public int computeItemSimilarities(int degreeOfParallelism, int maxDurationInHours, SimilarItemsWriter writer) { ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(degreeOfParallelism + 1); Output output = null; try {; DataModel dataModel = getRecommender().getDataModel(); BlockingQueue<long[]> itemsIDsInBatches = queueItemIDsInBatches(dataModel, batchSize); BlockingQueue<List<SimilarItems>> results = new LinkedBlockingQueue<List<SimilarItems>>(); AtomicInteger numActiveWorkers = new AtomicInteger(degreeOfParallelism); for (int n = 0; n < degreeOfParallelism; n++) { executorService.execute(new SimilarItemsWorker(n, itemsIDsInBatches, results, numActiveWorkers)); } output = new Output(results, writer, numActiveWorkers); executorService.execute(output); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } finally { executorService.shutdown(); try { bool succeeded = executorService.awaitTermination(maxDurationInHours, TimeUnit.HOURS); if (!succeeded) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to complete the computation in " + maxDurationInHours + " hours!"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } Closeables.close(writer, false); } return output.getNumSimilaritiesProcessed(); }
public void close() { Closeables.close(writer, false); }