public ClientObject(Socket tcpClient, ServerObject serverObject) { clientDataset = new ClientDataset(); serializer = new Serializer(); client = tcpClient; server = serverObject; }
public void SendMessageToPrivateRoom(ChatMessage chatMessage, Socket SenderclientSocket) { byte[] newMessage = serializer.MakeSerialize(chatMessage); ClientDataset findClientDataset = clientDatasets.Find(с => с.clientInfo.Id == chatMessage.ReceiverId); findClientDataset.clientObject.client.Send(newMessage); }
public ClientDataset GetCustomers(string companyType) { //Get customer list ClientDataset customers = new ClientDataset(); TrackingServiceClient client = null; try { customers.ClientTable.AddClientTableRow(ID_ARGIX, "", "Argix Logistics Inc.", companyType, ""); client = new TrackingServiceClient(); DataSet ds = client.GetCustomers(); client.Close(); if (ds != null && ds.Tables["ClientTable"] != null) { ClientDataset _customers = new ClientDataset(); _customers.Merge(ds); customers.Merge(_customers.ClientTable.Select("CompanyType='" + companyType + "'", "CompanyName ASC")); } customers.AcceptChanges(); } catch (TimeoutException te) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(te.Message, te); } catch (FaultException <TrackingFault> tfe) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(tfe.Detail.Message); } catch (FaultException fe) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(fe.Message, fe); } catch (CommunicationException ce) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(ce.Message, ce); } return(customers); }
public ClientDataset GetClientsList(bool activeOnly) { //Get a list of clients ClientDataset clients = null; try { string filter = "DivisionNumber='01'"; if (activeOnly) { if (filter.Length > 0) { filter += " AND "; } filter += "Status = 'A'"; } clients = new ClientDataset(); DataSet ds = FillDataset(USP_CLIENTS, TBL_CLIENTS, new object[] { }); if (ds.Tables[TBL_CLIENTS].Rows.Count > 0) { ClientDataset _clients = new ClientDataset(); _clients.Merge(ds); clients.Merge(_clients.ClientTable.Select(filter, "ClientName ASC")); } } catch (ApplicationException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected exception creating client list.", ex); } return(clients); }
protected internal void AddConnection(ClientDataset clientDataset) { СlientSignInOutMessage(clientDataset.clientInfo.Name, clientDataset.clientInfo.Id, 1); clientDatasets.Add(clientDataset); Console.WriteLine("AddConnection"); ClientsListMessage clientsListMessage = CreateClientListMessage(clientDataset.clientInfo.Id); clientDataset.clientObject.client.Send(serializer.MakeSerialize(clientsListMessage)); }
public void RemoveConnection(int id) { ClientDataset client = clientDatasets.FirstOrDefault(c => c.clientInfo.Id == id); if (client.clientObject != null) { clientDatasets.Remove(client); } }
public ServerObject() { id = 1; serializer = new Serializer(); clientDatasets = new List <ClientDataset>(); ClientDataset chatDataset = new ClientDataset(); chatDataset.clientInfo.Name = "General chat"; chatDataset.clientInfo.Id = 0; clientDatasets.Add(chatDataset); }
public ClientDataset GetClientsForVendor(string vendorID) { // ClientDataset clients = new ClientDataset(); DataSet ds = FillDataset("[uspRptClientGetListForVendor]", TBL_CLIENTS, new object[] { vendorID }); if (ds.Tables[TBL_CLIENTS].Rows.Count > 0) { clients.Merge(ds.Tables[TBL_CLIENTS].Select("", "ClientName ASC")); } return(clients); }
/// <summary>Retuen a list of clients that provide load tenders.</summary> public ClientDataset GetClients() { //Return a list of load tender clients ClientDataset clients = null; try { clients = new ClientDataset(); clients.ReadXml(Request.MapPath(CLIENT_LIST)); clients.ClientTable.AcceptChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException(ex.Message); } return(clients); }
public ClientDataset GetClients(string number, string division, bool activeOnly) { //Get a list of clients filtered for a specific client or division or both //Added logic that checks for division 00 as switch to null TerminalCode for TimePeriodCartonCompare report ClientDataset clients = null; try { string filter = ""; bool nullTerminalCode = division == "00"; if (number != null && number.Length > 0) { filter = "ClientNumber='" + number + "'"; } if (division != null && division.Length > 0) { if (filter.Length > 0) { filter += " AND "; } filter += "DivisionNumber='" + (division == "00" ? "01" : division) + "'"; } if (activeOnly) { if (filter.Length > 0) { filter += " AND "; } filter += "Status = 'A'"; } clients = new ClientDataset(); DataSet ds = FillDataset(USP_CLIENTS, TBL_CLIENTS, new object[] { }); if (ds.Tables[TBL_CLIENTS].Rows.Count > 0) { ClientDataset _clients = new ClientDataset(); _clients.Merge(ds); clients.Merge(_clients.ClientTable.Select(filter, "ClientNumber ASC, DivisionNumber ASC")); } if (nullTerminalCode) { for (int i = 0; i < clients.ClientTable.Rows.Count; i++) { clients.ClientTable[i].TerminalCode = ""; } } } catch (ApplicationException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected exception creating client list.", ex); } return(clients); }
public ClientDataset GetSecureClients(bool activeOnly) { //Load a list of client selections ClientDataset clients = null; try { clients = new ClientDataset(); clients.ClientTable.AddClientTableRow("", "", "All", "", ""); ClientDataset _clients = GetClients(null, "01", activeOnly); clients.Merge(_clients.ClientTable.Select("", "ClientName ASC")); } catch (ApplicationException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected exception creating client list.", ex); } return(clients); }
public ClientDataset GetClientsForVendor(string vendorID) { // ClientDataset clients = new ClientDataset(); try { DataSet ds = new DataService().FillDataset(SQL_CONNID, USP_CLIENTSFORVENDOR, TBL_CLIENTS, new object[] { vendorID }); if (ds.Tables[TBL_CLIENTS].Rows.Count > 0) { clients.Merge(ds.Tables[TBL_CLIENTS].Select("", "ClientName ASC")); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException(ex.Message, ex); } return(clients); }
public ClientDataset GetSecureClients(bool activeOnly) { //Load a list of client selections ClientDataset clients = null; try { clients = new ClientDataset(); bool isAdmin = false; ProfileCommon profile = null; string clientVendorID = "000"; MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(); if (user != null) { //Internal\external member logged in isAdmin = Roles.IsUserInRole(user.UserName, "administrators"); profile = new ProfileCommon().GetProfile(user.UserName); if (profile != null) { clientVendorID = profile.ClientVendorID; } } if (isAdmin || clientVendorID == "000") { //Internal user- get list of all clients clients.ClientTable.AddClientTableRow("", "", "All", "", ""); ClientDataset _clients = GetClients(null, "01", activeOnly); clients.Merge(_clients.ClientTable.Select("", "ClientName ASC")); } else { //Client- list this client only; Vendor: list all of it's clients if (profile.Type.ToLower() == "vendor") { clients.Merge(GetClientsForVendor(profile.ClientVendorID)); } else { clients.ClientTable.AddClientTableRow(profile.ClientVendorID, "", profile.Company, "", ""); } } } catch (ApplicationException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException(ex.Message, ex); } return(clients); }
public ClientDataset GetClients() { //Get clients ClientDataset clients = new ClientDataset(); CRMServiceClient client = null; try { client = new CRMServiceClient(); DataSet ds = client.GetClients(null); client.Close(); if (ds.Tables["ClientTable"] != null && ds.Tables["ClientTable"].Rows.Count > 0) { clients.Merge(ds.Tables["ClientTable"].Select("", "CompanyName ASC")); } } catch (TimeoutException te) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(te.Message); } catch (FaultException fe) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(fe.Message); } catch (CommunicationException ce) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(ce.Message); } return(clients); }
public ClientDataset GetClients(string vendorID) { //Return a list of clients filtered by vendorID (vendorID=null returns all Argix clients) ClientDataset clients = new ClientDataset(); TrackingServiceClient client = null; try { client = new TrackingServiceClient(); DataSet ds = client.GetClients(vendorID); if (ds != null) { clients.Merge(ds); } client.Close(); } catch (TimeoutException te) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(te.Message, te); } catch (FaultException <TrackingFault> tfe) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(tfe.Detail.Message); } catch (FaultException fe) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(fe.Message, fe); } catch (CommunicationException ce) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(ce.Message, ce); } return(clients); }
//Interface public ClientDataset GetClients(string number, string division, bool activeOnly) { //Get a list of clients filtered for a specific division ClientDataset clients = null; try { string filter = ""; if (number != null && number.Length > 0) { filter = "ClientNumber='" + number + "'"; } if (division != null && division.Length > 0) { if (filter.Length > 0) { filter += " AND "; } filter += "DivisionNumber='" + division + "'"; } if (activeOnly) { if (filter.Length > 0) { filter += " AND "; } filter += "Status = 'A'"; } clients = new ClientDataset(); DataSet ds = new DataService().FillDataset(SQL_CONNID, USP_CLIENTS, TBL_CLIENTS, new object[] { }); if (ds.Tables[TBL_CLIENTS].Rows.Count > 0) { ClientDataset _clients = new ClientDataset(); _clients.Merge(ds); clients.Merge(_clients.ClientTable.Select(filter, "ClientNumber ASC, DivisionNumber ASC")); } } catch (ApplicationException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException(ex.Message, ex); } return(clients); }
public ClientDataset GetClients() { //Get a list of clients ClientDataset clients = new ClientDataset(); //If user is: // Vendor: get list of all it's clients // Client: no need to get client's list - fill the drop-down with client's name // Argix: get list of all clients MembershipServices membership = new MembershipServices(); ProfileCommon profile = membership.MemberProfile; if (profile.ClientVendorID == TrackingGateway.ID_ARGIX || membership.IsAdmin) { clients.Merge(GetClients(null)); } else { if (profile.Type.ToLower() == "vendor") { clients.Merge(GetClients(profile.ClientVendorID)); } else { //Get the single client from login profile OR get all clients that have same ARNumber ClientDataset _clients = GetClients(null); ClientDataset.ClientTableRow _client = (ClientDataset.ClientTableRow)_clients.ClientTable.Select("ClientID='" + profile.ClientVendorID + "'")[0]; if (this.mMatchClientByARNumber.Contains(_client.ARNumber)) { clients.Merge(_clients.ClientTable.Select("ARNumber='" + _client.ARNumber + "'")); } else { clients.ClientTable.AddClientTableRow(profile.ClientVendorID, "", profile.Company, "", ""); } } } return(clients); }