Example #1
        private void DrawItemHandler(object sender, DrawItemEventArgs ev)
            if (this.plugin == null || ev.Index == -1)

            Rectangle bounds = ev.Bounds;

            // draw background

            // draw border
            ev.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Gray, bounds);

            ServerItem serverItem = (ServerItem)this.Items[ev.Index];

            // Find the area in which to put the text and draw.
            this.layoutRect.X      = bounds.Left + 32 + (3 * ItemMargin);
            this.layoutRect.Y      = bounds.Top + (ItemMargin * 2);
            this.layoutRect.Width  = bounds.Right - ItemMargin - this.layoutRect.X;
            this.layoutRect.Height = bounds.Bottom - ItemMargin - this.layoutRect.Y;

            // draw server item id and name
            if ((ev.State & DrawItemState.Selected) == DrawItemState.Selected)
                this.pen.Brush = WhiteBrush;
                ev.Graphics.DrawString(serverItem.ToString(), this.Font, WhiteBrush, this.layoutRect);
                this.pen.Brush = BlackBrush;
                ev.Graphics.DrawString(serverItem.ToString(), this.Font, BlackBrush, this.layoutRect);

            this.destRect.Y = bounds.Top + ItemMargin;

            ClientItem clientItem = this.plugin.GetClientItem(serverItem.ClientId);

            if (clientItem != null)
                Bitmap bitmap = clientItem.GetBitmap();
                if (bitmap != null)
                    this.sourceRect.Width  = bitmap.Width;
                    this.sourceRect.Height = bitmap.Height;
                    ev.Graphics.DrawImage(bitmap, this.destRect, this.sourceRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            // draw item border
            ev.Graphics.DrawRectangle(this.pen, this.destRect);

            // draw focus rect
Example #2
        protected override void PaintContent(Graphics graphics)
            List <int> range = GetIndexesInView().ToList();

            if (range.Count == 0)

            int       min   = range.Min();
            int       max   = range.Max();
            int       width = Math.Max(ContentSize.Width, Viewport.Width);
            Rectangle rect  = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, ItemSize);

            for (int i = min; i <= max; i++)
                rect.Y = i * ItemSize;

                if (SelectedIndices.Count > 0 && SelectedIndices.Contains(i))
                    graphics.FillRectangle(Colors.ListSelectionBrush, rect);
                    graphics.FillRectangle(Colors.ListBackgroudBrush, rect);

                ServerItem item = Items[i];

                // find the area in which to put the text and draw.
                m_layoutRect.X      = rect.Left + 32 + (3 * ItemMargin);
                m_layoutRect.Y      = rect.Top + (ItemMargin * 2);
                m_layoutRect.Width  = rect.Right - ItemMargin - m_layoutRect.X;
                m_layoutRect.Height = rect.Bottom - ItemMargin - m_layoutRect.Y;

                m_destRect.Y = rect.Top + ItemMargin;

                // draw view background
                graphics.FillRectangle(Colors.ListViewBackgroudBrush, m_destRect);

                // draw text
                graphics.DrawString(item.ToString(), Font, Colors.TextColorBrush, m_layoutRect);

                ClientItem clientItem = Plugin.GetClientItem(item.ClientId);
                if (clientItem != null)
                    Bitmap bitmap = clientItem.GetBitmap();
                    if (bitmap != null)
                        m_sourceRect.Width  = bitmap.Width;
                        m_sourceRect.Height = bitmap.Height;
                        graphics.DrawImage(bitmap, m_destRect, m_sourceRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                // draw view border
                graphics.DrawRectangle(Colors.BorderColorPen, m_destRect);

                // draw border
                graphics.DrawRectangle(Colors.BorderColorPen, rect);