, fold)); } } }
/// <summary> /// Duplicates a closure with a specific bound object and class scope. /// </summary> public static Closure bind(Closure closure, object newthis, string newscope = null) => closure.bindTo(newthis, newscope);
private static void TraverseClosure(GlobalState g, Closure cl) { MarkObject(g, cl.c.env); if (cl.c.isC != 0) { int i; for (i=0; i<cl.c.nupvalues; i++) /* mark its upvalues */ MarkValue(g, cl.c.upvalue[i]); } else { int i; LuaAssert(cl.l.nupvalues == cl.l.p.nups); MarkObject(g, cl.l.p); for (i=0; i<cl.l.nupvalues; i++) /* mark its upvalues */ MarkObject(g, cl.l.upvals[i]); } }
/// <summary> Converts a set of instructions to a string </summary> public string DebugPrint(Closure cl, int indentLevel = 1) => DebugPrint(cl.code, indentLevel);
/// <summary> /// Load and run a string containing Lua script. May be run as a coroutine. /// <param name="luaString">The Lua code to be run.</param> /// <param name="friendlyName">A descriptive name to be used in error reports.</param> /// <param name="runAsCoroutine">Run the Lua code as a coroutine to support asynchronous operations.</param> /// <param name="onComplete">Method to callback when the Lua code finishes exection. Supports return parameters.</param> /// </summary> public virtual void DoLuaString(string luaString, string friendlyName, bool runAsCoroutine, Action <DynValue> onComplete = null) { Closure fn = LoadLuaString(luaString, friendlyName); RunLuaFunction(fn, runAsCoroutine, onComplete); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a closure from a bytecode address. /// </summary> /// <param name="address">The address.</param> /// <param name="envTable">The env table to create a 0-upvalue</param> /// <returns></returns> private DynValue MakeClosure(int address, Table envTable = null) { this.CheckScriptOwnership(envTable); Closure c; if (envTable == null) c = new Closure(this, address, new SymbolRef[0], new DynValue[0]); else { var syms = new SymbolRef[1] { new SymbolRef() { i_Env = null, i_Index= 0, i_Name = WellKnownSymbols.ENV, i_Type = SymbolRefType.DefaultEnv }, }; var vals = new DynValue[1] { DynValue.NewTable(envTable) }; c = new Closure(this, address, syms, vals); } return DynValue.NewClosure(c); }
public bool AddOption(string text, bool interactable, ILuaEnvironment luaEnv, Closure callBack) { if (!gameObject.activeSelf) { gameObject.SetActive(true); } bool addedOption = false; foreach (Button button in CachedButtons) { if (!button.gameObject.activeSelf) { button.gameObject.SetActive(true); button.interactable = interactable; Text textComponent = button.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); if (textComponent != null) { textComponent.text = text; } button.onClick.AddListener(delegate { StopAllCoroutines(); // Stop timeout Clear(); HideSayDialog(); if (callBack != null) { luaEnv.RunLuaFunction(callBack, true); } }); addedOption = true; break; } } return(addedOption); }